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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 482

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 14 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 482

Today's Topics:
.TGA (Targa) Picture on a ST?
Anyone hear what went on at the Atarimeese?
Atari 1040ST, 2 monitors, printer and more for sale
Atari Computer for sale!
gcc and gxx (gnu)
Gemini 1.2
Hard Drive Problems
help running oxyd
Internal Drives
RAM disks for Mega4/ste??? Yes!
Super Charger 286? (2 msgs)
Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you!
Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you... NOT!
Zoo (Was: TeX -- uhhg!)

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Date: 12 Sep 91 19:51:01 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!cis.ohio-s!!ohstpy!miavx1! (Ryan
'Gozar' Collins)
Subject: .TGA (Targa) Picture on a ST?

Does anyone know of a program that can handle .TGA (Targa) files? One
that could convert to any of the number of ST modes would be good!!
(Especially .SPC or .SPU)


Ryan 'Gozar' Collins Question for MAC Users: rlcollins@miavx1.BITNET
|||| Power Without What IS the format of a rc1dsanu@miamiu.BITNET
/ || \ The Price!! MAC HFS floppy disk? R.COLLINS1 on GEnie


Date: 4 Sep 91 18:56:26 GMT
From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn! (Jan Willekens)
Subject: Anyone hear what went on at the Atarimeese?

In a message of <25 Aug 91 04:06:52>, aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
(2:320/100.1) writes:

a> Any great things come out of the Atarimeese in Germany?

Well, the Messe was a bit of a letdown this year. The only new thing Atari
presented this year was a new MS Dos clone, the ABC 80386DXII containing a 40
Mhz 386DX, 2 Mb RAM, etc. Atari's stand was huge in size but small in the
amount of computers that were on the stand itself. Further there were lots of
VGA boards to be seen and the new Vortex 386SX Emulator for the Mega STE. Read
the next issue of the new STabloid disk magazine for further details.

Greetings... - Jan -

--- STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW!


Date: 13 Sep 91 16:15:52 GMT
From: ECE.UCSD.EDU! (Dennis Lou)
Subject: Atari 1040ST, 2 monitors, printer and more for sale

Posting for a friend...


Atari 1040STf system
-1 Meg RAM
-Built in Floppy drive
-Built in MIDI, HD controller, serial, parallel ports, etc

Wico BOSS joystick
-button on type of stick style

Epyx joystick
-handheld short stick style

Atari SM 124 monochrome monitor
-for hi res mode

Amiga 1084D color monitor (with adapter)
-sometimes the speaker pops and goes out
-otherwise in good condition

Star NX1000 printer
-9pin dot matrix
-friction/tractor feed
-excellent condition

Power director
-fits under monitor and switches power

$700 or best offer for everything

Call Anson at 619 452 6018 (fast) or E-mail me here and I'll forward the
message (slower).

Dennis Lou || "But Yossarian, what if everyone thought that way?" || "Then I'd be crazy to think any other way!"
[backbone]!ucsd!dlou |+====================================================
dlou@ucsd.BITNET |Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went to my high school.


Date: 14 Sep 91 03:44:58 GMT
ctrix! (Alex Valdez)
Subject: ATARI 520ST

In article <>
> In article <>, (L. J. Dickey) writes:
> |>I detect a note of cynicism here...
> |>Are you forgetting that IDRIS from Whitesides has been available for years?
> |>
> What exactly is IDRIS, surely it isnt a *real* unix for the ST?
No, it isn't - in the sense that AT&T did not produce it. It's a
Unix-like OS from *Whitesmiths* (not Whitesides).
================================Alex Valdez=============================
"Alas sais na naman, oras ng pagdidili-dili...
Isaisip ang mabuti, ang masama'y iwaksi..."


Date: 13 Sep 91 19:12:58 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wupost!udel!have!!! (Chuck Rickard)
Subject: Atari Computer for sale!


Atari 1040 ST
1 meg main system memory
Internal 720K 3.5" disk drive
TOS 1.4 Operating System ROMs
Surreal Systems internal clock chip
Atari SC 1224 Color monitor
Original super-sharp JVC model
Home-brew" hard drive
SH 204 case and power supply/fan
ICD Advantage Host Adapter (w/clock)
OMTI SCSI-to-MFM converter
Seagate ST-251 40 meg drive (flakey)
DMA cable
Atari standard mouse
WordPerfect for the Atari ST
Abacus Chartpak
Misc. system disks for the above system
...and any other misc. Atari formatted disks that I have

All this great stuff for just $750 or best offer!

I'd rather sell the system as a whole, but if I get offers
for most of the pieces, then I'll go that way.

Anyway, if you have an offer, then make it! The worst thing
that can happen is that I'll say "
No way!"

I prefer email, but if you would rather call, you can reach
me at (301) 521-0015.



Chuck Rickard


Date: 13 Sep 91 13:29:20 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!robobar!stl!siesoft! (Arshad
Subject: gcc and gxx (gnu)

I would like to run gcc & g++ on my atari ST Mega4. I only have a single
double sided floppy but there is 4M of memory, part of which I can use as
ram disk. My questions are :

1) Is this configuration adequate for gcc and g++ ?
(I know I should have a harddisk but I cant afford it at the moment)

2) Which files beside tos/gcc/bin/gccbin00.zoo I need for gcc
from terminator ?
( libraries/includes/docs etc ).

3) Is gcc better than Sozobon C ?
( ANSI C ).

4) Is g++ a preprocessor or a compiler ?

5) If I get gxxbin.zoo,gxxlib.zoo & gxxinc.zoo, Will I still
need gccbin etc? Are there any docs for g++?

6) Will there be a gxxdb ( gdb for gcc ) for gxx?

Please reply by email ( and I will post a summary on
the net.
Thanks in advance.


Date: 13 Sep 91 19:17:59 GMT
(Mark Lehmann)
Subject: Gemini 1.2

When I was asking about Neodesk 3.x I came across a response to use Gemini.
The responder said to use Gemini 1.2, but I have not seen it in
I decided to use gulam or bash to provide a command line shell for awk and
zoo (PCOMMAND converts all paramters to uppercase). Gulam looks very nice,
and it has documentation. Bash looks even nicer, but the UNIX tools are not
built in and I can't seem to find documentation for it.

Can someone tell me:

- Where is Gemini 1.2 in the atari archive at

- Where is the documentation for bash (I don't mind buying the docs in book

MArk Lehmann!n160ao


Date: 13 Sep 91 19:29:45 GMT
noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!male!thepond!wright (Bruce Wright)
Subject: Hard Drive Problems

Can someone answer a question for me?

I have a 520st with 2 720KB floppies,
I put together a 20MB hard drive - I have a LA PINE Titan LT200 3.5"
with a ST506 controller and the Atari I/F card. The power supply I used can
easily handle the current required, so that is not a problem.
The thing is in a nice little package and it works fine...most of the time.

The problem comes up after I have had the system up and running for a while
and the programming I am running has not accessed the drive in a while. When
I do try to access the drive, I get an error that information on drive C could
be dammaged. If I open up one of the other partitions on the drive, or reset
the drive altogether, everything is fine.

I don't save data on the hard drive, so it is only aggravating at times.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening??

Bruce Wright
Sr. Manufacturing Engineer
Corporate Logistics Technical Services
MIL21-314 (408) 922-5054


Date: 12 Sep 91 11:37:14 GMT
agbard!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen)
Subject: help running oxyd
To: (Warwick Allison) writes:
>Well, that sounds fair enough. Would someone with a working copy upload it
>to atari.archive, or someone who retrieved a working copy form a.a please
>step forward.

I downloaded OXYD from a.a, and it works fine (on danish TOS1.4). A freind of
mine with a english TOS1.2, can't run it though. It also works fine on a german
I don't know what the problem is though. But I can run it from harddisc,
with accs and auto programs active.



Date: 13 Sep 91 16:15:05 GMT
From: NAVO.NAVY.MIL! (Daniel Fox)
Subject: Internal Drives

[Sorry if this gets posted twice, but we don't have a direct way to
post to usenet. I sent this about a week ago and it didn't show
up, so try again...]

I would like to add an internal hard drive to my Mega 2, but do not
want to interfere with the SLM804. I was in Toad computers a few months
ago and asked them about their tadpole internal drives, and the person
there said you couldn't use the laser printer with them. First - is
that right? I can believe it, since you're reversing the 'normal'
order of the laser printer controller and the hard drive in the DMA
chain. Does anyone have an internal hard drive which works fine with
the laser printer on a mega 2?

Second - does the mega have enough power and/or cooling fan to handle
both an internal hard drive *and* a memory upgrade board, like the JRI?

Last - has anyone had problems with the trick of just leaving the
laser printer back door open to cut down the noise and heat? I've
been doing it that way for close to 2 years now without problems, but
then I saw the ads for that 'phantom of the laser' product...



Date: 13 Sep 91 18:42:06 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!!
Subject: RAM disks for Mega4/ste??? Yes!

(Joe Gaudreau {Dances with PostScript}) writes:

>The Mark Williams rde_sty for the Ste works quite nicely on the
>Mega4/Ste. It has many nice variations but the one I like the best is
>being able to save the ram disk image as a .tos file, which can be
>loaded once with whatever you populated it with:
>I have drive o: setup for Turbo-C development with 1.5 meg and it just
>barely fits all the compiler tools, libraries, includes, emacs, and
>gnu-make. It get's used with the 'Master' shell and it's purpose is
>essentially to be a 'rom' drive. There'a around 400k left for
>diddling or temp stuff. *but* the cool part is that I saved the
>configured and populated ram drive as a binary (900k-ish) - it's a
>built in feature of rde. Now, when I load the ram drive, everything
>is there. Compiles are *SO* fast, it's simply unbelievable - saves
>wear and tear on the HD too.
>*Gulam* or some other shell (like Master) is highly recommended for
>talking to rde - it lets you do much much more than the gui it comes

I have had for years a virtually identical set-up (I also use
drive o: (non-booting) as an utility ramdisk and afterwards load a
"booting" ramdisk tailored to whatever I am doing (MWC, Fortran, Signum
Wordplus, Degas, Sozobon, Laser C or whatever) and agree with Joe's
comments that the speed of working is fantastic and read/write errors
common with drives with mechanical moving parts are unheard of!

To add to Joe's comments - if wishes to save a ramdisk with
far more than 820k of file contents onto a single 820k floppy - then
(assuming you have the RAM) use PFXPAK to pack them as we commonly do
with executables - the saved ramdisk ARE executables.

His last comment about invoking rdy/rde from GULAM or some
other shell is very true. BUT to enter GULAM is a SLOW process - the
rehashing can take quite a time esp. if you have hard disk attached
and a long PATH. That is why a short time ago I posted to the
comp.sys.atari.binaries a tiny, tiny shell specifically configures
for use with RDY/RDE. It is called RDCOM.TTP and is part of what is
listed as "rdutils" in panarthea's archives (Vol. 14 or 15 I think).
Come to think of it, it is so small I might as well tag it to the end
of this posting (this one is called RDSH.TTP - a slightly improved
version of RDCOM.TTP - when invoked with NO arguments it displays FULL
INFO on how to use it).

W. Alan B. Evans
[ ]

*************** HERE COMES RDSH.UUE (containing rdsh.ttp ARCed) *******
begin 644 rdsh.arc
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Date: 14 Sep 91 03:05:05 GMT
From:!!!usc!!!zaphod.!! (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Super Charger 286?

Just to throw in my thoughts on the subject, there are some uses for
emulators. While yes you will not have certain features as actual
IBMs/clones, the question is will you need it or want it? I just got
a ATSpeedC16 because I basically want to be able to run programs
for school and maybe some business stuff (such as Lotus, etc).
I figure a 286 and EGA/VGA graphics should last me for quite a few
years. Besides, I'm at 2.5 megs (soon to be 4 megs) and am not
worried about lack of compatibility.

Why don't I get a pure IBM then? If I did, why should I keep my
ST? (two full-sized systems are more than ridiculous for me when
BOTH do what I want them to do, and I like the ST better - just
want to have the IBM compatibility for those type of programs
that aren't available for the ST yet)...

Robert Anisko


Date: 13 Sep 91 17:13:34 GMT
noao!asuvax!!usc!samsung!!bronze!silver!kclend (Kevin Clendenien)
Subject: Super Charger 286?

In article <> (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:
>>something like SuperCharger. The IBM emulators are designed to be
>>attractive to Atari users who already have everything they need
>>except an 80x86 chip.
>I don't agree with you. Here in NY, you can buy an XT laptop
>with 640K RAM and 2 floppies for $399 and for about $300 more
>you can get a 286 laptop with a hardrive. If I had any real
>need to use a MS-DOS machine I would probably opt to buy one
>of these machines rather than deal with all the hassles of putting
>one of these "sorta compatible" boards in an ST. The cost is
>almost the same so why bother hacking up your ST?
>Chris Mauritz |Homebrewing: The only hobby perfectly tailored for
> | anal retentive alcoholics. :-)
>--------------| (ripped off from someone on the net...)

Well, Chrisie, you weren't reading my append very closely. I'll try
to simplify things for you. Let's say that I have an Atari ST with
2.5MB of memory, an 85M harddrive, and a color monitor. For $400
I can buy a SuperCharger (plugs into the DMA port so I don't even
have to worry about installing it.) This would give me an XT with
2.5MB of memory, an 85M harddrive and a CGA color. You could not
spend $400 and get an XT with 2.5MB of memory, an 85M harddrive and
CGA color. As the last line of my append stated, the IBM emulators
for the Atari ST are really most attractive to people who already
have all the peripherals they'll need on their ST. As far as
compatibility goes, there's no reason why SuperCharger should not
be as IBM compatible as Tandy computers.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Clendenien
BLAST BBS - (812) 332-0573 BLAST member
"I want someone like you, only nicer."


Date: 4 Sep 91 19:32:54 GMT
From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn! (Jan Willekens)
Subject: Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you!

In a message of <20 Aug 91 11:38:33>, (Mike Quinn)
(2:320/100.1) writes:

m(> Picked up a copy of ST User (UK mag - mostly games, but going back to
m(> ST World
m(> style Real Soon Now(tm)), today and in the news snippets at the front
m(> they said that Tos 2.0 would be made available for owners of old Sts
m(> on 512K roms.

At the Messe a spokesperson from Atari Germany said that he had just heard
from Atari USA that they will become available for STE (!) users. These roms
can't be included in regular STs or Mega STs.

m(> They said that the roms would be available from September (I know
m(> don't ask _which_ September) and would cost around 50 pounds

Haven't heard a thing about that. The latest was the confirmation that it will
become available. Well, maybe they have inside information or they are just

Greetings... - Jan -
--- STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW!


Date: 4 Sep 91 19:37:28 GMT
From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn! (Jan Willekens)
Subject: Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you... NOT!

In a message of <24 Aug 91 17:05:58>, Rod.Fulk@f24.n228.z1.FidoNet.Org
(1:228/24) writes:

R> Yes but if my figuring is right the to 2.x SHOULD be able to fit...

You are right, it does fit in STEs. Someone from Atari Germany confirmed this.

Greetings... - Jan -

--- STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW!


Date: 7 Sep 91 20:36:56 GMT
From:!!!usc!!!@arizon (John Stanley)
Subject: Zoo (Was: TeX -- uhhg!)

[In article <>, (Steve Yelvington) writes ... ]

> Note that ZOO is case sensitive, so you can't run it from pre-TOS 1.4
> Desktop. If you run it from a command shell, be sure the shell doesn't
> muck around with the slashes (you may have to quote the arguments).

Almost right Steve... The ST versions of Zoo that I've seen CAN be
used on machines running TOS versions earlier than 1.4 using the novice
commands.. The "x//" can easily be used on any TOS by substituting
"-RESTORE" or -restore" (which are both equivalent to "x//"). While not
as powerful or flexable as the regular commands, it's misleading to tell
people "
you can't run it from pre-TOS 1.4 desktop"....

... JLS

John L. Stanley <>
Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems


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