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Money Incorporated Digest 45

Well, here it is: "The MYC Guide to Trashing Fax Machines" Ok, now
wait. This isn't the same old g-file about trashing fax machines we've all
seen. Although this includes topics discussed in many of those g-files,
this is the ULTIMATE guide. Every possible devious technique I can think
of, and its successful application, will be covered in this file.
Now, lets create some technoanarchy!
Ok, you can get fax numbers from a variety of sources, but probably the
most common are scans and asking. If you do any scanning, you've probably
come across a fax machine. It sounds like a 300 baud modem underwater.
You can use this fax machine but, there are two downsides to this: 1.
You don't get to laugh at the poor bastard because you don't know who
he is. 2. You might inadverently toast your friend or coworkers fax machine,
or worse, your bosses. The other way is asking. If some company has wronged
you, or whatever, you can just call 'em up and say, "Ummm I need to send you
a fax, what's your fax number?" Most of the time the secretary will give it to
you, but some of the time (especially those companies you or your phellow
phreakers have abused) will ask for your name or something. If they do,
play it cool. "What? My names Chester Karma. (hehe) I have to get your
boss this fax by 4:00 (or whatever) otherwise I could lose my job!" That
kinda line will almost guarantee you the fax number.
Before you can trash the fax machine, you have to figure out what kind
of access you have, witch isn't too hard. There are only two kinds (it is
possible to have both)
1. On-Site Access
This means you have access to the physical fax machine itself. This is
probably the best, because you can: call ANI and get the faxes # (No
asking required), Foward all the calls into the fax machine to Flatline.
(when the faxes don't go thru they'll call the # voice, and when they
hear the carrier connect, they'll assume the fax machine is just out of
paper or somthing :), Or you can use a special attack form (see Section 3)
The immidate downside to this is if someone sees you (The last guy i saw
use it was that Karma guy.. Yeah, Chester Karma, didn't he get fired a
week ago? ...) If you have on-site access when you trash the fax, make
sure you are not seen, and that you wear gloves (fingerprints are WAY
2. Remote Access (no, not the bbs software)
So you can't get into the company, maybe its because your doing it
anonymous, maybe they put a restraining order on you, whatever. You
can still totally destroy the fax machine. Phirst, you obviously must
have your victims fax number. (see above) Next, you must have a fax
machine or fax modem. Make double-damn sure you've changed the message
displayed by your fax machine (which usually includes your name and fax
#) otherwise, you may be getting a visit from your friendly neighborhood
police-person. Also don't forget to disable CiD when calling, as many
fax machines have it built-in now.
Ok, so now you've got access. I congratulate you if you've come this far,
you must be hell-bent on destruction, which is good. In this section I'll
talk about the many methods of fax trashing. Please note that many of them,
if carried out, will totally DESTROY the fax machine. Not only will this
cost the company big bucks to fix. It will cost them big bucks in lost
customers, sales, whatever, because thier fax machine is down. Please be
sure that you know what your doing when you do this, because if you get
in serious trouble, it will be your own fucking fault for not listening to
me. Ok, now that we've got that cleared up, there are two basic kinds of
fax destruction: The "Moebius Fax", and one I've entitled simply the
"IBM Fax"
The Moebius Fax
The Moebius fax is for people with remote access. If you have a regular
fax machine, set it up so that your banner reads something totally fake
and bogus (maybe the name and fax # of a rival company, etc.) Then get
5 sheets of black contruction paper from a) your kid. b) your school.
c) Your local print shop (or wherever you go to get paper)
Next, tape the paper together, overlapping, so that you have one long
chain of black paper. (the blacker the better, use the blackest side)
Ok now you're all set, put the phirst sheet in the paper feeder, and dial
the victims fax #. Allways block CiD (*67 for the ignorant) and if you've
abused this company before, you should probably route your call. (Operator
divert is probably sufficient) When it connects and starts to receive your
fax from hell, wait untill the phirst 2 sheets have gone through, then
tape the phirst sheet to the last sheet, thus creating an endless loop.
(and creating what mathematicians call a Moebius Band, from where I
derived the name. In case you're wondering, I didn't come up with this
idea, its pretty old. I did think of the name though)
There is only a few problems with this. It will only work on regualar, not
plain-paper fax machines. The reason being that all this black overloads
and wears out the thermal head on regular fax machines, thus rendering
them inoperatable. If the fax machine is plain-paper, then all you can
hope to do is make the machine run out of paper, ink, or both. Still
doing some damage, but it won't leave the impressive effect of the fax
machine smoking. The smell of this is horrible, and if your lucky, the
heat from the thermal head will melt the cheap plastic fax machine, or
blowup, sending sparks everywhere (or if your really lucky, both). Aside
from that, you should probably start sending your fax whenever the store
or office has been closed for a few hours (ie. around 9:00 pm) and stop
around 4:00 am (or whenever the machine shuts down). Texts I've read say
that a fax machine can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours to burn
out, but all the machines i've done went total meltdown in an hour or
less. One of the heads on one of the machines got so hot it burned
through the paper and started a small fire!
If you don't have a fax machine, but have a fax modem, you can do this
trick too. All you have to do is get an ANSI editor, like TheDraw, and
fill up a few pages with the black background fill color(After you've
filled the maximum page length with The Draw, you can use an editor to cut
and paste the file so it's larger. Now port that file over to your Fax
Modem OCR software and take a look at it. It should be one whole black
screen. Ok. Now follow the steps above, changing your banner, blocking
CiD, etc. Except set up a schedule to send the file over and over again.
(See your Fax Modem docs for info on this) This takes the place of the
endless moebius loop on regular fax machines.
The IBM Fax
This is for people who have On-Site access to their victims fax machine.
IBM has a 800 number that will fax you a 39 page document about thier
services. The number is 800-IBM-4FAX. Other companies have a service
similar to this, but i can't think of thier names/numbers offhand. If
you have such a number, post it on Flatline. Anyway, I think you can see
what's going to happen. But big deal. A 39 page fax isn't going to cause
major damage. No, your probably right, but what if you set up the fax
machine to make, oh I don't know, say a hundred calls to that number a
day, how long do you think the machine will last? Of course, if your
company has a plain-paper fax machine, all that will happen is that
they'll have a couple hundred pages on the floor of thier print room, and
a fax machine that needs ink. This, of course is a cost expense for the
company. This was implemented repeatedly on the hotel managers fax machine
at SummerCon '93.
4. iN ADDiTiON...
This is just a list of other things that i thought about doing to fax
machines that I really didn't have time to test out. Most of them are
just malicious things you can do for revenge, etc.
Send a fax with "Fuck You!" Written on it in big letters to a rival
company of your victims. Make sure you send it at least 30 times.
Also, don't forget to change your banner to your victims banner, so
it looks authentic.
Copy the VISA or AMEX logo onto a piece of paper, and then make up a
bullshit letter under it. "Dear Joe Shmoe, We suspect that your credit
card has been used illegally. To confirm this, we ask you to call our
voice mail system at: <enter your VMB # here> and leave us your card #,
expiration date, and your social security number for verification. We
will send you a fax after we have verified if your card has been stolen,
Thank you for your time, <Sign Fake Name>" Make sure to make it business
like so that they won't suspect a thing. Also, after you've got the
number, you should send a fax confirming thier credit card has not been
stolen. (not yet, at least hahaha)
If you've got a whole bunch of local fax numbers from scanning, prepare
a fake fax to send to them ALL. Recommended: A fax detailing the next
local KKK or Satanist meeting with the appropriate slogans. A very
authentic looking fax that details the exchange of something illegal,
a major drug sale, stolen property, cargo, etc. For this one you may
only want to send to one person because the police will catch on once
they get 20-30 calls about the same fax. A fax with one or two words
written in big letters. Try to avoid "Fuck You" or any other swear.
My favorite oneliners are things like "REPENT!" or "ADULTURER!" or
or the ever popular "The KKK Controls you, Nigger" or something to that
effect. Trust me, these slogans scare people a lot more than "Fuck You"
Most people will call the police. The best was when I sent the local
Catholic Church faxes of pictures copied directly from the Necronominon,
along with slogan's like "Old God, New Devil" and the like.
Fax bomb threats to your local educational institution, along with local
businesses. Most of the time they will shut down any building that has
a bomb threat sent to it, resulting in a loss of business for the
victim. (and a free day off for the kiddies)
Fax threating letters to residental households. Ie messages like
"I know where you live" and "i'm coming to kill you" will scare the
shit out of most people (I know, I don't scare easy and I was scared
shitless when I got one of these calls) You could follow one of these
letters up with a moebius fax that said "DIE!" Over and over again.
If there is a serial killer roaming your city, fax your local paper
saying that you are the killer and leave riddles and threats and stuff.
(Look at the letters Jack The Ripper sent Scotland Yard if you need
inspiration) Be careful to only do this once. The paper will set up
a trap to catch you if you call again.
Well, there you go, the compleat guide to trashing fax machines. Now you
have something to do Friday night instead of beating off on a Conference.
This can be loads of fun, and if can even get you some cards if you find
someone guillible enough. But don't be an idiot. Take safty precautions.
This crime is way to stupid to be caught for. Oh yeah, don't get too
cocky and abuse the same company 30 times. Their more then likely to set
up a trap with the Telco if this happens too often.
Well, I hope my insight into the world of fax anarchy has made your day just
a little bit brighter. Maybe now you have somethingto live for. Nahhhh!
All rights taken away and given to immigrants.