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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 495

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 21 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 495

Today's Topics:
Address of Atari Corp? (2 msgs)
Any Panasonic 1123/1124 Owners Out There? (2 msgs)
Earlier monitor questions
ESDI harddrive
GEM/MC trouble...
Gemini installation.
Heat & Serve MiNT?
Lowest price for a color ST?
Mathematical clipping routine
Midi Manager Maps for Cubase
Problems upgrading to 4M (was Re: SIMMS from a Mac SE into an ST?)
Problems with DC-RRUNREZ
Rumours from ST Format.
TeX, which do I get? (Now that I kno
ULTIMATE ST SYSTEM FOR SALE (with additions)! (2 msgs)

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Date: 19 Sep 91 18:44:25 GMT
.se! (James Hague)
Subject: Address of Atari Corp?

This is the sort of question I really hate to post to the net, but I'm
in the process of moving and can't find anything. Could someone please
email me with Atari Corp's address? I believe it is in Sunnyvale...

Thanks greatly!

James Hague


Date: 20 Sep 91 19:28:32 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!milano!! (Richard
Subject: Address of Atari Corp?

In article <> (James
Hague) writes:
>This is the sort of question I really hate to post to the net, but I'm
>in the process of moving and can't find anything. Could someone please
>email me with Atari Corp's address? I believe it is in Sunnyvale...

Gee, I don't know but I think that Atari must be on the Moon
cause I have my doubts about their sanity ( Lunatics ya know :-) ).

But seriuosly they are in Sunnyvale CA. I even saw their office
building several years ago when I happened to be out there for

Ah yes, Sunnyvale Religious Atarian's Mecca!!

Go there and pray to the Great Lords Tramiels!@!

more garbage for newserver

Richard E. Covert
CACTUS ..!!!covert


Date: 20 Sep 91 18:48:58 GMT
.edu (Paul Purdom)
Subject: Any Panasonic 1123/1124 Owners Out There?

I am also interested in hearing about the use of 24 pin printers with the
Atari ST computers. (TOS 1.4 if that makes a difference.)


Date: 20 Sep 91 10:52:31 GMT
Subject: Any Panasonic 1123/1124 Owners Out There?

I've done screen dumps with my 1124 in Proprinter mode but only if the
control panel is resident. The dumps are slow and seem to miss lines
or leave gaps now and again.


Date: 20 Sep 91 08:46:39 GMT
From:!!!usc!!!@a (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: BBS HELP!!!

BBS Name: ABK-BBS (Atari)
Owner's Name: Lars-Erik 0sterud (sponsored by Atari Norway)
Sysop's Name: Lars-Erik 0sterud (the '0' should be ASCII $B2)
Phone Number: +47 2 13 26 59
Modem Type: TBK 9600 PLUS (Norwegian)
Modem Speed: 300, 1200/75, 1200, 2400 and 9600 V.32, MNP5
Location: Oslo, Norway
System Config: Atari 1040 STM, SF314, 20 MB SH205 HD
BBS Software: MiniBBS (Public Domain self-made)
Emulation: VT100, VT52 or TTY (no emulation)
Special func: New mail can be ARCed and downloaded,
ReadMail ST does this 100% automatic
Xmodem, Ymodem (Xmodem-1K) and Zmodem transfers
On-Line view/type from ARC/LHARC files
Focus: Atari ST & TT, Programming, MIDI, DTP
Home of MiniTerm, MiniBBS and ReadMail ST
Home of Norway's Atari developers
Home of ST-Klubben (disk-magazin)

Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /


Date: 20 Sep 91 10:57:19 GMT
Subject: Earlier monitor questions

Thanks to all those who answered my earlier queries about monitors for the ST.
It looks as though my best best for sharpness and high resolution for less
than $1000.00 is to use a 640x400 res mono monitor on my vintage ST. Now I
have new questions:

1. Is the Atari monochrome my best option, i.e. is its sharpness as good as I
can expect from any monochrome in the <$1000.00 price range?
2. What are some other paper-white monos in the $200.00 - 500.00 range that
are better?

Beta Testing

A note to those who offered to beta test my hypertext text editor--please send
me a snail mail address so I can mail you some DSDD disks with the program and
utilities. I have no FTP or GEnie access, so snail mail is the best option.
Reply directly to the header address or try one of the following.
Robert Royar
Department of English
New York Institute of Technology
Old Westbury, New York 11568

BITNET: R0MILL01@ULKYVX CIS: 72347,2767 Voice: (516) 686-7751
Internet: 72347.2767@CompuServe.Com


Date: 20 Sep 91 14:00:58 GMT
From: cme! (Forrest Chang)
Subject: ESDI harddrive

Anyone familiar with ESDI harddrives. I have a chance to buy a
gargantuan ESDI seagate drive. Is it possible to hook this up my ST.
I figure I'll have to get an atari->scsi host adpater and then a scsi
to EDSI adapter if such a beast.

Please excuse my ignorance here, I've never heard of ESDI.




Date: 20 Sep 91 15:49:44 GMT
From:! (Chris Bone)
Subject: FAQ ?

I've been out of the Atari world for a couple of years know, is there
an archive site with a FAQ sheet? One thing I'd really like to know is - is the
Unix TT available in the states yet, t what price, and is it any good!
Chris Bone (
/ ) /
/ /_ __ o _
(__/ / /_/ (_/_/_)_


Date: 20 Sep 91 16:45:09 GMT
From:!! (Harry Karayiannis)
Subject: GEM/MC trouble...

In article <"856*.S=data3d.O=aahs.PRMD=uninett.ADMD=..C=no."@MHS>
(Karl Anders 0ygard) writes:
> ... [stuff deleted]
>Anyway, the action goes something like this:
>Form is drawn
>The user interacts
>Form is closed
>And this is where the fun starts. Now the windows behind the box is supposed
>to be redrawn. They aren't. Instead they are redrawn when I put the _next_
>form on the screen. Wiping out my new form.
>The fact that removing the grow/shrinkbox effect makes the problem even
>larger doesn't help very much.
>Has anyone experienced something like it?
I think the solution is to add 2 more lines in your code:
1. **Before** drawing the grow-box do a
'form_dial(FMD_START, 0,0,0,0, dlg_x, dlg_y, dlg_w, dlg_h)'

This is supposed to reserve screen for your dialog.

2. **After** drawing the shrink-box do a
'form_dial(FMD_FINISH, 0,0,0,0, dlg_x, dlg_y, dlg_w, dlg_h)'

This frees screen space, AND sends a REDRAW message

(the values of the constants FMD_START and FMD_FINISH
are 0 and 3 respectively)

>Karl Anders Oygard - Karl A Oygard <>


Author of ATZENTA2 Harry Karayiannis ________E-Mail_________


Date: 20 Sep 91 09:51:39 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!psuvax1!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: Gemini installation.

In article <>, (Forrest Chang) says:
> Is there an english installation doc for gemini? I recently
>got gemini11.zoo off of a.a and I couldn't get it to work right. I've
>deciphered some stuff about order in which to copy the files in one of
>the docs, but I haven't had any luck in getting it to work.

Get the official english version of Gemini 1.21 (or was it 1.2)? Should be
available on Twitterpater.

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 20 Sep 91 12:11:30 GMT
Subject: Heat & Serve MiNT?

In article <>, (Chris Herborth) says:
>[...stuff deleted...]
>It'd be really great if the authors of Mupfel created a version that
>threw out all the GEM support, and was MiNT'd instead... Ah well...
>(Or if I could find something more like csh...)

The new version of Mupfel will just run fine without GEM. You can use it
from within the auto folder with MiNT. PERHAPS there will be support for
some MiNT features -- when will we see MiNT 0.9??

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 19 Sep 91 20:05:44 GMT
(James Hague)
Subject: Lowest price for a color ST?

I used to be heavily involved in the Atari world, but have been out of
touch for quite a while. What is the going rate for a new bare-bones
color ST system with one double sided drive? (I have a very specific
use in mind.) Please respond via email.

James Hague


Date: 20 Sep 91 09:06:09 GMT
From: ogicse!ucsd!sdcc6!sdcc13! (The Majestic Llama)
Subject: Mathematical clipping routine

I'd be thankful if anybody could help me out with this: There are
two points defining a line in the area (-long,-long),(long,long). I
need anything outside the area (-short,-short),(short,short) clipped
off, while preserving the slope of the line. I'm absolutely lousy
at math and anybody who can point me in the direction of a solution
would save me a sackful of grief. (Grief is measured in sackfuls.
Frustration comes in bales and anger in pecks. Stupid emotional
measurements come in threes.)

Thanks for any help...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My GOD, did you see the power and majesty radiated by
that llama?" "Well, of course I did, you fool..."


Date: 20 Sep 91 11:08:35 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!shapetc! (Ton Koelman)
Subject: Midi Manager Maps for Cubase


Has anyone developed any interesting Midi Manager Maps
for Cubase? Specifically I'm looking for something to manage
the Roland R8/R8-M and U-220....

Ton Koelman


Date: 20 Sep 91 14:00:34 GMT
noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!!cjherborth (Chris Herborth)
Subject: Problems upgrading to 4M (was Re: SIMMS from a Mac SE into an ST?)

In article <>
(Roger Sheppard) writes:
}I don't think the older ST that are causing the Problem, the problem
}MMU's where fitted to the later machines and have this Part No. C0 100109-001
}So it could be a good idea to check over the wiring etc, and did you
}fit the anty ring resistor ?, in the extra address line.

Yep, we made _sure_ we had everything wired in properly before we started
banging our heads against the desk... Is the MMU with No. C0 100109-001
the bad one, or a newer one?

To restate my problem a little more clearly:

I have an old 1040STf with 2.5M due to a Z*RAM upgrade. The Z*RAM has put
2M in bank 1, leaving bank 0 at .5M... I bought some SIMMs, my friend
wired them in properly as a 2M bank 0, and it wouldn't work at all.

So we took them to my friend's old 1040STf. He tried to wire them in as
bank 0. Wouldn't work. So he wires them in as bank 1 (essentially giving
him the same setup as me, but with SIMMs instead of a Z*RAM card) and it
works properly.

Neither of us could put 2M into bank 0. When the SIMMs were wired up in
bank 0, we removed the top address line, essentially fooling the ST into
thinking they were 256k SIMMs... We booted, and it thought it had 512k
in bank 0, no problem. The SIMMs are fine, and our STs are fine. We
assume it's some weird "feature" of an older MMU.

Looking in his parts catalogue, we fine an ST/Mega MMU with part number
X (I didn't write it down, and the book's at his house). A little later
in the book, we find a Mega MMU, with a different part number.

Has anyone gotten an old 1985 (whether stock or modified) 1040STf to take
4M or RAM? Should we spring for either of the new MMUs to see if that'll
fix our problems? Should we start looking for a cheap Mega 4?

Chris Herborth
3B Hons English RPW
Disclaimer: This is your brain: "*" This is your brain on USENET: "."...


Date: 20 Sep 91 15:38:38 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!opal! (Manfred Mirsch)
Subject: Problems with DC-RRUNREZ

Grueazi everybody !

I recently downloaded the program DCRUNREZ.PRG from a.a. What I understood from
their description
is, that I can run any program no matter of the screen resolution my monitor

So I tried it out and had no success. DCRUNREZ.PRG didn't run any program beside
the one with
the extension .PR3 which would mean to run it in high resolution.

I have an STe and the normal SM124 mono monitor.

Did I misunderstand anything ?

Did anyone else succeed in working with this program meaning what did I wrong ?



Date: 20 Sep 91 11:55:47 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!inmos!! (Gary Morton)
Subject: Rumours from ST Format.

In article <>
(Dave Johnson) writes:
> Having just read the 6 interesting pages in ST Format (some had to I
>suppose), The rumour mill had the following:
> TT To Get Multitasking OS by Next Year.

Isn't this rather the same type of rumour as was flying about when the STe
was about to be launched. All the magazines reported that the new STe was
going to have features such as better graphics resolutions, 16MHz
processor etc, (i.e. what the Atari user community wanted from the new
machine), rather than what Atari was likely to put in the new machine.

When we all saw what the enhancements to the STe actually were, I think most
Atarians were disappointed. I feel that this disappointment was the start
of the decline of the ST in the UK. From the magazine "guesses" about the new
STe, I wouldn't be surprised if some people held back from buying a ST
until the STe actually came out. When it didn't have the Amiga beating
features it was expected to have they probably bought a different machine
(a diplomatic description or what :-) ). I also felt that the time was rife
for an upgraded ST machine, and perhaps if Atari had got the STe right
(i.e with enhanced features that existing owners would want), then there
might have been a lot of STe sales from exisining users wanting to upgrade.

All the above IHMO of course.


+---------------------------( Gary Morton )-----------------------------+
|Disclaimer: The opinions above are my own personal views etc. |
|Inmos Ltd, 1000 Aztec West, Bristol, UK Email : |
+-----------------------( +44 454 616616 X526 )-------------------------+


Date: 20 Sep 91 14:13:14 GMT
u!!ifistg! (Bernd Raichle)
Subject: TeX, which do I get? (Now that I kno

In article <1991Sep16.135722.19575@netcom.COM>
(Michael Kistenmacher) writes some amusing things... ;-)

> [..] Metafont [..] version 2.9

Sorry, there will never exists a MF version 2.9!
It's now at 2.7 and the version number will convert to $e$.

> >cs-tex:
> Christoph Strunk has ported full TeX 3.1 and Metafont 2.9 using Laser C
> (As I remember).

As I remember he has used GNU CC.

> It's a complete set with a small but useful installation-
> program. CS has made some arbitrary modifications to the TeX macros, so
> that the output may look a bit different from original versions,

Sorry again, he has made modifications to TeX macros (it's the
`german.sty' macros) and he has modified the CM fonts!!!!

Please: do not use these tfm-files, unpack the original tfm-files.
They should be in a separate lharc archive called `tfm_ori.lzh'.

It's also unnecessary to change the macros in `german.sty'.
If the umlaut characters in your TeX output hang below the baseline,
if you are using the original `german.sty'...
.. it's *not* `german.sty', it's your incorrect dvi driver!

> >passautex:
> I know of an Amiga version of TeX named PasTeX, this should be that one.

It's a fault of the persons maintaining the `rusinfo' ftp archive.
PasTeX (for the Amiga) and br-TeX (my version for the ST) uses the
same sources for initex/virtex.

Bernd Raichle, DANTE Koordinator `german.sty' | "Le langage est source
privat: Stettener Str. 73, D-W-7300 Esslingen | de malentendus"
email: | (A. de Saint-Exupery)


Date: 20 Sep 91 14:41:58 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-! (David Butler)
Subject: ULTIMATE ST SYSTEM FOR SALE (with additions)!

Serious ST system for sale:

1) Mega 2+2 (4 megs) with:
a) AdSpeed (16mhz 68000)
b) Overscan
c) ISAAC Card (1024*768 Color/Mono high-Rez card, very nice, works
with the Spectre GCR very well, as well as most ST software).
d) BEST Power Supply
(the ISAAC and Power supply are virtually brand new)
e) Extra Shielding for the GCR
f) TOS 1.4
g) Extra Internal fan to cool ISAAC (and everything else)
h) Good mouse (Japan model, nice buttons)

$1750 or best offer (ISAAC costs $600 alone)
(NOTE: I would really like to sell this as a whole unit, I
don't want to have to take it apart and take these mods out...)

I will sell the ISAAC for $525
And the Mega listed above minus the ISAAC for $1300

2) Spectre GCR with ROMS! $350(obo) (They now go for $449 new, mail order)
(drive works fine with shielding)

3) 50Megabyte, 28ms. ICD FAST Hard Drive [complete, under-the-monitor-style,
settup, with cables, just plug it in ang go] $325(obo)

4) (Another) 50Meg 28ms. ICD FAST Hard Drive [just like above] $325(obo)

5) Migraph HandScanner and TouchUp $300(obo)

5) Mono Monitor, Good shape, $85(obo)

6) Good Track-Ball mouse, modified by myself to give FAR SUPERIOR mouse
control than the original model (trust me) $25(obo)

7) Keyboard Extension cable (25feet) $5(obo)

8) SOFTWARE (all registered) (all listed below is "or best offer"):
a) Calamus (if you want the SL upgrade cheap, buy this) $135
b) Calamus Outline $75
c) Calaums Font Editor $75
d) Neodesk 3.0 $40
e) Cherry Fonts Disks - Times and Garamond, $15 each
f) Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back, $10 each
g) About 300 converted Calamus fonts, free with Hard Drive (either), or
$100 with Calamus
NOTE: The hard drives come with lots of PD and shareware on them. If you
were to buy the whole system, you would also get my entire settup
parameters, including Mac Partitions, system software etc...

9) ZOOM 2400 Baud modem, $55(obo)

There may be a few things I'm forgetting...

I'll pay shipping to anyone buying $350 worth of equipment or more.

10) 1024*768 Non-interlaced Multisynch monitor (for use with the ISAAC card).
This is a low-end (the lowest end Non-interlaced I could get). It is
reasonably good, but not as good as something like a NEC 4D. $350

This system comes with Support by me. No Warranty, but everything works
perfect as of taday. If you are having problems with the system anytime
during the first 6months, you can call me for help. Also, if you do need
help after the first 6months, I will be available through E-Mail (here)
for approximately another year...

If you do buy the whole system, everything except the games, I'll take $100 off
the total cost.

Please call (614)-297-7967 and leave a message, or E-Mail me...

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

-[ For Free ST consulting ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
-[ call Academic Computing ]-
-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 20 Sep 91 19:35:10 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!milano!! (Richard
Subject: ULTIMATE ST SYSTEM FOR SALE (with additions)!

In article <> (David Butler) writes:
>Serious ST system for sale:
>1) Mega 2+2 (4 megs) with:
> $1750 or best offer (ISAAC costs $600 alone)
> || || || - David Butler (

Just out of curiousity, why would anyone spend almost $1800
on an old mega st? I mean it isn't even the Mega ST with the better
graphics? And for a few bucks more you could buy a color TT or
even better yet a color mac LC !!

I mean selling old ST is real hard right now and especially high end machines
like David's Mega.

I should knowe I have a mega ST 2+2 with TOS 1.4, FAST TECH's T16
a 160 meg hard drive and both monitors. I doubt that I could get $1750
for it either!! Even thiough I have probably $3000 invested in it.

So, I will just keepo my mega st and use it for games!!

Richard E. Covert
CACTUS ..!!!covert


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