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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 485

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 15 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 485

Today's Topics:
adress of Mark Williams Co.
Is Fcopy PRO a demo or not
Looking for term program...
More Lies From Atari?
Rufus with Matrix M110 possible?
Super Charger 286? (4 msgs)
Super Charger 286? (Emulators)
TeX..where do I get..

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Date: 13 Sep 91 20:29:52 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!vela!wsu-cs!jake!pbh@ariz (Patrick Haggood)
Subject: adress of Mark Williams Co.

In article <> (Werner Schneider)
>does somebody know an email adress of the Mark Williams Co. in Chicago
>especially for C Compiler Support, new ST products?
Mark Williams is no longer in the ST Compiler biz (from a phone
conversation with their tech support guy about 9 months ago). They were
looking for someone to upgrade their compiler to Ansi-C, but
they admitted this wasn't a very active search. They are making a nice
living on their Unix-shell(?) and other compiler products, but they were
never excited by the numbers from their ST markets. However, if you
need a non-ANSI compiler that produces codes least likely to break on a
generic Unix compiler, Mark Williams C still fits the bill. However,
if you're producing commmercial ST products.....

Genie - P.HAGGOOD2 Internet
PRODIGY - Not anymore, Jackson. Bitnet - phaggoo@waynest1
Phone - (313) 577-0669


Date: 15 Sep 91 03:40:14 GMT
From: opel!ss2!fredw! (Fred Wells)
Subject: Gemini/Fonts

In article <91253.164231ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET> ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET
> >I had the same problem. Basically, the problem was that Gemini apparently
> >can ONLY USE PROPORTIONALLY SPACED FONTS. I wanted to use a smaller font
> >proportional. Gemini wouldn't even recognize any font that wasn't. I

Sorry, I should have said "NON-PROPORTIONALLY" SPACED FONTS.

> >think that the docs stated that somewhere. I seem to remember reading that
> >afterwards. Anyway, I finally gave up and went back to using Gulam. Hope
> >this is helpful.

> No, it isn't :-)
> Gemini uses all those fonts, where all existing characters have the same
> witdh.

You're absolutely right. Had I correctly typed "NON-PROPORTIONAL" fonts,
it might have been more helpful. My apologies to all, and thanks to you
for pointing it out.

Non-proportional fonts (each character having the same width) are, in fact,
the only fonts which GEMINI can use; just as you've pointed out here and as
I had intended to. Sorry for any confusion. :-(

> ___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
> Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
> fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
> ____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________
Fred Wells uunet!opel!ss2!fredw!fred
Atari ST System


Date: 13 Sep 91 18:30:45 GMT
(Lars Michael)
Subject: Is Fcopy PRO a demo or not
To: (Bertrand Petit) writes:

> Hello, I have found a version of FCOPY PRO on a BBS and I don't
>know if it's a demo or the commercial version. Can someone give me a hint to
>recognise if it's a demo so i can put it in download areas of my BBS.

Hi Bertrand,
a german ST magazine I saw a commercial of FCOPY Pro. The prize was DM 89,-
(about 50 bucks). May be in this world (the best of all possible) there is
also a demo of FCOPY PRO, but I don't think so. If you want a PD version of

Hope this helps,


| | | | | |
| Lars Michael | | | | "Down with ATARI, |
| Graduate Student of Computer Science | / | \ Long live the ST !" |
| at University of Erlangen/Germany | / | \ |
| Bones: "Damn it, Kirk, I'm a doctor, not a very good actor." |


Date: 14 Sep 91 06:45:40 GMT
ido!mcshh!malihh!pfunk! (Michael Kistenmacher)
Subject: Looking for term program...

In <>, Ryan 'Gozar' Collins writes:
>Well, I started using Rufus, and I liked it a lot, except that sometimes
>Is there a newer program out?

There will be e new version of Rufus in a few week. Michael Bernards just
announced it on Mausnet. It is completely rewritten, has a complex dialer,
full TT support (f.ex. for the additional serial ports) about 100 macro
language commands. You will hear about, when it's available.


| Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
| 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
| West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |


Date: 15 Sep 91 16:43:07 GMT
From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!milano!!
(Richard Covert)
Subject: More Lies From Atari?

More Of The Same?

I am really disgusted with Atari's dismal marketing of the Atari
ST/TT computers here in the USA. So much so that I just don't believe
anything that Atari promises any longer. I am including a copy of
an early ZNET magazine describing the recent Atari show held on
Saturday Sept 14 and Sunday Sept 15 in Glendale, CA USA. Glendale
is a suburb of Los Angeles, CA, still one of the largest cities
in the USA.

Does anyone believe any of this from Atari? I don't for sure!!

==(((((((((( == Z*BREAK Z*NET SPECIAL REPORT Issue #91-39
=========(( === ...........................................
=====(( ======= ...........................................
==(((((((((( == .....September 14, 1991....................

Edited by Ron Kovacs
Reported by John Nagy

This is a transcript of a live GEnie ST RT conference where John Nagy
reported on the first day happenings at the Glendale Atarifest in

The show had better attendance then was expected and vendors are sorry
they didn't bring more to the show. Atari held a seminar along with
David Small of Gadgets by Small and Nathan Potechin with Calamus SL.

The following has been edited and any additional information not part
of this live conference is in brackets. []

Special thanks to Darlah Pine, GEnie ST RT Chief Sysop for her


(C) 1991 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari RoundTables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari RoundTables on
GEnie are the *official* information services of the Atari Corporation.
To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem in HALF DUPLEX) 800-638-
8369. Upon connection, type HHH Wait for the U#= prompt. Type
XJM11877,GENIE and hit RETURN. The system will now prompt you for your

<R.KOVACS> Hi there, I am waiting for John Nagy too!! Shoud be around

<DARLAH> Great!

<R.KOVACS> I am going to call.. I will be here but not here in a

<R.KOVACS> John is on the phone!!!

<R.KOVACS> Attendance today is near 2000!

<R.KOVACS> Bob [Brodie] left early this mornig and Bill Rehbock held the
Atari seminar...Sooooo much news was discussed it is going to take 4
issues of Z*Net to get it out.

<DARLAH> Ask him if our GEnielamp writer was doing his poll..

<R.KOVACS> As far as John know yes...

<R.KOVACS> New Story #1

The TT is class B as of this week!

(((((( How many times times have we heard this before? It seems that
each time there is a regional Atari show someone says that
the TT is FCC Class B certified and that there are warehouses
full of them!! So now someone at the Glendale Atari show is
saying that the TT is Class B certified.
We shall see!!

News Story #2

FSM GDOS starts shipping today at Glendale show as part of the WordFlair
package. It will be available seperate within weeks at dealers.

(((((( Ditto with this new GDOS replacement. It always seems to
ready Real Soon Now but it never seems to make it out.

The STBook was shown at the show, and it is going into production

(((((( Just where is the ST Book being produced? Atari sold all of
its manufacturing plants.
Once again remember this date and announcement so that when the
ST Book stillhasn't appeared by this time next you you will
remember just what Atari's promises are worth!!

<DARLAH> How was it received?

<R.KOVACS> Very well, they were alot of oohs and ahs... Very Sexy sez
John! The STBook has a 10 hour battery life.

<[Larry Rymal] LRYMAL> How much for the STbook?

<R.KOVACS> Around 1800.oo with hard drive.

<DARLAH> what size drive?

<R.KOVACS> The hard drive for the Book is 40 meg will larger available

<E.JOLLEY> Does the STbook have a floppy drive?

<[Larry Rymal] LRYMAL> Has it been FCC certified, yet? (ouch!)

<R.KOVACS> News about Falcon and the future of the 1040, but you will
have to read ZNET for that one sez John.

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> Ron, any hints to a show stealer for Fall comdex
to go agains the Apple 040 machines?

(Job 6)<R.KOVACS> Non hinted

<R.KOVACS> Bill Rhebock spoke for 1 hour 1/2 and there was not a dull
moment during it!

<DARLAH> How was sales at the show so far?

<R.KOVACS> The stylis (ST Pad) will be at Comdex. Vendors are
complaining that they didn't bring enough product!

<DARLAH> How were the other seminars attended and who spoke?

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> will STpad (or book for that matter) be for
sale at Comdex

<R.KOVACS> ST Book will be for sale only at Comdex.
Attendance and sales well over this point last year!

(((((( Atari is always promising to sell things at Comdex, but Comdex
is not a large flea market so don't go there thinking you
are going to buy anything! Just re-read old ZNET/ST REPORT
magazines and see how how Atari products were announced
at Comdex and never made it to production. Will the ST Book
and the ST Pad join the list of VaporWare From Hell (opps
I mean Atari)

<[Dave] D.SHORR> Have the winners of the STe Demo Contest finally been

<R.KOVACS> Real production for the book with pick up after xmas ...
The STPAD will be under $1200.00.

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Was FSM GDOSD available for sale?

<DARLAH> with Wordflair

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> After Xmas? Silly?

<R.KOVACS> FSM only available if you purchased WordFlair. Consumer
packing is NOT ready yet.

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> Pad $1200...Book $1800


<R.KOVACS> John Tarpinian is on cloud 2300000202054054543000

<DARLAH> I bet he is

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Ron ,does that mean that current owners of WordFlair
can buy it from Goldleaf?

<R.KOVACS> John will take questions for 5 minutes now!

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> That leaves little room for the other clouds

<DARLAH> How did the other seminars go and who spoke?

<R.KOVACS> The seminars total 3, Bill Rhebock spoke with James Grunke,
#2 was Dave Small, doing Neil Young again, and the third in progress now
is Nathan and Calamus SL and all were HEAVILY 100-200 people in each!

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> John sure and notice the T25 at the
San Diego user group booth, and the TURBO030 at the Computer Network/
ISD booth.

<R.KOVACS> John has noticed it and it is running!

<DARLAH> great show it appears like......very good news

<DARLAH> How does Jim's piece of work look?

<R.KOVACS> He hasn't seen it up close but will take a close up look

<E.JOLLEY> Is Stalker supposed to be better than Stealth?

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> Ken, is Gribnif still accepting upgrades? (if
they are, are they doing it at the show?)

<R.KOVACS> Stalker is SUPER!

<E.JOLLEY> How much is Stalker running for?

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> The exhibitors were a little annoyed. They were
selling out of stuff. <G>

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> $40.

<R.KOVACS> Not sure about Gribnif.... Stalker (think.. $49.00) any
other questions!

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> The udgrade is $25. I think. At the show it's $40.

<R.KOVACS> Any other questions for John Nagy?

<DARLAH> Are they seeing brand new users at this show? Or just die hard

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> Yes. I think there are more music people around.

<R.KOVACS> Not sure.....

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> Any hints for Multitasking tos?

<R.KOVACS> Earth Wind and Fire (the group) was at the show shopping as
was Jim Hotz and other music and screen stars..

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Yes, for John: to what do you attribute the success
of the H.A,.C.K.S. show after a series of less than wonderful turnouts
earlier in the year?

[ We missed this question originally and have passed it along to John
King Tarpinian to answer. Look for his comments on this successful
show in the next regular edition of Z*Net ]

<R.KOVACS> Unknown on the STE contest

<R.KOVACS> No multitasking at the show but there is a new TOS.

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> WHAT new tos??? :-)
<G.RICHARDSO1> What new TOS is that?

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> A 2.05 that fits in the old machines.

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> MultiGem was showing their stuff at the show.

<[Larry Rymal] LRYMAL> Which old machines? Mega STs and older?

<R.KOVACS> The big change [in the new TOS] is the way it starts up...
Perhaps 2.05 , not sure, John needs more info!

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> John, is it correct that FSM GDOS requires the use
of XCONTROL? How does this impact owners of TOS below ver 2.x?

<R.KOVACS> The st-book is already Type C [ This was a tying error ]

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> STs as in all the older machines.

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Are we talking new ROMS here?

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> The Book is the best peice of work Atari's done
in years...way to go Tracy!!!

<R.KOVACS> To properly operate FSM yes, it also requires 2 meg or more
to get the full features!

<R.KOVACS> New ROMS, yes

<E.JOLLEY> What does FCC type C mean?
<[Dave] D.SHORR> When will the ROMs be available? $$$?
<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Any release date on the new ROMS?

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> Usable on an Airplane = Class C

<R.KOVACS> ST Book is type B not C my error (Rons)

((((((( Oh good, another ST product which is supposed to be
Class B certified. Remember the STacy? Well, it NEVER
got Class B certified!!

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> Can the old ROMS be patched with software?

<R.KOVACS> ROMs, not announced, but except for using them in upgrades
the difference is insignficant.

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> Any marketing Blitzes scheduled?????

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> How much meory is it theoretically possible to stuff
in a Mega or an older ST?

<R.KOVACS> If you are using them in an ST you do not need the change.

<R.KOVACS> Marketing plans are magazines near xmas, no TV.

<G.RICHARDSO1> WIth TOS 2 in an older machine you could get up to 15
megs of RAM to live in a Mega.

<R.KOVACS> Computers don't sell on TV, image sells on TV, says Mr. Nagy

<E.JOLLEY> Which magazines?

<R.KOVACS> Publishing and Music and Computer magazines

((((((( But NO ST/TT magazines becuase ALL of the USA ST magazines
are DEAD DEAD DEAD!! And have the Tramiels EVER advertised?
So don't believe this rumor either!!

<[Go Auburn!] J.COLE18> Will there be enough machines in the US for an
Xmas Ad blitz?

<E.JOLLEY> Well which computer magazines, just Atari mags?

<R.KOVACS> Any blitz will be co-op, the machines are here and they are

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> Mark is running Avant Vector and Dynacadd on it.

<R.KOVACS> Dave Small is relaxing after his seminar...

<R.KOVACS> Mark Booth is selling the buttons for $3.00, people have
tried to pay him more.. They say ST-REPORT, with the universal NO over

(((((( A little partisan dig at a competing magazine I see!!


<E.JOLLEY> Geez, that's not very original.

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> I guess Ralph stayed home?

<DARLAH> yes, Ralph did not attend

<R.KOVACS> Ralph Mariano is not in attendance it is a very up crowd!

<R.KOVACS> He wouldn't have felt at home. :-)

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> Diamond Back now works with Mega STE's.

<R.KOVACS> Closing comments

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> The DJ Utilities will be upgraded in the middle of
next month.

<R.KOVACS> Everybody is thinking smaller this year. Glendale is the
first sign that this type of thinking is wrong.

<[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> Anyone showing Matrix video boards?

<G.RICHARDSO1> Did Gadget's anounce a ship date for SST?

<R.KOVACS> John is leaving and thanks you for appearing here!

<DARLAH> Thank you!!!

<R.KOVACS> Color pictures are coming!

<R.KOVACS> AtariUser's October issue was also distributed.

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> Codehead ran out of Multidesk Deluxe.

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> They only thought they would sell 20. They ran out of
50 in the first four hours.

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> I don't think I ever did get an answer to my question
about the factors behind the success of the show.

<[anthony] A.DIPIETRO> Any news on Jaguar?? :)

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> The CDAR 504 was there. It looked pretty good.

<[anthony] A.DIPIETRO> Did the big Ts make an appearance?

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> T"s?

<[anthony] A.DIPIETRO> is the 504 ready for sale?

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> The 504 is that not the older CD ROM?

<[anthony] A.DIPIETRO> Tramiels

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> No one mentioned them.

<[jdb] JOE.WATERS> What was the model number on the CD-ROM that they
refused to sell?

<[anthony] A.DIPIETRO> how much (for the 504)

<[Ken] SFRT-ASST> Around 4-500?

<R.KOVACS> any news tomorrow, John will pass it along.

Please note that this has been edited down from the original capture
and answers to some questions did not occur although they are listed
here. We missed them either by scrolling off or simply missing them

John Nagy was NOT attending the conference live. He reported over
the phone and I typed as fast as possible.

If there is more information worth reporting on this weekend, we will
issue an additional report, till then look for a full eyewitness report
in Issue #91-40 of Z*Net Online.

Z*BREAK #91-39
Copyright 1991, Rovac Industries, Inc.
Transcript Copyright 1991, Atari Corporation, GEnie ST RT

Richard E. Covert
CACTUS ..!!!covert


Date: 14 Sep 91 06:55:14 GMT
ido!mcshh!malihh!pfunk! (Michael Kistenmacher)
Subject: Rufus with Matrix M110 possible?

In <>, Cabell Fearn writes:
>Is it possible to use the Rufus terminal program with the Matrix M110
>screen. All I get is a Address error when I run rufus.prg? My software
>for the Matrix screen is version 2.0 and I am using the normal GDOS on
>my TOS 1.2 Mega ST.
First of all, you should get TOS 1.04 and throw away your old TOS. Then
check out your version of Rufus to have 1.06 on your disks. Also, check
your GDOS. You say, you run "normal GDOS", do you mean that one from ATARI
or do you have AMCGDOS ? You should use AMCGDOS in Version 3.2 to run on
your ST. A friend of mine uses Rufus without GDOS, because he uses DAVI
as monitor driver, which doesn't allow GDOS to be installed.


| Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
| 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
| West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |


Date: 15 Sep 91 07:43:48 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!!
Subject: Super Charger 286?

Robert Anisko writes:

>For me it's basically a luxury - everything I really
>need in a computer I find on my ST, and my IBM emulator is merely
>for the luxury to run some IBM stuff if I want
>When I finally get a high-paying job I will probably get a
>pure 286LAPTOP (VGA of course), but for now why would I need it?

In this situation, where you don't much care whether an IBM
application runs or not, there isn't much reason to worry about

The first time a program tells you that your video mode is
insufficient though, you may have second thoughts...



Date: 15 Sep 91 07:51:17 GMT
Subject: Super Charger 286?

Kevin Clendenien insists on trying to pretend that he's a
reasonable member of the Atari using community, but his postings
are so juvenile that I doubt anyone really hears him...

Maybe when he grows up a little someone will listen to him...

Meanwhile, there are legitimate reasons to use an emulator on
an ST, but it still remains that anyone who really needs IBM
compatiblity is better off using a true IBM compatible system.



Date: 15 Sep 91 15:25:16 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!rose.wa! (Chris Herborth)
Subject: Super Charger 286?

In article <> writes:
}Meanwhile, there are legitimate reasons to use an emulator on
}an ST, but it still remains that anyone who really needs IBM
}compatiblity is better off using a true IBM compatible system.

I'd have to agree... Though I'm sure you could get by with a Supercharger
for most of the stuff you'd _need_ to be doing on a PC... Things most
people _don't_ need to do (like looking at 640x480x256 colour GIFs) but
do anyway will require a better graphics mode. Unless you're getting into
wild image processing and CAD work, VGA or so graphics are pretty under-
utilised on PCs... And Windows is a major CPU/Memory pig...

Trying to use something like pc-ditto would be completely absurd... The
problem: speed. pc-ditto aches along at something like .3 Mhz (if I
remember my response)... Last year I did some major SQL
database work in one of my courses, and tried doing it at home... Nothing
like waiting 6 hours for a moderately complex query to come back. Needless
to say, I went to my labs after that.

For the record: I despise PCs. I used a 20Mhz '386 for the past 8 months
and Windows redrew the screen slower than my old 8Mhz ST does... And
there's no way an operating system should suck back memory that badly.


Date: 15 Sep 91 19:08:21 GMT
noao!asuvax!!samsung!!bronze!silver!kclenden@a (Kevin Clendenien)
Subject: Super Charger 286?

In article <> writes:
>Meanwhile, there are legitimate reasons to use an emulator on
>an ST, but it still remains that anyone who really needs IBM
>compatiblity is better off using a true IBM compatible system.

Thank you, Bobie. Despite the fact that you insisted on refusing
to admit that you were agreeing with me, you were indeed agreeing
with me. That's all I was looking for.

It's amazing how upset some people can get when you add an 'ie' to
the end of their name. They simply go off the deep end. I'll
never understand this. Many of my friends call me 'Kevie' on a
regular basis, but I don't call them childish. Oh well, live and

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Clendenien
BLAST BBS - (812) 332-0573 BLAST member
"I want someone like you, only nicer."


Date: 15 Sep 91 07:38:11 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!!
Subject: Super Charger 286? (Emulators)

Gregory Carter make some good points about the Mac emulators...

Yes, in the case of the high priced Mac systems, emulating them with an
ST makes more sense... but the emulation is still not "perfect"...

The ST Mac emulators do go a lot farther toward full emulation of
the "target" systems than the IBM emulators do... that's true..



Date: 15 Sep 91 19:08:57 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!netcomsv!
(Christopher Russell)
Subject: TeX..where do I get..

I got a lot of helpful information from people on the net about how to
use zoo correctly and about how to set up the TeX files.

The most interesting message I got said that a version of TeX was
available already set-up in an archive file on at a German ftp site.
The person who left the message said:

Well, I haven't had any luck ftp'ing to this site or finding it in any
list of sites. Maybe some German user out there knows where I can get
this great archive that is suppose to include viewers and everything.
This archive is supposed to be much more complete than the
atari.archive stuff. Well, can anybody help me out.. thanks...

Christopher L. Russell (yonderboy) Phone: (408)378-9078 Campbell,CA
yonder@netcom.COM or or


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