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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 503

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 24 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 503

Today's Topics:
Amiga IFF sounds -> .snd -format ???
Atari ST System for Sale
Emulate? What about the other way.
Printing with Spectre GCR
Question about SST board from GBS
Rap/Dance - Atari
SMALL Editor ?
The big sellout...?
WAACE '91 - The biggest AtariFest in the East
What to buy next... (2 msgs)
Worth of ST system

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Date: 24 Sep 91 13:01:32 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!uniol! (Frank Moehle)
Subject: Amiga IFF sounds -> .snd -format ???

"Hello world. /n"

How can I convert Amiga (IFF) sounds to the .snd - format used by "play" ?

I Tried to load the so-called "raw data" into digiedit and convert it,
but i only ended up with a hard-to-understand-and-very-noisy sample.

Does anybody know how to do it or where to ftp a program that does it ?

Nick : Lateman | I may be late,
Real : Frank Moehle, Oldenburg, West Germany | but I'm worth
Inhouse : faramir!moesel | waiting for.
EARN/BITNET: 025881@DOLUNI1 UUCP: moehle@uniol +-----------------
a fool with a tool is still a fool


Date: 24 Sep 91 08:26:57 GMT
edu!linac!convex! (William Rosenkranz)
Subject: ARJ?

In article <>
(Roger Sheppard) writes:
>Well Bill why not give LZH201E a try, it is Now in English, well the one
>that I have is, but then it come from Thomas Quester, you could even
>find that there is no need for all your Lharcs programs as this supports
>all of the lh formats, and that the bugs that you state could have been fixed,
>don't you make mistakes..

i WILL try it (in fact i think i already have it). however, you did not
listen to what i said. what happens to lzh files on the ST is almost
irrelevant. i am pretty certain i have enuf versions of lharc to tackle
just about any lzh file :-(. however, i do not think there is a single
lharc that runs on unix, VMS, MSDOS, PICK (pick?), well, you get the idea.
i want my cake and i want to eat it, too. so do many others. that is
why we bitch and moan about lharc (not only here, either). there is no
standard. period. until there is, i don't want anything to do with it.
nor will i use an archiver that does not come with source code. i may
not always have an ST and in that case, i want to be able to get at the
100's of MB of files i have on floppies. that means i need to be able
to port an archiver to the next platform. lharc may die when the next
whiz-bang compressor comes along. personally, i think it did already.
i.e. zoo 2.1.

on the other hand, zoo and arc (and even zip) are centrally supported
by people that talk to each other. and one person/group generally controls
the format of the files, the methods, etc. everything except the
implementation itself. even that is done rationally so there is (more or
less) ONE set of sources to muck with, not n sets per platform. and a set
of rules one must follow to (legally) call it "zoo" or "arc" or "zip"
when one ports it to a new platform. read the porting rules for zoo,
for example. rahul dhesi knows what he is doing (he developed zoo).

i hope you can understand the huge difference between being able to
unarc a file on the ST and being able to arc/unarc it ANYWHERE. THAT is
the issue.

>There is a PC version of lh5 that I have seen, may be some one could
>port that,?.

maybe, but only if it is in C. i don't have the stomache for it. i would
appreciate TQ's work far more if he would start from this version (say)
and keep it in C. to be fair, he probably started on lharc way back when
if first appeared (maybe 12-18 months ago). it is not his fault we have
this mess. tho the original post (to comp.sources.unix, i think?) was
in C. he broke the rules by reprogramming in assembler. further, he
has never posted source, so far as i can tell.

>May be Thomas is not into hands off programing, ala C Lang'uage, I am
>a bit that way myself being of a Engineering background.

just what exactly do you mean by "hands off programming"? i suppose
since something is not written in assembler, the programmer is an novice?
actually, i think you have to know lots more to program in C just because
of the rather large runtime library you have to know inside out.

i got news for you (yet again): the entire unix OS (except for a tiny
fraction) is in C. that is 100's of MB of source. it would be totally
impossible to 1) maintain, and 2) port if it were assembler. and the only
reason it has succeeded so well is that it CAN be ported. i think
apollo wrote much of aegis in pascal, another "hands off" language.
and a fair amount of VMS is probably in fortran or bliss or some other
"hands off" language.

lharc is proabaly 0.05 MB of source by comparison. 1000's of times smaller.
you tell me which is more "hands on": controlling hardware directly from
device drivers written in C or taking a (small) C program, compiling
with -S (to get assembler source), then hacking it a bit for speed?
i am sure the latter is what TQ probably did (i would have).

once i wrote a prototype radar signal processor in a weekend (a 50 hour
weekend :-) in C. it would have taken at least a month in assembler and
it would have only run on one machine. choice of language by multilingual
programmers is never based on proficiency. it is always based on expediency
or other issues. many people (myself included, tho i hardly consider
myself all that proficient) can program in assembler. so what? C is capable
of just about anything you can do in assembler anyway, especially on the ST.
of the 100's of 1000's of lines of C i have written in the past few years on
the ST, i was only forced to write a few hundred lines in assembler for one
reason or another. and optimizing compilers can often generate code that
runs nearly as fast as assembler. there is little reason to write in
assembler except when every cycle counts like in (parts of) real time
systems. on the ST that translates to games.

hey, roger...stick to engineering (please!). besides, REAL programmers
wire wrap chips together...:-). only pansies TYPE their programs...

enuf of this. i think i made my points. i am just waiting for an FTP of
8 MB of kerberos to finish...oh...there it is. bye-bye...

(ex-civil engineer)

Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA:


Date: 24 Sep 91 15:01:30 GMT
From: olivea!isc-br! (Michael Albo)
Subject: Atari ST System for Sale

I forgot to mention that in addition to system below I also
have the following:

Epstart printer driver for the GCR with documentation
Several books on programming the ATARI ST which I will
include with the purchase of the system.
- GEM Programmers Referene Manual
- Programming the Atari St
- Compute's ST programmers manual
- Abacus ST Internals.

I will also include 100's of pages of documentation
I've photo copied over the past years on the ST.

Atari ST computer system FOR SALE

Atari 520ST,
Upgraded to 4 Megabytes of Memory using
a JRI SIMM board. (This also allows STe
compatiblity for 4096 colors with the
addition of another video shifter IC.)
TOS 1.4 installed and battery backed up
Real Time Clock. (Original TOS 1.0 also
2 Floppy Drives - 1 DSDD, 1 SSDD $250 w/ 2.5 Meg
or $300 w/ 4 Meg

Atari ST Monochrome Monitor $70

Supra 30 Meg Hard Drive
This has a 3.5" SCSI drive in it. $350

Atari SLM804 Laser Printer
This only has about 2100 pages printed
on it and has just had a new cartridge
put in it. $650

Spectre GCR (MAC Cartridge) $150

1st Word Plus 3.14
Easy Draw
Dac Easy Accounting
2 Printmaster Libraries
Regent Spell
Mark Williams 'C' Complier V3.06
Mark Williams 'C' source debugger
ST Copy
a few games
a "
ton" of shareware $80 (only with

Will sell entire system for $1500
I will take offers on the individual pieces but I must sell the
Laser printer before I will consider the other pieces and I am reluctant
to sell the computer without the monitor. If I piece this system out I will
sell the software to whomever I sell the computer to.

This system works well and is excellent condition.

Terms are C.O.D. and the buyer must pay shipping.

send email or contact me directly.

My email address is:

My home phone is
(509) 928-8009


Date: 24 Sep 91 00:47:48 GMT
From: microsoft! (Darek MIHOCKA)
Subject: Emulate? What about the other way.

In article <> CATHRYN@bdt.COM writes:
>How about an ST emulator card which would fit into a slot of a PC clone. So I
>could run old ST software and clone software without having computers take
>over the house!

Yes, why emalate CGA graphics on a slow ST when you can run ST software on a
Super VGA.

GEMULATOR (Son of Xformer!) is in the works and I hope to have it ready by
next summer. It is a 68000 emulator for 386/486/ based PCs. My latest
benchmarks of the 68000 emulator are giving me .3 MIPS on a 386/20 and
.9 MIPS on a 486/33. In other works, 900,000 68000 instructions can be
emulated on a 486/33 per second. An 8 MHz 68000 can at best execute
2 million instructions per second, but that's an ideal number. Typically,
most software executes at about .5 MIPS. So you can see that software-only
emulation can be done on a 486 or a fast 386 can be done at real time.

GEMULATOR is a 32-bit protect mode program, so it cannot run on a 286 or
8086. If you need any more info, send me private email.

- Darek

Darek Mihocka. Quick ST 3 for the ST/TT. All views expressed are my own.
Branch Always Software, 14150 NE 20th St. Suite 302, Bellevue, WA 98007


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 12:03:50 ADT
From: Alyre CHIASSON <>
To: N <>

My sister-in-law plans to spend a considerable amount of time in
front of her computer screen this winter. She called me today
to ask if I could find out about the availability and price
of anti-radiation screens. My general sense of the potential
risks especially for pregnant women is next to nill. Can
anyone refer to any published articles on the subjet to
put her mind at rest or should she be sitting in front of
her computer with an anti-radiation screen and a lead apron?
I have heard that the Atari monitor has relatively low
radiation output but relative to what and is this level
considered safe.


Date: 24 Sep 91 09:04:08 GMT
From: monsoon.Berkeley.EDU! (John Kawakami)
Subject: Printing with Spectre GCR

In article <16484@goofy.Apple.COM> (John H. Jenkins) writes:
>I have an ST with Spectre GCR hooked up to a Panasonic 1091 printer. What
>is the best and/or cheapest way to get the Spectre to print?
>Standard apologies for asking a possible frequently-asked-question.
>John H. Jenkins

I haven't seen this question asked in a while....

One name comes up often, GDT Softworks. I have no experience with them,
but everyone who has dealt with them says nice things about them. They
probably have a driver.

There's Epstart, Printworks, and probably a few more companies which have
discontinued their drivers or gone out of business.

But the one I liked the best was a PD offering. It seemed to be a later
incarnation of Printworks. It did the whole "
darker printing" thing

I got it off a server somewhere, I think it was at Stanford.

John Kawakami


Date: 21 Sep 91 14:51:49 GMT
From: (Andrew C. Stoffel)
Subject: Question about SST board from GBS

[A couple of different(?) questions about the SST board from GBS.]
If I don't get a TT I'll be moving my STf into another case so that's
not a problem. What I'd like to know is.....

1. What does the SST do for monitors ? Will my stock mono SM124 work
with it ? Or is there a way to use the slot(?) I heard mentioned
(by someone) for a card for a "
REAL" monitor ?

2. Will the SST work with Minix ? (Someone (the(?) person who did the
ST port I think), whose name I can't spell (Frans Meulenbroeks ?)
{sorry!!!} has said they are working on a TT port of Minix ?! so
I assume that's the version I'd start with ?)

3. What happens to the RAM in the ST ? Does the SST board use it for
anything ??

4. Where can I get the e-mail/mailing address of GBS ? I'd like to get
a spec sheet on the SST.

Thanx for any/all help...

The Snark WAS a Boojum, you see!" ||
Reality !?! Isn't that something ||
| you sprinkle on ice ??" | |
|This is a banana ),This is your brain on bananas ~>~, Get the picture?|


Date: 24 Sep 91 12:39:02 GMT
u (Michel Forget)
Subject: Rap/Dance - Atari
To: (Jim Trageser) writes:

> (Chris Herborth) writes:
> >In article <> (Michael John Dinsmore) writ
> >}
> >} I am a member of our college radio station, WRPI at Rensselaer Polytechnic
> >}Institute and I noticed a Rap/Dance cd there that might be of interest to
> >}the Atari community. A group called "
KLF" which is played on the radio
> >}often if you are listing to that type of music - usually a song called
> >}"
3 am eternal" has written in the cover that they use an Atari ST. Nice
> >}song.
> >} Thought you might be interested.
> >
> >Last I heard, Mick Fleetword was using an ST, and Tangerine Dream had
> >13 of them...
> B.B. King was using an ST a few years ago. I'm unsure if he still is.
> UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!trag
> ARPA: crash!pnet01!

While we are adding to the list, the Arsenio Hall Show uses an Atari
laptop (I couldn't read the name of the machine because the Atari logo
and the word ATARI was written in big white letters below the amber

I also saw an Atari Mega ST in a commercial for some cosmetic or simillar

Anyone else have something to add?

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "
He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


Date: 24 Sep 91 12:29:16 GMT
(Finn Vidar Larsen)
Subject: SMALL Editor ?

I seem to remeber a 12k editor on one of the St User cover disks.
I may be able to uuencode it and post it to binaries, if someone are

(I do not remeber where I have put it, but I has got to be somewhere


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 08:56 EDT
Subject: The big sellout...?

Regarding the message about people selling STs:

Yeah, I don't get it. Atari seems to be making some small come back from
indications of the Glendale show and other Atari Fests in both attendance
and number of developers _and_ number of people _buying_ software. Why are
all these folks jumping ship? I'm just starting to feel like I might have
made the right decision after all! (After re-reading the previous sentence,
I realize I still sound iffy but at least I continue to have faith!)

Or as was suggested, are people upgrading? (Gee... maybe I should too? hmm..)

Otis Mamed, Asst. Director, Operations
Central Connecticut State University Student Center
VOX (203)827-7663 | Insert smart and snappy verbage here.
FAX (203)827-7022 |
Mamed@CTSTATEU" | Some disclaimer about my opinion
COMPUSERVE 70313,2543 | above being mine, like it was
GEnie - not right now | someone elses to begin with!


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 09:55 EDT
Subject: WAACE '91 - The biggest AtariFest in the East

WAACE '91 Update - 14 September 1991

Even as the masses assemble in sunny southern California, the
WAACE team keeps plugging away on WAACE '91. The attached list
of vendors have committed to being at the show:

Codehead Software Phil Comeau Software
Current Notes, Inc. D. A. Brumleve
Debonair Software Double Click
eSTeem Inc. FAST Technology
Gadgets By Small Gribnif Software
ICD ISD Marketing, Inc.
JMG Software Intl Inc Joppa Computer Products
L & Y Electronics MacDonald Associates
Megatype Software Michtron, Inc.
Micro Creations Musicode Software
Rimik Enterprises RIO Computers
Step Ahead Software, Inc. Toad Computers
Unicorn Publications WizWorks!
WuzTECH/OMNIMON Peripherals Zubair Interfaces, Inc.

This list includes the cream of the crop in Atari developers.
There are plenty of innovative hardware and software products for
everyone to behold (and take home with them).
The Sheraton Reston Hotel reports a steady stream of people
registering. It looks like we are going to have a grand party.
Vendors will be receiving their final show data around the end
of this week.
WAACE '91 Banquet

To those who have been asking for particulars on the WAACE
banquet here's the scoop:


Pork Loin Vindaloo or Chicken Italia

(Marinated Loin of Pork (Baked with oregano and basil,
with a Spicy and aromatic finished with a slice of prosciutto
Vindaloo Sauce) and a combination of three fine
Italian cheeses)

Accompanied by fruit cup, garden salad with choice of two dressings,
green beans, rice, rolls and butter, beverage, and peach Melba.

A cash bar will be available during the dinner.

Hotel banquet fare always elicits a few disparaging remarks. These were
surprisingly few in number following last year's dinner, so that the Sheraton
Reston appears to do better than most in this regard.

Tickets are priced at $25 apiece. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope

WAACE Banquet
c/o Tom Stoddard
1039 S. Ironwood Rd
Sterling, VA, 22170.

While some tickets may be available at the show, it is best to reserve
ahead to be sure of a seat.

The evening's festivities will get underway with a poolside cocktail hour
(cash bar) at 7 pm. The banquet will take place at 8 pm.

Current Notes magazine will once again surprise everyone with its choice
for "
Author of the Year". Bill Moes, Dave Small, Andzej Wrotniak, and the
Junkyard Pussycat are the past winners of this award.

Nathan Potechin of ISD marketing, one of the true statesmen in the Atari
developer community, will be our featured speaker. He will recount his
experiences in the quest to bring outstanding applications onto the desktops
of Atari users.

Be sure to look for the post-banquet celebration.

For Immediate Release
WAACE AtariFest '91

Short Form:

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will sponsor WAACE
AtariFest 1991 on October 12 and 13 1991. The show will held at the
Sheraton Reston Hotel in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 5
pm on both days. The show will feature shopping bargains,
demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, anmd social events. This event
will be the premier East Coast event for people who are interested in
software and hardware for Atari computers.

___________________________ Cut here _____________________________

Long Form:

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will sponsor WAACE
AtariFest 1991 on October 12 and 13 1991. This event will be the premier
East Coast event for people who are interested in software and hardware
for Atari computers. The show will again be staged at the Sheraton
Reston Hotel in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 5 pm on
both days. In addition to the shopping bargains available from over
thirty vendors there will be a full round of demonstrations, tutorials,
and seminars. A banquet on Saturday evening will feature a special
speaker on Atari matters and Current Notes Magazine's "
Author of the
Year" award. Special mixers will cap off the evening's festivities.
Approximately 2000 visitors from all over the USA, Canada, and other
foreign countries attended the 1990 edition of the show.

The Sheraton Reston Hotel is a spacious, attractive facility located
in a parklike setting near Washington, DC. The hotel is offering a
special room rate of $59 per night plus tax to Fest goers. This hotel
room rate includes passes to the show for room occupants. Call
703-620-9000 for reservations. Be sure to mention AtariFest '91. The
number of rooms available at the special rate is limited, so make your
reservations early.

The price that WAACE will have to pay for the exhibit space is
directly tied to the number of hotel rooms that are rented out. If you
have any expectation at all of attending the event we would like you to
reserve a room for Friday and Saturday nights.

The WAACE show has established itself as the "
must see" Atari event
for East Coast fans. ST Informer magazine, in its November 1991 issue,
awarded the WAACE team its highest marks for their conduct of the 1990
show. WAACE attempts to provide a complete Atari experience for

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV

Revision Date: 24 Sept 1991


Date: 24 Sep 91 00:59:55 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!!g!tredysvr!cellar! (Thomas Darling)
Subject: What to buy next...
To: (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:

> Atari was (and is to a lesser extent now) THE machine to own for MIDI
> use. The built in ports (but not MIDI thru) and a wealth of relatively
Irrelevant. Nobody needs MIDI THRU on their sequencer.

> inexpensive software made it very attractive for this and many professionals
> use Ataris exclusively.

True, but not to the market specified. The best MIDI programs for the Atari
have always been $300+ for sequencers, $100+ for editor/libs. And pros don't
settle for built-in MIDI ports exclusively; they get multiple separate out
systems like C-Lab's UNITOR. Pros can't make do with only 16 MIDI channels.

> Well, that has changed. There are now many more MIDI adaptors and a lot
> of software available for Mac and PC clones.

Well, the Mac, Amiga, and IBM are really competing for the hobbyist market,
the person who already owns a computer and decides to get into music. In the
U.S., there seem to be many Macs in pro studios, but not really any IBMs or
Amigas. And for studios with heavy MIDI bandwidth (using simultaneous sync
and poly-key pressure, etc.) the Mac is not even an option; the beast will
choke and cause all manner of timing nightmares.

For whatever reason, only the Atari seems able to cope with severely jammed
MIDI data in a timely manner.

The Atari has a specific niche in the market. It's not a big niche, but
they're all alone in it.

darling@cellar.UUCP \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing
uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT


Date: 24 Sep 91 12:29:25 GMT
From:!fauern!!faui09!snroettg@uune (Stefan Roettger)
Subject: What to buy next...

What to buy next?
What to buy NeXT!

Stefan Roettger __ ___ Xerox your life!
Student of computer science (__ |__) If you lose one
University of Erlangen, Germany __)| \ it's good to have a copy!


Date: 19 Sep 91 17:43:34 GMT
From:!oz! (Technoid)
Subject: Worth of ST system

Hey folks,

I've owned an ST for a while ,but am kind of out of touch with the
worth of these beasts now. I may be in the market to sell and move up to
a much larger machine ( like a SUN IPX ). So I'm wondering what I could get
for the following:

1040ST ( 10yr real time clock installed )
Megafile 30
Color and Mono monitors
Supercharger IBM emu.

Various producivity software:

example: Neodesk, Timeworks DTP, Flash, DEGAS

Much PD stuff, like about 70 disks worth of GIFs, ST/NT MODS
Games and apps from the Net and GEnie.

Please reply E-mail

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool...


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