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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 013

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 12 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 13

Today's Topics:
atari-mac disk xchange
Current TOS version?
Due to popular demand (I will skip the obvious pun)
Extensible Control Panel mystery
Hermes UUCP package
IBM software emulator
need help with cadaver
New Heat & Serve C compiler
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (Was: Re: The best game...)
search ftp-sites
SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? (2 msgs)
Termcaps help...
UW - downloading problems
Wanted Monitor
Weekly Posting of New Stuff

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Date: 12 Jan 92 02:15:23 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!!!spool.!!!rusmv1!!mailserv!zxmgn01@ (Philipp Knirsch)
Subject: AmigaFS

In <> (Martin Koehling) writes:

>In <zrnkn01.694620022@convex> <>
>(Ph. Knirsch) writes:

>>Sorry, Chris, but i never worked with MinT, because with only one megabyte
>>it's just a bit difficult. But the idea for a additional Spectre or
>>Mac-driver isn't bad. But as you know, those discs you write with normal
>>Atari-drives aren't Mac-readabel. So i perhaps first do the AmigaFS, because
>>it's the one i know and i have lots of information about.

>Are you sure the 1772 FDC can read amiga discs?
>As far as I know, the amiga floppy hardware can read IBM/Atari discs,
>but not vice versa!

> Martin (

Hmmm... But some copy-programms copy a normaly Amiga-Formated disk without
problems. So, why should it not be possible to do it??

Perhaps you are right when you look at single sectors, but i think if i can
read track by track, that would be enough to build up a AmigaFS

Phil. (


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 92 09:48:15 -0500
Subject: atari-mac disk xchange

are the atari disks physically compatible to the mac diks? and if so,
is there a program one could use to transfer text filesetc.?
if not, what is the easiest way to accomplishthis?


Date: 13 Jan 92 01:38:48 GMT
du (Joachim Vance)
Subject: Current TOS version?

In article <8162@jethro.Corp.Sun.COM> cjd@zatch.Corp.Sun.COM writes:
> I am planning on resurrecting a rather old 520ST (yep, only 512K), but since
> I have very old ROM's in there I was curious as to the current level of TOS
> the latest which will run on a 520, if that makes a difference; plus what's
> change dramatically in the last few years...
> I assume these are available from Atari? For a price; any ideas on what
> they charge for these things?

TOS is up to 2.06 and 3.06 in the MegaSTE and TT respectively.
TOS 1.4 (also know as Rainbow TOS) is the most recent version that will
plug directly into your old 520 and is quite an improvement over TOS 1.0
(Though 'improvement' is relative for most). The visible changes include:
- New file selector
- Move files and folders with <Control> key
- Skip a file during copy
- Abort group copy, move and delete operations
- MS-DOS Compatible Floppy Disk formatting
- New copy disk<->disk utility
- Can change folder name
- Warm boot and Cold boot resets via key commands
- can install Auto-Boot application
- Install Application works correctly (You can reinstall applications)

Non Visible Changes include
- Much faster disk operation (hard disk too)
- the built in cache works (use cacheXXX.prg)
- essentially removed the 40 Folder bug (includes removed malloc bug)
- BIOS-devicedrivers now work through pointers behind the system variables
- The Clipboard routines work
.. + many other bugs fixed

TOS 1.4 is sold at a retail price of $99 but can be found as low as $60
(you can install them yourself or have them installed.)

There may be *many* used sets of TOS 1.4 after the following:

CodeHead Software recently announced the TEC, a TOS Extension Card
developed by the german company Artifex, that allows you to plug TOS
2.06 into 520, 1040, and Mega STs. (Tos 2.06 will plug directly into
STEs). It's said to be compatible with any existing upgrades like
ram boards, 16mhz boards, etc.
TOS 2.06 is a *very* large improvement over TOS 1.4 even. The most
visible change is a new desktop, which contains features not much
unlike NeoDesk's plus a few more, yet it is all in ROM.

Some of the features of the TOS 2.06 desktop (from press release):
o Programs, files, and folders can be placed directly on the desktop and
started with a double click.
o Up to 20 programs or documents can be assigned to the ST's function
keys and started with a single keypress.
o Data files can be "dragged" and dropped on program files, which starts
the program and automatically loads the document! Some programs even
support multiple document files in this manner.
o Each file on your disk can have its own unique icon, or you can use a
common icon type for each type of file. New icons can be created and
added to the system.
o Keyboard commands for almost everything! And not only can you control
the new desktop with the keyboard (as well as the mouse), you can also
redefine any of the key commands to suit your own tastes!
o A powerful file search function, that lets you find and select files
that match your specified criteria.
o Window management is considerably enhanced; scrolling has been sped
up, and selected files can remain selected even if you scroll the
window to a different area of the file list.
o Up to seven desktop windows can be open at once, and you can open
directory windows with simple key presses -- even change a window to
show a different drive without closing and reopening it.
o The "View" menu now has an "unsorted" option, for showing the actual
order of files and folders in a directory.
o Any character in the "upper half" of the ST's font can be typed in by
holding the Alternate key and typing its ASCII number on the numeric
o Many of the special functions of the desktop (like copying, renaming,
etc.) can now operate in "batch mode", to let you quickly rename or
show info for a group of selected files, for example.
o The bootup sequence now includes a graphic display of the Atari Fuji
logo, and a memory test, and a configurable bootup delay that allows
hard drives time to power up. It's also possible to bypass the AUTO
folder entirely by holding Control during bootup.
o Internal changes in the TOS program code result in very noticeable
performance improvements in many areas.
o ...and of course, lots more. This list barely shows the tip of the
iceberg, in fact.

The card is 2.5 by 2.5 inches and would require some soldering of
jumpers and such to be installed in your 520 because the new TOS is
located at a different address. They also have a nosolder version for
Megas and one for ST's with a socketed 68000.
The TEC with TOS 2.06 and a disk of utilities costs $139 direct
from CodeHead. I think the no solder version is $155. I think they
just started shipping it two days ago. And I don't doubt that they
will sell every single one they can get their hands on. Apparently,
they've already taken advance orders well above the total number of
any single piece of software they've sold so far. CodeHead can be
reached at (213) 386-5735.

Supposedly one could install a switch between TOS 1.4 and TOS 2.06
for compatibility with programs that won't run under the new TOS. You
would also likely find some of your old software wouldn't work under
TOS 1.4 but not much. Most if not all new software runs under, or
sometimes requires at least TOS 1.4 (and I would assume would work
with TOS 2.06 as well.)
I would recommend at least an upgrade to TOS 1.4 just so that you
are compatible with most new commercial and non-commercial software
coming out. I would guess that you will be able to find very good
deals on used TOS 1.4 chips in the next few weeks.
You might try a ram upgrade while you are at it or even a processor
accelerator if you have the money. I started with an original 520 ST
with TOS on disk! It works great with 2.5 meg and TOS 1.4 now (and
maybe TOS 2.06 soon :). I would guess that 4meg TOS 1.4 520 STs are
not too uncommon. If you go for the ram upgrade, get one that uses
simms. (seems the way to go)

On another note, is the TOS 1.4 and 2.06 feature list in the monthly
FAQL? If not it probably should be.

(sorry this post is so long)

Joachim Vance
Joachim Vance
I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words.


Date: 11 Jan 92 15:19:17 GMT
From: tulane!uflorida!!pi! (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Due to popular demand (I will skip the obvious pun)

I have put a file called p_worlds.txt on This
file lists out a bunch of the world names in Populous (they are the same
names for the Promised Lands data disk, although the worlds themselves are of
course different). If you find any errors in the file, or have any world
names that are not in there, please update it.


Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."



Date: 11 Jan 92 07:34:37 GMT
From:!! (Mark Miller)
Subject: Extensible Control Panel mystery

While I like the Extensible Control Panel, I have noticed that it
seems to lose its functionality whenever I run an application. Of the
applications I have used where I can access it (Uniterm and Word Up),
they all seem to disable most of the CPX's. I have a Mega 1 STe, and
I have not added CPX's to the control panel, nor have I changed the
minimum number of slots in the setup menu. But when I run Uniterm,
for example, and I access it, all the CPX's seem to be there. When I
double click on one of them, like General Setup, the disk whirs, and
then nothing happens. When I reload the CPX's, I notice that only two
or three are actually accessible. The problem is even worse when I
run Word Up (only the Configure CPX's option is available). What
causes this, and how can I correct it if possible? Do I need to make
the CPX's memory-resident?

|Mark Miller, computer science |"I was just thinking of the immortal words |
|major at C.S.U. | of Socrates...'I drank what?'"
| |"What a waste it is to lose one's mind..." |
| / Atari friend! ||| |"If we do not succeed, we run the risk of |
| \/ --- The Mark )|( | failure."
| World Peace / | \ There's nothing else quite like it. |


Date: 8 Jan 92 21:50:40 GMT
!!! (Markus Wenzel)
Subject: Hermes UUCP package

In <1992Jan6.211927.5849@atari.uucp>, Allan Pratt writes:
> (Martin P. Ibert) writes:
> >The "Mercury" UUCICO has been under constant development, is now at version
> >3.21 and runs just fine at 19200 baud via a T2500 or via a direct serial
> >line. Seems to be hard to beat in C.
> That's not the point. The point is that UUCICO is (well, was) written GFA
> BASIC, and GFA BASIC doesn't work in a lot of environments that people use:
> MiNT, TT RAM, etc.
> To be fair, OLDER VERSIONS of GFA BASIC suffer from this, but that includes
> the version that UUCICO for Mercury was compiled with, last I saw. I don't
> know if newer GFA BASIC compiled programs are 32-bit clean and/or do not
> access memory they don't own, or make other unreasonable demands of the OS.

As far as I know, the latest version 3.6 of GFA-BASIC claims to be fully
TT compatible. Perhaps anybody should try to compile the UUCICO Basic
source with this version, it could only get better...

But I'm afraid that this is not the only problem. UUCICO uses e.g.
LINE-A routines that should be replaced for the TT.

* /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart *
* /usr/spool/mail/ / *
* /bin/ps -l TT admin on *
* /irc/nick Marsu2 *
* /etc/motd >> Hey Dave, what about releasing Spectre 3.1 ? << *


Date: 11 Jan 92 21:24:01 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!!!comp.vuw!!!kcbbs!status! (Jon Clarke)
Subject: IBM software emulator
To: (Chris Mauritz) writes:

> With the price of 286/386sx laptops falling rapidly, you might be better
> served if you buy one of those instead of trying to kludge one up
> on your ST.

Chris you are not wrong there. Here in NZ a Mega STe will cost over $nzd3500
while a 50mhz 386 with 128k cache mother board will cost you about $nzd700
or $nzd2500 complete with 40meg hard disk VGA and software like windows or
OS/2 etc .. But I STill love my Mega (grin) and its pcspeed.

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 12 Jan 92 04:09:16 GMT
From:!canrem!dosgate![donald.simmons%canrem.uucp] (donald
Subject: need help with cadaver

I'm playing the Imageworks game Cadaver and I am stuck on the
second level. I only have about 15% explored but every door is either
locked, or there are bars blocking my path. I can get as far as the
kitchen, but when I enter the corridor leading off it the door locks
behind me, and all the other doors leading off it are locked, and bar
block the far end. Can anyone give me some hints on how to complete this

Donald Simmons UUCP: canrem!donald.simmons
Others: donald.simmons@canrem.uucp
Canada Remote Systems. Toronto, Ontario
NorthAmeriNet Host


Date: 11 Jan 92 21:06:16 GMT
nz!!!kcbbs!status! (Jon Clarke)
Subject: New Heat & Serve C compiler
To: (Steve Yelvington) writes:

> If you peek in, you'll see that Ian Lepore's
> ``Heat and Serve'' version of Sozobon C is beginning to move across
> the network.

Well it made its way to New Zealand here so that is one END of the earth
Steve (grin). As an aside could you poST Mercury or Hermes to the GEnie RTC
at some stage in the future?

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 10 Jan 92 16:34:41 GMT
From: agate!!samsung!transfer!bunny!genesis! (Ralph
Subject: Revenge of the Mutant Camels (Was: Re: The best game...)

In article <> (Philip Elwell)
>In article <722@mwuk.UUCP>, tony@mwuk.UUCP (Tony Mountifield) writes:
>|> In article <> (Stefan Posthuma)
>|> >
>|> > I have the new shareware game by Minter, Revenge of the Mutant Camels. At
>|> > least as good as the CBM64 original!
>|> I had the C64 original, and always wondered what the title music was
>|> called. I know it wasn't written specially, because I later saw the same
>|> tune used in a repeat of "The Two Ronnies" TV show from the mid 1970s.
>|> Does anyone know?
>I believe it's called 'Egyptian Ballet' (or something similar), and is one of
>the main reasons I bought a C64.
>The only reason my 64 is used now is for playing REVS...
>Phil (Geoff is God) Elwell

Can you get anywhere in Revs? I have REVS + and it is HARD! Any tips?????

THe docs are also very complicated...hmmm, I think I better find them
for the keyboard layout...

Anyway, Attack of the Mutant camels was okay... But, the main reason
I bought my c64 was when my friend showed me Ghostbusters, Ways of the Exploding
Fist, and James Bond...I was sold!!!!!! (Beach Head II, another great one!)


Date: 11 Jan 92 18:50:30 GMT
.edu!!!uklirb!posthorn!zeus3.sozialwissenschaften.u! (Thomas Walter Neser)
Subject: search ftp-sites

i search ftp-sites with atari-software and mailservers having it
but only if they have an index of their files with a short
description of the software.
Without description the archie-server is no great help.
Thanks a lot
Thomas Neser, Zeus im MZES, Universitaet Mannheim,
Steubenstr. 46, D-6800 Mannheim, Germany
bitnet: fs21@dmarum8
uucp: unima!fs21
x400: C=de; A= ; P=uni-mannheim; OU=rummelplatz; S=fs21;
fax: +49-621-292-8435
tel: +49-621-292-8473


Date: 11 Jan 92 19:01:35 GMT
From:!!IRO.UMontreal.CA!JSP.UMontreal.CA!u1398@ (Kosmatos Odisseas)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

I have been reading (Znet) about a 68030 upgrade called SST by David Small.
Sounds good, but can it be installed in a 520ST from 1985? Or does one need
a Mega ST, or a 1040ST, or one of the newer ( >1988 ) machines like STE or up?

My 520ST has had a one meg Memory upgrade, so there's also less space inside.
Send a followup article please, as others may also want to know.

Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen
der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht
fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in
das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------


Date: 12 Jan 92 05:09:51 GMT
att!linac!!!!dillenbu@rutgers.rut (John Dillenburg)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?
To: (Kosmatos Odisseas) writes:

>I have been reading (Znet) about a 68030 upgrade called SST by David Small.
>Sounds good, but can it be installed in a 520ST from 1985? Or does one need
>a Mega ST, or a 1040ST, or one of the newer ( >1988 ) machines like STE or up?

>My 520ST has had a one meg Memory upgrade, so there's also less space inside.
>Send a followup article please, as others may also want to know.

>Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen
>der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht
>fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in
>das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------

From what I've read on GENIE, the SST will not fit in anything but a
Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST
is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs
were not shipping...


| John Dillenburg | "You can't keep a |
| Univ. of Illinois at Chicago | man down without |
| Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | staying down with |


Date: 11 Jan 92 16:31:15 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!!! (Omar Foda)
Subject: Termcaps help...
To: (john c chu) writes:


>I just downloaded the tcsh port as well as version 18.57 of GNU Emacs
>from atari.archive.

>Can someone please give me a Termcap entry that'll allow me to fully
>use tcsh (i.e., arrow keys, at least?) as well as convince Emacs that
>my terminal (i.e., the Atari ST) is powerful enough to run Emacs?

>Or is there something more serious that is wrong (i.e., common mistake
>during installation?)

I have exactly the same problem. Please post help!

Omar Foda.


Date: 11 Jan 92 14:26:55 GMT
From: mcsun!!sunic!!!
(Per Anders Olausson)
Subject: UW - downloading problems

I have started to appreciate using Unix Windows on my ST when connected to
Sun Sparcs. Unfourtunately I haven't been able to get kermit downloading to
function correctly. Since that seems to be the only thing that might work,
since it is the only protocol supported by the UW implementation I have and
text capture won't work correctly I would like to know if someone has got this
thing working. I suspect that it might be some simple configuration problem
on the sparc side of the kermit thingy.

I'm connected via a modemserver over a network to the sparcs ...
(thus making a need for some sort of window scheme necessary in order to get
downloading to work)

I'm using a version made/ported by Brad Bosch/Brian Katzung (no version
number found).

Any help given would be appreciated greatly.


-------------------------------Andrew Olausson--------------------------------
------------------------------Systems Architect-------------------------------


Date: 11 Jan 92 10:14:23 GMT
From: agate!!wsu-cs!vela!sycom! (Burley
Subject: Wanted Monitor

Hey does anybody have a color monitor for sale ?? {for my 520 ST}

-- C-UseNet V0.55b


Date: 11 Jan 92 10:02:02 GMT
du!!sharkey! (Atari Archive Robot)
Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff

drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Jan 4 09:45 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 2560 Jan 4 14:01 ./magazines/streport
-rw-r--r-- weiner 42530 Jan 4 14:01 ./magazines/streport/str801.txt.Z
-rw-r--r-- weiner 2717 Jan 4 09:35 ./programming/Index
-rw-r--r-- weiner 57382 Jan 4 09:35 ./programming/fcc.arc
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 114496 Jan 4 09:37 ./Index
-rw-r--r-- weiner 70487 Jan 4 09:38 ./ls-lR.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 56702 Jan 4 09:37 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Jan 6 00:10 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 2048 Jan 6 00:08 ./magazines/znet
-rw-r--r-- weiner 30594 Jan 6 00:08 ./magazines/znet/znet9201.txt.Z
drwxrwxr-x jrd 4096 Jan 5 08:36 ./8bit
-rw-rw-rw- jrd 28837 Jan 5 08:36 ./8bit/newnasty.arc
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 114496 Jan 6 00:10 ./Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 70631 Jan 6 00:10 ./ls-lR.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 56702 Jan 6 00:10 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Jan 9 11:58 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 4608 Jan 9 11:51 ./games
-rw-r--r-- weiner 53049 Jan 9 11:47 ./games/cheats.zoo
-rw-r--r-- weiner 252302 Jan 9 11:47 ./games/maps.zoo
-rw-r--r-- weiner 321753 Jan 9 11:51 ./games/solution.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 9812 Jan 9 11:52 ./games/Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 5770 Jan 9 11:55 ./applications/Index
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Jan 9 11:52 ./applications/dtp/clipart
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 414991 Jan 8 20:19 ./applications/dtp/clipart/clipart9.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 88181 Jan 8 20:04 ./applications/dtp/clipart/outline.zoo
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Jan 9 11:53 ./applications/wordproc
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 381769 Jan 8 20:23 ./applications/wordproc/70000dic.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 88267 Jan 8 20:04 ./applications/wordproc/twrite.zoo
drwxrwxr-x gray 512 Jan 9 10:53 ./gnustuff/tos/emacs/emacs18.57
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 114812 Jan 9 11:57 ./Index
-rw-r--r-- weiner 70897 Jan 9 11:58 ./ls-lR.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 56844 Jan 9 11:57 ./CompInd.Z


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1992 19:33 EDT

After being out of the country for several months I've recently
set up my computer again, gotten hooked up to the Atari16 digests, and so
on. Everything works as before except my Z-modem downloads. I use XYZ.TTP
with XYZSHELL.PRG, which has always worked well with RZ.EXE and SZ.EXE on
our university VAX system. However, every download I've tried ends in a
CRC error" message. The instructions indicate that this is likely a line
noise problem; but I can up- and download over these lines with KERMIT, and
the ZMODEM uploads work fine too. I can certainly live with KERMIT, but
ZMODEM has been a bit faster...

Afer a lot of fiddling with the XYZSHELL settings, all to no
avail, it's time to ask for help. Anybody have any suggestions?

Many thanks--

Michael Johnston


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