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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 504

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 25 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 504

Today's Topics:
520ste video to Commadore monitor
Amiga IFF sounds -> .snd -format ???
Any Panasonic 1123/1124 Owners Out There?
Atari ST stuff for sale pt1 (2 msgs)
Atari ST stuff for sale pt2
Calamus, PageStream, Clip-art, Chicago
Don't post FORSALE to the tech group (was Re: Atari ST System for Sale)
Looking for Colin Hunt
Lost Boys Final Mega-Demo: Ohh Crickey, wot a Scorcher
People dumping machines (was.. Atari Mega 2 system.. for sale)
Rap/Dance - Atari
Sorry about the extra Atari ST stuff for sale pt1
What to buy next... (2 msgs)

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Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 15:55:02 MST
From: Chip Rodis <>
Subject: 520ste video to Commadore monitor

I currently use a color TV for my 520ste monitor and am tired of
the eye strain. I have an old Commadore monitor (model 1802) that
I hope I can use with my 520ste. Can somebody PLEASE tell me what
I need to do (ie which pins to use etc), so I can make a cable
from the STE to the monitor, to get the sharpest possible
picture? The monitor has three inputs, composite video, chroma
and luma, and monochrome.

Thank You,
Chip Rodis


Date: 24 Sep 91 16:25:46 GMT
enet.Edu! (Gerard Pinzone)
Subject: Amiga IFF sounds -> .snd -format ???

In a previous article, (Frank
Moehle) says:

>"Hello world. /n"
>How can I convert Amiga (IFF) sounds to the .snd - format used by "play" ?
>I Tried to load the so-called "raw data" into digiedit and convert it,
>but i only ended up with a hard-to-understand-and-very-noisy sample.
>Does anybody know how to do it or where to ftp a program that does it ?
> Frank
You need a copy of "Babel". I don't remember what magazine put it out.
Otherwise you can use DigiComposer and load a sample in as "Amiga" and
save it as Atari.

BTW, you can get Digicomposer on
I dunno if they also have babel;I doubt it.
Just on the border of your waking mind, there lies another time, where darkness
and light are one. And as you tread the halls of sanity, you feel so glad to be
unable to go beyond. I have a message from another time..... - ELO: "Prologue
from the "Time" album -- Daicon IV Opening Animation gpinzone@george.poly.ed


Date: 24 Sep 91 00:18:03 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!!hp-pcd!hplsla! (Andy
Subject: Any Panasonic 1123/1124 Owners Out There?

| Keywords:printers
| Summary:Will it do screen dumps?
| I'm interested in getting a 24 pin dot matrix printer to use with my STs, and
| am very interested in the Panasonic 1123. There are no local Atari dealers
| (what else is new) and the ones I called on the phone were unsure if the 1223
| can do screen dumps, as it is Epson LQ compatible, rather than Epson LX (9
| compatible. I'm not worried about my programs that have printer drivers, as
| they all have drivers for the LQ series, but I have some children's software
| that does graphic screen dumps to let my kids print out their pictures, and
| not about to have TWO printers in the house.
| So what I wanna know is...if anybody has an 1123, 1124 or 1124i, can you do
| screen dumps to it?
| Brian Rost

There are several public domain programs that run in the AUTO folder that
allow LQ800 compatibles such as the KXP1124 to do screen dumps. The best I've
tried is called SCRDMP24 and it is by Gribnif. It allows you set scale
factors to your liking and even halt a screen dump in progress. But it does
take a long time and is very noisy! I hardly ever do it. If I did, I would
consider a nice new DeskJet 500, :-).

I got SCRDMP24 off GEnie but it may be in the atari archive. Sorry, but right
now I haven't the time to post it!

% Andy Cassino %
% Hewlett-Packard - Lake Stevens Instrument Division %


Date: 24 Sep 91 20:31:23 GMT
Subject: Atari ST stuff for sale pt1

OK netters, this is the continuation of the big Atari ST stuff sale
of the decade! This stuff is what is left from last weeks sale, plus a
few new items that I found hiding in the closet.
As before here are the conditions:
I don't know if this stuff runs with TOS 1.0, 1.4, or 2.0, some of
it is pretty old so it might not work with newer OS. NO GUARANTIES!
Second, I pay all shipping charges, except COD. Please add $3.00
if you want it shipped COD.
Finally, I have a special half price offer. You pay full price on the
most expensive item, and half price on all other stuff for that order
(that's how I pay for the shipping). No, if you ordered last week and
want some of the new stuff I will NOT give you half price on everything.
You will be treated as a new order (sorry, but it makes my paperwork
MUCH easier that way).

Games (new lower price):
Skyfox Electronic Arts $6
I don't remember much about this one. Flight Sim I think.
Tass Times in Tone Town Activision $6
A bizarre adventure game in an alternate reality. This one was
tough enough that I needed a hit book and couldn't find one.
Time Bandit Michtron $10
A classic! Several games in one as you move to different worlds
on the timescape. I may have trouble locating docs for this too.
Mindshadow Activision $6
A graphic adventure game. I could never get into it.
Ogre Origin $10
A computerized version of the Steve Jackson board game where a
super tank goes up against and entire platoon of inferior tanks.
I enjoy playing this with another player, but the computer opponent
was too tough for me.
Blacklamp Rainbird $6
I may be missing some docs on this. I could never figure out what
it was about. Much like Mario Brothers I think.
Borrowed Time Activision $6
Another graphic adventure.
Tracker Rainbird $10
3-D warfare. Fly a ship down a maze of tunnels to get to the center.
I loved this game, but it stopped working when I went to TOS 1.4
Harrier Combat Simulator $15
This is yet another flight sim, but has a unique twist. The Harrier
can't go balistic like American fighters, but it has greater
maneuverability. You can't run from a fight, or at least I couldn't.
Music Construction Set $8
This is an OK music maker, but I have a MIDI keyboard now, and besides
I like Music Studio 88 better.
Super Bike Challenge $10
This is neat. A two player plus computer game. I enjoyed this, but
no longer find time or players to play with.
Test Drive $10
Nice game, but Stunt Car Racer is more where I'm at.
Wanderer $8
A true 3-D game. Put on your 3-D glasses and watch the images swim
around in front of you. I was fascinated by the intro, I never played
the game.
GFL Championship Football $10
Football from the Quarterback's point of view.

Applications (also new lower price):
Easy Draw Migraph $15
This is an old version, maybe you can upgrade.
n-Vision Audio Light $10
Drawing program?


Date: 24 Sep 91 20:51:14 GMT
Subject: Atari ST stuff for sale pt1

OK netters, this is the continuation of the big Atari ST stuff sale
of the decade! This stuff is what is left from last weeks sale, plus a
few new items that I found hiding in the closet.
As before here are the conditions:
I don't know if this stuff runs with TOS 1.0, 1.4, or 2.0, some of
it is pretty old so it might not work with newer OS. NO GUARANTIES!
Second, I pay all shipping charges, except COD. Please add $3.00
if you want it shipped COD.
Finally, I have a special half price offer. You pay full price on the
most expensive item, and half price on all other stuff for that order
(that's how I pay for the shipping). No, if you ordered last week and
want some of the new stuff I will NOT give you half price on everything.
You will be treated as a new order (sorry, but it makes my paperwork
MUCH easier that way).

Skyfox Electronic Arts $6
I don't remember much about this one. Flight Sim I think.
Tass Times in Tone Town Activision $6
A bizarre adventure game in an alternate reality. This one was
tough enough that I needed a hit book and couldn't find one.
Time Bandit Michtron $10
A classic! Several games in one as you move to different worlds
on the timescape. I may have trouble locating docs for this too.
Mindshadow Activision $6
A graphic adventure game. I could never get into it.
Ogre Origin $10
A computerized version of the Steve Jackson board game where a
super tank goes up against and entire platoon of inferior tanks.
I enjoy playing this with another player, but the computer opponent
was too tough for me.
Blacklamp Rainbird $6
I may be missing some docs on this. I could never figure out what
it was about. Much like Mario Brothers I think.
Borrowed Time Activision $6
Another graphic adventure.
Tracker Rainbird $10
3-D warfare. Fly a ship down a maze of tunnels to get to the center.
I loved this game, but it stopped working when I went to TOS 1.4
Harrier Combat Simulator $15
This is yet another flight sim, but has a unique twist. The Harrier
can't go balistic like American fighters, but it has greater
maneuverability. You can't run from a fight, or at least I couldn't.
Music Construction Set $8
This is an OK music maker, but I have a MIDI keyboard now, and besides
I like Music Studio 88 better.
Super Bike Challenge $10
This is neat. A two player plus computer game. I enjoyed this, but
no longer find time or players to play with.
Test Drive $10
Nice game, but Stunt Car Racer is more where I'm at.
Wanderer $8
A true 3-D game. Put on your 3-D glasses and watch the images swim
around in front of you. I was fascinated by the intro, I never played
the game.
GFL Championship Football $10
Football from the Quarterback's point of view.


Date: 24 Sep 91 20:32:28 GMT
Subject: Atari ST stuff for sale pt2

(continued from Atari ST stuff for sale pt1)

New Stuff:
Jet SubLogic $15
Fly a jet aircraft through the skies. I have trouble with
jet aircraft, they don't seem to stay in the air for me.
Flight Simulator II SubLogic $20
This was boring when I had a single ST. It was fun when I
got my second ST and flew with a friend, but now my friend has
moved. Such is life.
Scenery Disk 7 SubLogic $10 or free
This has Washington, Charlotte, Jacksonville, and Miami. I'll
throw it in free if you buy both Jet and FSII, otherwise $10
The Pawn $10
A graphic adventure. Old but good fraphics!
Ultima II Origin $10
Classic adventure game with a neat cloth map.
Mercenery Datasoft $10
Flight/Adventure game I think.
Sundog FTL $15
Great game. This one will eat a lot of time.
Zork II Infocom $10
Text adventure
Zork III Infocom $10
Text adventure
A Mind Forever Voyaging Infocom $10
Text adventure (montonous isn't it)
Axel's Magic Hammer Gremlin $15
A platform game. Look's neat, but no save game so you got
to do it all in one sitting.
Precious Metal Ocean $25
This is four games: Captain Blood, Xenon, Super Hang-On, and
(my fav) Arkanoid Revenge of DOH. All are lot's of fun, but
I have duplicates
Microdeal Hits Microdeal $25
Four more games: Slaygon, Karate Kid II, Jupiter Probe,
Goldrunner. I bought this for Goldrunner, but found I liked
Goldrunner II better.

Publishing Partner SoftLogic $15
A good publishing package. I don't think this is upgradable
to PageStream, but what do I know.

I have thrown some of the boxes out, but will try to find them if
requested. If the price is too high, wait a week, I'll lower it. But
don't wait too long, it may be gone! Also this may be my last post of
new stuff as the WAACE show in Reston VA is coming up and I'll probably
try to sell the remainder at the swapfest.

Daniel M. Koppen / Internet:
Hampton, VA. / Everything posted is my own personal opinion!


Date: 24 Sep 91 20:22:11 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!
(Dani A. Roloson)
Subject: Calamus, PageStream, Clip-art, Chicago

Does anyone have the Calamus SL demo and willing to upload it to atari.archive?

From Z*Net 91-40:
Atari user groups can get two copies of the desktop publisher PageStream
2.1, plus another demo copy for their library. The groups are urged to
raffle one copy off, use the other for production of their newsletter,
and offer the demo version for any member who wants to see more. A
related program will offer discounts for user group members when they
buy PageStream from dealers. The groups should send written requests to
Soft-Logik, 11131 S. Towne Square, St. Louis, MO 63123.

I called them at 1-800-829-8608 (1-314-894-8608). The offer is available
also to Canadian user groups and they request that you send them the current
and previous issue of your club newsletter (plus put them on the mailing list).

Does anyone know of an FTP site with EPS clip-art? GEM? IMG? CVG?
Other clip-art? (I'm not interested in GIFs.)

Is anyone associated with the Chicago show on the net?
If so, I would like to know about confirmed exhibitors and seminars.
(How far is the mall with the mono-rail from the show? 8-)

Dani Roloson
Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari user group


Date: 24 Sep 91 17:59:34 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!thelake!steve@ariz (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Don't post FORSALE to the tech group (was Re: Atari ST System for Sale)

There have been half a dozen FOR SALE items posted recently with included in the Newsgroups: line.
Don't. The charter of the newsgroup specifically forbids it. The tech
newsgroup was established for discussing technical issues and programming,
and for no other purpose. and are sufficient for selling

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (In winter we walk on water)


Date: 23 Sep 91 07:50:40 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!natinst!uudell!fquest!
(Philip Durgin)

Remember to make the item LINE UNIT 1 or it will never recognize that the HD is
there at all. Also, check you cable, if the Ribbon is broken, you may not be
getting any recognition for the Host Adapter

* Origin: Future Quest - USENET<=>Fidonet Gateway 512-451-0891 (1:19/23)


Date: 25 Sep 91 02:31:07 GMT
Subject: Looking for Colin Hunt

Colin, if you receive this, you can reply by E-Mail to this

(and now back to our regularly scheduled program)



Date: 25 Sep 91 03:36:43 GMT
From: cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Gerard Pinzone)
Subject: Lost Boys Final Mega-Demo: Ohh Crickey, wot a Scorcher

> If you type in the name of the university Mankin goes to, you will get
> to the hidden screen where you will be able to enter the demos without
> flying the spacecraft.
> I found out about this by hitting the "RESET" button on the ST. There
> is a "reset" demo as well that gives the credits and greetings and
> tells you how to get to the hidden screen.

I found that if you don't touch anything for a while, it will go into
cheat mode by itself!

But I still can't find the Hidden screen!

Just on the border of your waking mind, there lies another time, where darkness
and light are one. And as you tread the halls of sanity, you feel so glad to be
unable to go beyond. I have a message from another time..... - ELO: "Prologue"
from the "Time" album -- Daicon IV Opening Animation


Date: 24 Sep 91 17:09:51 GMT
From: pyrnj!pyramid! (Albert "Earthquake" Palmer)
Subject: People dumping machines (was.. Atari Mega 2 system.. for sale)

In article <VqRq93w164w@cellar.UUCP> darling@cellar.UUCP (Thomas Darling)
> (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:
>> I've been seeing several posts like this each day for people selling
>> their STs. I would be curious to know if the majority of these people
>> are upgrading or jumping ship altogether.
>I sold mine and bought a TT. No regrets.

I also sold mine and bought a TT. I'm very happy with the TT.

al palmer


Date: 24 Sep 91 22:45:33 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!unix.cis.p!!tredysvr!cellar! (Thomas
Subject: Rap/Dance - Atari
To: (Michel Forget) writes:
> (Jim Trageser) writes:
> > (Chris Herborth) writes:
> > >In article <> (Michael John Dinsmore) wr
> > >}
> > >}A group called "KLF" [...] use an Atari ST.
> > >
> > >Last I heard, Mick Fleetword was using an ST, and Tangerine Dream had
> > >13 of them...
> >
> > B.B. King was using an ST a few years ago. I'm unsure if he still is.
> While we are adding to the list, the Arsenio Hall Show uses an Atari laptop
> Anyone else have something to add?

Yeah - that there are literally thousands of ST's in use by various music
professionals worldwide, and maiing an extended list is both pointless and
wasteful, so could we please stop it?

End of request.

darling@cellar.UUCP \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing
uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT


Date: 23 Sep 91 07:39:38 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!natinst!uudell!fquest!
(Philip Durgin)

If you buy the Best Memory upgrade, it can use the Simms that you pulled from
the MAC SE, I can get the memory upgrade boards for $95 but they are the type
that you have to solder into the system, but its better than dealing with MMU
sockets that keep crapping out.

* Origin: Future Quest - USENET<=>Fidonet Gateway 512-451-0891 (1:19/23)


Date: 24 Sep 91 20:54:21 GMT
Subject: Sorry about the extra Atari ST stuff for sale pt1

Sorry about the extra post. I went to sleep at the wheel.

Daniel M. Koppen / Internet:
Hampton, VA. / Everything posted is my own personal opinion!


Date: 24 Sep 91 15:48:33 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!connection! (Jerry Shekhel)
Subject: What to buy next...
To: (Howard Chu) writes:
>As I recall, A/UX uses the same scheduler as MultiFinder, meaning non-
>preemptive. That's not real Unix. That puts the A/UX multitasking on the
>same level of sophistication as Minix on an 8086 PC...

Boy, are you misinformed! A/UX is real UNIX, with preemptive multitasking,
etc. One of Apple's value-added features is that A/UX can run MultiFinder
as an application (which schedules MacApps internally, non-preemptively).
UNIX applications are scheduled preemptively.

By the way, Minix on the 8086 also contains a preemptive scheduler.

>-- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
| JERRY J. SHEKHEL | POLYGEN CORPORATION | When I was young, I had to walk |
| Drummers do it... | Waltham, MA USA | to school and back every day -- |
| ... In rhythm! | (617) 890-2175 | 20 miles, uphill both ways. |
| ...! [ princeton mit-eddie bu sunne ] !polygen!jerry |
| |


Date: 24 Sep 91 23:54:29 GMT
Subject: What to buy next...

>The Atari has a specific niche in the market. It's not a big niche, but
>they're all alone in it.

>darling@cellar.UUCP \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing
>uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT

Unfortunately, the problem seems to be that not all the inhabitants of this
particular niche are aware of the fact that Atari "owns" the turf...

A couple of years ago, I attended a live MIDI music concert as part of the
Summer Arts Festival at the University of Michigan...

The lady I was with looked in vain for Amigas on stage, and I did the same
for Atari computers... not a one was to be seen. The entire concert
was performed via Macintoshes and IBMs.

During the introductory talks by members of the School of Music faculty,
the word Atari was never even uttered.

Yes, I know Atari "owns" the MIDI market... but someone seems to have
forgotten to tell everyone else.



End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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