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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 014

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 13 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 14

Today's Topics:
Atari 1040STf Complete System ForSale!
Atarians in Japan (2 msgs)
BYE :-)
Cheetah3 problems
Dupltwix (on a.a.u.e)
Extensible Control Panel myste
Heat and Serve.
PD C compilers for ST
Power Supplies
Sozobon 1.33i source? (3 msgs)
Sozobon C
SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?
This weeks issue of Z*NET ..
What are .msa files?

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Date: 12 Jan 92 08:26:51 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!!!!munnari.o!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: AmigaFS

In article <zxmgn01.695182523@mailserv>
(Philipp Knirsch) writes:
> In <> (Martin Koehling) writes:
> >In <zrnkn01.694620022@convex> <>
> >(Ph. Knirsch) writes:
> >>Sorry, Chris, but i never worked with MinT, because with only one megabyte
> >>it's just a bit difficult. But the idea for a additional Spectre or
> >>Mac-driver isn't bad. But as you know, those discs you write with normal
> >>Atari-drives aren't Mac-readabel. So i perhaps first do the AmigaFS, because
> >>it's the one i know and i have lots of information about.
> >Are you sure the 1772 FDC can read amiga discs?
> >As far as I know, the amiga floppy hardware can read IBM/Atari discs,
> >but not vice versa!
> >Bye
> > Martin (
> Hmmm... But some copy-programms copy a normaly Amiga-Formated disk without
> problems. So, why should it not be possible to do it??
> Perhaps you are right when you look at single sectors, but i think if i can
> read track by track, that would be enough to build up a AmigaFS
> Phil. (

It is not posible to read Amiga Formated disks with the W.D. 1772, the track
read command is not reliable as the 1772 can get out of sync, go see
if you can do a track read of track 40 or 41 from memory, you will end up
getting carbage.

These are know bugs of the 1772 controler, as it can get triped out of sync..

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 12 Jan 92 12:41:10 GMT
(Robert Jules Shaughnessy)
Subject: Atari 1040STf Complete System ForSale!

System For Sale!

Atari 1040STf
Includes 1 meg of memory and an internal DSDD 3.5inch drive. (Standard)
Atari SC1224 Color Monitor
Atari SF314 DSDD external dive
Replay 4
Replay is a sound digitiser, makes NEAT sound effects.
Atari Developers Kit
Includes 4 or 5 BIG BINDERS of technical info,
Also about 4 or 5 disks containing a C compiler,
Assembler, MicroEmacs, and a bunch of examples.
A Bunch of BOOKS!
Atari ST Internals (Abacus Software)
Atari ST Machine Language (Abacus Software)
Atari ST Basic to C (Abacus Software)
GFA Object
A 3d plotting program.

All of this could be yours! Everything you need to get started!

I am asking $550. <--- A lot less than what I paid for it.
Call 816-756-5189 and ask for Bobby if interested.

I will take offers!


Date: 13 Jan 92 06:05:38 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news!toumon!wsdnws!ytsuji (Y.Tsuji)
Subject: Atarians in Japan

Thanks for you all. I have managed to get rid of all the Atari stuff now.
But as I have promised to look after both the hardware and software for
six months, I have been in close contact with the Japanese Atarians here.
I think their total population is some 200 in Japan or maybe more and the
number of people who subscribe to a major AtariST SIG on a commercial
BBS (Nikkei MIX) is about 50. Atari things all go through one wholesaler
called Cameo International which is a music instrument dealer, which is the
reason that you only find Ataris in music shops in Japan.
People can now read Japanese characters on their ST's but cannot input
them without the help of GCR Spectre with Mac's Japanese language software.
Commonest Japanese characters are coded as 16 bytes per character, which
is 8x16 dots and the total number is usually 5000, not 256.
The cheapest AtariST cannot beat that of a Mac Classic, neither can
Amiga. Therefore I don't think there will be a chance for Atari or Amiga
to prevail in Japan. Mac now has has become well established here and is
probably the second best sold personal computer here. Amiga is doing well
for unknown reasons. Maybe be they have the better CRT than Ataris for
playing games.
I just cannot understand why people buy expensive MacII's instead of
Sun's ELC or IPX: maybe they have some nice software in mind.

Best wishes to you all.


Date: 13 Jan 92 06:17:54 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news!toumon!wsdnws!ytsuji (Y.Tsuji)
Subject: Atarians in Japan

Ah, I forgot to write the most important thing. There are a quite a
few software for workstations that take care of inputting Japanese
language, but they all run after 'server -- client' fashion. If someone
has ever managed to compile the server (i.e. key input and CRT display
side) software of X11 on AtariST, let me know. Any idea of turning
AtariST into an X server?


Date: 12 Jan 92 14:16:54 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: BYE :-)

JUst a note to those who might want to get in touch with me....
From Monday I no longer have an internet adress :-(
If you MUST reach me - write to my friend at:

Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /


Date: 12 Jan 92 18:52:26 GMT
(Greg Granger)
Subject: Cheetah3 problems
To: (Startled Squid, esq.) writes:

> Hi folks, I have a problem. I've used Cheetah 3 extensively for a while
> now without any problems but recently something has gone wrong. When I
> create a folder in a hard drive partition with Cheetah 3 then copy files
> into it with Cheetah everything seems okay....until I exit to desktop and
> try to access the files that I just copied. The folder shows up but when I
> open it it is empty and I can't delete the folder from desktop. I have to
> go back into Cheetah which shows all of the files that I had copied to into
> the folder! Then I can delete the folder from Cheetah. Wot's the danged
> deal?!?!!?
> BTW: I'm using a 520stfm w/ 2.5megs and a supra 48meg hard-drive.
> Michael Fitch

Ahh ... I see that you're the next person to be hit by Cheetah. Many
people have used it in the past, and then found out that it has some
pretty nasty bugs in it, and have found that it is best to be put into
the "trashcan". If you use it, be very careful. It isn't a very stable
program, so use it with *EXTREME* caution.

Greg Granger

[ InterNet: ] "Gimme the strongest
[ FoReMNet: Greg Granger @ 532 or Dark Knight @ 595 ] thing you've got."

[ Mail Adr: 5906-188 St. Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 ]
[ Phone : +1 403 481-0803 or +1 403 481-5110 ] - Lt. Frank Drebin


Date: 12 Jan 92 20:16:46 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!THD-News!ba! (Natuerlich!)
Subject: Dupltwix (on a.a.u.e)

Has anyone successfully used this bit copying device yet ?
It seems that the cable instructions are wrong or at least
the numbering scheme is odd. Nevertherless I managed to built
a cable and the software (BLITZ) does recognize the second
drive but when the copying is done, the target disk is useless!
Reply my Email if possible.

Thanx in advance for any info or comments

"Bang that bit that doesn't bang"
Buch der Sprueche, Kap. 4: "Die eigenen Schmerzen sind immer die Schlimmsten"


Date: 13 Jan 92 06:48:54 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!math.fu-b!uniol!!! (Dirk Steins)
Subject: Extensible Control Panel myste
To: wrote at Sa, 11.01.92 (08:34) in

>minimum number of slots in the setup menu. But when I run Uniterm,
>for example, and I access it, all the CPX's seem to be there. When I
>double click on one of them, like General Setup, the disk whirs, and
>then nothing happens. When I reload the CPX's, I notice that only two

This is a known problem. It seems that Uniterm and WordUp are messing
around with memory and allocating all free memory in the system. The
Control Panel tries to load and execute the CPX you wanted but then
there's not enough memory in the system to do this. So nothing happens.
It would be nice if the control panel would then show up an alert box
with a simple error message.

>causes this, and how can I correct it if possible? Do I need to make
>the CPX's memory-resident?

Yes, that's the solution for your problem. If you make the CPX's memory-
resident then they will be loaded at boot-time and stay resident in your
memory (and, in fact, will use a lot of it).

Dirk Steins Usenet:
Niederkassel/Koeln UUCP: any_backbone_that_knows_domains!!ds
Germany Fido: ds%maus k2, 2:242/2.6


Date: 13 Jan 92 02:33:03 GMT
Subject: Heat and Serve.

Have the postings to COMP.BINARY.ATARI.ST for Heat & Serve been completed?
I can only find parts 1 - 12.



Date: 11 Jan 92 14:02:12 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!wupost!!!actrix!Alex. (Alex Valdez)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST

In article <> (Klaus Guhr) writes:
> There are two good PD/FREEWARE Compilers:
> Sozobon 2.0 (new release; but no ansi) and
> GNU GCC 1.40 (full ansi)
See also Sozobon 1.33i, recently posted on the net. It's not an
official Sozobon release and was done by the GemFast guy, Ian Lempore
(sp?). I haven't tested 2.0 or 1.33i thoroughly but from what I could
see, 1.33i generates faster code.

================================Alex Valdez=============================


Date: 13 Jan 92 05:54:56 GMT
From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!tamsun!tamuts! (Mark
Subject: Power Supplies

Lately my power supply won't give the floppy drive enough power to
operate the motor that spins the floopy disk. I borrowed a power
supply from a friend and decided to buy another one.

Since no local computer dealer has any desire to get one of these
for me, I must mail order one. My request is for suggestions of
where to buy a new power supply.

NOTE: I showed the power supply to a computer technition who has an
Atari ST and he told me what parts of the power supply to repair,
but I don't have the equipment or knowledge to do it. He also
told me to get a power supply that exceeds Atari's standards. He
said Atari only gave the power supply a 12% lee-way in the tolerance,
and that adding extra memory could burn the power supply up.

With that note in mind, does any one know where to get a good power
supply? Thanks.


Date: 12 Jan 92 21:28:19 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!psuvax1!psuvm!
(J.J. Lehett)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i source?

Will the source to sozobon 1.33i be released? I am very interested in
using this compared to 2.0 or 1.2(?), however, I am working with very large
(400k+) library files with a large number of modules in it. 2.0's link
will function properly , but 1.33i (and 1.2 without a small change), will
choke on such large libraries.
So does anyone out there know where the source can be had, if at all?

J.J. Lehett : Atari's, puzzles, games, chaos, fractals, math....

- Penn State CAC Lab Operator
- Atari 16/32 bit SIG Sysop


Date: 13 Jan 92 02:46:22 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i source?

[In article <>, (J.J. Lehett) writes ... ]

> Will the source to sozobon 1.33i be released? I am very interested in
> using this compared to 2.0 or 1.2(?), however, I am working with very large
> (400k+) library files with a large number of modules in it. 2.0's link
> will function properly , but 1.33i (and 1.2 without a small change), will
> choke on such large libraries.
> So does anyone out there know where the source can be had, if at all?

I don't know what Ian's plans are with regard to releasing the source, but
1.33i definitely will work with any other 1.x version of the loader. The
object module format is identical. Just swap your modified 1.2 loader for
the one that's in the distribution.

You probably can combine the 1.33i make, cc, hcc and top with the other
binaries from Sozobon 2.0. It won't run as fast, but it'll give you long
external identifiers (SozobonX library format). Ian's version of hcc and
top will pass long identifiers unmolested; the programs that create or
manipulate .o files are the bottleneck. (I have not actually tested this,
but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.)

Could you post the change you made to the 1.2 linker?

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables


Date: 13 Jan 92 07:17:46 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!!!!!c!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i source?

[In article <>,
I wrote ... ]

> I don't know what Ian's plans are with regard to releasing the source, but
> 1.33i definitely will work with any other 1.x version of the loader. The
> object module format is identical. Just swap your modified 1.2 loader for
> the one that's in the distribution.

After some experimentation, I'll pull back slightly from that statement.
The original Sozobon ld.ttp and the one in the Sozobon 2.0 distribution
aren't smart enough to come in out of the rain. You MUST give them
complete, accurate filenames. The Heat and Serve cc.ttp compiler driver
doesn't do that. The results vary from simple failure to bombs.

I fixed the 2.0 ld sources as shown below, and right now I have the Heat
and Serve (1.33i) compiler and optimizer running in conjunction with the
Sozobon 2.0 assembler and loader. It seems to be working; at least I've
used it to recompile ld.ttp a couple of times. Long external identifiers
seem to work, too.

In the main.c file from the ld sources, I changed one declaration:

char *oname = "a.out"; /* sdy: fixed uninitialized pointer */

I couldn't find any place in the ld sources where oname would be set
to anything meaningful in the event that you failed to pass a filename
with the -o switch. (How long has this bug existed?)

The right way to fix it would be to write code to strip the first filename
other than the startup module and use it as a root for the output file,
but I haven't gotten around to that. I can't find any code in the sources
that would implement the behavior documented in sozobon.doc.

In the pass1.c file, I added the following code to pass1():

char *s;
struct finfo *fp;
int fd;

#ifndef UNIXHOST /* sdy added */
char *p, *q;
char *pfindfile();
long fsize();
char *getenv(), *strrchr();
if (fsize(s) == -1L) /* file not found as specified */
q = strrchr(s,'.');
p = pfindfile(getenv("LIB"),s,q ? q : "\0");
if (!p)
fatals("pfindfile can\'t locate: ",s);
s = p;

fp = (struct finfo *)mmalloc(strlen(s) + sizeof(struct finfo));
... et cetera.

This code simply uses the dLibs pfindfile function to search for a file
in the LIB directory if it isn't found as specified. A minor bug in
this implementation is that if LIB isn't in the environment, pfindfile
will try PATH. Or maybe that's a feature.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables


Date: 13 Jan 92 05:57:34 GMT
From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!tamsun!tamuts! (Mark
Subject: Sozobon C

I just downloaded all of the Sozobon C stuff in the languages directory
of the Atari archive. Is there anything I should know before I delve into
configuring the Sozobon C compiler? I haven't un-archived the files
yet, but I assume that I will find top-notch documentation that will
guide me through the installation, and a compile of the "Hello World"

Mark LEhmann.!n160ao


Date: 12 Jan 92 15:37:52 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!apple!fernwood!portal!!Azog-Thot (William Thomas Daugustine)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

But I also recently read in AtariUser (Jan 92), that an ST and STe
version will be avaialble Real Soon Now

Billy D'Augustine


Date: 12 Jan 92 11:38:00 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!kcbbs!status!jonc@a (Jon Clarke)
Subject: This weeks issue of Z*NET ..

>-* In this weeks issue of Z*NET 9202 you will find .....

> ST-Informer Breaks Up > Atari President Resigns
> Atari Announced New Purchase Plan > Atari Corp Sale Rumor Quashed
> New ST Book Announced > Atari Sells 1 Millionth Game Cart
> Latest Lynx Update > New Atari 14" Flat Screen Monitor
> Atari At CES and NAMM > Canadian Atari Users Convention
> Generic Double Sided Disk Drive > Perusing GEnie
> Z*Net Software Shelf > Z*Net Newswire

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 12 Jan 92 23:53:19 GMT
agate!!!!!jva (Joachim Vance)
Subject: What are .msa files?

In article <>
(Mark Miller) writes:
>I have seen these files at atari.archive that have a .msa extension,
>under the sound directory. I got one called zeppelin.msa, and while I
>do have steplay, I haven't tried it with that yet. What program is
>supposed to play these?

The .msa extention stands for Magic Shadow Archiver (MSA). It
basically archives a whole disk to a file including the boot sector
and is mainly used for those great selfbooting demos that take up an
entire disk. MSA is the only way to copy those disks without having
the disk itself. The only thing I don't like about unarching an .msa
file is that you need a blank disk or a disk you don't mind erasing.
It will format the disk for you (in the format of the original) and
then proceed to recreate the original disk.

You can find a copy of Magic Shadow Archiver at atari.archive at:

You might also want to get:

WhatIs is a great program by Bill Aycock that let's you identify
what kind of file you have and tells you the program that uses it.
Indespensible for just this kind of situation.
By the way, I believe zeppelin.msa is a collection of Led Zeppelin

Joachim Vance
I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words.


Date: 11 Jan 92 10:05:23 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!actrix!Roger.Shep (Roger Sheppard)

In article <> writes:
> Will my Commodore 1084S monitor work with an Atari 1040ST?
> - Tom N.

Yes Fully, the latest Atari monitors come from the same factory,
But Note: dot pitch could be 0.42 mm, not to good for 80 column
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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