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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 585

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 9 Nov 91 Volume 91 : Issue 585

Today's Topics:
8mhz ST = 16mhz 386
Atari Mega 4 + 50 MB HD + Laser for sale
Flight Simulator II v 1.01 WORKS on STe!!!!
GDOS,Gemini, and other fonts
Help needed - Inline assembly in MWC
Misc Questions
Source-level debuggers for C?
Upgrading the ST: How far should I go, and is it worth it to me (2 msgs)
Upgrading the ST: How far should I go, and is it worth it to me?
Wanted * Power Supply *
Weekly Posting of New Stuff
What Is Adspeed STe?

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Date: 9 Nov 91 15:43:43 GMT
noao!asuvax!!usc!!ucivax!!jvanc (Joachim Vance)
Subject: 8mhz ST = 16mhz 386

In article <>
(Gregory Carter) writes:
>After looking at this thread long enough, I don't think anyone has put it
>more forcefully than Chris has.
>The PC's 386/486 machines are actually vastly under rated machines simply
>because they are stuck running DOS applications.
So, what applications are they supposed to run to take advantage of
their speed? Windows? From what I hear, Windows just slows things
down more. Unix maybe? But I'm confused. It's supposed to be all
those great DOS and Windows applications that make 386/486 compatibles
so great, but these are the same applications that make the machines
under rated. What good is the power of a machine if the applications
that make it useful and advantageous to own can't take advantage of
the machine's power.

I don't get it. Sounds like an '030 accelerator for the ST will blow
most any 386 out of the silicon and possibly match or beat any 486
running similar applications. So where's the power?

Joachim Vance
I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words.


Date: 9 Nov 91 15:13:31 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!utgpu!news-server.ecf!epas!
(David Megginson)
Subject: Atari Mega 4 + 50 MB HD + Laser for sale

We might be willing to sell one of our Mega 4's, depending on what
kind of offer we receive. Here is the complete system:

Atari Mega 4: M68000 Chip, 4MB RAM, 720K DSDD Floppy built-in,
detached keyboard
Atari SM124 Monochrome monitor
Bytesize systems 50 MB hard drive
Atari SLM804 laser printer (300 dpi, 8 pages/sec) + controller
Cables, etc.
Misc software

This is an ideal system for Minix 68K (if you have a legal copy of
Minix, I will supply you with an updated kernel, etc) or for DTP
with Calamus under TOS. If you're interested, drop me a line.
For a decent offer with a certified check, we will deliver within
3 hours (or so) of Toronto.



Date: 8 Nov 91 14:47:25 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!mips!!!!!vela! ( EVENSONG)
Subject: Flight Simulator II v 1.01 WORKS on STe!!!!

I finally got my disk back from subLOGIC after three seperate exchanges
and lots of arguementative phone calls. If you have an STe and an older
version of Flight Simulator II that will only run demo mode on your new
machine, just be sure to include very specific instructions for the
gomers that are working down there.

Here is how things went for me:

Call #1 -
Me> Asked if new version is available
subLOGIC> Asked which version I had
Me> Nothing on disk, etc. to even let me know
subLOGIC> Read version information on first pull down menu
Me> (*angrily*) I can't even pull down menus - demo only!
Told them it was circa 1986
subLOGIC> Send disk, we will upgrade

Shipped disk with note: "Please bring up to date"
Recieved disk with note: "We can not seem to find anything wronge with your
disk so we are returning....."

Turned to Local BBS - tried to find a friend with a new version.
everyone had the same version as me

Call #2 -
Me> I am sending disk - please upgrade
subLOGIC> You must say that in a note with the disk, we get so many
Me> (*angrily*) I DID!!!!

Shipped disk with note: "Please upgrade my disk to the most current version"
Disk Returned (some files damaged I might add)
Note reading: "There are no versions newer than this..."

Call #3 -
Me> You mean to tell me you don't have anything to run on STe?
subLOGIC> We do not intend to come out with anything new for the ST's
at this time.

Turned to Internet - Get version 1.01 of FS II - it works

Call #4 -
Me> You can upgrade a ST program to a new STe version
subLOGIC> Really??
Me> Yes! Please give me version 1.01 when I send my
disk again - for the THIRD TIME!!!

Sent disk with a very detailed letter, copy of the last two exchanges and
my receipt. I asked very specifically for a copy of Flight Simulator II
version 1.01 for that Atari ST preferably on a bran new disk.

Finally got a new disk, with version 1.01, that works on my STe. Would like
to go on an on, bit I want to go flying. Good luck to the rest of you
in your dealings with the Buttheads down there.


---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- |
Bitnet: swood@Oakland |
UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood


Date: 9 Nov 91 01:37:42 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!!sunnies!! (Udo
Subject: GDOS,Gemini, and other fonts

In <>, Bob Malay writes:

>Is there something special that needs to be done or do I just copy all the
>fonts from one GEMSYS to the other and merge the ASSIGN.SYS files with an
>editor (removing the extra PATH line)???
Hmm, it's not that easy. Every ASSIGN.SYS file consists of blocks defining
the font available for a certain resolution/output device. If you just merge
the two files, it would look like this:

01p screen.sys
; long list of fonts from application #1
; long list of other resolutions/output devices and their fonts deleted
01p screen.sys
; long list of fonts from application #2

I don't know if GDOS is able to handle something like this, I didn't try.
But as a matural fact, you'll soon won't know what's going on in your
ASSIGN.SYS, you'll have fonts stated more than once, et cetera. You should
merge the font lists for each resolution/output device seperately and
eliminate double fonts at that time.

>What is the most recent version of GDOS (besides the one thats supposedly
>coming out soon) and how can I get it - I have Version 1.1
Oh my God! GDOS 1.1... throw it away and get AMCGDOS 3.21 or AMCLIGHT 4.00
(the latter one is only for registered Gemini users). Or try to get a copy
of the FSM-GDOS from Atari, it looks very fantastic...
Udo Erdelhoff Fido: Udo Erdelhoff on 2:245/52.1


Date: 7 Nov 91 20:21:33 GMT
From: ogicse!ucsd!nosc!schulz! (Layne Jensen)
Subject: Help needed - Inline assembly in MWC

I recently acquired a copy of Mark Williams C version 3.06. I have scoured
the manual to find out how to include in-line assembly code in the C source
program, but cannot find any references to it.

Am I somehow missing the part of the manual that discusses it, or does the
compiler not support in-line assembler? If you know how to do it or know
that it isn't possible, I would appreciate hearing either way. Apologies
if I have somehow missed the obvious.

Layne Jensen jensen@nosc.MIL
Naval Ocean Systems Center ...!sdcsvax!noscvax!jensen
San Diego, CA

Layne Jensen jensen@nosc.MIL
Naval Ocean Systems Center ...!sdcsvax!noscvax!jensen
San Diego, CA


Date: 9 Nov 91 15:11:12 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!covpoly!! (The DOC!)

Can any clever atari buff out there help please...
As part of a final year project I am building some hardware to
connect to the ST via the DMA (hard disk) port.

The question is this: how do I control external hardware through
the DMA porrt...?

I know that this involves using the INT, DRQ and DACK pins to poll
external devices, but the software necessary to do this escapes me...

I can toggle the read/write line and am aware of all the hardware registers
with the DMA port, and am currently using "The concise atari ST
programmers guide"
by K. Peel and find it lacking in detail.

Atari themselves don't want to know. I really need to talk to an ST
buff on this one... :-)

If anyone can help, please EMAIL ONLY to esf041@cov.cck

thanks in advance
The DOC! aka David J. Singer aka
Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana.


Date: 8 Nov 91 19:34:49 GMT
From: (Mike Healy)
Subject: Misc Questions

I have a couple of questions.

1) How can I determine how much memory I have left when I am running a
program? I would prefer to examine some globals, not malloc
until malloc fails and then free it back again.

2) What are .cnf files (eg. dandy from terminator and others) and how
do you play them?


Mike Healy


Date: 9 Nov 91 14:09:42 GMT
From: ucivax!! (Joachim Vance)
Subject: PFXpack (was Re: DC DATA DIET -- FIRST IMP)

In article <689344665.0@fquest.FidoNet> Mark.Spacek@fquest.FidoNet.Org (Mark
Spacek) writes:
>> PFX Pack does work with all types of files, except .ACC files. You said
>> that it wouldn't do AUTO programs, but it does.
>It didn't work on AUTO programs when I tried it with version 1.1, at least
>thats how I remember it. Perhaps I jumped to a wrong conclusion myself.
>There would be very little, if any, savings from repacking such small
>programs with PFX.

PFX Pack (Current English shareware version 1.8e) works with all
executables that I have tried it with including: .APP, .PRG, .TOS,
.ACC, .TTP and AUTO folder programs. I saved about 50K or more in
auto folder programs though it does help if programs are more than
about 10K or so, though I have saved as much as 3K on files as small
as 7K. Little things can add up. Though it is the large programs
where you can really save.

Joachim Vance
I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words.


Date: 9 Nov 91 01:44:32 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!!sunnies!! (Udo
Subject: Source-level debuggers for C?

In <>, Stephen Jacobs writes:

> My Question:
>What C compilers that are still supported have source-level debuggers
>available? Do any of them also work at executable level? Anyone have
>strong feelings about their quality?

I'm currently using the Pure Debugger (including within Pure C, former known
as Turbo C). And this debugger is great! It works perfectly on source and
assembler level. Both breakpoint and pointer handling have features I really
miss when debugging on my Sparc at work. I can't live without breakpoints
on changes of variable values, examining large pointer structures (binary
trees etc.) just by double-clicking onto the pointers.

The only problem with Pure C is the language: Due to restriction by Borland,
Pure C is only available in German. If you can read German, give it a try.
If you can't read German, what about learning it? ;-)
Udo Erdelhoff Fido: Udo Erdelhoff on 2:245/52.1


Date: 9 Nov 91 11:06:30 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: Upgrading the ST: How far should I go, and is it worth it to me
To: (My name is Brian Rost) writes:
> In article <>,
> >1. 1040STe w/4 MB RAM & AdSpeed STe
> > $1276.51 (Including INSTALLATION!)
> >
> >2. Mega STe w/ 4 MB RAM
> > $1480.00 (Including INSTALLATION!)
> >
> >If anyone could tell me the differences between the options #1 and #2 in
> >terms of performance and worth, I would appreciate it.
> The Mega STE has a 50 Mb hard drive built-in, you didn't mention if your 1040
> price includes a hard drive of some sort. $200 for 50 Mb is a good deal the
> way I see it. BTW, installation of RAMs on a Mega STE consists of flipping
> open the hard drive cover and plugging them in, not exactly a tough job. My
> local dealer only buys 2 Mb Megas, then adds SIMMs for buyers who want 4 Mb.
> >Does the STe and the Mega STe allow the use of
> >the SM124 monitor?
> Yes, they use the same monitors that the STs do.
> Brian Rost

The prices I mentioned are both WITHOUT hard drives. The Mega STe has a
slot for an easy expansion, but it does not come with the HD itself. You
r system might have been sold to you in that configuration, but these
aren't sold like that. What I said is what I would be getting. Nothing
more, nothing less...

<< ------------------------------------------ >>
<< >>
<< ersys! >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, >>
<< for they are not happy campers!"
<< ------------------------------------------ >>


Date: 9 Nov 91 11:14:59 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: Upgrading the ST: How far should I go, and is it worth it to me

Rod.Fulk@f24.n228.z1.FidoNet.Org (Rod Fulk) writes:

> Get the mega STe...
> * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)

Could you be a little more specific, oh, like maybe why you think I
should get the Mega STe? I can't do it just because someone told me to
without giving reasons...:)

<< ------------------------------------------ >>
<< >>
<< ersys! >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, >>
<< for they are not happy campers!"
<< ------------------------------------------ >>


Date: 8 Nov 91 12:08:34 GMT
From: esseye!jdbbs!wybbs!therip! (Rod Fulk)
Subject: Upgrading the ST: How far should I go, and is it worth it to me?

Get the mega STe...

* Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)


Date: 9 Nov 91 21:46:21 GMT
From:!!!kcbbs! (Jon
Subject: Wanted * Power Supply *

Urgently required ... a 250volt 50hz Atari Power Supply

We urgently require a PSU for the Atari SH series of Hard disks. It
is the same that is in most machines (bar the mounting plate which we
do not need) ie the 520stfm,1040stfm,1040ste,tt etc ....

If some kind soul can emeil me an address of where I can order one or
if you have a spare please EMail me at .
If you do have a spare one please email me the prioce and I will send
a Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to your bank account for Urgent Delivery.

Thanks in advance..

- Jon Clarke GEnie : J.CLARKE6
Z*NET Pacific BBS The Nets :
Auckland Snail Mail: Jon Clarke c/- RD#2 Drury Auckland
New Zealand. Ph. 001-6425-962638


Date: 9 Nov 91 12:02:30 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!umich!terminator!use (Atari Archive Robot)
Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff

drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Nov 3 23:19 .
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-rw-rw-r-- weiner 6976 Oct 31 13:22 ./applications/dtp/fonts/calamus/maths.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 9102 Nov 3 10:39
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 88823 Nov 3 10:44
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drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Nov 5 12:53 .
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lrwxrwxrwx weiner 26 Nov 8 11:17 ./gnustuff/tos/Futils/futilsrc.zoo ->
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-rw-rw-r-- weiner 1794 Nov 8 11:20 ./mint/Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 258547 Nov 8 11:16 ./mint/futilbin.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 263525 Nov 8 11:16 ./mint/futilsrc.zoo
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 44265 Nov 8 11:46 ./CompInd.Z


Date: 9 Nov 91 16:30:42 GMT
From:!! (Steven Selick)
Subject: What Is Adspeed STe?

I saw a recent posting that talked about 'Adspeed STE'. What is it, what
are the specs, what's needed for installation, and how much does it


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