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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 487

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 17 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 487

Today's Topics:
AT-ONCE 386sx
Can I convert a supra 20m hd to something bigger?
C compiler for sale
Graph program for A-Calc Prime?
Looking for term program...
mono monitor scrolling
Multi personal computer platform disk standards
Non Atari Hard Drives
Rap/Dance - Atari
ST memory allocation
WAACE Atarifest 91
Wall Street Journal article
Want to buy??
Zoo (Was: TeX -- uhhg!)

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Date: 16 Sep 91 12:35:00 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!caen!!math!unido!uniol!tpki!seki! (Carsten Setje-Eilers)
Subject: AT-ONCE 386sx
To: (John Janssen) writes:

>And I noticed nothing about scrolling the screen up and down during
>the demo I got!

Then you have not seen VGA-mono or hercules or you just did not press the
HELP- or UNDO-key. It does not scroll without pressing these keys!

>John Janssen Email:
>The Netherlands
Carsten Setje-Eilers 2300 Kiel Aschauweg 18a Germany zer:carsten@kbbs


Date: 16 Sep 91 18:36:20 GMT
From: (Mike Healy)
Subject: Can I convert a supra 20m hd to something bigger?

I have an Atari SH204 20Mb hard disk that is filled. I also want to
add something bigger, but don't want to just throw away the SH204
since it works fine. Is there some way I can daisychain an 80 Mb
hard disk onto it? Or is there another (better) solution ? Any and
all suggestions are welcome - if I get a lot of email responses I'd
be glad to summarize and post.


Mike Healy


Date: 16 Sep 91 18:55:16 GMT
From: (Mike Healy)
Subject: C compiler for sale

But Laser C *does* have a source level debugger :-)

Mike Healy


Date: 15 Sep 91 12:39:00 GMT
.edu!!!artcom0!!!Hayo_Schmidt@arizon (Hayo Schmidt)
Subject: Gemini/Fonts

RJ> Okay, you are saying that Gemini can only use Monospaced fonts.
RJ>Now how can I tell the difference...

Look into the file with a disk monitor. If the third bit of Byte 67 (or Byte
66, if Intel format) is set to 1, the font is monospaced.
Or try to get a font editor, it will show the information you need.
Or at least, if Gemini accepts it, it is monospaced ;-).

| Hayo Schmidt Grotiusweg 1 D-2000 Hamburg 55 (Germany) |
| E-Mail (MausNet): |


Date: 16 Sep 91 21:07:00 GMT
From:!! (Bob Bright)
Subject: Graph program for A-Calc Prime?

I've been using A-Calc Prime for as long as I can remember. It's a
pretty basic spreadsheet, but it suits my needs very well and I'm
quite familiar with it, so I'm loathe to give it up. I seem to recall
that a separate graphing utility was released for the program
("A-Graph" or something like that?). Does anyone know where I might
find a copy? Alas, I fear that it's not commercially available, since
Antic stopped distributing A-Calc ages ago. Does anyone have an old
copy they'd like to sell?

Bob Bright <>
Dept. of Philosophy
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9105


Date: 17 Sep 91 10:56:17 GMT
z!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Looking for term program...

In article <> writes:
> In article <>, writes:
> >
> > Unfortunately it doesn't work with the most recient version of Flash
> >(it's an -old- accessory) and the improvements in Flash since it was
> >compatable with the accessory are important enough that I doubt you'd
> >want to go back to that version.
> >
> >---
> >John L. Stanley <>
> >Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems
> Whoa there!! Is there a newer version of Flash that 1.6!!?! I heard a
> rumor about a 2.0 release, but have not seen any ads for it. I like
> Flash a lot, and would be very interested in a new release (I hope they
> fixed the "no underline with TurboST" bug). I have Flash 1.6, the latest
> version that I know of, and it works fine with the Kermit acc.
> --
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
> Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
> FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
> Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."

> email: |
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------

From what I have read there is No Real Flash 2.0.
There is a Ozzy Version that has useses the Name Flash 2.0,
but has nothing to with Flash at all..
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 17 Sep 91 09:27:05 GMT
From:!! (Marc Bouron)
Subject: mono monitor scrolling

In article <>, (Ryan 'Gozar' Collins) writes:
> In article <>, (GARY PEASE) writes:
> > [ ..stuff about HD problems.. ]
> > Thanks
> > Gary
> Sounds like the same problem I had with my friends hard drive, which
> also has the ICD adapter. I had to solder a capacitor onto the ICD board
> which fixed the problem right away. (I called ICD and the guy I talked
> to told me everything I had to do, it was pretty painless)
> Ryan 'Gozar' Collins

You may remember I had the same problem a couple of months back. The guy at
First Coast who I spoke to (they sold me my HD) said that ICD were now making
the host adaptor boards with this wonder-capacitor already build in. The
replacement I received was, indeed, untouched by Third Coast hands, and had the


# # # . . #
# Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ #
# Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) #
# +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | #
# # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # #


Date: 16 Sep 91 20:21:36 GMT
noao!ncar!!caen!uflorida!travis!hardy.hdw.csd.harris.c (Leo Hinds)
Subject: Multi personal computer platform disk standards

I am cross-posting this in an attempt to pick up info on the most systems

I would like to get info on different standards used for 5.25" & 3.5"
floppies across personal computer platforms. Things that I (think I)
know are along the lines of:

Fixed speed drives, variable # of tracks & sectors per track
depending on capacity.
400/800 are variable speed, 1.44 is fixed speed (?)

One question I am not sure of is what is the difference between a Mac 1.44, a
PC 1.44 & a sun 1.44?

If anyone has any info, please pass it on, be that actual data, or published
info I can get. Leo Hinds (305)973-5229
Gfx ... gfx ... :-) whfg orpnhfr V "ebg"grq zl fvtangher svyr lbh guvax V nz n
creireg ?!!!!!!? ... znlor arkg gvzr


Date: 17 Sep 91 04:08:12 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!!psuvax1!psuvm! (J.J.
Subject: Non Atari Hard Drives

I was wondering if someone could give me info on possibly connecting
non-atari hard drives to the ST. Possible? What cables are necessary?
How much would it be? Reason, I would rather get a used HD for a good price
if I could, and though they are for IBM, they still could be worth the
trouble, right? Any info would be appreciated.
* * John J. Lehett * JJL101@PSUVM *
* J.J. * Penn State * *
* * Center for Academic Computing * JJL101@PSUVM.PSU.EDU *
* Games, Puzzles, Cryptos, Diplomacy, Synths, Midi, Atari ST's! *


Date: 16 Sep 91 23:29:26 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!usc!rpi! (Michael John
Subject: Rap/Dance - Atari

I am a member of our college radio station, WRPI at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute and I noticed a Rap/Dance cd there that might be of interest to
the Atari community. A group called "KLF" which is played on the radio
often if you are listing to that type of music - usually a song called
"3 am eternal" has written in the cover that they use an Atari ST. Nice
Thought you might be interested.

/\/\ |\
/ \ike |/insmore __o
Get moving. Enjoy life ( )/ ( )


Date: 16 Sep 91 17:05:06 GMT
From: areyes!admiral! (Dave Litchman)
Subject: ST memory allocation
To: (Robert J Anisko) writes:

> Hmm, I don't have Neodesk, but in playing with GEMINI, Gemini
> actually has a directory somewhere where files for the CLipboard go
> (along with the trashcan (NOT the thrashcan))...
Well, Neodesk's clipboard really seems to be a variable size RAMdisk. You
can copy files to it, and then switch floppies, (or whatever you're
using) and copy it from the clipboard to the destination floppy. But the
clipboard never uses more RAM than the size of the files in it (with
maybe a little overhead for FAT etc) and doesn't eat any program space.
But, if you have files in the Neodesk clipboard, and then execute an
application, then those files will be lost...

admiral! (Dave Litchman) <uunet!areyes!admiral!slammy>
The Admiral's Public UNIX - Greenwich, CT - System Administrator: Doug Fields
(HST/V32) 203-661-1279 - (PEP/V32) -2873 - (V32) -0450 - (V29/MNP6) -2967


Date: 16 Sep 91 21:57:18 GMT
noao!asuvax!!usc!samsung!umich!terminator!! (Jeff Weiner)
Subject: WAACE Atarifest 91

Subj: WAACE '91 AtariFest

WAACE '91 Update - 14 September 1991

Even as the masses assemble in sunny southern California, the
WAACE team keeps plugging away on WAACE '91. The attached list
of vendors have committed to being at the show:

Codehead Software Phil Comeau Software
Current Notes, Inc. D. A. Brumleve
Debonair Software eSTeem Inc.
FAST Technology Gadgets By Small
Gribnif Software ICD
ISD Marketing, Inc. JMG Software Intl Inc
Joppa Computer Products L & Y Electronics
MacDonald Associates Megatype Software
Michtron, Inc. Micro Creations
Musicode Software RIO Computers
Step Ahead Software, Inc. Toad Computers
Unicorn Publications WizWorks!
WuzTECH/OMNIMON Peripherals Zubair Interfaces, Inc.

This list includes the cream of the crop in Atari developers.
There are plenty of innovative hardware and software products for
everyone to behold (and take home with them).
The Sheraton Reston Hotel reports a steady stream of people
registering. It looks like we are going to have a grand party.
Vendors will be receiving their final show data in a week or 10
Information on the banquet will be posted shortly, so keep your
eyes on this space for more news.

What Makes a show happen

In a couple of recent phone conversations people have started off by
asking: "is the WAACE show really going to take place?". I am afraid that
these people do not understand what makes a show tick.

The first crucial item is solid vendor support, particularly in the form
of exciting products. Anyone who reads my previous post has to be aware that
WAACE '91 has that kind of support.

The second thing is the attitude of people towards the event itself.
WAACE is more than justr an opportunity to buy Atari goods at a cheap price.
It is a gathering point for people. We take care to offer interesting
entertainment and forums for relaxation during those hours when the show floor
is silent. I think it is fair to say that we have established a tone that
many people enjoy.

The third item is continuity. We have a nucleus of workers who have
experienced the little thrills that the Atari world can toss up to distract
people. We have been through it before and we know that none of thse little
items will bring the world to an end. In fact I suspect that it would take
some event like the prelude to the second coming to cancel the show this fall.

In short, tell everyone you know that WAACE '91 IS GOING TO HAPPEN. We
already have enough people coming to make a wonderful party. I am looking
forward to seeing all of you there.

WAACE '91 Banquet

To those who have been asking for particulars on the WAACE
banquet here's the scoop:


Pork Loin Vindaloo or Chicken Italia

(Marinated Loin of Pork (Baked with oregano and basil,
with a Spicy and aromatic finished with a slice of prosciutto
Vindaloo Sauce) and a combination of three fine
Italian cheeses)

Accompanied by fruit cup, garden salad with choice of two dressings,
green beans, rice, rolls and butter, beverage, and peach Melba.

A cash bar will be available during the dinner.

Hotel banquet fare always elicits a few disparaging remarks. These were
surprisingly few in number following last year's dinner, so that the Sheraton
Reston appears to do better than most in this regard.

Tickets are priced at $25 apiece. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope

WAACE Banquet
c/o Tom Stoddard
1039 S. Ironwood Rd
Sterling, VA, 22170.

While some tickets may be available at the show, it is best to reserve
ahead to be sure of a seat.

The evening's festivities will get underway with a poolside cocktail hour
(cash bar) at 7 pm. The banquet will take place at 8 pm.

Current Notes magazine will once again surprise everyone with its choice
for "Author of the Year". Bill Moes, Dave Small, Andzej Wrotniak, and the
Junkyard Pussycat are the past winners of this award.

Nathan Potechin of ISD marketing, one of the true statesmen in the Atari
developer community, will be our featured speaker. He will recount his
experiences in the quest to bring outstanding applications onto the desktops
of Atari users.

Be sure to look for the post-banquet celebration.

For Immediate Release
WAACE AtariFest '91

Short Form:

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will sponsor WAACE
AtariFest 1991 on October 12 and 13 1991. The show will held at the
Sheraton Reston Hotel in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 5
pm on both days. The show will feature shopping bargains,
demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, anmd social events. This event
will be the premier East Coast event for people who are interested in
software and hardware for Atari computers.

___________________________ Cut here _____________________________

Long Form:

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will sponsor WAACE
AtariFest 1991 on October 12 and 13 1991. This event will be the premier
East Coast event for people who are interested in software and hardware
for Atari computers. The show will again be staged at the Sheraton
Reston Hotel in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 5 pm on
both days. In addition to the shopping bargains available from over
thirty vendors there will be a full round of demonstrations, tutorials,
and seminars. A banquet on Saturday evening will feature a special
speaker on Atari matters and Current Notes Magazine's "Author of the
award. Special mixers will cap off the evening's festivities.
Approximately 2000 visitors from all over the USA, Canada, and other
foreign countries attended the 1990 edition of the show.

The Sheraton Reston Hotel is a spacious, attractive facility located
in a parklike setting near Washington, DC. The hotel is offering a
special room rate of $59 per night plus tax to Fest goers. This hotel
room rate includes passes to the show for room occupants. Call
703-620-9000 for reservations. Be sure to mention AtariFest '91. The
number of rooms available at the special rate is limited, so make your
reservations early.

The price that WAACE will have to pay for the exhibit space is
directly tied to the number of hotel rooms that are rented out. If you
have any expectation at all of attending the event we would like you to
reserve a room for Friday and Saturday nights.

The WAACE show has established itself as the premier Atari event for
East Coast Atari fans. ST Informer magazine, in its November 1991 issue,
awarded the WAACE team its highest marks for their conduct of the 1990
show. WAACE attempts to provide a complete Atari experience for

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV

Revision Date: 7 June 1991

Jeff Weiner --- weiner@{,, atari.archive}
Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor
Couldn't think of a witty saying to go here - give me some time


Date: 16 Sep 91 20:04:41 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Wall Street Journal article

In article <>
(Stephen Jacobs) writes:
>There was a big article in today's Wall Street Journal about palmtops. It
>seems that every player in the field was mentioned EXCEPT FOR Atari and Poqet,
>who somehow seem to be the most obvious players. This is about the third time
>WSJ has left Atari out of an article on palmtops (the first time they've
>forgotten Poqet, though). It would be a nice test of Atari's corporate
>fitness to zip WSJ enough canned information so that the next article on
>palmtops will include Atari stuff.

Are you really that surprised? As an exercise, go out on the street and
ask 50 people what Atari means to them. I guarantee you at least 48 of
them will say something like: "Oh yeah, they made those cute little
video games back in the late 70's and early 80's. They're still around?"

Atari's attempt at making a name for itself in the computer business has
been a textbook case of blown advertising.

Also, the fact that the Portfolio had horrendous reliability problems when
it first came out doesn't help at all. My boss owned one for a few months,
but he NEVER got one that worked properly and he had it "serviced/replaced"
twice. He ended up buying a Sharp Wizard.

Let's face it, a couple dozen Atari cheerleaders ranting on Usenet isn't
going to pick Atari up off its ass. If they want people to buy their
products, they'll have to market products in a timely manner (not a
year or two after everyone else) and they'll have to advertize so that
people will know that these products exist. If Atari could get back
the competetive edge it had 5 or 6 years ago they might start earning
some money...


Chris Mauritz |Homebrewing: The only hobby perfectly tailored for
| anal retentive alcoholics. :-)
--------------| (ripped off from someone on the net...)


Date: 16 Sep 91 21:36:00 CST
From: "SCCCXPTC" <>
Subject: Want to buy??
To: "info-atari16" <>

Sorry about posting to the net, but I have been unable to e-mail direct to
either party.

To Frank (noao!asuvax!ukma!tulane!samsung!!zeus!!njit.
edu!!fer9483 at

If you still have the 520/sc1224/sh204 set for sale, I am definitely interested

Call me at (402)294-6232 during the day (ask for Capt K) or after 6pm CST at
(402)592-5427. Of course, you can send e-mail instead to SCCCXPTC at SACEMNET.A
bol for the word "AT" in the address).

TO PHILIP ("apprentice of the obvious"):

Ditto on the "flaky" 520 -- I am definitely interested, but want to talk more
(see info on contacting me above)

Since you did not specify price, I want to make an of
er if still available.

-- Thanks to all!

Pete Killian


Date: 17 Sep 91 00:08:53 GMT
(Marshall Harris (G.M.))
Subject: Zoo (Was: TeX -- uhhg!)

In <> (John Stanley) writes:

>[In article <>,
> (Steve Yelvington) writes ... ]

>> Note that ZOO is case sensitive, so you can't run it from pre-TOS 1.4
>> Desktop. If you run it from a command shell, be sure the shell doesn't
>> muck around with the slashes (you may have to quote the arguments).

> Almost right Steve... The ST versions of Zoo that I've seen CAN be
>used on machines running TOS versions earlier than 1.4 using the novice
>commands.. The "x//" can easily be used on any TOS by substituting
>"-RESTORE" or -restore" (which are both equivalent to "x//"). While not
>as powerful or flexable as the regular commands, it's misleading to tell
>people "
you can't run it from pre-TOS 1.4 desktop"....

> ... JLS

>John L. Stanley <>
>Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems
I have used zoo with complete success, many times, running under TOS1.0.
It works particularly well from within argsh.prg, which i believe is
available from atari.archive.

_-_|\ (Marshall Harris)|ph:+61 7 365 2908
/ B <--+ Department of Computer Science :fx:+61 7 365 1999
\_.-._/ | University of Queensland, St.Lucia
v +--Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA (The Sub-Tropics)


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