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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 011

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 10 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 11

Today's Topics:
AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions?
Conference on Free-net
funky{screen hack wanted
Greg Pratt quits Atari Corp.
Hermes UUCP package
History of Atari
I'm searching for SIGNUM-CharSets for 9-needle-printer ! ! !
IBM software emulator
Is GFA BASIC 32-bit clean?
Mint problem with cursor- and functionkeys
need PD midi sysex tool
Neodesk 3.02 printspooler
PC Ditto II and Mega ST. HELP!!
PD C compilers for ST (2 msgs)
PD library query?
Revenge of the Mutant Camels (Was: Re: The best game...)
Specification for OMTI 5400 needed
ST/UNIX compatible LHARCs
STBook (Notebook computer) (2 msgs)

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Date: 10 Jan 92 12:44:29 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!stl!crosfield! (mike wilsher)
Subject: At-Speed

In article <>
(Gerald Greenberg) writes:
>>If TC Power is a sparate product does it work well as an extended menory

>As for TC Power...I never knew that as part of the ATSpeed package. I
>thought it was mostly for Super Charger...but I could be wrong about that.
>In any event, I've got 2.5 meg in my ST and I use extended memory with
>ATSpeed...via Windows 3.x. I should say, however, that
>I've never really tried to use expanded memory... There are software
>expanded memory emulators, but I understand they are slow.

The play I had with TC power with PC speed did show up a few problems.

TC power allows you to configure memory or disk space on an AT as extended
memory for the PC.
However when using PC speed the only way to get TC power to recognise your
extra ST memory is to make it into a RAM disk and allocate this as a disk
to use as extended memory with TC power. THIS MEANS that you cannot allocate
another disk to TC power for more 'slow' disk extended memory so if you want
more memory that you have you can't have some in real memory and some on
With regard to the use of TC power with AT speed the AT should have the ability
to address the additional memory dirrectly but I know that the instructions
which go with supercharger tell you to configure a ram disk and use it as
described above.
I suggest that when you buy TC power you make sure that it allows you to use
BOTH your memory and disk at the same time with an AT speed.

P.S. I agree with the 'go for it' attitude, PC speed is fantastic value for
money and is a very good PC clone, if you must run windows the go for AT
speed (even a 16MHz version if you can afford it)

Mike Wilsher


Date: 9 Jan 92 12:29:20 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!abqhh!drdhh! (Bjoern Kriews)
Subject: AUTO Folder Programs -- How do they replace system functions?
To: writes:
>In article <>
(Michel Forget) writes:
>> (Marco) writes:
>> [stuff deleted]
>You do it by intercepting the GEM TRAP vector and waiting for an
>fsel_input() AES call.

You should be aware that is one of TOS's major amusements to
throw you out of this vector again.
(after each TOS/TTP start, IMHO)

One solution to this is to intercept BIOS Setexc() too and watch
for trap#2 being changed.

-- - Bjoern Kriews - Stormsweg 6 - D-2000 Hamburg 76 - FRG


Date: 10 Jan 92 04:18:23 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!usenet.coe.m!ogicse!orstcs!orstcs! (Timothy E. Wilson)
Subject: Conference on Free-net

Is there still an atari conference on free-net, I heard about it long ago, but i
can't remember when it was (each week if i remember)

thanks for the info.

Timothy Wilson

*when in doubt, chicken out*


Date: 9 Jan 92 17:54:40 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!!! (Jason Steiner)
Subject: funky{screen hack wanted

{i'm looking for a program i heard about a while ago that rotates the
screen 90degrees so GEM programs can have something approaching a page
display. program name and ftp site would be appreciated (is not for me
my dad's been wanting to do this for a while...he's a real good one for
squeezing as much out of his hardware as possible.)

looking for something cheap to get rid of this line noise,

"Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're a jerk"


Date: 9 Jan 92 19:52:48 GMT
From: psinntp!mpoint! (Chris Mauritz)
Subject: Greg Pratt quits Atari Corp.

In article <> (Steve Yelvington)
>Here is a transcript of an interactive conference Wednesday night
>on GEnie.
> <[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
>Thank you, Jeff.
>Ahem... I have an official announcement to make. I will take a few
>questions afterward.
>Greg Pratt has taken a job with Creative Labs, the company that
>produces "Sound Blaser Pro".
>Everything is under control.
>It was an offer that he could not refuse. It is a very amicable
[rest deleted for brevity]

What a surprise? He leaves a company with an eroding market share and
well-known managerial problems for a company with a great market share
(and still rising quickly) and business foresight. More power to him.


Chris Mauritz |Meetpoint Station BBS - Public Access Unix |(718)899-0662 v.32/v.32bis/v.42bis 9600b
Copyright (C) 1991 |Join us...We're friendly dammit! :-)


Date: 10 Jan 92 12:04:43 GMT
noao!ncar!!samsung!!!waikat!!kcbbs!status! (Jon Clarke)
Subject: Hermes UUCP package

apratt@atari.uucp (Allan Pratt) writes:

> >The "Mercury" UUCICO has been under constant development, is now at version
> >3.21 and runs just fine at 19200 baud via a T2500 or via a direct serial
> >line. Seems to be hard to beat in C.
> That's not the point. The point is that UUCICO is (well, was) written GFA
> BASIC, and GFA BASIC doesn't work in a lot of environments that people use:
> MiNT, TT RAM, etc.
> To be fair, OLDER VERSIONS of GFA BASIC suffer from this, but that includes
> the version that UUCICO for Mercury was compiled with, last I saw. I don't

How about doing me a favour Chaps?? Can you poST Hermes and Mercury to
the Atari RT on GEnie for ME??? I am sure there are alot of user out htere
that would love to have a look at the various nets worldwide and these two
programs are not availible on GEnie at the moment..

Thanks in advance ...

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 10 Jan 92 02:49:42 GMT
Subject: History of Atari

I've seen those too. Matter of fact I have a non-working one floating
around. I'm not sure they were 1st as a cartridge game. I remember
they came out as a built in option in Magnavox TV(s). I really thought
they came out with the consol after everyone else did. Used an 8048
processor BTW. You could be right.


Date: 10 Jan 92 10:50:03 GMT
From: agate!!!!pbinfo!
(Bjoern-Sigurd K.)
Subject: I'm searching for SIGNUM-CharSets for 9-needle-printer ! ! !

If you have some , post or send email
Thank you !
Bye !
Bjoern Sigurd K.


Date: 10 Jan 92 10:35:23 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!!uka!irau31! (Knut Grunwald)
Subject: IBM software emulator

It is not impossible to make a cross compiler for intel
CPU's, when self modifying code is not used. There is a
packet called XDOS running under UNIX, which analyses the program
and creates a UNIX (680x0, ?) runable version. But there is a
runtime package and a compile package.
The compiler does a full dataflowanalyses using several HOURS on
a SUN. Fortunately this us to be done only once. From the analyse
results the compiler builds the UNIX code.
How they handle grafics . ?????????
I think there is a big optimizer included.

But this is just science fiction for most of us, since a PC is much
cheaper than the software.

Knut Grunwald


Date: 8 Jan 92 22:24:39 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!utgpu!utorvm!ryerson!eeng680 (me)
Subject: Is GFA BASIC 32-bit clean?

German To English v1.7 was compiled with GFA BASIC 3.5e and it runs
(very fast) on the TT. I don't know about other programs but I guess
they would also work. GFA BASIC v3.6 has special functions for the TT.


Date: 10 Jan 92 09:36:50 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!alchemy!ruunfs!ruunfs! (Peter Mutsaers)
Subject: Mint problem with cursor- and functionkeys


it seems that a simple read() from within mint cannot read function
keys, cursor keys, or ALT-key combinarions. They all return 0.

Can theys keys not be recognized at all in a neat way by Mint or is
there something else I can do?

Thanks in advance,
Peter Mutsaers. RUU physics dept. Heidelberglaan 5, Utrecht, Nederland |================================================
tel: (+31)-(0)30-533880 | Memento Mori


Date: 9 Jan 92 20:56:56 GMT
From: fluke!intermec! (Max Newman x6689)
Subject: need PD midi sysex tool

I am looking for a PD or inexpensive tool for the ST
to transfer midi sysex dumps from my Quadraverb GT.
Is there somthing generic out there for just program
dumps from a unit to disk and back?

Also am looking for PD or inexpensive keyboard tutor
program (ie interval trainer ear trainer almost anything)

Thank You
Max Newman

uucp address: or uunet!pilchuck!intermec!maxn
**Trust in your calling, make sure your calling is true**


Date: 10 Jan 92 02:33:10 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Steve
Subject: Neodesk 3.02 printspooler

I recently upgraded Neodesk 3.01 to 3.02 using the update
on, and now the print spooler doesn't
work. Is there a fix for this?


Date: 10 Jan 92 07:33:03 GMT
Subject: PC Ditto II and Mega ST. HELP!!

I have a PC Ditto II doard that works fine on My 1040 ST, but does not
work properly on my Mega ST. I am sure that it was connected properly to the
Mega. It would boot DOS and then would always crash very shortly thereafter.
Later, I noticed that If I try to turn on the Blitter from the desktop (
before even running the PC ditto software) the computer instantly hangs.
If I disconnect the PC Ditto, things are normal.
Does anybody have any ideas as to what the problem is? Was the PC Ditto II
known to have problems with the Megas? I am not sure if the board has the
updated PALs or not. Does anybody know the part numbers of the replacements>
Any help would be appreciated!

Doug Tarico


Date: 10 Jan 92 07:34:23 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!phigate!ehviea! (Leo de Wit)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST

In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
|In article <> (Schaaf RF) writes:
|>On the subject of (PD) C compilers: does anyone know of a C
|>compiler (PD or not PD) that is able to generate fully PC
|>relative code? I would like to be able to move the program
|>around in memory without having to do any relocation.
|Good old Megamax C (not Laser C) did this. As a result the programs could not
|have any segments more than 32K. I'm pretty sure this was the case because the
|executables produced had no relocation tables.

Shouldn't this be: ... any segments more than 64K ... ? Most 68000 C
compilers will use 16 bit address register relative addressing in this
case, and 16 bits --> 64K (one of them being Lattice C, if I remember



Date: 10 Jan 92 14:56:22 GMT
du! (David M. Baggett)
Subject: PD C compilers for ST

In article <> leo@ehviea.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes:
>In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
>|Good old Megamax C (not Laser C) did this. As a result the programs could not
>|have any segments more than 32K. I'm pretty sure this was the case because the
>|executables produced had no relocation tables.
>Shouldn't this be: ... any segments more than 64K ... ? Most 68000 C
>compilers will use 16 bit address register relative addressing in this
>case, and 16 bits --> 64K (one of them being Lattice C, if I remember

Yeah, but offsets are relative, so you need a sign bit.

Dave Baggett


Date: 9 Jan 92 14:09:05 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!ox-prg!oxuniv!
Subject: PD library query?

I am a new user on the Net. I have an Atari ST and would like to get hold of
any PD libraries available on the network. Can anyone tell me the addresses and
how to order software?

Ian Harris. picosec@ox.vax


Date: 9 Jan 92 17:30:13 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!cam-orl! (Philip Elwell)
Subject: Revenge of the Mutant Camels (Was: Re: The best game...)

In article <722@mwuk.UUCP>, tony@mwuk.UUCP (Tony Mountifield) writes:
|> In article <> (Stefan Posthuma)
|> >
|> > I have the new shareware game by Minter, Revenge of the Mutant Camels. At
|> > least as good as the CBM64 original!
|> I had the C64 original, and always wondered what the title music was
|> called. I know it wasn't written specially, because I later saw the same
|> tune used in a repeat of "The Two Ronnies" TV show from the mid 1970s.
|> Does anyone know?

I believe it's called 'Egyptian Ballet' (or something similar), and is one of
the main reasons I bought a C64.

The only reason my 64 is used now is for playing REVS...

Phil (Geoff is God) Elwell


Date: 10 Jan 92 12:06:01 GMT
noao!ncar!!samsung!!!waikat!!kcbbs!status! (Jon Clarke)
Subject: Specification for OMTI 5400 needed
To: (Ole Marienhagen - 04121/91726 ) writes:

> I've the problem, that i want to connect an old MFM harddrive with the
> OMTI 5400 and an ICD-hostadapter to my ATARI ST. The original ICD-Software

Have you tried to use the OMTI 5520 at all..

Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ / /\ If that does not work try these address's
Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6


Date: 10 Jan 92 11:41:40 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!!THD-News! (Alexander Lehmann)
Subject: ST/UNIX compatible LHARCs

fox@VULCAN.NOARL.NAVY.MIL (Dan Fox) writes:
> At the risk of starting another archive-method holy war, can anyone
> point me to a Unix (Sun specific would be fine) lharc version which
> can unpack the newer files that are showing up at atari.archive?
> I prefer to unpack files initially on the Sun at work, check out the
> README's etc, before taking the archives home but many of the new files
> produce errors along the line of: "sorry - cannot extract this method".

I think the files that are not extractable with older versions of
lharc are compressed with method -lh5-, which was introduced in lharc
version 2.0 and above. There is a mini version of lharc which can handle
-lh0- (stored) and -lh5- but not -lh1-, that is written in ANSI-C (I think).

It is called AR and propably available somewhere. If someone doesn't find
it anywhere I might send it to you.

Alexander Lehmann


Date: 9 Jan 92 18:17:53 GMT
From: imagen!atari! (T R Hall)
Subject: STBook (Notebook computer)
To: (John Richards) writes:

> ...But I have an application running on my Mega ST which
>uses the cartridge slot. It uses a cartridge as a 'dongle' - a security
>device. I assume I won't be able to run this application on the STBook -
>can anyone confirm this will be the case?
> John Richards

Not true, actually; the expansion port includes _*ALL*_ of the
cratridge port signals (I should know; I designed it). An enterprising third
party (I'll tell you who as soon as Bill Rehbock tells me) will make a small
convertor consisting of two (2) connectors and a PC board (and plastic, I
assume). I _have_ built a hack which does this for testing purposes, and it
works fine.

The reason we (Atari) aren't doing it is that, after all of the
documentation, tooling, assembly, etc we would have to do, we would end up
having to charge far too much. It makes a near-ideal small third-party product.

Incidently, we _*STRONGLY*_ recommend that future software products
use the industry-standard _PARALLEL PORT_ dongles, which would save you having
to re-invent security algorithms, etc. Using the cartridge port for such
things is not a particularly good engineering practice, and forces us to
maintain an "old-technology" port for a long time.



Date: 10 Jan 92 05:53:32 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!uniol!!! (Stefan
Subject: STBook (Notebook computer)


Robert Delius Royar wrote:
>Can someone give some details about the (long awaited) STBook? Specifically,
> 1. What comparison to ST/STE/MEGA (is it one or the other?)?

You can compare it to a "normal" ST with 8 MHz, but the latest TOS-Release

> 2. What internal storage media (floppy/hd)?

40 MB IDE-HD, No Floppy, but Atari will release an external drive to connect
with the STbook.

> 3. What kind of screen refresh slow/medium/fast?

Dunno. The LCD-Display is non-comparable to a "normal" screen.

> 4. What expandability (I know there is a (kind of) direct
> line to the CPU to replace the old cartridge slot, but
> what else?

There is a serial and a parallel port, the DMA port and the two MIDI ports.
There is an extended Mega-Bus on the left side, like the Cardridge-port on
the ST. Finally, there is space left for later expansions like an inbuilt

> 5. What memory configurations and how is memory added?

1 MB, but i have heard of a 4 MB-STbook.

> 6. What TOS level does it run?

TOS Release 2.06, the latest release with the new Desktop.

> 7. Has anyone seen one of these yet?

Nope, just at the Atari-Show at Duesseldorf, Germany in October 91.

> 8. Where can I find a complete review?

In the German magazines "ST Magazin" and "ST Computer".



Date: 10 Jan 92 01:46:40 GMT
From: ukma!aunro!!!

Will my Commodore 1084S monitor work with an Atari 1040ST?


- Tom N.


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