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ldt100: Wisdom Comes With Age
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----------| | | |----------------------| | spirit | |-------' |. |
| | | | sight | |----------------------| | | |---------'| |
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[ i s s u e # 100 ]
/ \ _________________
/ \ / \
/ \ / LDT IS 100. \
<\-o-o-/> / WISDOM COMES \
\ U / < WITH A PRICE.. |
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__/\_/\__ \ AGE. /
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Hi! I'm dr el8.
You may remember me from such textfiles as 'Kipper Tie' and 'Probably the
Greatest Cocktail in the World'
I was chosen by the LDT camp to introduce and close the 100th Super Short
Long Dark Tunnel Textfile.
"Wisdom Comes With Age"
It all started one summer's day..
xod was bored and really wanted to write for a zine again. No one
he knew was really interested in producing or writing for ezines anymore.
:( :~( :[ :<
So he decided to start his own!
:) -:) :> :D
After much thought the name decided upon was.. Long Dark Tunnel.
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l o n g d a r k t u n n e l
Long Dark Tunnel 2002. - -