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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 018

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 14 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:
"Green selector" virus? (3 msgs)
Cheetah3 problems
Commodore monitor on an STE
CS-TEX (24pin fonts) || AFXpack (2 msgs)
Current TOS version?
Drive Questions
G++ (2 msgs)
Hermes UUCP package
Is there a FAQL someone could mail me? (2 msgs)
Mint problem with cursor- and functionkeys
MUST-HAVE programs from archive
New TEC card
SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? (2 msgs)
Taps for more Ataris
What to do?
Which monitors are better??

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Date: 14 Jan 92 09:52:56 GMT
From:!hpltoad!hpopd!hpcpbla! (Ian Crighton)
Subject: "Green selector" virus?

Many thanks to all those who responded to my Green Selector "virus"
query. I realise now that this thing is in fact a file selector
replacement for the ST that is supposed to be superior to the standard
one, so is in fact a properly installed piece of software. I only heard
about the original problem third-hand from a fairly computer non-literate
person; I've not seen it myself (in fact, I've never even touched an ST),
hence the poor quality info and confusion.
Ian Crighton HP Computer Peripherals Bristol


Date: 14 Jan 92 14:36:42 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncrwat!pinot! (Chris Herborth)
Subject: "Green selector" virus?

In article <> (Ian Crighton)
}I'm only working with some third-hand information here so I apologise for
}the lack of detail, but has anyone heard of an ST virus that greets you
}with some phrase like "the little green selector"? For all I know this may
}not be a virus at all - it could be part of an application that is running -

It's the best file selector replacement in existance, written by Charles
Johnson of CodeHead fame. It's definitely NOT a virus!

Chris Herborth herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM
Information Products Co-Op
NCR E&M Waterloo


Date: 14 Jan 92 13:12:30 GMT
Subject: "Green selector" virus?

In article <>, (Ian Crighton)
> the lack of detail, but has anyone heard of an ST virus that greets you
> with some phrase like "the little green selector"? For all I know this may
> not be a virus at all - it could be part of an application that is running -

The Little Green File Selector (shareware from Charles Johnson) is the probable
culprit in presenting this message. I would assume that you see this message
at boot time. Take a look in the AUTO folder for a program with a name like

LGFS is an alternative to the GEM File Selector, and current versions have
hooks in them which allow use with CodeHead products such as HotWire and

Many AUTO programs flash a message to the screen when they load at boot time,
so I doubt you've got a 'virus' at all.

If you suspect you have a 'virus' because of odd behavior on the part of your
computer system, may I suggest you get a copy of George Woodside's excellent
program VKILLER.PRG? You should be able to obtain a copy from your local user
group or the atari.archive server.


David Paschall-Zimbel

"The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come
with it." -- R. Buckminster Fuller


Date: 14 Jan 92 09:28:40 GMT
(Cornelius Krasel)
Subject: Cheetah3 problems

In <> (David Butler) writes:

>The oddest thing about Atari computers seems to be their differences from each
>other. I used Cheetah extensively for about two years (a quess), with tos 1.2,
>tos 1.4 accelerator boards, hard drive caches, and a HUGE variety of auto
>programs and desk accs.

Just to add some more experience on this, Cheetah doesn't work with TOS 2.05
under Gemini 1.21 when copying from disk to harddrive or back. Copying from
partition to partition works well, though...

/* Cornelius Krasel, Department of Physiological Chemistry, U Tuebingen */
/* email: (Internet) */
/* (WIN/X400) */


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1992 11:50 EST
Subject: Commodore monitor on an STE

All I did for a friend was run a two wire cable from her STE to her
Commodore monitor. One line was the ground, the other for the composite
video signal from the STE. Work fine so I picked up a DIN plug from Atari
and made a reasonably durable cable. That's all there was to it!

Re: the netter who posted info about Atari and non-standard connectors,
many manufacturers do the same; What about the connectors on a Mac - not
exactly industry standard. Hey, give Atari a break sometimes. It gets
REALLY tiring reading every conceivable gripe. Hey, I was pissed off when
Atari did not release the LYNX in the colours of the real live beasty LYNX
(yeah, really???).


Date: 14 Jan 92 08:48:06 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!icdoc!sot-ecs! (Halls DA)
Subject: CS-TEX (24pin fonts) || AFXpack

Okay, I've just downloaded and installed 24pin1.lzh and 24pin2.lzh
from a.a. I managed to get the install program to work even though the
docs are in german (I don't know any).

The fonts are now in the prtfonts directory in my tex folder. And the
driver (nb24new) is there as well. But when I try to use nb24new to
print a dvi file I get an error message. Armed with a
german-to-english dictionary I _roughly_ translated. It said the
driver had failed and asked me to Noder or Abbruch - (something or
abort I think).

Noder does nothing. Abbruch then brings a message which I can only
translate as saying it can't find a font list. Since the installation
program produced no font list, what can I do?

Has anyone else had this problem??


On a completely different tack, I downloaded lzh201i yesterday. I is
all in german, again. What I really want to know is: is AFXPACK in the
public domain? If it is (there is a file called AFX_D in the archive),
then in there an english version of lzh201i floating around?


I would be very grateful if someeone would answer one/both of these.

David Halls

Second Year Computer Science Undergraduate
Southampton University


Date: 14 Jan 92 19:14:22 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!tamsun!tamuts! (Mark Lehmann)
Subject: CS-TEX (24pin fonts) || AFXpack

In article <> (Halls DA) writes:
>Okay, I've just downloaded and inttalled 24pin1.lzh and 24pin2.lzh
>from a.a. I managed to get the install program to work even though the
>docs are in german (I don't know any).

>The fonts are now in the prtfonts directory in my tex folder. And the
>driver (nb24new) is there as well. But when I try to use nb24new to
>print a dvi file I get an error message. Armed with a
>german-to-english dictionary I _roughly_ translated. It said the
>driver had failed and asked me to Noder or Abbruch - (something or
>abort I think).

I had this problem also. I finally had to use lzh to un-archive the
utilities. Next I had to rename the directories. I renamed ...1.000
to FONT0360, and ...1.200 to FON0432 (360 x 1.2) and so on. Then I
placed these directories in the P6_HDFNT directory. TeX could use them

I don't suggest that you battle the German installation program, and just
give in to this more complicated but less frustrating way to un-archive
the fonts.

Mark Lehmann


Date: 14 Jan 92 13:25:07 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!nstar!syscon!miked@a (Mike DeMetz)
Subject: Current TOS version?

cjd@zatch.Corp.Sun.COM (Chris Drake) writes:

>I am planning on resurrecting a rather old 520ST (yep, only 512K), but since I
>have very old ROM's in there I was curious as to the current level of TOS - the
>latest which will run on a 520, if that makes a difference; plus what's changed
>dramatically in the last few years...

>I assume these are available from Atari? For a price; any ideas on what they
>charge for these things?

The latest version for 520/1040 is 1.4. Most Atari dealers ;) should have it
for about $70. BEST Electronics is one source. You probably have 1.0.


Date: 14 Jan 92 21:31:12 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!usenet.coe.mont!ogicse!clark! (Victor Bruhn)
Subject: Drive Questions

OK, could I please get a couple of questions answered?

I have an old 520st, no upgrades- 512K, TOS 1.0, SS drive. I recently
downloaded info on hooking a generic 720K floppy up, but is it possible
to hook up a 1.44? If not, why?

Also, my brother has a 40 meg IDE hard drive he is willing to part with.
Can this be plugged in like any other SCSI hard drive? I know very little
about hard disk units, just that you need a host adapter and controller
(which my brother tells me is built in to an IDE) as well as the power
supply and clock. I have been given the impression that IDE's are
a little different in the storage scheme... Can this be used on my machine?
He uses these on his 286.

Anyone out there willing to help? If I am in error on my assumptions
please correct me. Thanks,

Victor Bruhn


Date: 14 Jan 92 11:54:14 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!stl!dsbc!ozz! (Jason Morris)
Subject: G++

Could somebody tell me what version of G++ is available at a.a.u.e? What
version is this wrt CFRONT. Or better still, can you tell me what features it
has/hasn't got, eg multiple inheritance, templates etc.

Thanks in advance,

| Jason Morris +44 344 424842 ext 2662 |
| ICL Computers Ltd, BRA01, Lovelace Rd, Bracknell, Berks, England. |
| I do not speak for ICL. I speak for everyone... |


Date: 14 Jan 92 16:00:27 GMT
From:!! (Roy Bixler)
Subject: G++
To: (Jason Morris) writes:

> Could somebody tell me what version of G++ is available at a.a.u.e? What
>version is this wrt CFRONT.

I think it complies with version 1.2. There is also a version 2.0 G++ coming
out, but I'm not clear whether that will follow cfront 2 or cfront 3.



Date: 15 Jan 92 06:16:05 GMT
(Jon Clarke)
Subject: Hermes UUCP package
To: (Michael Kistenmacher) writes:

> Some weeks ago the author told me, that he doesn't want HERMES to go out to
> the public until it's out of beta-status. The actual version is 0.991 and
> it won't be long 'til it's at 1.0.
> Bye....Michael
> --
> /------------------------------------\
> | Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
> | 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
> | West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |
> \------------------------------------/

Thanks for the news Michael.. I will await the day he releases it.

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 10 Jan 92 06:42:38 GMT
Subject: Is there a FAQL someone could mail me?

Is there a frequently asked questions list with things like where
the FTP sites are such that someone could mail me?
I'd rather not wait till it's posted again.

thanx in advance,
Eric Hohnbaum


Date: 14 Jan 92 13:17:50 GMT
Subject: Is there a FAQL someone could mail me?

In article <>, ehohnbau@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU
> Is there a frequently asked questions list with things like where
> the FTP sites are such that someone could mail me?
> I'd rather not wait till it's posted again.


Can you wait until the day after tomorrow? That's the intended posting
date for the 'new', 'improved' (well, maybe), version of the 'welcome to' FAQ sheet.


David Paschall-Zimbel

"The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come
with it." -- R. Buckminster Fuller


Date: 14 Jan 92 12:55:33 GMT
!!THD-News! (Alexander Lehmann)
Subject: Mint problem with cursor- and functionkeys
To: (Peter Mutsaers) writes:
> Hello,
> it seems that a simple read() from within mint cannot read function
> keys, cursor keys, or ALT-key combinarions. They all return 0.
> Can theys keys not be recognized at all in a neat way by Mint or is
> there something else I can do?

I think the problem arises whenver you read keyboard input by file (=handle).
To get the keys that do not return any ascii value you have to get hold
of the scancode (as returned by Conin() Gemdos 1), which marks the key that
was pressed without any interpretation. Additionally you have to find out
whether any shift/ctrl/alt key is pressed at the same time. This can be done
by a Gemdos (or Bios) call too, or if some bit in 0x484.b is set, the status
is returned with Conin aswell (I think it was bit 3).

I don't use MiNT, but I think there should be some special functions to use
these extended keys with the multitasking environment.

Alexander Lehmann


Date: 15 Jan 92 00:01:04 GMT
noao!asuvax!!utgpu!!!s (Vijaya Singh (Vij))
Subject: MUST-HAVE programs from archive

Before I start ftping stuff from the archives, what are the "must-have"
programs (for MEGA STe)?

- Gemini v1.2.1
- MiNT v0.92
- ???

Which programs are compatible with what? I don't know what to
start with. Any good suggestions? I've grown very attached
to a unix-tcsh-jove-latex environment at work.

ie: What are the basics "everyone" should have???




Date: 14 Jan 92 14:11:37 GMT
From: noao!ncar!asuvax!ukma!aunro!ersys! (Greg Granger)
Subject: New TEC card
To: (Michael John Dinsmore) writes:

> Hello.
> Would someone review the new TEC card that was recently
> described. Does it work as well as it sounds? Was it
> easy to install?
> Thanks a lot.
> Mike Dinsmore

As far as I know, CodeHead Software just released the TEC card (aka TOS
2.06) just this past weekend, so no reviews will be available for at
least another week. I am eagerly awaiting my TOS 2.06 in the mail as we

Greg Granger

[ InterNet: ] "Gimme the strongest
[ FoReMNet: Greg Granger @ 532 or Dark Knight @ 595 ] thing you've got."
[ Mail Adr: 5906-188 St. Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 ]
[ Phone : +1 403 481-0803 or +1 403 481-5110 ] - Lt. Frank Drebin


Date: 15 Jan 92 06:13:18 GMT
(Jon Clarke)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?
To: (Pete Ikusz) writes:

> >
> > --> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it
> > from me this message is written on such a machine!
> >
> Do you then use the standard (cheezy) keyboard by extending the standard
> wiring harness, or is there a compatible replacement?

you can do it two ways.. Get an interface to do it from CT (is what I did)
from Germany or get say a mega keyboard from beST electronic's and use that.

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 15 Jan 92 06:18:32 GMT
(Jon Clarke)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?
To: (Roger Sheppard) writes:

> In article <> (Jon Clarke) write
> > (John Dillenburg) writes:
> >
> > > Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST
> > > is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs
> >
> > --> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it
> > from me this message is written on such a machine!
> >
> > _
> Are you saying you are a Clone Jon..:-)...??
> or just a Clone of a Atari..!!
> --

Ouch... I walked into that one head firST. Try a ST clone in a IBM pC clone

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 14 Jan 92 23:46:21 GMT
From:!!!mg20+@cs.roch (Michael Paul Greelish)
Subject: Taps for more Ataris

I do hate to sound a sour note on this very vibrantly alive bboard, but
over Christmas break I observed further evidence of the decaying state
of Atari support by retailers.

J&R Computer World, one of the largest computer retail stores in the
USA, located in downtown New York City, has all but given up the ghost
on Atari systems. After continuing to sell Atari products for several
years after they became unfashionable, they have apparently decided to
let their Atari support quietly die. When I went there on January 4, all
they had left on display was one solitary 1040STe and four pieces of
Atari software wedged into the edge of the Amiga section. They used to
have three whole shelves of Atari software, which had dwindled to one
shelf by the summer of '91, and now has disappeared. They have also
stopped advertising Atari software in their catalogues, although they
continue to advertise 1040STe's and hard disks. They're probably just
trying to get rid of their stock; the four pieces of software they have
left look like they've been sitting there since 1987 or so...

BTW, J&R has added a *huge* new Macintosh section. They used to sell
just PCs, Amigas, and Ataris...


Mike Greelish
Carnegie Mellon University, Professional Writing major
"I could be wrong, but I could be right..."
---Public Image Ltd., "Rise"


Date: 14 Jan 92 13:18:37 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!nstar!syscon!carl@ar (Carl Kreider)
Subject: What to do?

I just gave my wife my old 520 so I need something new. What about the
TT? Is it fast (or slow like the Amiga 030)? Where is the best place
to get one? Where do you find hardware details (like the Abacus books
for the 520)? Should I take a current model or wait for the 1.44MB
floppy version? How much better than a multi-synch is the Atari color
monitor? Or should I get a Mega STE and a Small 030 board?

It looks a little bleak at the moment since I only have $2500, but I
have to get *something* again.

Carl Kreider

CIS 71076,76
Usenet ....!!carl


Date: 14 Jan 92 23:59:40 GMT
edu! (Vijaya Singh (Vij))
Subject: Which monitors are better??

Hmmm... Atari seems to be bringing out a number of monitors.
I'm currently using one of the old-style colour monitors with
a 1040ST. Anyone have comments on the newer 14" colour and
mono screens. Worth the extra price?

BTW: What is Uniterm? Colour and mono resolutions in one monitor?



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