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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 016

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 13 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 16

Today's Topics:
"Green selector" virus? (2 msgs)
Heat and Serve.
Hermes UUCP package
Monitor question
New TEC card
PD C compilers for ST
SKATES.PRG boot problem
Sozobon C
Spectrum Code Fix?
SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? (3 msgs)
STe's (2 msgs)
The best game...
Using the PBM+ port for the ST
What are .msa files?
What failure modes on 520st and mono monitors?
who has stmidiex.prg ?

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Date: 13 Jan 92 10:25:00 GMT
From:!hpltoad!hpopd!hpcpbla! (Ian Crighton)
Subject: "Green selector" virus?

I'm only working with some third-hand information here so I apologise for
the lack of detail, but has anyone heard of an ST virus that greets you
with some phrase like "the little green selector"? For all I know this may
not be a virus at all - it could be part of an application that is running -
but I thought that it might ring bells with someone here if it was. And, if
it IS a virus, does anyone know what virus-hunting tools are around that
would help to get rid of it?
Ian Crighton HP Computer Peripherals Bristol


Date: 14 Jan 92 00:48:11 GMT
From: mcsun!!sunic!!tdb! (Daniel
Subject: "Green selector" virus?
To: (Ian Crighton) writes:
: I'm only working with some third-hand information here so I apologise for
: the lack of detail, but has anyone heard of an ST virus that greets you
: with some phrase like "the little green selector"? For all I know this may
: not be a virus at all - it could be part of an application that is running -
: but I thought that it might ring bells with someone here if it was.
: [stuff deleted]

Don't worry, it's no virus! It's just a replacement file-selector!

*** | Daniel Eriksson - Delta Force | |
*** | Uppsala University/Sweden | IRC: DanielDF |
*** |-------------------------------| Voice: +46 18 370024 |
* * * | "Fighting for peace is like | Voice weekends: +46 26 72901 |
* * * | fucking for virginity!"
| Fidonet: 2:205/218 (T.A.R) |


Date: 13 Jan 92 17:11:00 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncrwat!pinot! (Chris Herborth)
Subject: AmigaFS

In article <zxmgn01.695182523@mailserv>
(Philipp Knirsch) writes:

}Hmmm... But some copy-programms copy a normaly Amiga-Formated disk without
}problems. So, why should it not be possible to do it??
}Perhaps you are right when you look at single sectors, but i think if i can
}read track by track, that would be enough to build up a AmigaFS
}Phil. (

You can copy a Spectre formatted (I'm not sure about a straight Mac disk) disk
the same way... The only caveat is that you should override any checks the
program does to find out the disk format. As far as I know, Mac (and Spectre)
disks are _always_ 2 sides, 10 sectors, and 80 tracks.

So, it _might_ be possible to write a MFS filesystem reader/writer for the
new MiNT loadable filesystems... It _should_ be possible to do an AmigaFS
filesystem... I have a feeling Mac HFS would be either impossible or
incredibly difficult, since Dave Small couldn't do it...

Chris Herborth herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM
Information Products Co-Op
NCR E&M Waterloo
Chris Herborth herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM
Information Products Co-Op
NCR E&M Waterloo


Date: 14 Jan 92 02:10:16 GMT
Subject: Drakkhen

Does anyone know where I can get hints, tips, or maps for Drakkhen?


Date: 13 Jan 92 21:09:56 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!kcbbs!status!jonc@a (Jon Clarke)
Subject: Heat and Serve.
To: writes:

> Have the postings to COMP.BINARY.ATARI.ST for Heat & Serve been completed?
> I can only find parts 1 - 12.
> Chris.

They are on here Chris, if you want to uucp (+649)358-5543

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 12 Jan 92 08:56:30 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!!!
(Michael Kistenmacher)
Subject: Hermes UUCP package

In <>, Jon Clarke writes:
>How about doing me a favour Chaps?? Can you poST Hermes and Mercury to
>the Atari RT on GEnie for ME??? I am sure there are alot of user out htere

Some weeks ago the author told me, that he doesn't want HERMES to go out to
the public until it's out of beta-status. The actual version is 0.991 and
it won't be long 'til it's at 1.0.


| Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
| 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
| West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |


Date: 13 Jan 92 23:53:39 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!ucsbcsl! (Hanson)
Subject: Monitor question

Greetings. I am building an interface cable for the monitor port.
Can I hook up the monochrome & ground? If so, do I need to raise the
monochrome select pin with the 12v on the port as well? Any advice is
welcome. I have a monochrome monitor and a color tv and would like to
be able to see something. BTW it is a 1040STf

Many thanks.


Date: 14 Jan 92 02:24:44 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi! (Michael John
Subject: New TEC card

Would someone review the new TEC card that was recently
described. Does it work as well as it sounds? Was it
easy to install?
Thanks a lot.

Mike Dinsmore


Date: 13 Jan 92 18:37:23 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!rusmv1!news.uni-!nova! (Hans-Peter Nollert)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST
To: (Leo de Wit) writes:

>Exactly. This sign bit is precisely a factor of 2, 32K positive of
>address register, and 32K negative of it. And 32K + 32K = 64K...

BUT - You have to take into account that you might have to jump from the
beginning of the segment to the end, or vice versa. You can cover only 32K
in each direction!



Date: 13 Jan 92 14:35:50 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!trwind!venice!sleepy!
Subject: SKATES.PRG boot problem

When I run SKATES.PRG (med rez) all I get is a black screen and a message:

error #52 press a key

What is going wrong? It has run before. No alt desk tops or boot programs.
1040 Ste w/4meg.


Date: 13 Jan 92 18:43:07 GMT
From: noao!ncar!uchinews!spssig! (Bob Hays)
Subject: Sozobon C

In article <>, (Steve Yelvington)
> [In article <>,
> (Mark Lehmann) writes ... ]
> > I just downloaded all of the Sozobon C stuff in the languages directory
> > of the Atari archive. Is there anything I should know before I delve into
> > configuring the Sozobon C compiler? I haven't un-archived the files
> > yet, but I assume that I will find top-notch documentation that will
> > guide me through the installation, and a compile of the "Hello World"
> > program.
> You won't find a step-by-step installation guide in the Sozobon
> 1.2 package, and the 2.0 package is just an upgrade of the
> 1.2 binaries.
> I suggest that you set aside everything you downloaded from the
> languages directory and get the ``Heat and Serve'' Sozobon C
> 1.33i, which moved last week in
> All you need to do with 1.33i is un-ZOO the file, double-click
> INSTALL.PRG, tell it where you want to put the components, and
> sit back while INSTALL does all the work. You'll be compiling
> hello.c (and GEM sources, too) in a matter of minutes, because
> the example code and makefiles are part of the package.

{ Material deleted }

I just did this Sunday. I would suggest care if you have a dual disk situation
(I've got 2 DS/DD drives w/ no hard drive [just cannot find the bucks,
especially when my favorite sequencing program, Tiger Cub, is still copy-
protected [boo-hiss]]). The un-ZOOed output will almost fill a DS/DD diskette.
Therefore, you may need to extract files individually and copy them to a source
diskette for performing an install.

Otherwise, Sozobon 1.33i went in smooth as silk for me (accept for a problem
with my TMP variable and taking advantage of multiple path searches for LIB
and INCLUDE in 1.33i which lets me separate my stuff from the Sozobon stuff).

Have fun! - Bob
The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc. Phone: (312) 329-3529 | "There is no dark side of the
Bob Hays Fax: (312) 329-3657 | moon really ...."
- Pink Floyd


Date: 13 Jan 92 23:11:43 GMT
From:! (Doug Stevens)
Subject: Spectrum Code Fix?

A while ago the source code to display a Spectrum picture was posted. This
code worked great until it exited, and then it locked up. Does anyone have
the code to allow this program to exit correctly?

Its possible that I may be at fault, since my compiler doesn't have an "illegal"
macro. Which might make the program end properly.

If you know how to modify the formentioned program to make it exit correctly,
or if you have another version all together let me know.

Thanks a lot, Doug.

This is grain which any fool can eat but for which God intended a more divine
means of consumption. Let us give praise to our Maker and glory to his bounty
by learning about... BEER. -- Friar Tuck from Robin Hood.


Date: 13 Jan 92 21:07:01 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!kcbbs!status!jonc@a (Jon Clarke)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?
To: (John Dillenburg) writes:

> Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST
> is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs

--> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it
from me this message is written on such a machine!

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 13 Jan 92 22:36:30 GMT
(Pete Ikusz)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

In article <> (Jon Clarke) writes:
> (John Dillenburg) writes:
>> Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST
>> is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs
> --> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it
> from me this message is written on such a machine!
Do you then use the standard (cheezy) keyboard by extending the standard
wiring harness, or is there a compatible replacement?
Pete Ikusz Introl Corporation


Date: 14 Jan 92 01:59:51 GMT
u!!! (Steven D Ourada)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

In <> (Pete
Ikusz) writes:

>In article <> (Jon Clarke) writes:

>Do you then use the standard (cheezy) keyboard by extending the standard
>wiring harness, or is there a compatible replacement?
>Pete Ikusz Introl Corporation

This reminds me, did Atari recently update their keyboards? I have a 1040STe
that I purchased around two months ago, and I like the keyboard. It is quite
a bit better than the one on my friend's 1040STe of 18 months ago... It has
little mush, and the keys have just about the right amount of spring to them.

(Of course, Atari hasn't always been known for their consistency in product
:-) )

Steven Ourada
Ask me how my university is censoring my Usenet access!


Date: 13 Jan 92 23:49:12 GMT
noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!apple!portal!!Azog-Thoth@arizo (William Thomas Daugustine)
Subject: STe's

This message is mostly irrelevant babbling, so if you dont want to
read about my experiences with my non-Mega STe, quit out now...

I like to post things like this, just in case anyone is interested,
but never saw the info before...

I recently (tuesday the 7) received my new 520STe that I ordered
from a mail order company (D&P Computers, for $339. Sorry if that
sounds commercial, I am in now way affiliated with this company,
but they seem to be the best price around). On Friday the 10, I
got 4 1mb SIMMs modules and upgraded it, and now, its like a whole
new machine.

So far, what Ive done is make a 1mb RAM disk, copy NeoDesk3 to it,
and run NeoDesk from the RAM disk. Can you say speed? I also
am running Uniterm from the RAM disk. Accessory wise, I have the
slots all filled up: RAM disk, EyeCon (what the heck), NeoControl
Panel, NeoTrashcan, and NeoPrint Queue. All this is running at the
same time, I didnt need to unload NeoDesk to run Uniterm (with
the old 512k, I did). This is great! Too bad 4mb is all this thing
can support (or as far as I know, thats all)

My next addition will probably be a hard drive. I have a ST-225
20mb drive doing nothing, and was considering the AdSCSI Plus ST
adapter. That has a clock, and what I imagine is that it lets you
use ST-506 type drives on the ST.

Either that, or I hear that TOS 2.06 is now available for the
STes. Anyone have it yet? How much?

Then all I need is a colour monitor :-) (thinking about the
Atari stereo one, but thats like $350).

Who says Amiga is the best? :-) (please lets not start on that
again, just my humble opinion)

Billy D'Augustine


Date: 14 Jan 92 02:34:50 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!magnus.acs.ohio-stat!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Troy L.
Subject: STe's

In a previous article, (William Thomas Daugustine)

>Then all I need is a colour monitor :-) (thinking about the
>Atari stereo one, but thats like $350).

I've got an SC1435. (The 14" stereo color monitor) I think it is worth
the money for what you get. Although the larger screen does take some
getting used to, it has volume, contrast, brightness and horizontal
controls on the front panel, and even has a green mode. The tilt/swivel
stand it comes with is rather nice, too.

One major difference is that all of those programs that would print
things way off in the margins of the screen where I couldn't see them
are now not nearly as annoying. Heck, not annoying at all, even.

(And then there's when I have the ST hooked up to my 27"
TV and my
rather modest stereo... Nah, I won't get into that.)

Troy L. Nothnagel
"And for a gorilla, his English wasn't half bad." - Den of Earth
"No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!" - Guard, MP&tHG


Date: 13 Jan 92 23:10:32 GMT
From: ub!dsinc!!tredysvr!cellar!
(Thomas Darling)
Subject: The best game...
To: (Mickey Boyd) writes:

> >I have the new shareware game by Minter, Revenge of the Mutant Camels. At
> >least as good as the CBM64 original!
> Could you put it on I would be happy to do it
> if you email me a uuencoded copy :-).

Or better yet, on GEnie. Along with Colourspace.

I'll make the same offer re: uploading there if given uucoded versions.

~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~\\\~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing
uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/654-9184 * FACT


Date: 13 Jan 92 17:17:07 GMT
From: amdcad!netcomsv! (Han Shan Anderson)
Subject: Using the PBM+ port for the ST

Has anyone had any luck using the PBM+ package available at atari.archive?
I'm trying to use it to convert compressed spectrum files to jpeg files,
howeverI keep getting a "usage error HOSTTYPE=atarist". I haven't been able to
any clarification in the docs. Ideas?



Date: 13 Jan 92 16:22:51 GMT
da!!pi! (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: What are .msa files?

In article <>,
(Mark Miller) writes:
>I have seen these files at atari.archive that have a .msa extension,
>under the sound directory. I got one called zeppelin.msa, and while I
>do have steplay, I haven't tried it with that yet. What program is
>supposed to play these?

These are archive files (somewhat like .arc or .lzh). The difference
is that they contain an entire disk (including format info and boot
sector). The program is called Magic Shadow Archiver (msa) and is
available from atari.archive. Since the compression algorithm built
into MSA is a bit slow and inefficient, often these files are then
arced or lzhed.

Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."



Date: 13 Jan 92 23:01:33 GMT
r!swift!! (Paul Antoine)
Subject: What failure modes on 520st and mono monitors?

Hello people,
I've just inherited two 520st's and their monochrome monitors.
It appears that the power supply in one of the st's has died, one monitor
is dead, and the other appears to be on the way out.

Does anyone in netland know of the failure modes of these things? My task
of fixing them will be somewhat easier with a bit of background knowlege
about components that are likely to have failed, and what to look out for.

Any help would be appreciated.

Paul M. Antoine net:
Softway Pty. Ltd. snail: P.O. Box 305, Strawberry Hills 2012 Australia
Sydney, Australia. voice: +61 2 {698 2322, 665 9035}

----- Note the new mail address for those who remember me as paul@spectrum ----


Date: 13 Jan 92 22:40:18 GMT
From: fluke!intermec! (Max Newman x6689)
Subject: who has stmidiex.prg ?

Does anybody out there have a copy of stmidiex.prg ?
If so would you please e-mail me a copy, or e-mail me
to set up a standard mail exchange ?

uucp address: or uunet!pilchuck!intermec!maxn
**Trust in your calling, make sure your calling is true**


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