ldt046: Going Out Without Leaving

#046 - [ Going Out Without Leaving ] [ netspread ]
Yawn.........Its damn hot in this room. My father left the air conditioner off again trying to pinch an extra penny. I dont have curtains so the blinds have a greenhouse effect on my bedroom. The fans seem to do nothing but move the hot air from one room to another. Im still feeling a little enibriated from the evening before. My response time is slowed down drastically if I even respond at all. Ill go throw some music on and make a pot of coffee.... Wes Montgomery or something louder? Wes. Jazz sets the mood to a good day.
I should take a shower, shave, and make an effort at being a productive member of society.
Instead I will hop on the internet and waste some time chatting with the online bohemians. In Indianapolis the chance of stumbling across someone with the slightest bit of intellect is equal to that of getting struck by lightning twice in the same week. Atleast I can go to coffee shop and the staff there have taste in music. I find it rather relaxing to take a book, drink about 8 cups of coffee and chat with the staff about obscure european rock bands.
Well its 3 pm now and I havent unglued myself from the monitor. Every once in awhile someone starts up a good political conversation or debate on music or art. Its the shallowbrains that bring me the most delight. When they rant along like a tipple, the more they say the lower there chances get of making any point of reason or logic.
Alot of South Americans and Europeans tend to enjoy bashing the USA. Some with valid points, some with weightless points. The majority being that latter. Almost all the information they get comes from there local newspapers and channels. And in turn it all is propaganda, even my local news. We hear and read what they want us to. Its not any different than the communist countries during world war II. People are still herded like cattle. By their churches, by their schools, by their media and by their parents who dont know any better but to go along with the norm to avoid social persecution.
So really what is the point in going out? The clubs play rancid minimal music. The girls are all gold diggers that have nothing of value on there minds. The men are all shallow testosterone drivin shite talking fucks that have mouths the size of canada and a heart the size of Rhode Island. When it comes time to defending themselves physically they fail. And its futile for them to them to try verbally. People basically suck. They dont have the drive for self education. Once out of college they think they know it all and stop making any effort to learn anything new. Back to my point, why go out. I can get a handfull of pills, get online with a pack of cigarettes and get more stimulation. Oh well you can never over estimate the stupidity of the general public.
By netspread/RJ
Long Dark Tunnel 2001. - http://ldt.aguk.co.uk - ldt@hushmail.com