ldt054: 7th Chamber Re-Write
#054 - [ 7th Chamber Re-Write ] [ twd ]
yeah, good morning to all u mutha fuqn naughty-headed craqz]
1st verse
chambion w4r3 when i rock and get ur box knocked
and attack u like a pit
u shoulda locked shit down :<
as we come up from underground,
hardcore, givin u more more, like ping?
nah hoe, i'll get u open lyke redh@
twd att4ks, droppin ur spoolz in #teench@
flippin what, zero day, ph@ ware. aight?
i own u and rm ur sim flight
word lyfe, i get that ass then rock ur site
while ur posting to bugtraq take another hit on
th@ craq rock , cos u puttin the ware to bed
lyke barney to baby bop
shake the ground while my ware just breaks u down
raw sound, we goin 2 war rite now!
so, y0, c4rm3n,
we already have all ur documents
save ur breath before i drop it
2nd verse
i be th@ insane haqr from the psycho ward
i'm on your 1A, plus i got the zero-day sword
so how u figure that u can even fuq with mine
hey, y0, s1 hit me with th@ shit one time
and pull the foul, kiddiez-- save the beef on the cow
i'm milkin this irc hoe, this is MY show tical
THE fuq u wanna do? more than whiteh@'z do?
i'm like a sniper, hyper off the ginseng brew
DSKZ STYLE, w4r3z m4n m0ve mY b0w3lz
s0 wh0'z th3 fUq1n m4n? th3 w4r3z t1c4l
3rd verse
y0, yeah, y0
eYe l34v3 th3 l1ght h@'z 1n b0dy b4gz, mY c0d3 stYl3
h4z th3 f0rc3 t0 l34v3 u l0zt lYk3 th3 ftPd oWn3d sp4f
d4ng3r0uz w4r3z, wr0t3 bY 4 m4dm4n
1t'z th3 ret wr3ck3r, c0d3 d1ss3ct0r, b4d m4n
fr0m th3 d4rk l4ndz 0f th3 k0d3 k1ll4, w4r3 ph4n4t1c
r3pr3s3nt1n w1th 4 sk1ll th@'z 1LL3r
d4r3 t0 c0mp4r3, g3t p4ss3d lyke ancient ware
y0, the bugtraq posting flock getz stricly dropped here
4rm3d w1th w4r3 lyk3 eYe jUzt br0k3 0utt4 pr1s0n,
g0t 4 t4r b4ll h4lf fUll 0f c0de th@ eYe st0l3 fr0m uR sYst3m
n0w, l0 & b3h0ld, 4n0th3r d34dlY ep1s0d3
eYe'll jUzt rm uR fuqn b0x, 3v3rY 1n0d3
4th verse
sl4mm1n 4n0th3r hYp3-4ss w4r3. eYe jUzt d0n't c4r3
eYe m4sspr0dUc3, m0v3 0n wh3n th3 c0d3z' f@ 4nd th@'z th@
rcm4c 4ss4s1n, f4st1n, you'll b3 4$k1n l1n3m3n f0r h3lp wh3n
eYe bUsy 0ut ur sh1t bUt their h4rd w0rk w0n't l4zt th3n
h4rdr0ck; eYe 0wn3d uP 0n sh1t lyk3 th@ z0l0 b0x
eYe'm h0t, t0p n0tch, twd th1nkz w1th l0g1c
fl4shb4q; h0w eYe 4tt4ck3d uR g*y pr0j3ct
eye'm r4w, rUgg3d & r4w, eye r3p34t 1ph eye d13
mY w4r3 w1ll l1v3 0n f0r m3
4ppr04ch1n m3, u oUt 0f r3sp3kt, w4tch y4 n3ck
eye g3t v3x3d, u b3 lUckY 1f eYe g0 b4ck t0 l00k1n
@ th3 st4ck p01nt3r 1n h3x
s0 cl34r th3 w4y, m4k3 w4y y0 op3n th3 c4g3,
p34c3, eye'm 0ut, j3tt1n lyk3 4 w4r3 t0 1t'z gr4v3
5th verse
y4 g3tt1n str1pp3d fr0m uR w4r3 lyk3 th3 f4m1ly j3w3lz
wh1l3 th3 c0k3 g0t m3 0p3n lyke f4l0p14n tUb3z
eYe br1ng d34th t0 4 s3kUr1ty f4k3 wh3n h3 d0n't s33 m3 th3r3
41nt 4 d4mn th1ng ch4ng3d, b0i, pr0t3kt y4 w4r3
u w0n't r34ch m4lkUth--d3lUd3d enl1ght3nm3nt c4n b3 f4t4l
and eye'll b3 qU1ck t0 st1ck th3 0-d4y sw0rd r1ght thRu y4 n4v4l
suspenseful, getting owned by these binary utensils
th3 ssh d43m0n backdoored, register a handler,
and eye'll run thru ur v-l4n lyke th3 m4v3r1ck,
s3nd c4r3fUllY cr4ft3d p4ck3tz, lyke 4 d3s1gn3r k33pz
tr4ck 0f h3r f4br1cs
6th verse
r u, uhh, ah, uh
w4rr10r, h4qr, sl1c1n vpnz lyke 4 s4mUr41?
th3 ol' dirty haqr VUNDABAH
ol' dirty clan of terrorists
comin atcha ware lyke a sorceress, shootin' th@ pISS!
niggaz be gett1n 0n mY fuqn nervez,
w4r3 th3y b3 c0d1n m4k3z m3 w4nt t0 k1q th3y fuqn 4zz t0 th3 cUrb
mY c0d3 1z fUnkY phre$h, lyke the old speecialist
own all the carriers, get ur docs and i'll bury ya
this experience is for the whole experience
let it be applied, and then drop th@ science
7th verse
mY mY mY
tekniq 1z th1ck lyk3 pl4zt3r
bUzt y4, sl4sh y4
send an admin baq to dialup support
cuz their idea of security is distorted and pink
i know the problemz r u so clueless u think
u can fix them by adding one line /etc/system?
I came down with ph@ w4r3 us1n th3 PLT and drop-lock
and ur biggest fear is probably some g*y d-d0s
bl40w, n0w 1t'z 4ll 0v3r 4dm1nz s331n forged wtmp,
lastlogz, pink hearts yellow moons
0r4ng3 st4rz 4nd gr33n cl0v3rz
Long Dark Tunnel 2001. - http://ldt.aguk.co.uk - ldt@hushmail.com