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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 015

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 13 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 15

Today's Topics:
68030 SST
Cheetah3 problems (2 msgs)
Extensible Control Panel myste (2 msgs)
Heat and Serve.
Help with dungeon master
Monitor for sale
New mono monitors & PixelWonder
Pagestream and PostScript
PD C compilers for ST (2 msgs)
Populace help (was Re: The best game...)
Simon Poole
Sozobon 1.33i source?
Sozobon C
The best game...

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Date: 13 Jan 92 11:29:53 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!nott-cs! (`Grave' Dave Gymer)
Subject: 68030 SST

I've seen quite a few posts about this; I'm probably going to get one as soon
as they are released, but I'm interested in hearing about the 4 meg ST RAM it's
supposed to have; is this really true? If I have 4 meg fastram as well (which
I intend to), can '030 processes use this as well (I'm really thinking of
background tasks in MiNT).

Also, how difficult is it to install in a Mega ST? (Give me a soldering iron
and I can kiss my ST goodbye).

Also (wot? more?) does virtual memory work the same on any 68030 (ie. if I
were to try (note "try") to add VM to MiNT, would it work on a TT too?)?

-- Dave.
`Grave' Dave Gymer | Have you noticed the preoccupation that most people have
42 St Mary's Park, | with sex and alcohol? Hasn't it ever struck you as odd
Louth, Lincs, | that they try to combine the two, usually with pretty
LN11 0EF, ENGLAND | disasterous results? Then again, how can you choose?


Date: 13 Jan 92 08:45:36 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: Cheetah3 problems
To: (Greg Granger) writes:

> (Startled Squid, esq.) writes:
> > Hi folks, I have a problem. I've used Cheetah 3 extensively for a while
> > now without any problems but recently something has gone wrong. When I
> > create a folder in a hard drive partition with Cheetah 3 then copy files
> > into it with Cheetah everything seems okay....until I exit to desktop and
> > try to access the files that I just copied. The folder shows up but when I
> > open it it is empty and I can't delete the folder from desktop. I have to
> > go back into Cheetah which shows all of the files that I had copied to into
> > the folder! Then I can delete the folder from Cheetah. Wot's the danged
> > deal?!?!!?
> > Michael Fitch
> >
> Ahh ... I see that you're the next person to be hit by Cheetah. Many
> people have used it in the past, and then found out that it has some
> pretty nasty bugs in it, and have found that it is best to be put into
> the "trashcan". If you use it, be very careful. It isn't a very stable
> program, so use it with *EXTREME* caution.
> Greg Granger
> [ InterNet: ] "Gimme the stronges
> [ FoReMNet: Greg Granger @ 532 or Dark Knight @ 595 ] thing you've got."

> [ Mail Adr: 5906-188 St. Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 ]
> [ Phone : +1 403 481-0803 or +1 403 481-5110 ] - Lt. Frank Drebin

Well, I had a few problems with the Cheetah program, but I think that they
were bugs related to NeoDesk. The problem occured after returning to NeoDesk.
If you really want to avoid problems, reset the machine when you are done with

<< ------------------------------------------ >>
<< >>
<< ersys! >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, >>
<< for they are not happy campers!"
<< ------------------------------------------ >>


Date: 13 Jan 92 14:47:20 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!magnus.acs.ohio-stat! (David Butler)
Subject: Cheetah3 problems

>Ahh ... I see that you're the next person to be hit by Cheetah. Many
>people have used it in the past, and then found out that it has some
>pretty nasty bugs in it, and have found that it is best to be put into
>the "trashcan". If you use it, be very careful. It isn't a very stable
>program, so use it with *EXTREME* caution.

The oddest thing about Atari computers seems to be their differences from each
other. I used Cheetah extensively for about two years (a quess), with tos 1.2,
tos 1.4 accelerator boards, hard drive caches, and a HUGE variety of auto
programs and desk accs. I have quite literally never had a single problem with
it in any way. I'm also using it out of Neodesk, and I've never had the problem
with "empty folders" that was reported here... Why do computers that are
supposedly "identical" (or damn near) act in such different ways for different
people... aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

At any rate, Cheetah works great for some of us...

By the way, you really should read my cool .sig file ;-)

- David Butler -

-Kaleidoscope woman
in rhinestoned levi's jeans
dancing in the sunset
sketching day's last scene- - Willie Phoenix -


Date: 13 Jan 92 15:31:46 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!liv-cs!liv-uxa! (Mr. K. O'Donovan)
Subject: Extensible Control Panel myste
To: ( writes:
: wrote at Sa, 11.01.92 (08:34) in
: >minimum number of slots in the setup menu. But when I run Uniterm,
: >for example, and I access it, all the CPX's seem to be there. When I
: >double click on one of them, like General Setup, the disk whirs, and
: >then nothing happens. When I reload the CPX's, I notice that only two
: This is a known problem. It seems that Uniterm and WordUp are messing
: around with memory and allocating all free memory in the system. The
: Control Panel tries to load and execute the CPX you wanted but then
: there's not enough memory in the system to do this. So nothing happens.
: It would be nice if the control panel would then show up an alert box
: with a simple error message.
: >causes this, and how can I correct it if possible? Do I need to make
: >the CPX's memory-resident?
: Yes, that's the solution for your problem. If you make the CPX's memory-
: resident then they will be loaded at boot-time and stay resident in your
: memory (and, in fact, will use a lot of it).
: --
: Dirk Steins Usenet:
: Niederkassel/Koeln UUCP: any_backbone_that_knows_domains!!ds
: Germany Fido: ds%maus k2, 2:242/2.6
: --


Date: 13 Jan 92 15:15:09 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!utgpu!cunews!!news (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Extensible Control Panel myste

In article <> (Dirk Steins) writes:
> wrote at Sa, 11.01.92 (08:34) in
>>minimum number of slots in the setup menu. But when I run Uniterm,
>>for example, and I access it, all the CPX's seem to be there. When I
>>double click on one of them, like General Setup, the disk whirs, and
>>then nothing happens. When I reload the CPX's, I notice that only two


>>causes this, and how can I correct it if possible? Do I need to make
>>the CPX's memory-resident?
>Yes, that's the solution for your problem. If you make the CPX's memory-
>resident then they will be loaded at boot-time and stay resident in your
>memory (and, in fact, will use a lot of it).

For Uniterm, there is another solution. Uniterm winds up setting up
buffers for various & sundry purposes. (Clipboard, data transfer,
RS232 buffering, AND) Notably: System and History buffers. The
default System buffer is either 32 or 64K, and then "The Rest of
goes to the History buffer. In other words, IF I turn history
on, and leave the defaults in place, I can go back and look at the
last 900K of history information! Since a typical session
doesn't involve that much data, and I'd like sometimes to run external
programs/CPXes, I've changed the System buffer size to something a
little more sensible (875K, on my 2MB system).

In other words, if you increase the size of the System buffer to
something big enough (128K? 200K?), you'll be able to load in those
CPXes, WITHOUT the cost of PERMANENTLY having memory occupied by them.

Christopher Browne
University of Ottawa
Master of System Science Program


Date: 13 Jan 92 07:19:22 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!!!spool.!!!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Heat and Serve.

[In article <>, writes ... ]

> Have the postings to COMP.BINARY.ATARI.ST for Heat & Serve been completed?
> I can only find parts 1 - 12.

Yes, but the last few files were a couple of days behind the first batch.
If they don't show up tomorrow or the next day, you can try requesting
them from

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables


Date: 13 Jan 92 13:07:08 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!!! (R.L.Wall)
Subject: Help with dungeon master

I need a little help with Dungeon Master. I am on level 6 and I have collected
all of the iron keys from all of the rooms (including the one you get for
getting the riddles right) and yet I still dont have enough. There is one
door which is locked requiring an iron key. I can get down to the next
level, but from the maps I see that this door has a valuable behind it.

Where is the other iron key to be found? is it deeper in the dungeon or have
I just missed it on level 6 (or an even earlier level).

I appreciate your help on this one

Cheers - Dick
Well my baby, she don't want me around ! DoD #246, Squid Rating 1.5
She said she's tired of watching me fall down ! Current Steed --- CBX550FII
She wants the good life, with all the best !--------------------------------
But I like that bottle better than the rest ! <- Van Halen wi. David Lee Roth


Date: Sat, 11 Jan 92 08:44:31 PDT
Subject: Monitor for sale

sorry to post this here, I couldn't get through to:
>Subject: Wanted color Monitor
>Hey does anybody have a color monitor for sale ?? {for my 520 ST}

Yes I have a color monitor for sale, price=reasonable (I don't know what the
current going rate is but I'ld be willing to beat it), terms=reasonable

I have original box, monitor hasn't been used for about 1.5 year, since I
got my mono monitor. Works fine tho

Let me know


Date: 13 Jan 92 09:42:15 GMT
mcsun!!sunic!!nuug!fenris!!jonal@uune (JON ARVID LOVSTAD)
Subject: New mono monitors & PixelWonder

What's up with all these new mono monitors appearing from Atari?

We recently got (well, here in Europe anyway) the 14" SM144, a flatscreen
monitor with MegaSTE compatible tilt/swivel base. Seemingly bigger dot pitch
than my SM124 and with _ONE_ speaker. ZNet 92-02 reported about a SM147,
another 14"
screen. It is apparently the same as the SM144, but without the

Has anyone tried these new monitors with the PixelWonder card (a OverScan
like solder-in thing that gives 758x528 on a SM124)? Which resolutions can
you get on thiese screens?

I can't afford a 19" at the moment, but as the PixelWonder card is about
$100,- it would give me a little peace of mind for a while.

The new monitors are better looking and fits better on a Mega STE and I
would get a new one if the card works well with them.

Any comments? Please post or mail! Thanks!


Jon Lovstad | Sorry, but this part of my .sig file has been | retconned by DeFalco...
SnailMail: Storgata 18 | If Batman can have 2 Crays, then why can't
N-1750 HALDEN, NORWAY | I get a humble TT030?


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1992 11:11 EST
Subject: Pagestream and PostScript

This is the third posting of this request; surely someone must have an

Pagestream is advertised as the "
PostScript solution" for the Atari platform
and DTP. However, I have had no success printing to an HP Laserjet II that
has a Pacific Page PostScript cartridge using the Pagestream PostScript driver.
The file transfers to the printer (the # of K of file is displayed on the
HPLJ II) but the pages never come out. ANY idea WHY??????

Does anyone from SoftLogik read the nets? Hey, if your product is THE solution
for PostScript, why can't I print out using your PostScript driver? I end up
using the standard HPLJ driver (PCL I think) and it takes ONE HELL OF A LONG
TIME to print!


Date: 13 Jan 92 10:42:15 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!wupost!!!bucsf.! (Harry Karayiannis)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST

In article <>
(Alex Valdez) writes:
>In article <> (Klaus Guhr) writes:
>> There are two good PD/FREEWARE Compilers:
>> Sozobon 2.0 (new release; but no ansi) and
>> GNU GCC 1.40 (full ansi)
>See also Sozobon 1.33i, recently posted on the net. It's not an
>official Sozobon release and was done by the GemFast guy, Ian Lempore
>(sp?). I haven't tested 2.0 or 1.33i thoroughly but from what I could
>see, 1.33i generates faster code.
>================================Alex Valdez=============================

Could some kind soul e-mail me Sozobon C v1.33i, or point me to an ftp
site where i can get it? I missed the posting on c.b.a.s :-(


Author of ATZENTA2 Harry Karayiannis ________E-Mail________
15 N.Beacon, #316 Boston Univ. |INTERnet:
** || ATARI ** Allston, MA 02134 Computer Sc. |
** /||\ MegaST ** U.S.A. |BITnet:


Date: 13 Jan 92 11:23:01 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!phigate!ehviea! (Leo de Wit)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST

In article <> (David M.
Baggett) writes:
|In article <> leo@ehviea.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
|>In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
|>|Good old Megamax C (not Laser C) did this. As a result the programs could not
|>|have any segments more than 32K. I'm pretty sure this was the case because
|>|executables produced had no relocation tables.
|>Shouldn't this be: ... any segments more than 64K ... ? Most 68000 C
|>compilers will use 16 bit address register relative addressing in this
|>case, and 16 bits --> 64K (one of them being Lattice C, if I remember
|Yeah, but offsets are relative, so you need a sign bit.

Exactly. This sign bit is precisely a factor of 2, 32K positive of
address register, and 32K negative of it. And 32K + 32K = 64K...



Date: 13 Jan 92 12:44:18 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!!THD-News! (Alexander Lehmann)
Subject: Populace help (was Re: The best game...)

> Dunno? I think the game is unfair. When water is harmful, ie. prolonged
> exposure causes death, and there is a flood the computer just scans the map
> array and instantly puts a small piece of land under as many of its people
> that it has energy/mana to do so. No human player could do that.

I might be that the computer has some major advantages as he is able to
overview the whole map at once. I suggest that, if the setting says tha
that water is harfull, any landmass that you as human build, should be
least 2 layers high. This way, when the computer call flood, you don't
suffer any harm, but afterwards the land is at level one again. If the
comp seems capable of getting another flood, you should raise the whole land

(BTW I never got past ca. 130 even with this trick)
Alexander Lehmann


Date: 13 Jan 92 13:56:15 GMT
From:!! (John Klassa)
Subject: Simon Poole

Anybody got a current email address for Simon Poole, author of
Uniterm? Thanks!

------------------------------- \/\/ & /\/\ --------------------------------
John M. Klassa Graduate Assistant
C.S. Grad Student Global Meteorological Data Facility
Jones Hall Mail Stop 423
College of William and Mary NASA Langley Research Facility
Williamsburg, VA 23185 Hampton, VA 23665-5225
------------------------------- \/\/ & /\/\ --------------------------------


Date: 13 Jan 92 05:13:03 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!malgudi.oa!!ysub!psuvm! (J.J. Lehett)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i source?

In article <>, (Steve Yelvington)
>[In article <>,
> (J.J. Lehett) writes ... ]
> > Will the source to sozobon 1.33i be released? I am very interested in
> > using this compared to 2.0 or 1.2(?), however, I am working with very large
> > (400k+) library files with a large number of modules in it. 2.0's link
> > will function properly , but 1.33i (and 1.2 without a small change), will
> > choke on such large libraries.
> > So does anyone out there know where the source can be had, if at all?
>I don't know what Ian's plans are with regard to releasing the source, but
>1.33i definitely will work with any other 1.x version of the loader. The
>object module format is identical. Just swap your modified 1.2 loader for
>the one that's in the distribution.
>You probably can combine the 1.33i make, cc, hcc and top with the other
>binaries from Sozobon 2.0. It won't run as fast, but it'll give you long
>external identifiers (SozobonX library format). Ian's version of hcc and
>top will pass long identifiers unmolested; the programs that create or
>manipulate .o files are the bottleneck. (I have not actually tested this,
>but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.)
>Could you post the change you made to the 1.2 linker?
> --
> Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
> Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables

With respect to the change in the linker, I'll have to defer to Dave Bagget
on this one, he did it.... so Dave if you read this perhaps it would be
generally useful to post the fix?

And thanks for the info, never though (for some unknown reason) to
just use the 2.0 linker. Will give it a shot tonight!

J.J. Lehett : Atari's, puzzles, games, chaos, fractals, math....

- Penn State CAC Lab Operator
- Atari 16/32 bit SIG Sysop


Date: 13 Jan 92 15:30:00 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!!!!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon C

[In article <>, (Mark Lehmann) writes ... ]

> I just downloaded all of the Sozobon C stuff in the languages directory
> of the Atari archive. Is there anything I should know before I delve into
> configuring the Sozobon C compiler? I haven't un-archived the files
> yet, but I assume that I will find top-notch documentation that will
> guide me through the installation, and a compile of the "
Hello World"
> program.

You won't find a step-by-step installation guide in the Sozobon
1.2 package, and the 2.0 package is just an upgrade of the
1.2 binaries.

I suggest that you set aside everything you downloaded from the
languages directory and get the ``Heat and Serve'' Sozobon C
1.33i, which moved last week in

All you need to do with 1.33i is un-ZOO the file, double-click
INSTALL.PRG, tell it where you want to put the components, and
sit back while INSTALL does all the work. You'll be compiling
hello.c (and GEM sources, too) in a matter of minutes, because
the example code and makefiles are part of the package.

If you don't have access to that newsgroup at your site or if
those files already have expired on your news system,
atari.archive keeps the original uuencoded postings in a
separate (unindexed) directory. You also can get it by email

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables


Date: 13 Jan 92 15:56:39 GMT
From: agate!!caen!uflorida!!pi!
(Mickey Boyd)
Subject: The best game...

In article <>, (Stefan Posthuma)
>Best game?
>It's most brainfrying action, totally absurd sound samples and sheer intensity.
>As Minter said himself, Llamatron is the death metal of video games!
>Also, it's shareware.

It is available from, as is Colorspace ST (another
must have by Minter). If you have a color monitor, get these two things.

>I have the new shareware game by Minter, Revenge of the Mutant Camels. At
>least as good as the CBM64 original!

Could you put it on I would be happy to do it
if you email me a uuencoded copy :-). Thanks in advance, feel free to

Mickey R. Boyd | "
Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."


Date: 13 Jan 92 16:10:37 GMT
noao!ncar!!!caen!uflorida!!pi!boyd (Mickey Boyd)

In article <>, writes:
>Will my Commodore 1084S monitor work with an Atari 1040ST?

I believe you can do this with a special cable, but I could be wrong.
A call to Toad Computers (1-800-448-TOAD) will confirm/deny this.

Mickey R. Boyd | "
Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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