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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 541

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 19 Oct 91 Volume 91 : Issue 541

Today's Topics:
.MOD Players/Creators with >16 samples?
1040 STe for sale!
Atari Abaq
auto folder woes - thanks
DataLink 1.00
DC Data Diet -- Ordering!
IBM 3780 Emulation
Last TeX font question
Notator 3.1
Panther & Jaguar.
Problems in I/O-Redirection
U.S. Atari magazines
WANTED: GIF --> SPC converter
Weekly Posting of New Stuff
What are...

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Date: 19 Oct 91 00:25:48 GMT
u (Troy L. Nothnagel)
Subject: .MOD Players/Creators with >16 samples?

Has anyone seen any .Mod programs that support more than 16 samples?
I've got all this memory to play with... Even less likely- has anyone
seen any that will support more than four tracks on an STe?

Troy L. Nothnagel
"And for a gorilla, his English wasn't half bad." - Den of Earth
"No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!" - Guard, MP&tHG


Date: 19 Oct 91 01:08:34 GMT
icse!milton! (Gregory Miller)
Subject: 1040 STe for sale!

I've got the following hardware for sale:

1040 STe (FOUR MEGS installed, also battery backed clock)
sm124 monochrome monitor
GTS-100 external floppy drive

All for $550 (OBO)



Date: 18 Oct 91 20:45:43 GMT
From: zazen!! (Gregory Carter)
Subject: Atari Abaq

In article <4948@tamsun.TAMU.EDU> (Mark Lehmann) writes:
>This is an old and probably dead issue.
>What happened to the Atari Abaq.
>A friend told me putting 10 of these Atari Abaqs together would give a
>user more power than a Cray Y-MP computer. He then proceeded to inform
>me how Atari products are so good, that Atari will own the computer market
>by 1989. I even saw a picture of the Atari Abaq in an atari magazine.
>Do anyone have the scoop on this?

Atari Abaq? Oh yeah, I remember that piece of junk.

The whole idea with that machine was the concept of "processor farming".

You could add as many processors you like to get some form of scalable
architecture..(from ATARI, WOW Huh?).

Well, it was a cruel joke, and I think only the most die hard of people
ever got one, short of sucking up and kissing Jack's behind.

It was an amazing machine though, as far as I could tell.

Just another failure thats all.

Greg Carter - Undergraduate - United States Amatuer Wrestler (149.5 lb)
ONLY 9 months to go for State tournee - Kick Butt Time!
Employed: Computer Aided Engineering Center - University Wisconsin - Madison
Major: Computer Science - Emphasis: System Design Tools, User Interfaces
Phone Home: (608) 264-3622 - Work: (608) 262-5349
Employed: Atari Corporation Third Party Licensed Developer -
Current Project: NO, ITS NOT a VIDEO GAME. Thank You.
My Current Girlfriend: Atari MEGA STE 4/50 16Mhz 68000 1.8 Mips
Runs all Mac Software, quite nicely.
(Third Person in the US to own one)
My advice for the week: Don't tell me how hard you work, tell me how much
you got done.


Date: 18 Oct 91 14:46:11 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!esatst!wg! (Milquetoast)
Subject: auto folder woes - thanks

Thanks for all the replies. My hard disk is now accessible again.


Chris Rouch
Serco Space Ltd. Tel: +31 1719 84672
ESTEC, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 1719 84192

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy


Date: 18 Oct 91 21:06:27 GMT
From: lll-winken!aunro!ersys! (Michel Forget)
Subject: DataLink 1.00

Hello. DataLink 1.00, a new communications program, has just been
uploaded to and will soon be available. The
filename is currently DATALINK.ZOO. Following is an excerpt from the
text file included in the DataLink archive.


You may upload this archive anywhere you please, so long as
the information contained within it is not altered in any way.
DataLink *can* be included on User Group disks that are being
sold, but may not be sold for profit.


Welcome to the wonderful world of telecommunications!

DataLink is the newest program to hit the market, and
chances are it's just right for you. Some of the best features
found in commercial telecommunications programs are now at your

An easy to use Group Dialer will let you select a group of
BBS systems to call, and then dial each one in the sequence until
you have connected to every board in the chain.

The normal dialer used by DataLink will dial a BBS system
until you connect, keeping track of how long you have been
dialing, how many "BUSY", "NO CARRIER", and "NO DIALTONE"
messages have occurred, and how many times you have dialed.

Both of DataLink's dialers show the name, the number, a
comment, and the baud rate of the BBS being dialed. You can
store up to fifty BBS systems, along with the appropriate
information, in each dialing directory. There is no limit to the
number of dialing directories you can maintain.

DataLink also provides you with a complete set of disk
utilities, including copy, move, delete, rename, print, make
folder, delete folder, touch file, append file, and free disk

Do you ever get tired of typing in your name and password
every time you want to log-on to a BBS system? Sure you do.
DataLink will allow you to put this annoying problem behind you
forever. You can enter up to ten strings which DataLink will
search for, and up to ten strings to reply with when the search
strings are found.

DataLink also provides you with a 32K buffer so that you
don't miss important information. The buffer is saved
automatically when it fills. Or, if you want to save disk space,
you can set the buffer not to save until you tell it to from
terminal mode. Using the latter method, the buffer empties when
it fills. This buffer is also used in disk operations, so it is
saved before every disk operation that uses it.

Can there be more? Yes!

DataLink provides you with twenty function keys, which let
you send a string with a single keypress.

Have you ever wanted to run a program from inside your
terminal program, but found that the program only gave you a few
spaces to enter a command line, or made it so difficult to use
the execution feature that it wasn't worth it? DataLink makes
this problem a thing of the past. With one keypress from
terminal mode, you can run any of ten pre-defined programs. It's
that simple!

Want more? So did I, so I kept adding to the program!

From terminal mode, you can look at the date and time, set
the date and time, select full and half duplex, echo mode,
execute a file, load an external editor, and even access

DataLink also has a Notepad mode, which lets you make notes
while you are online. You can save the notes too!

DataLink allows you to use RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, both, or

DataLink will even let you select the path where downloads
go! [Note: This feature has been removed. See reason at end of file.]


DataLink will run from a single sided floppy drive. It has
been compressed using PFX Pack 1.8 (Thomas Quester) and uses
about 270K of memroy (including the 32K data buffer and the 32K
screen buffer) so it will easily run on a 520ST. You can un-PFX
Pack DataLink with PFX Pack if you want to.


The selection of download paths was removed because I changed the way
DataLink handled transfers. It now allows you to press Alt-G from
terminal mode to call XYZ, and you enter the command line. This allows
you to use all the protocols, all the options, and even a different
program if you want. Alt-I calls YMG, for the same reason. I think that
this method will allow for greater flexabilty, even though you have to
type a little.

I mention in the text file included in the archive my address (for
various reasons) and I would be glad to here comments, criticisms, etc.
from anyone who uses it.

A lot of people who read and
have offered advice on how to utilize certain parts of the ST operating
system, and I would like to thank them now. They know who they are.

<< ------------------------------------------ >>
<< >>
<< ersys! >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, >>
<< for they are not happy campers!"
<< ------------------------------------------ >>


Date: 18 Oct 91 20:21:18 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!uace0@ (Michael B. Vederman)
Subject: DC Data Diet -- Ordering!

In article <>
(Michel Forget) writes:
>Hi. Does anyone know the telephone number (toll-free) for ordering
>programs from Double Click Software? I'd like to buy DC Data Diet, and I
>don't think it is available in the stores around here.

HA! Toll-free! :-) I got a chuckle out of that one. I wish we were doing
well enough to have a toll-free order line. Alas, all our money gets spent
on real things like rent and food, and development of more products...

>Anyone have any idea?
I have an idea. Call (713)977-6520 between NOON and 6 pm WEEKDAYS and we will
be glad to take your order.

Remember, the retail price of Data Diet goes up on December 1, so get your
copy today. The introductory price is only $59.95.

Thanks for asking, BTW.

><< ------------------------------------------ >>
><< >>
><< ersys! >>
><< Michel Forget >>
><< "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, >>
><< for they are not happy campers!"
><< ------------------------------------------ >>

- mike

Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 77274
Voice: (713)977-6520 | DC DESKTOP | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others


Date: 19 Oct 91 01:53:30 GMT
(Drew Whitehead)
Subject: Falcon

Has anyone heard of the supposed Atari 68040 machine - The "Falcon"?
John Nagy referenced it in his "News" article in the October issue of
AtariUser mag. Has any heard any rumors about its release and its specs?

Just Curious,

Drew Whitehead
Purdue University


Date: 18 Oct 91 19:23:14 GMT
Subject: IBM 3780 Emulation

I may not been clear as to what I was looking for with my last post.
I'll try again. Are there any programs (comercial or PD) that will
allow me to emulate a 3780 terminal with my Atari? Any info
appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Date: 19 Oct 91 06:09:30 GMT
From:!!!usc!!tamsun!tamuts!n160ao@ari (Mark Lehmann)
Subject: Last TeX font question

Ok, this should be my last annoying TeX question (I hope).

Lots of people has responded with good information about TeX fonts.
I need to verify this combination of the information and ask
just one more.

The ".tfm" fonts are used by TeX (and maybe Metafont). These are called
TeX font metrics.

The "pk" fonts are "raster" fonts. The number associated with them describes
the dots per inch (dpi), so "cmr10\96pk" is a 96dpi format of the computer
modern roman 10 point font.

The "flib" facility merely packs in the "pk" files into an archive. It is
faster and uses less disk space, but is only used by a few types of atari
screen previewer's and dvi printer programs.

Please comment on the accuracy of the above.

Now is the part I am still confused about.

The "flib" archives are store in files like "pk0083", "pk0100", "pk0120", and
other multiplicatiosn of 1.2. Also, when I loaded the German version of the
24pin fonts, they all were store in directories in the format of
"mag____1.200" and so on. Now my question is, since these 24pin fonts are
labeled for 360dpi, how do I place them in my font directory. Should I
put all of these in the form of "cmr10\360pk" and so on. And since "cmr10"
is repeated in Magstep 1, 1.2, 1.44, 1.72... should I just store the 1
magstep font. I was thinking of storing these fonts in an "flib" (still
need to learn how to make a flib with the flib.ttp program), because the
"dviatari" fonts are store in the form of "pk0100", "pk0120,..., but that
again brings up the questions of how I am going to let "
dviprint" know
that these are 360dpi fonts.

Can someone clear up this last question. Maybe telling me how to create
a "
pk" raster font would clear things up.

THANKS THANKS THANKS for all of the help so far. I think my goal now is
provide a document summarizing several peoples experiences installing and
using TeX, LaTeX, and the atari pre-view and printing programs.
(Unfortunately I lost all of my Mail logs when I hit the 300 folder limit
of foldr300.prg, so I am going by memory on much of this.)

Mark Lehmann!n160ao


Date: 19 Oct 91 06:25:26 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi! (Robert Jeffrey
Subject: Notator 3.1

In article <> (Steven Selick) writes:
>I just received a mailing from Alexander Publishing about a notator 3.1
>update from 3.0 for $45 or something. What did they update in 3.1? Is it
>worth $45 or whatever they want?

I've just received my 3.1 version, and it is very nice. What you get for the
extra bucks is new manual pages to add/replace in the binder, the new 3.1
disk and and a tutorial disk, which seems very nicely done. One thing I
should warn you about though, is that Alexander Publishing gave me a lot of
trouble. They sent me a batch of bad disks and when I complained to them,
they said they would mail out a prepaid postage box so I could have the disks
replaced. Two weeks later, I called to find out where my box was and was told
that I'd have to deal with C-Lab directly. So I did, and they took care of it
very quickly and professionally, with the parting comment "
We're gonna have
to talk to those guys at Alexander Publishing."

3.1's additional features include the ability to export notation as DTP
type files to be used as parts of other documents (.IMG files) plus lots of
other hardware support and display options (page preview, etc.) It is worth
the money, but you have to get both 3.0 and 3.1 since 3.0 comes with the new
manual and the fonts disk that you'll need. My suggestion though is to order it
directly from C-Lab instead of those clowns as Alexander.

C-Lab's number is: 415-738-1633 That's tech support. They can answer all of
your 3.1 questions plus how/where to get it etc. Good luck with it, I'm very



Date: 18 Oct 91 18:52:36 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!gatech!uflorida!sol!
Subject: Panther & Jaguar.

Someone mentioned two machines Atari is/was (rumored?) to be
working on called Panther and Jaguar. Does anyone know what
they are or where rumored to be?


Date: 19 Oct 91 02:35:57 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!netcomsv!
(Christopher Russell)
Subject: PC DITTO I

I just got a catalog from TOad computers. They are now selling PC
Ditto I. Boy, I thought this was long gone. Anyways, I'd like to get
it. I was just wondering if somebody could let me know how useful is
to a guy with 1Meg and a double-sided drive (no hard-drive). No, I
don't plan on using it to run AutoCAD or anyting. Just simple stuff --
wordprocessors, utilities, etc.

Christopher L. Russell (yonderboy) Phone: (408)378-9078 Campbell,CA
yonder@netcom.COM or or


Date: Fri, 18 Oct 91 23:27:53 CET
Subject: Problems in I/O-Redirection

I have a problem by using I/O-Redirection in a child-process. The
problem is that when I close the disk-file fclose returns the value
-65 (internal GEMDOS-Error), and it consumes filehandels until you
get the "
No internal memory..."-message from TOS.
Did I programm anything incorrect? Or is this a TOS-bug?
If it should be a bug then ,maybe, someone knows
a nice TOS-independant workaround or if I made any error then I hope
someone could be so kind and send me a working version of the listing
you can find below.
I use TOS 1.04 (RAINBOW-TOS) and PureC 1.0.
The programm below should redirect any output to the screen to a file
on disk.
Greetings, Ulf (rimkus_u@dmrhrz11.bitnet)

-----------------------------Cut here-------------------------------------

/* Example of redirection in a child-process */
/* Ulf (DB1OM) */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tos.h>

#define COUT 1

int handle, dup;
long ret;
int retc;
int i;

for(i=0; i<80; i++) /* Don't terminate too early */
A:\\consolea.out\\console.dat", 0)) < 0)
Cannot create file");

/* Need a non-standard-handle for stdout */
if((dup=Fdup(COUT)) < 0)
No extra-handle available");

if(Fforce(COUT,handle) < 0)
No redirection possible");

ret = Pexec(0,"

/* COUT back to its origine */
if(Fforce(COUT,dup) < 0)
Redirect back unsuccesful");
/* Close extrahandle*/
if(Fclose(dup) < 0)
Cannot close extrahandle");
/* Close file */
if((retc=Fclose(handle)) < 0) /* somethings being odd at this place */
Cannot close file");

if(ret != 0)
Child terminated != 0");

Filehandle: %d, Extrahandle: %d, Return fclose: %d\n",
handle, dup, retc);
Step %d\n",i+1);
} /* end of for-loop */
Press any key");
Crawcin(); /* Wait */
return 0;


Date: 18 Oct 91 18:54:12 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!gatech!uflorida!sol!
Subject: U.S. Atari magazines

Does anyone know what the last issues (#; Vol #; date) of the
following U.S. Atari mags: ANALOG, ST-Log, ST X-Press ??

Does anyone know of a source for back issues of these mags??


Date: 19 Oct 91 00:47:50 GMT
(Bryan Woodworth)
Subject: WANTED: GIF --> SPC converter

In <3915450@MVB.SAIC.COM> (Stephen Harold Goldstein)

>I'm looking for a *high-quality* GIF to Spectrum converter that runs in a
>BATCH mode. (Feed it a list of files to convert, and let it fly).

>DMJ GIF 2.0 produces the best conversions I've seen to date, but takes up to
>1/2 an hour to perform the conversion on a stock ST, or 17 minutes with
>AdSpeed running @ 16MHz, but that's still too slow to wait around for.

>Even if it's slower, the ability to convert overnight will provide me with
>better 'throughput'.

DMJ Gif 3.0 should be (I'm praying every night. I want it THAT BAD!)
released by the end of October or the first few weeks in November. It will
have batch mode; feed it a bunch of GIFs to convert, and a destination
path, and it will automatically convert 'em. It's supposed to offer a few
more dithering modes, a totally rewritten interface, and there's an
emphasis on flexibility of options. Really complete, thorough program.

As an aside, if you don't pay your Shareware dues for this program, you
really are the lowest form of life on the planet. It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to see that Shareware for the ST is being produced in lesser
quantities each year. By supporting what little quality stuff is being
produced (DMJ Gif is a glowing example), you are ensuring the speedy demise
of the ST. No computer is useful without continuous software support.

{Getting off soap box.}

>Stephen Goldstein
>My first Atari system? A 24K Atari 800, Rev. A ROMS, C(not G)TIA graphics
>Disclaimer: That's not what I said.
Bryan Woodworth Mail: bryanw@netcom.COM
Netcom - Online Communication Services San Jose, CA


Date: 19 Oct 91 08:09:17 GMT
From:!swrinde! (Atari Archive Robot)
Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff

drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Oct 14 18:11 .
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 95749 Oct 14 09:31 ./Index
-rw-rw-r-- jon 3081 Oct 15 01:04 ./Help
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 75551 Oct 14 09:28 ./ls-lR.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 47829 Oct 14 09:31 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x jon 512 Oct 16 12:38 ./magazines
drwxrwxr-x jon 2560 Oct 16 12:36 ./magazines/streport
drwxrwxr-x jon 2048 Oct 16 12:37 ./magazines/znet
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Oct 16 16:52 ./portfolio/support
lrwxrwxrwx swood 24 Oct 16 16:52 ./portfolio/support/porttost.lzh ->
drwxrwxr-x swood 512 Oct 16 16:52 ./portfolio/telecomm
drwxrwxr-x weiner 1024 Oct 17 08:28 ./ste


Date: 18 Oct 91 22:42:29 GMT
('286 Highlander)
Subject: What are...

the fastest SIMMs available for the STe? 80ns? I've seen SIPPs and
SIMMs, I think, that are as low as 60ns! Anyone know if these SIMMs will
work at their effective speed on an STe? By the way, what do SIMM and
SIPP even stand for...? If I haven't forgotten, then I was never told!


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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