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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 493

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 20 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 493

Today's Topics:
.au <=> .snd conversions -- How?
Driver for Deskjet 500 ? (2 msgs)
Gemini installation.
Harlekin Alarms
Heat & Serve MiNT?
Mega Keyboard on old ST (Was- Re: Question about SST board from GBS
Mega keyboards
Mega STe Keyboard
Music - Atari (2 msgs)
Question about SST board from GBS (3 msgs)
TeX, which do I get? (Now that I kno
Zoo 2.1

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Date: 19 Sep 91 13:48:49 GMT
From: lanai! (Brian Cooper)
Subject: .au <=> .snd conversions -- How?

I now have a Sun-4 workstation to use, with a built in audio capability. Does
anyone know how my .snd files (remac/replay format) can be converted to play
on the Sun-4 (.au format). Or, I am supposed to be able to record sound on
the Sun -- does anyone know how to convert these sounds to .snd format? I
found a pair of programs that were supposed to convert Iff to Law format,
and back, but running the conversion on a simple .snd file resulted in some-
thing just barely recognizeable on the Sun.
This ranks fairly low on the importance scale, but it would be nice...

Brian Cooper bcc@Eyring.COM uunet!lanai!bcc
Eyring Corp. +1 801-375-2434 or 1 800 YES PDOS


Date: 19 Sep 91 08:13:05 GMT
From:!hpltoad!hpopd!hpwin052! (Mark
Subject: Driver for Deskjet 500 ?

Perhaps I should have qualified this a little further. The driver
is needed for First Word Plus.



Date: 19 Sep 91 15:09:22 GMT
noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!!cjherborth (Chris Herborth)
Subject: Driver for Deskjet 500 ?

In article <95630002@hpwin052.HP.COM> markb@hpwin052.HP.COM (Mark Bridgett)
}Perhaps I should have qualified this a little further. The driver
}is needed for First Word Plus.

Wait a minute... You're at HP...

Anyway, check atari.archive, there's a file in the printing (?) directory
that is a DJ500 driver for first word... Email to with "send Index" as the body of your
message, and then take a look through it...

Chris Herborth
3B Hons English RPW
Disclaimer: I was under the influence of Earl Grey tea when I said that...


Date: 19 Sep 91 20:38:24 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!magnus.acs! (David Butler)

Serious ST system for sale:

1) Mega 2+2 (4 megs) with:
a) AdSpeed (16mhz 68000)
b) Overscan
c) ISAAC Card (1024*768 Color/Mono high-Rez card, very nice, works
with the Spectre GCR very well, as well as most ST software).
d) BEST Power Supply
(the ISAAC and Power supply are virtually brand new)
e) Extra Shielding for the GCR
f) TOS 1.4
g) Extra Internal fan to cool ISAAC (and everything else)
h) Good mouse (Japan model, nice buttons)

$1750 or best offer (ISAAC costs $600 alone)
(NOTE: I would really like to sell this as a whole unit, I
don't want to have to take it apart and take these mods out...)

2) Spectre GCR with ROMS! $350(obo) (They now go for $449 new, mail order)
(drive works fine with shielding)

3) 50Megabyte, 28ms. Fast Hard Drive $325(obo)

4) (Another) 50Meg 28ms. Fast Hard Drive $325(obo)

5) Migraph HandScanner and TouchUp $300(obo)

5) Mono Monitor, Good shape, $85(obo)

6) Good Track-Ball mouse, modified by myself to give FAR SUPERIOR mouse
control than the original model (trust me) $25(obo)

7) Keyboard Extension cable (25feet) $5(obo)

8) SOFTWARE (all registered) (all listed below is "or best offer"):
a) Calamus (if you want the SL upgrade cheap, buy this) $135
b) Calamus Outline $75
c) Calaums Font Editor $75
d) Neodesk 3.0 $40
e) Cherry Fonts Disks - Times and Garamond, $15 each
f) Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back, $10 each
g) About 300 converted Calamus fonts, free with Hard Drive (either), or
$100 with Calamus
NOTE: The system comes with lots of PD and shareware on them. If you were
to buy the whole system, you would also get my entire settup parameters,
including Mac Partitions, system software etc...

9) ZOOM 2400 Baud modem, $55(obo)

There may be a few things I'm forgetting...

I'll pay shipping to anyone buying $350 worth of equipment or more.

This system comes with Support by me. No Warranty, but everything works
perfect as of taday. If you are having problems with the system anytime
during the first 6months, you can call me for help. Also, if you do need
help after the first 6months, I will be available through E-Mail (here)
for approximately another year...

If you do buy the whole system, everything except the games, I'll take $100 off
the total cost.

Please call (614)-297-7967 and leave a message, or E-Mail me...

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

-[ For Free ST consulting ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
-[ call Academic Computing ]-
-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 19 Sep 91 13:23:42 GMT
From: cme! (Forrest Chang)
Subject: Gemini installation.

Is there an english installation doc for gemini? I recently
got gemini11.zoo off of a.a and I couldn't get it to work right. I've
deciphered some stuff about order in which to copy the files in one of
the docs, but I haven't had any luck in getting it to work.

Possibly related, I just had my computer shipped back from
Korea (where I was for year) and I'm not sure it's working entirely.
My harddisk is acting a bit flakier than it did after it was shipped
to Korea, and stuff regularly bombs. I haven't quantified the
problem/symptoms, yet, but the following newstuff also give me
problems. UIS III doesn't installfrom auto, I can't get mint to run
from floppy as described in the docs, either auto or from the
desktop., none of the seq files I've down loaded from a.a work. Seems
Shadow of the Beast (brand new) doesn't boot right, goes past the the
eldritch cat part, can hear violent change of tracks form disk drive
and then some varied colors on the screen. like some of the symptoms
may be memory related, could it be the shipping back and forth has
zonked out some of the 256K chips in my machine. Is there a way to
check that they are all ok.

The machine is a 1040stf (circa 87 I think) and I've only had
it back from Korea since last thursday. Any ideas anyone.



Date: Fri, 20 Sep 91 16:47:36 BST
From: Steven John Atkinson <>
Subject: Harlekin Alarms

To info-atari16

Just read the plea from chiassa%udem@unbmvs1.csd.unbrca

If you are using Harlekin 1, you can only set the alarms on the day
you are using. If you want to set up alarms on another day you will
have to get Harlekin 2. This allows you to set up multiple alarms
using the new version of the scrapbook (now called the manager).

The software now uses memory from a pool, hence the pool of memory
reserved can be made smaller, instead of reserving huge ammounts for
the various parts, i.e the editor and scrapbook. These now use the
pool for there storage space. The ramdisk can be resized up the the
amount of free space in the pool without having to reset. Also the
various modules used are pulled of disk when needed (i.e. saves
memory) you can also add your own modules (information is given).

I am not affiliated to the authors of this software I just use it.


Fri, 20 Sep 91 16:47:32 BST


Date: 19 Sep 91 15:19:21 GMT
noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!!cjherborth (Chris Herborth)
Subject: Heat & Serve MiNT?

Now that Ian Lepore has been kind enough to roll us a "Heat & Serve"
version of Sozobon C, wouldn't it be nice if Eric Smith set up a nice
"Heat & Serve" version of MiNT? Yah-yah-yah... :-)

It'd be really great if the authors of Mupfel created a version that
threw out all the GEM support, and was MiNT'd instead... Ah well...
(Or if I could find something more like csh...)

Chris Herborth
3B Hons English RPW
Disclaimer: I was under the influence of Earl Grey tea when I said that...


Date: 19 Sep 91 22:03:52 GMT
(Mark Choi)
Subject: Mega Keyboard on old ST (Was- Re: Question about SST board from GBS

Here is how to patch a Mega keyboard to an old ST:


I've got a detached keyboard - A Mega keyboard, for that matter -
to the 520 I'm using now. It's a trivially simple modification, if
willing to do some wire fitting. What you need is a 6-wire telephone
and a 17-pin single inline header plug (plus, of course, a Mega
and a 520 - dunno about the newer ones, but the older (no internal
520's are happy with this modification.)

4 simple steps, with appropriate cursing relative to success.

1: take apart the 520, remove the old keyboard, leap on it a few times,
tear apart your warranty (leaping on the 520 keyboard provided
to do the modification properly, tearing apart the warranty just
the people at Atari the effort...)

2: take the telephone jack (er, socket, or whatever - I bought a 6-pin
wall plug and ripped it apart) and run the wires to the header plug
as follows:
blue, yellow -> pin 1
white, black -> pin 13
green -> pin 14
red -> pin 15

(my notes - I can't look at the actual connector for obvious reasons
say that the blue wire is #1, yellow #2, white #5, black #6, green
and red #4 on the telephone jack or socket or whatever)

3: plug the header plug back into the 520 at the same place you took
the old keyboard. (Pin one is towards the front of the unit, in
it's not labeled on the PC board.) feed the un-keyboarded end of
Mega keyboard cable through the RF shield where the 520 cable went
then reassemble the whole mess.

4: plug in in and play. You'll have to relocate the mouse cable out to
the Mega keyboard from the ST itself, but that's the only difference
I've noticed.

Total cost? 1 mega keyboard plus about $6 for the bits. And it's
trivially simple, and it doesn't permanently modify _any_ of the
offending bits except for the telephone jack and the the 17-pin
header plug. I'm noted for my tendency to kill hardware by a
glance, but I've managed to rip apart the ST, attach this mod, and
put it all back together with no ill-effects so far. (But I guess
I'll haveta point out that you're on your own if you do this; I'm
not responsible in general, and it'd be inconsistant if I made an
exception in this case.)

Hope this helps.


Date: 19 Sep 91 21:40:36 GMT
(William Magro)
Subject: Mega keyboards

In article <91262.123617ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET>, ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET writes:

|> in turn is better than every other keyboard I've ever used. Did you ever
|> try to type on a Sparcstation keyboard??

Yes, and like it quite a lot. I guess what we need to realize is that everyone
has a different ideal keyboard. Most of us agree it isn't the original ST
keyboard, though....

--Bill Magro


Date: 19 Sep 91 14:40:58 GMT
du! (David Butler)
Subject: Mega STe Keyboard

I still say the the Mega STe keyboard stinks. I do LOTS of typing, and I like
the MEGA keyboard ok, but hate the Mega STe keyboard with a passion. So do most
of the people I've talked to. I do know one guy who likes it though, so I guess
it is just a matter of how your hands work (mine are big and clumsy, so I like
the oversized keys on my Mega)...


Is the TT keyboard really the same as the MEGA STe keyboard? I heard
differently, but that was probably a year ago, and things change...

- What ever happened to free love anyway? -

David Butler


Date: 19 Sep 91 14:27:47 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!!linac!midway!spssig!
(Bob Hays)
Subject: Music - Atari

I use Tiger Cub and a 1040ST w/ 2 floppies for sequencing and software
development. I love it! I compared the ST to PCs, Macs and Amigas
back about five years ago and decided it was the best for my goals:

68000 assembler learning tool
Music sequencing tool

and I have been pleased since.

My question: does anyone know of any way to get Tiger Cub to send out
system exclusive messages? I've found that it will if I convert a
MIDI Recording Studio file up to Cub format, but that is really
painful (unfortunately, since I at that time used relatively slow
clocks for my sequences, like 24-96 spm). If anyone has any ideas,
please let me know via e-mail to
The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc. Phone: (312) 329-3522
Bob Hays Fax: (312) 329-3657


Date: 19 Sep 91 15:02:50 GMT
noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!!cjherborth (Chris Herborth)
Subject: Music - Atari

In article <> (Commander Brett Maraldo) writes:
}In article <> (Chris Herborth) writes:
}>Last I heard, Mick Fleetwood was using an ST, and Tangerine Dream had
}>13 of them...
} I use my computer for music composition and all my promo typesetting,
}including the j-cards for my cassette tape release. A little 520ST goes
}a long way (especially with 4meg in it :-)
}Brett L Maraldo
}Plexus Productions

Hmmm, maybe I'll sneak down to The Princess next time you're doing

(Then again, DigiT, the Front-242 clones, have an ST... Dunno what
sequencer they're using though...)

Chris Herborth
3B Hons English RPW
Disclaimer: I was under the influence of Earl Grey tea when I said that...


Date: 19 Sep 91 11:52:30 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!psuvax1!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: Question about SST board from GBS

In article <>, (David Butler) says:
>This is simply not true. Nobody I know has upgraded their Mega to a Mega STe.
I know several people -- but there are more people, who upgrade to an TT,
right (at least here in Germany).

>In fact, everyone I know looked at the Mega STe and laughed (have you ever
>seen, better yet used the keyboard, what a piece of junk!). Everyone I know,
>including myself, with the original Mega's is wonderfully happy with them and
The Mega STE has the same keyboard as the TT, and EVERYBODY I know of is
absolutely happy with it. It's much better than the Mega ST keyboard, which
in turn is better than every other keyboard I've ever used. Did you ever
try to type on a Sparcstation keyboard??

>just won't consider "upgrading". AdSpeed is better than the Mega STe 16mhz
>68000 settup too, seeing as it will switch, hands-off, at the execution of any
>program you set it to, and switch back when you quit. The local store has a
>Mega STe they have not been able to sell for 6 months, but still gets TONS of
>requests for the original Megas. Whenever they do get a Mega in, it sells the
>same day, meanwhile the Mega STe sits there..... Also, the compatibility seems
>to be extremely poor. Virtually none of the demos, and a couple of
>crashed and burned in the Mega STe, even with the cache turned off and running
>at 8mhz. All these same programs work fine with AdSpeed. Lastly, ever seen how
>the hard drive is held in a Mega STe? GLUE, can you believe it! Take the
>case on the right side of the machine off and just look at how Atari installed
>the hard drive, this is why the hard drive is so damn loud (it sounds like it
>is destroying itself anytime you do drive access). Wait, one last thing, the
>hard drive light is not built into the machine. Ever noticed that the hard
>drive light is difficult to see because it is so dim? This is because the
>"light" on the Mega STe is really just a hole with a little piece of plastic
>it. It relies on the light built into the drive, which just sits in there
>behind the little piece of that's engineering for you.
>Really though, my biggest gripe is the keyboard, I've literally never seen a
>keyboard on a modern computer this poor (it makes a Mac Plus keyboard look
>good). Anyone that has a Mega STe should know that you can purchase the
>original MEGA keyboards from BEST electronics, and they will work fine...
> || || || - David Butler (
> || || ||
> || || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
> || || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
> || || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
> ||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
> |||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
> - Desktop Publishing
>-[ For Free ST consulting ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
>-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
>-[ call Academic Computing ]-
>-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
>-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
>-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 18 Sep 91 23:25:58 GMT
From: (Mike Healy)
Subject: Question about SST board from GBS

Does anyone know if the SST will fit into a 1040stf? A friend of mine has
a 25 MHz 68030 just looking for a good home. It wouldn't be 40 MHz, but
I imagine a little bit faster than my 8 MHz 68000.

Mike Healy


Date: 19 Sep 91 14:21:56 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-sta! (David Butler)
Subject: Question about SST board from GBS

>If he is counting on that, which I don't think he is, Mr. Small isn't going
>to make as much money as I previously stated.
>Dave Small is much smarter than that.
>(Read it and weep people, the only defensive message I will make, it wasn't
> even all that defensive really, just a factual comparison. The closest
> I will EVER get to supporting Atari.)

I agree, Dave Small is smarter than that. I'm sure he is working on a MEGA STe
version. Personally, with all the problems I've been hearing about the new
Atari systems, I'm still glad I have a Mega (I just had the fatal Power Supply
problem myself, what a pain...) I've had a number of problems (trust me). My
drive shielding is so poor that I had to wrap the drive cable in aluminum foil,
as well as the drive itself...

Anyway, I'm considering going to a TT (even though it has lots of problems
too), and would like to know a couple things:

1) How well does the Spectre GCR work with it?

2) Where can I get a BIGSCREEN color card for it, not this crappy
640*480*16colors (16 colors? come on Atari....). I need at least
1024*768*16colors like my ISAAC, or better yet 256 colors from a 16million

3) Has anyone used Calamus SL in conjuction with a High-Rez card on the TT?

4) How is the keyboard? Will my Mega Keyboard work with the TT (just in case
the TT keyboard sucks)?

5) Where can I get one cheapest?

- Free Love Always -

David Butler


Date: 19 Sep 91 11:52:27 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!psuvax1!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: TeX, which do I get? (Now that I kno

In article <>, (Michael
Kistenmacher) says:
>The perfect one, always reliable with a nice shell. speedy and makes the
>best output. It's shareware. Since Metafont is not ported by Stefan Lindner
>himself and Lutz Birkhan hasn't ported the version 2.9 to the ST, you have
>to run SL's TeX 3.1 combined with old Metafont 1.7
Hu? As far as I know, Lutz Birkhahn has just finished the new version (and
the newest version of Metafont is 2.7x, isn't it?)

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 19 Sep 91 14:52:16 GMT
From:!uniol!unido!urmel!akela! (Michael
Subject: Zoo 2.1
To: (Christian Felsch) writes:

>Write a Mail to Thomas Quester Mouse HH. He is the only reliable
>address for Compressing programs. He did the porting of the new LHARC.
The one that did not work right ? don't talk about lharc. I have had
*much* trouble with this assembler-optimized lharc versions (not UNIX-
compatible etc) - finally, I've got the UNIX-Lharc-source and compiled
it using GCC. At least that worked!
As a result, I have now switched to ZOO2.1 which does not have such
problems. I have the version that was posted in
(which is the OK version). It should be available from atari.archive or
at least from any archive site.
I hope that we will stay at the present, stable version of ZOO2.1
without zillions of different versions with slight optimizations and
modifications appearing soon.
Michael Schwingen, Ahornstrasse 36, W-5100 Aachen, Germany


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