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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 003

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 4 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 3

Today's Topics:
Another Pexec-question
Atari TTM195 Monitor
AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions?
Doug Harrison still supporting Opus?
GNU C++ at atari.archive
History of Atari
How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST (2 msgs)
Mega STE & Gadgets by Small 68030 SST
Re-post of the Flow Chart Compiler
Re~2: Hermes UUCP package
Rowley Modula-2
scanning frequencies of TTM194
Sozobon 2.0 and 8bit chars (2 msgs)
Supra Drive connections
System For Sale
Termcaps help...
TT/030 why the ST RAM?
uniterm problem.... HELP PLEASE

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Date: 4 Jan 92 14:22:03 GMT
(Ph. Knirsch)
Subject: AmigaFS

Hello, guys.

I am planing to write a driver.prg with which there would be a new partition,
which you could open and use like a normal ST-diskdrive. But the difference
would be that it actually uses the Amiga-FileSystem, sothat you could
read and use this disk on the amiga as well.

Is anybody interrested in such a programm?? If not, i see no need to write
that programm, so please respond...

Philipp Knirsch =8-)


Date: 3 Jan 92 23:04:11 GMT
From: cadence!! (Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: Another Pexec-question

In article <> (Dr. Eder, Manfred) writes:

> How to avoid having the Pexec-routine change the Supervisorstack-ptr??
> Or, how to change the supervisor-stack in the childprocess WITHOUT changing
> the process-mode from USER to SUPERVISOR (Yes, no 0x20 TRAP1 function

two ways to do this that i could think of:

-- grab and save the ipl 2 vector (vector 26). when a program is
launched a hblank occurs, and you can set up the SSP or whatever, and
restore the hblank vector.

-- do a Pexec 3, put a breakpoint at the start address, then launch
with a Pexec 4 or 6 (6 if you have tos 1.4). When you get trapped, do
the fixup and unpatch the entry point, and let it rip.

>Mathias Gaertner, using the account of my Boss, Dr. Eder.

bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi
GEnie: J.Bammi
CIS: 71515,155


Date: 4 Jan 92 01:02:06 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Keith Sommerville)
Subject: Atari TTM195 Monitor

The Atari Colour monitor for the TT is the PTC 1426 ans costs around 400
UK Pounds which is expensive for a VGA monitor. It also handles the 320 * 200
with 256 colours mode.


Date: 3 Jan 92 15:48:22 GMT
From: mcsun!!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen)
Subject: AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions?
To: (Marco) writes:

> (Michel Forget) writes:
>> When the user presses TAB from a GEM program, an alert appears telling
>> the total ammount of free memory available. Again, this could be done

>Well, as you say you could use evnt_keybd() to do this from an ACC. To do

This would not work because keypress events goes to the owner of the top
window... Which means that the accessory need to have a window open - and

>this from an AUTO program, would, I beleive require you to intercept the
>TAB keypress.This would prevent the TAB from getting to the GEM program
>which you said we were running.

Exactly how would you make your resident program do an alert? To make an
AES call you need to have an ap_id - which you can't get (beeing resident)!

You may now ask how the 'critical event (sp?)' work, you know the alert that
says something along the lines "Your drive is not responding[retry|cancel]"
(this vector is called from BIOS level, and the standard routine calls AES).
I think that it is a dangerous hack which should not be copied, as a lesson
you could try to force the alert from the file selector on pre TOS 1.04
machines (fx by removing the disc from the drive)...



Date: 4 Jan 92 07:48:05 GMT
(Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: Doug Harrison still supporting Opus?

Does anyone know whether Opus' author Doug Harrison is still in the business
of upgrading Opus 2.2 to 2.3? I send a check with a floppy to his P.O.Box
address in Baton Rouge, LA back in October and the bank says that my check has
been cleared but I have not heard from Doug. Since my bank does not return
my check, I don't know whether Doug himself cashed it either. Regardless
of whether he still supports Opus, I think he deserves the meager share fee.
It's really a pittance. However, it would be nice to have v.2.3. So, ...
Is he still supporting this package upgrade or has he quit the ST altogether?

Secondly, I have had problems importing OPUS-generated GEM metafiles into
Pagestream. They will print out on my Deskjet+ but will not be imported
into Pagestream nor Easy Draw properly. Does anyone have similar problems?
May I have some hints?



Date: 4 Jan 92 04:46:20 GMT
du! ("Flip" Medley)
Subject: GNU C++ at atari.archive

I've been having a rough time getting GNU C++ installed on my system, and I
think I finally have everything in order, except that when I compile a
program, I get an error saying that in xfile.o, _vfscanf is not defined.

I checked, and xfile.o is contained in one of the .olb files in the C++
distribution, but I don't have the source and I'm wondering if soemthing
else could be causing this error if the libraries are correct (which they
probably are). I'm expecting that there is probably a problem in my
setup (I'm using a Mega ST 2 with Gulam as my shell).


Date: 3 Jan 92 13:38:03 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!! (Mr Stephen R Usher)
Subject: History of Atari

In article <> (Uwe Poliak) writes:
>Hello Jim,
>t>To wit: what differentiates the STfm and the STe from the straight ST? How
>t>the Megas different (as well as Mega STe)?
>STFm <-> ST:
>The STFm has a TV-modulator on board.

The ST had no internal disk drive, and the power supply was external too.
The STM was as above but with a TV modulator (I know, I've got one!).
The STF looks like an STFM, but has no TV modulator and has a Single-sided
floppy, as did the early STFM's.

>The MSTE has no SCSI-Port, the TT has one.

The TT also has an IBM-PC VGA compatable monitor port instead of the normal
ST one. (I KNow, I've got one of these too :-))
This gives two extra resolutions with the Atari "Multi-sync" monitor,
640x240 256 colours
640x480 16 colours, both out of a palette of 4096.
The TT also has an 68882 maths co-processor as standard (using the standard
Motorola co-processor operations to access it, unlike the Atari bodge on the

>16MHz-68000-processor (switchable to 8MHz) , 16kB-Cache-Memory,
>external 16-bit-, internal 32-bit-Bus, 24-bits adressable,
>floating-point-processor-socket (68881/2)
>2/4 MB RAM, 256 kB internal ROM, 128 kB external ROM using the ROM-Port,
> TT-Desktop (TOS 2.05?)
> Resolutions: 640 * 400 -> monochrome
> 640 * 200 -> 4 colors +
> 320 * 200 -> 16 colors +-- out of 4096 colors
>integrated Harddisc,
>Stereo-DMA-Sound for digitized music,
>Genlock-connenctor, DMA/LAN-Port,
>Stereo OUT-Connector,
>2 serial ports,
>MEGA ST <-> ST:
>Slot for System-Bus - all processor signals are connected here
>new housing
Some more deleted...

I hope this clears some things up some more.


JANET:- or
Internet:- or


Date: 3 Jan 92 12:52:59 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!pyrltd!mwuk! (Tony Mountifield)
Subject: How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST

In article <> (Lez
Oxley) writes:
> I would like to connect a colour TV (Matsui Model 1455) to an old-style
> 1040ST which doesn't have an RF socket.
> Apart from purchasing an RF Modulator - could the UK Readers of this
> Please suggest a possible supplier - is there anyway I can connect it
> to the 1040 using the Video In/Audio In Phono Sockets of the TV with
> appropriate connections from the ST's monitor socket (And no - the TV
> doesn't have a Scart socket).
> In my handbook for the ST, 'composite video' is mentioned as being
> available on pin 2 but in combination with the Ground pin I can't get
> it to work. I'm not sure whether my soldering is at fault or whether
> even though the ST handbook talks about composite video, it is actually
> available on a vintage 1040 ST.
> Has anyone managed to get a composite video signal out of a 1040ST? Is
> it even theoretically possible?

No, it isn't. The modulator contains two parts: the first half combines
the Red, Green, Blue and Sync into PAL-encoded composite video, and the
second half modulates a UHF carrier with it.

The pin 2 output is fed from the output of the first half, and so will
not be connected to anything in the old 1040STF.

The composite video output works fine on my old 520STM.

Tony Mountifield | Microware Systems (UK) Ltd.
MAIL: tony@mwuk.uucp | Leylands Farm, Nobs Crook,
INET: | Colden Common, WINCHESTER, SO21 1TH.
UUCP: ...!mcsun!uknet!mwuk!tony | Tel: 0703 601990 Fax: 0703 601991
**** OS-9, OS-9000 Real Time Systems **** MS-DOS - just say "No!" ****
** Any opinions are mine, not Microware's - but you knew that anyway. **


Date: 3 Jan 92 16:44:48 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!utgpu!utzoo!censor!isgtec! (Ken
Subject: How can you get Composite Video from Atari 1040ST

In article <>, (Lez
Oxley) writes:
> I would like to connect a colour TV (Matsui Model 1455) to an old-style
> 1040ST which doesn't have an RF socket.
> ...stuff deleted...
> Has anyone managed to get a composite video signal out of a 1040ST? Is
> it even theoretically possible?

On old ST's without the RF modulator, the composite video signal is not
connected at all - that signal comes from the (absent) RF modulator.
So, you can't do it, unless you buy an outboard modulator that can take
the RGB and convert it to composite video and/or RF.
- kn


Date: 3 Jan 92 18:22:17 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!mucs!logitek! (Alan Hourihane)
Subject: Mega STE & Gadgets by Small 68030 SST

Hi All,

Does the Mega STE work with Dave Smalls 68030 SST Board ???

If so, When using the 68000 for compatibility mode, can you still
switch between 8 and 16MHz operation ????

Alan Hourihane



Date: 4 Jan 92 02:25:13 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!usc!trwind!venice!sleepy!
Subject: Re-post of the Flow Chart Compiler

I have just posted the FlowChart Compiler (FCC) to the atari/new
subdirectory of It is in arc'd format and
contains 4 files: fcc.prg, mymenu.rsc, manual.asc, and an examples file.

The examples file contains two examples of the Flowchart Design Language
(FDL). You can split these examples into two files, compile them, then
view or print the resulting flow charts.

The print capabilities are limited to a Star GEMINI 10X or compatible.
Sorry, this is the first version. I'll make printer support more flexible
in future versions. I'm thinking of a First Word Plus type of printer
driver that you create yourself, but I'll entertain any suggestions.

This is the second time I've posted it.
The first time I forgot to include the resource file.

I'm very interested in bug reports, and opinions regarding use, value, etc.
This program is shareware.

Mark Falleroni


Date: 4 Jan 92 00:03:08 GMT
mcsun!unido!tmpmbx!unlisys!!!martini@uun (Martin P. Ibert)
Subject: Re~2: Hermes UUCP package

In <3781363@harvee.UUCP>, Eric S Johansson writes:
( ) The mercury uucico
( ) run just fine at 9600 baud via a trailblazer t2500 modem.

The "Mercury" UUCICO has been under constant development, is now at version
3.21 and runs just fine at 19200 baud via a T2500 or via a direct serial
line. Seems to be hard to beat in C.
__ | Martin P. Ibert, Westendallee 100 d, D-1000 Berlin 19, Germany
( )_ |, also
( 9 )_ |---------------------------------------------------------------
(_________) | All that we see or seem/is but a dream within a dream. --E.A.P


Date: 3 Jan 92 11:56:39 GMT
lgzrz!opal! (Robert Tolksdorf)
Subject: Rowley Modula-2

Does someone know if and where Rowley Modula-2 for the ST is available?
What does it cost and is there a german distributor?

Thanks and ciao

| Robert Tolksdorf | Technical University Berlin | Private: |
| 030/314-73558 (FR6078) | FB 20 - FLP - FR 6-10 | Koertestr. 30 |
| e-mail: | Franklinstr. 28/29 | D-1000 Berlin 61 |
| | D-1000 Berlin 10 / Germany | +30 / 694 55 97 |


Date: 3 Jan 92 22:33:39 GMT
(William Magro)
Subject: scanning frequencies of TTM194

Does anyone know the scanning frequencies of the high res TT monitor, the

I am thinking of buying a TT if I can get a mono monitor I have to work with
the TT in high res. $1000 for a mono monitor is too much for me...

Also, if you know the scanning frequencies for the other TT video modes,
in particular the VGA mode, please give those as well.

Thanks a bunch.

Bill Magro


Date: 3 Jan 92 17:12:32 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!janhh! (Jan Willamowius)
Subject: Sozobon 2.0 and 8bit chars
To: (Steve Yelvington) writes:
> I wrote:
> > Why do some people belive that the 8th bit in char doesn't matter ?
> >
> > It always puts a little salt into otherwise good software when I see
> > that eg. in german special characters the hi bit is stripped off for
> > no reason at all.
> >
> > I couldn't reach the authors of Sozobon C, but maybe somebody can tell
> > them (and all other Amercican software writers) that there are people
> > out there who care for that extra bit!
> I'm confused by this note, Jan -- under what circumstances are you losing
> the high bit? I don't know of anything in the dLibs stdio that would
> alter any char other than \r.

It's the following line in the source of hcc (tok.c):

if (c != EOF)
c &= 0x7f;

This means

printf("foo <international chars> bar");

turns out to display

foo <nothing or garbage> bar

It's not he dLibs, ist hcc itself!

- Jan

Jan Willamowius, Nienredder 6, 2000 Hamburg 54, Germany


Date: 4 Jan 92 15:58:48 GMT
edu!!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 2.0 and 8bit chars

[In article <>, (Jan Willamowius) writes ... ]

> It's the following line in the source of hcc (tok.c):
> if (c != EOF)
> c &= 0x7f;

OK ... I see the problem. Sozobon 1.33i doesn't clear the high bit.
You probably ought to be using octal escapes for data outside the
normal range of printable characters:

printf("The pause that refreshes\276\n");

.. but keep in mind that such values aren't portable.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables


Date: 4 Jan 92 00:21:23 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!tamsun!tamuts! (Mark Lehmann)
Subject: Supra Drive connections

I received two suggestions about daisy chaining my 20Mg and 60Mg Supra
Drives. Unfortunately I didn't understand the one about soldering the
new drive and old drive together. I did understand the other suggestion,
but I couldn't find the DMA output on the 60Mg drive.

What I have is a 20MG drive with a case, controller, power supply,host adapter
and a 25 Pin output which Supra calls a DMA-SCSI cable.

I also have a 60Mg Supra drive that only has a cable that connects to the
DMA port of the Atari ST. The 60Mg drive also has its own case, power
supply, controller, and host adapter.

Can I somehow use this 25 Pin SCSI port on the 20Mg drive to supply a data
connections to the DMA plug on the 60Mg drive? I have looked at the
documentation supplied with the Supra Utilities, but I think these 25 Pin
instructions assume that I am going to plug some type of pure SCSI device
into the 25PIN port (like a CD player, Tape backup, or a SCSI drive without
a host adapter).

I am still trying to get ahold of Supra about this, but every time I call
the support line is busy. I did get the new Supra phone number, but that
is the one that is always busy.

Mark Lehmann!n160ao


Date: 4 Jan 92 01:26:11 GMT
du (Ray Wilmott)
Subject: System For Sale

WANTED! Buyer for an Atari 1040ST System

1040 ST with 1 Meg Ram, 40 Meg Hard Drive, Modem, Printer...
and an incredible amount of software.

I have no time to use it anymore, and its a shame to have it just sit

Make an offer, please!

Call 908-251-0995 and leave a message, or sent E-mail to this address.

Thanks, and happy new year.


Date: 4 Jan 92 14:38:21 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!! (Mr Stephen R Usher)
Subject: Termcaps help...


The tcsh port on Atari.archive does not support the cursor keys as
far as I can tell. (The ST/TT's cursor keys do not produce codes which are
easily read, you have to use specific GEMDOS calls to find out what they


I was rather puzzled to hear that Uniterm doesn't work on your new
STE as it runs fine on my TT (in ST high-res mode), I would have thought the
STE was closer to the old ST than the TT.

JANET:- or
Internet:- or


Date: 3 Jan 92 21:11:04 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!!hyc@a (Howard Chu)
Subject: TT/030 why the ST RAM?

In article <>
aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys) writes:
>I've read a lot of articles on the TT/030 and David Small's 68030 SST.
>However, I still have some questions.
>One of my questions is why is there a need for ST RAM in these machines?
>Why can't they just have fastRAM?
>It would be great if the TT/030 could use fastRAM only to run ST
>David Small says that a reason for the 4 megs of ST RAM in his
>hardware is because video and disk have to come out of it.
>But why?

David Small's answer is also true for the TT. In the ST, the RAM is
actually twice as fast as is needed for an 8 MHz 68000. The other half of
the bandwidth is reserved for the video hardware. So, the way things work,
the video hardware is always accessing the ST's RAM, alternating accesses
with the CPU.

In the TT, the video hardware is much the same, to preserve ST compatibility.
The "fast" RAM is memory that the video hardware does not have access to. It
is "faster" because all of its bandwidth can be dedicated to the CPU, instead
of being shared with the video. (Of course in the TT, it is also faster because
it supports 68030 burst mode operation...)

As for disk accesses - I thought the ST DMA operated by stealing CPU cycles,
but I guess not. At any rate, the TT has an additional SCSI controller that
can directly access fast RAM...

It would be nice if the memory system were designed a little differently, but
so it goes. As it is, you can have your code & data live in fast RAM all the
time, but you must keep screen memory in ST RAM.
-- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA


Date: 3 Jan 92 23:32:53 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!mips!atha!aupair! (Eugene Rubin)
Subject: uniterm problem.... HELP PLEASE

I am using Uniterm as my terminal emulator connected to a SUN running
Unix. Whenever I use "more" on the SUN and there is a line in the file
longer than 80 characters, it bombs out Uniterm (i.e. I try to read a
saved e-mail file that have an address line more than 80 characters).
VI works fine to read the file. It seems to me that this is probably a
correctable problem with Uniterm (otherwise more people would have
reported it.) I assume that it is a buffer problem..... but how do I
correct it? Can anyone given me some advice?


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