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Information Express of Helter Skelter 007
iXHS - information express of helter skelter
'no funky ascii. no funky words. just information'
issue 7
about poetry
by expendable youth
Inclosed Exposure
The Black Velvet of Inclosed Exposure is rising.
Like the dawn of a new era, it sweeps the night with fire.
Young, Old, Weak and Strong must surcome to it's horrifying power.
The beating heart stops, and starts again only to continue the struggle that is life.
The young get older and the old don't get younger.
The Hallow of the eyes doesn't mean death, it is death in a different form.
The death of the Will means the eventual death of the body.
If one gives in one will die if not one will live evermore
Black Earth
The cold, hard ground lies before me
Black earth cutting into my skin
Flesh being slowly torn from bone putrifies
Heart beating, a slow hand of death peels back the earth.
Six feet down, I lie in a breaking trance.
A moan emmerges from beneath frozen lips
Red eyes in hollow sockets now burn with new life
A crow cries as the life seeps back into my bones
Slowly to peal away the last few inches of soil from a broken face
I see hell's lights and laugh...... I'm home.
end file.