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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 042

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 24 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 42

Today's Topics:
8bit <-> ST monitor cable?
Atarians! Where Are You?! (2 msgs)
D70 sound saver program (there is interest!).
Dungeon Master, thanks!!!
Hyperformat disk on a PC
Is STart magazine utterly dead?
Lack of product support
Length of MEGAFILE cable
Multifinder for Atari-ST ? (3 msgs)
SF314 Drive, PCDitto 2, DEAD 520ST for sale
Sozobug 1.33i (fix?)
Spectre users unite!
Yet another ST for sale

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Date: 19 Jan 92 16:51:46 GMT
suinfo!sharkey!wybbs!therip! (Rod Fulk)
Subject: 8bit <-> ST monitor cable?

BR> From: (Brian Reynolds)
BR> Organization: Fusion Systems Group, New York City

BR> Is it possible to build a cable to connect an Atari ST color
BR> monitor (SC1224) to either an Atari 800 or XEGS through the monitor
BR> port. I'd like to set up one of my 8bits, but I don't want two
BR> monitors on my desk. Thanks in advance.

* Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)


Date: 19 Jan 92 16:49:14 GMT
(Rod Fulk)
Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?!

Well for one thing the productivity mode is only available on the new machines
with the new 2meg chipset. Older machines still need flicker fixer..
The productivity mode is only a part of the new ECS chipset...

But last I heard this was an Atari echo...
Not only does high res on an st not flicker but it has a faster scan rate which
is much better on your eyes..
(Essentially interlace slows your effective scan rate down quite a bit...
And the slower the scan rate the harder on your eyes it is.)

* Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)


Date: 24 Jan 92 07:04:01 GMT
From:!! (Ray)
Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?!

In article <695887037.1@therip.FidoNet.Org> Rod.Fulk@f24.n228.z1.FidoNet.Org
(Rod Fulk) writes:
>Well for one thing the productivity mode is only available on the new machines
with the new 2meg chipset. Older machines still need flicker fixer..
>The productivity mode is only a part of the new ECS chipset...

Yes, all new Amiga's come with AmigaDOS 2.0 and the ECS Agnus/Denise chips.
(Incidently, the ECS allows you to have 2mb of video "chip" ram)
The Denise is the video controller chip. The new denise offers
programmable scan rates up to 70hz (probably more). The ECS, unlike
the flicker fixers, outputs 640x480 at VGA frequencies, or 1280x200.
There are new interlaced modes like 1280x400 and 640x960 which are nice
for titling work. The new Denise also offers new types of external
syncing (genlocking), including chroma keying (overlaying live video
on top of graphics which is the reverse of genlock), bitplane keying,
and genlocking to any color register.

>But last I heard this was an Atari echo...
>Not only does high res on an st not flicker but it has a faster scan rate which
is much better on your eyes..
>(Essentially interlace slows your effective scan rate down quite a bit...
> And the slower the scan rate the harder on your eyes it is.)

Interlace slows the refresh down to 30hz because it takes 2 fields to make
a single screen. The ECS modes are 31khz VGA style. However, slow scan
rates have little to do with how hard the image is on your eyes.
By far the most important factors are dot pitch, color quality, and
resolution. As long as the persistence is high enough, even very slow
scan rates don't hurt. (Consider LCD displays whose persistence is very
high, so high, that images "smear" across the screen. The refresh rate
is low.)

> * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)

P.S. You don't have to use the built in chips if you don't want to.
There are plenty of megapixel megacolor cards out there now, and a
24bit device independent graphics standard called SAGE is nearing completion
which would allow every application to take full advantage of them.


Date: 24 Jan 92 09:42:47 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: Context-switcher

In article <> (Florence Maraninchi) writes:

> I need something like the equivalent of the Macintosh multifinder for Atari
> ST. Does it exist ?
> Or perhaps someone can find another way of solving my problem : I would like
> to use a Lisp interpreter which does not allow to call an editor. And I
> don't want to quit the interpreter, then to load the editor, etc... for each
> modification of the source.

You have two immediate courses of action. Change Lisp implementations or use
MiNT. The implementation of CL on atari.archive has an (ed "<file>") function
which works admirably well, the actual editor called is settable in an
initialisation file. If you *have* to stay with a Lisp without system calls (it
can't be good for you), you don't have to go as far as running mgr. Allan
Pratts mw2.zoo utility provides multiple GEM windows running the shell of one's
choice (including gulam), allowing one to switch between windows. There's one
slight difference between MW2+MiNT and MultiFinder, and that is --- under the
former, programs continue running in the background.

You can find all the above-mentioned programs (except MultiFinder!) on

Graham Higgins
<< My opinions above are exactly that: my own, and opinions. >>


Date: 24 Jan 92 11:12:14 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!ahds! (Geert W.T. Jonkheer CCS/TS)
Subject: D70 sound saver program (there is interest!).


According to my recent posting about a D70 performance/patch/tone and
rhythm setup saver program for the atari-st I have the following to say.

- There is interest for such a program.

- Monday, I shall upload the program to both a.a.u.e and

- The program will come with a file containing the complete factory setup for
the D70 synthesizer (so anyone can restore the original sound settings
if the program).

- Hope I will hear from users of the program.


============ Geert W.T. Jonkheer. =============
========== Ahold N.V. The Netherlands ==========


Date: 24 Jan 92 05:07:09 GMT
From: ogicse!milton! (Ben Gilbert)
Subject: Dungeon Master, thanks!!!

Thanks to all the millions of people who responded to my DM question, I
botted up the game and it took all of 2 minutes to finish off Chaos. I
don't know why I never tried it before, I guess before I kept fluxcaging
Chaos himself and he would always teleport... Anyway thanks again, now
it's time for CSB (well I can't afford it yet but maybe I'll play it on
my friend's (gasp! choke! eek) Amiga 500 down the hall, game looks exactly
the same...

Ben Gilbert (


Date: 22 Jan 92 01:39:29 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!wupost!usc!!oxy!
(Thomas VanNess Leavitt)
Subject: Hyperformat disk on a PC

Actually, there is a PC shareware program, called Maxi16, that
allows you to write up to 1.6 meg on hd 3.5" disks, 1.4 meg
on 1.2 meg floppys, 420k on 360k floppies... all numbers
rounded... of course, you need to have the program on both
computers, and I think it operates as a memory-resident program.

Maybe getting this program would help?


Date: 24 Jan 92 06:33:21 GMT
From:!!samsung!!!actrix!Roger.S (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Is STart magazine utterly dead?

In article <> writes:
> In article <> (Gerardo
> Cisneros) writes:
> > Does anybody know if STart magazine is definitely dead?
> > Or whether they still have an office in San Francisco?
> >
> > Their subscriptions P.O. Box in Mount Morris has been closed, according to
> the
> > USPS.
> >
> > Your replies to my questions will be appreciated.
> Yes, they're deader than a doornail.
> Antic Publishing also did a dirty to those of us who still had issues coming (
> I had about 7 or 8 myself) by creating a new company (I forget the name),
> transferring all of Antic's assets to the new company, and declaring Antic to
> be non-existant!!!!! Therefore, they don't owe their subscribers (or any of
> their other creditors) any money!!!!!!
> Thanks for nothing, you &%$%*&%'s!
> > --
> > Dr. Gerardo Cisneros |Depto. de Aplicacion de Microcomputadoras
> > |Instituto de Ciencias, UAP, Puebla
> > CISNEROS@UNAMVM1 (BITNET) |91-92: on sabbatical at DGSCA/UNAM, Mexico
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> Gordon Farrell
> Computing Science Major
> Simon Fraser University e-mail:

From what I have read there are now court cases about all this, this
is some thing that you can't do..!!

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 24 Jan 92 04:35:06 GMT
noao!ncar!gatech!!!uakari.primate.wis!!ogicse!pdxgate!rigel! (allan j
Subject: Lack of product support

disappearing. Despite promises to the contrary poor marketing has allowed

a good product to succeed in only the music industry (MIDI). However with

sluggish sales in all areas of the economy even sales in that market have

dropped considerably. (Too bad Dr.T does some nice work.) Anyway I hope the

Atari does not go the way of the Osbourne, TI, Sinclair etc.

Nice machine, no support


Date: 24 Jan 92 12:19:09 GMT
s!status! (Jon Clarke)
Subject: Length of MEGAFILE cable

> In article <nollert.695932992@nova>,
> Some years ago ATARI tried to fulfill this wish, but soon the cut the cables
> again. As the stated, only those shot cables give you a secure operation. LOt
> of people reported problems with longer cables, so if you don't have a buffer
> HD-controller, you are restricted to the ATARI cables.

If you do the old mod for the mega II to your normal atari you can have
nearly anylength we have 8 devices all off our mega II with about 15 feet in
length dma cables from the PC racks..

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Z*NET PC Global Point!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6
Auckland, New Zealand or we are also FIDO Node 3:772/105 FNET:Oneday


Date: 24 Jan 92 08:05:06 GMT
Subject: Multifinder for Atari-ST ?

If you are running under GEM, have you tried using an editor which
runs as a desk accessory? These are available in the public domain, and
would be accessible from within your other program.


Date: 24 Jan 92 06:39:06 GMT
From: yuma!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang)
Subject: Multifinder for Atari-ST ?

Question was mutigem like mutifinder?
My personal opion is not really.
The multiGEM is a big step from the GEM but not real to the multifinder yet,
the use of desk accessary slot is not convenient and limits the function.
On Mac the multiFinder is only limited by the memory availible, and multiGEM
is limited both by the memory and the desk accessary slots left. No setup
needed for multifinder except to start the system with multifinder set as start
As I say, this just my personal view, others would see it differently. You are
ultimat judge as you are the one use your machine not me or others. So if it
serves your purpose then it's good.



Date: 24 Jan 92 06:48:13 GMT
(Robert A Jung)
Subject: Multifinder for Atari-ST ?

In article <> tls@agni (Terry Simmons)
>In article <> (`Grave'
Dave Gymer) writes:
>>In article <> (Florence Maraninchi) writes:
>>>I need something like the equivalent of the Macintosh multifinder ...
>>>Does it exist ?
>>Not really. Yet.
> I was just reading an add in the ST Informer about MultiGem which
> claims to be just like a multifinder for the ST. Having never used
> MultiGem or Multifinder could someone else shed some light on this
> subject?

Well, I use MultiFinder on the Macs at work, and have MultiGEM on my STe, so
I guess I should talk.

A quick background: MultiFinder is a version of the Mac OS (the Finder) that
allows multitasking. With MF, you can run an application, adjust its window,
go to the desktop, run another application, hop back 'n forth between them,
and other such goodies.

MultiGEM is a software "
hack" (albet a very good one) to give you
multitasking on the ST (TOS 1.2 and up required). You install it on your
system, then whenever you run a GEM program, it takes up one of your
six accessory slots. You can hop back to the desktop, go to another active
application, all sorts of fun multitasking stuff.

There are drawbacks with MultiGEM. It's a hack/kludge, so it's not perfect.
Only GEM programs that"
follow the rules" will multitask properly -- things
that tend to break are games, early ST software, or PD/shareware efforts.
The 68000 is not suited too well to multitasking, so if you are running several
things at once (a word processor prints while you're working on a telecomm
program), it will slow down noticeably.

Still, it's true multitasking on the ST, at least until Atari gets a
multitasking TOS out. I admit it has flaws, but continue to endorse it --
it's not a final solution, but a good step in the right direction.


# ## # Send replies to
# ## #
## ## ## I wrote this. If you've got a comment, give
#### ## #### it to me and let's cut out the middleman.


Date: 24 Jan 92 04:46:57 GMT
('Admiral JC')
Subject: SF314 Drive, PCDitto 2, DEAD 520ST for sale

Greetings, my upgraded 520ST, after limping painfully along for several
months finally bit the proverbial floppy disk. (One week after I finally
got a hard drive too.) It doesn't seem to be worth trying to fix. So I'm
liquidating stuff to get enough money on hand to buy an STe.

Here's whats for sale...

ATARI SF314 DS/DD floppy drive. I have two floppies and the STe will
replace one. This one is in perfect working order and reads and writes with
no problem for two other STs. (A 520 STFM and a 1040 STe.) I have the cables
and power supply at school with me. If you really want the manual and orignal
box, I can get them. I'm looking for $110 on this one.

PC DITTO II. I tried once to install it and failed. I'm not going to
use it in the forseeable future. So it's up for grabs. I have all the
cables, hardware and manuals. The thing has been treated very nicely. (The
board has been stored in anti-static bubblefoam with the anti-static pad
attached to the circuit trace side.) I'll start at $130 for this one.

Last but not least...

DEAD 520ST. It works sporadically but is bombing more and more frequently
and more and more violently. I can't honestly see this as more than a
parts strip" or "mechanic's special". The following parts might be of value-
1 MEG memory upgrade. Custom made and soldered in by L&Y Electronics in
Virginia. Worked flawlessly until computer died. (This is an OLD ST.)
MOUSE. This is one of the original heavy ball mice that I prefer to the
later, lighter mice.
TOS 1.4 6 chip chipset.
40 WATT power supply. Bought from a third party after my Atari power supply
blew up. Its a metal cased job that a spliced the old cable to.

That about does it. I'll sell the 520ST in pieces or together for
$100. Make me an offer for the pieces.

All the above prices are definitely negotiable and we'll deal on shipping.

First reasonable offers accepted. (I may already have an offer for the TOS
chipset though.)



Date: 23 Jan 92 20:04:04 GMT
Subject: Sozobug 1.33i (fix?)

>Steve-o at The Lake writes:

>>bob@me.myself.&.I writes:
>> Would somebody else please try a particular call in Sozobon 1.33i?

> It's probably a bug in VDIFAST.A; not all of the VDI functions have been
> extensively tested.
> Also, could you post your rewrite that uses vdicall? That way everybody can
> use your code while waiting for Ian to fix the GEMFAST bug.
> --
> Steve Yelvington

Because S. Yelvington begged for one of my famous bug fixes to be
posted to the net, I have graciously obliged. :-) :-)

----Sozobon 1.33i Alleged Bug work-around.

/* Clear a given portion of a window. No error checking done. */
/* Inputs: window handle, VDI-style coordinate quad */
/* Outputs: a nicer looking display, hopefully */
/* This code is old-style (pre-ANSI) C. */
int winhan, r[4];
int settings[4], temp[4];

temp[0]=r[0];temp[1]=r[1]; /* I don't know why she swallowed */
temp[2]=r[2];temp[3]=r[3]; /* the fly. I guess she'll die. */

/* vqf_attributes(winhan, settings); does not work! */
/* So, we use.... (for those keeping score, the next 7 lines are */
/* the actual workaround) */
vdicall(contrl, intin, ptsin, intout, ptsout);

settings[0] = intout[0]; settings[1] = intout[1];
settings[2] = intout[2]; settings[3] = intout[3];
/* Whew. What a pain. (contrl, intin, etc. were previously */
/* set up as globals. See your friendly local VDI manual.) */

vsf_color(winhan, 0); /* set fill color */
vsf_interior(winhan, IS_SOLID); /* set fill pattern */
vr_recfl(winhan, temp); /* phasers on kill */
vsf_interior(winhan, settings[0]); /* reset f pattern */
vsf_color(winhan, settings[1]); /* and color */
/* Ok, ok. int contrl[12], intin[128], ptsin[128], */
/* intout[128], ptsout[128]; */
/* Flame off, huh? I know it's not very clean, but... */

Bob "
What bug?" Schulze


Date: 24 Jan 92 14:31:22 GMT
(J.Brunken@Jason Brunken)
Subject: Spectre users unite!

In <>
(William Magro) writes:

>Are there enough spectre users out there to get a new newsgroup going?
>I don't remember the rules for starting a new newsgroup. Anyone want
>to refresh me? We could have and we could
>share problems, experiences, successes, etc. there.

I'd be interested!


Date: 24 Jan 92 10:04:45 GMT
From:!! (Marc Bouron)
Subject: UNIX2DOS

Hi People,

I downloaded UNIX2DOS.LZH, believing it to transmogrify UNIX text files to DOS
text files, i.e. convert the <LF> record relimiters to <CR><LF>. However, I
don't seem to be able to get the program to do anything. There were no docs, so
I've been `shooting in the dark'. The program itself is only %450 bytes long.
Is the copy at a.a wrong? I am wrong? (Don't answer that...) Any clues and/or
divine insight would be very much appreciated. Otherwise, I'll just have to
write the program myself, and that's just not cricket!


[M][a][r][c] ===== Cray Research (UK) Ltd. =====
If all the girls in Essex were laid JANET:
end-to-end, no-one would be in the UUCP: ...!uknet!crayuk!M.Bouron
slightest bit surprised..." VOICE: +44 344 485971 x2208


Date: 21 Jan 92 11:23:58 GMT
From:!!!usc!wupost!!!m!pbinfo!lutetia!cadlab! (Thomas Franken)

I wonder why the UNIXMODE isn`t fully supported within the MiNT-libaries of
the GCC. Is there any reason for the different behaviour of the MiNT-libaries
concerning the UNIXMODE compared to the `standard' libaries of GCC?

One particularly striking disadvantage of this fact for example appears within
the usage of the tcsh being linked with the MiNT-libaries:
If you try to apply the `file-name-competion`-feature of tcsh and you have got
upper/lower case filenames or filenames longer than 8+3 letters, the tcsh
won`t be able to complete these file-names.
Similar problems appear when trying to handle files with programs linked with
the MiNT-Libs or for example if you use the tcsh linked with MiNT-Libs and
call a program like grep and ls linked with the `standard' libs of GCC:

>grep XYZ *.c
file abcdefgh.c not found

I`d be glad to either know why it is impossible or doesn`t make sense to
support the enire UNIXMODE features or if any has a solution to this problem.
Probably it could be a nice idea to use an AUTO-folder-program as a realization
of the UNIXMODE so that ordinary TOS executables are also able to share

Even if this question may seem strange to you I would like to get an answer.

Thomas Franken


Date: 24 Jan 92 15:07:07 GMT
From: sae!! (Bob Malay)
Subject: Yet another ST for sale

In article <>, writes:
|> In article <>, (Gregory Miller) writes:
|> > In article <1992Jan22.183730.12621@varian.uucp> lefko@csbvax.uucp (Marty
Lefkowitz) writes:
|> >>Atari 520STfm for sale. Hardly used. 1040 motherboard.
|> >>Comes with mono monitor,
|> >>1 double sided disk (IBM compatible)
|> >>1 single sided disk.
|> >>Monitor Stand
|> >>All origonal boxes and manuals
|> >>
|> >>$350 or best offer.
|> >
|> >
|> > Heh heh.... Like a rat scrambling to abandon a sinking ship, yet another
|> > Atarian offers up his 'computer' hoping that some fool will be stupid
|> > to buy it.
|> >
|> >
|> > __
|> > I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, ///
|> > briefed, debriefed, or numbered. __ /// Only Amiga
|> > \\\/// it
|> > My life is my own. \XX/
|> >
|> >
|> >
|> What a plonker!
|> What age are you, Marty?
|> SIX?
|> Now leave us alone.
|> P.S. Is there anybody/anywhere I can complain to about this guy disrupting
the group?
|> .____________________________________.
|> |*Mark Nolan ************| ||| |
|> |*Trinity College Dublin*| ||| |
|> |*Eire*******************| / | \ |
|> |*****| / | \ |
|> --------------------------------------

Why don't we find out where he lives and let the air out of his tires??

Bob Malay


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