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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 032

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 5 years ago


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 21 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 32

Today's Topics:
"Captive" help
386 emulator for ST
386SX emulation (was RE: IBM emulation)
Advice about MiNT
Arcgsh 4.0
Atarians! Where Are You?!
Atari ST monitors for sale/wanted; modems & monitors for sale
Complete Atari Mega-2 System for Sale!
Darn brevity
Finishing Dungeon Master (2 msgs)
Hyperformat disk on a PC
I cant get Zoo to work!
Need help with Manager
New 14" mono monitor
Repost of my plea for help
Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras) (2 msgs)
What to do?

Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
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to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.

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Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
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Date: 21 Jan 92 07:53:49 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!!
Subject: "Captive" help

In Captive, some of the wall sections are mounted on "rollers", and can
be pushed out of the way...

Butre has one such wall section in the "entryway"... check the documentaion
(such as it is) to see how to push a wall section...

Examine the bottom edge of the walls to find the rollers...



Date: 21 Jan 92 12:14:21 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!phigate!alp! (John Janssen)
Subject: 386 emulator for ST

In september last year, Vortex has launched their 386SX emulator for
MEGA STE only.

Last night I saw an add for the Vortex emulators and they noted that
they had a 386SX emulator for ST and MEGA ST aswell.
As told before it does run DOS5.0 and windows3.0 etc..



John Janssen Email:
The Netherlands


Date: 21 Jan 92 10:59:28 GMT
ilgzrz!! (Gregor-Sebastian Mischke)
Subject: 386SX emulation (was RE: IBM emulation)

well, I'm a user of an AT-Speed(producer: SACK-Electronics) with an
C286-Processor on it.
Yes, there are no slots available an this board, and there's also no memory on
it, but the ST-ram is fully used via XMA memory-access.
the BIOS is able to show MONO-VGA, MONO-EGA, AT&T(640x400) monochrom, and
CGA/MGA, at a cpu-speed of 16MHz, which is about a Norton-Index of 8.2. And the
most important thing is, almost every software runs.
The support is a little lossy, but the manual make the board easy to install
upon your 68000 CPU.

There is a product having the same technical facts(286, 16MHz, 68k-hookup,
ST-memory-access,....) from VORTEX, and there is also a board containing a
386sx cpu .
this board brings full 386(will mean protected) mode, XMA, EMS is supported,
windows runs fully in protected mode, VGA, EGA, AT&T, CGA
and as a option 512k fast-ram on board for full 32bit bus-access.
without fastram there's a NI from about 9.2 to 10.3, having fastram installed,
it is 15.2.
And looking at thhe dollar-table, in this moment $1.00 costs about
DM 1.60, it will be about 500 to 600 USDollars.
But, living in germany, I really don't know whether there is a distributor in
the United States.

Just ask your local compu-shop, or directly to HEIM-VERLAG, Heidelberger
Landstrasse , W-???? Heidelberg, Germany

Sorry, I just don't know the ZIP-code, look it up in a magazine,

The Supercharger is a PC-Clone developed by Bela-Systems, using an own mainboard
with own Ram-proms, and it contains about 3 slots for PC-cartridges, as VGA or
anything else; you can use both, PC and TRARARI simultanously, and it is
connected to your ATARI's DMA port.
you may get info contacting to SIEMENS, I think, they got the manufacturing

Hope, this helps


Gregor Mischke Internet:
Techn. Universitaet Berlin
FB Informatik


Date: 21 Jan 92 04:53:17 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!tamsun!tamuts!n160ao@ (Mark Lehmann)
Subject: Advice about MiNT

I want to delve into MiNT.

What version should I install? Where should I get installation instructions?

What I am hoping that I will gain with MiNT is the ability to do file
transfer in the background while I use the computer in the foreground.

What is a good "C" and "C++" to use under MiNT? I have Sozobon and Laser C.

Do any MiNT users use TeX and LaTeX? If so, what version of TeX do
you use under MiNT?

Thanks much.
Mark Lehmann!n160ao


Date: 21 Jan 92 06:37:33 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!uniol!!!
(Thomas Quester)
Subject: Aladin

iu> |> 1) Does anyone know where i can find a Mac program that
iu> |> can force a Mac to write a disk in Aladin format?

You can force a Mac to write a DOS disk. Threre a 2 programs available to do
this job: Access PC and DOS mounter. A DOS-Disk under DOS mounter behaves just
like a Mac-disk. If it is possible to install one of these programs on aladin,
it should'nt be a problem to excange disk's with a mac.


Date: 21 Jan 92 13:47:47 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!fbi-news!heike! (Rainer Klute)
Subject: Arcgsh 4.0

ARCGSH 4.0 (Archiver GEM Shell) for Atari ST

Arcgsh 4.0, the Archiver GEM Shell for Atari ST, is available now. You can
get it by anonymous FTP from; the file name is
arcgsh40.zoo in the /atari/archivers directory. Alternatively you can wait
until it appears in the newsgroups

Arcgsh is a GEM shell that eases the use of the most popular archiving
programs for the Atari ST (arc, lharc, shar, tar, and zoo). Furthermore the
programs compress, uud, and uue are supported.

The most important enhancement with respect to the previous release 3.5 are
as follows:

- The most recent zoo version 2.1 with its `high performance
compression' is supported. By this considerably higher packing rates
can be achieved.

- The archiver tar is supported.

- The compression program compress is supported.

- The lharc interface has been improved considerably. Now Arcgsh can
be configured to work together with any lharc variant.

- In addition to the english manual there is also a german one now.

Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute
Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.bitnet
Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663

Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 21 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 33

Today's Topics:
8bit <-> ST monitor cable?
Compressed Backups, Syquest Drives
Darn brevity
GCC 1.40 & GDB
Hyperformat disk on a PC (2 msgs)
IBM software emulator
Info-Atari16 Digest V92 #25
LaserBrain font selection
Postscript on Atari's in general
Sozobon 1.33i
Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras) (3 msgs)
Strategy game
VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's

Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.

Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored.

If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please
contact the redistributor, not us.

Date: 19 Jan 92 22:38:45 GMT
From: island!moon!cyberden!
Subject: 8bit <-> ST monitor cable?
To: (Brian Reynolds) writes:

> Is it possible to build a cable to connect an Atari ST color
> monitor (SC1224) to either an Atari 800 or XEGS through the monitor
> port. I'd like to set up one of my 8bits, but I don't want two
> monitors on my desk. Thanks in advance.
> --
> Brian Reynolds "... a drone from sector 7G."
> Fusion Systems Group
> -or- ...!uupsi!fsg!reynolds

What type of input does the monitor take (never used an ST)?
If it has the composite in (like you'd hook up the switch-box to), just
plug that in.. If it has two RCA in's (Audio/Video), just get a
monitor->RCA jack.. (called a Commidore Monitor Cable in MCM's
catalog..(800) 543 4330

______________________________415_472_5527__V32/V42bis__Cyberdustrial Mayhem__
| / |\
| H E \ Y B E R |/ E N [ phbill@<watch this space> (Bill kendrick) ]

The CyberDen accepts liability or responsibility for no one-You're on your own.


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 14:53:12 EST
From: Brian Jepson <IBY223@URIACC.URI.EDU>
Subject: Aladin

As far as I know, only Macs with something which I believe is called a
supradrive can write MS/DOS format. I have successfully converted MS/DOS to
Mac and vice-versa *only* on such machines. So I don't know if the software
would help you in this case (of course, I know nothing about Aladin, so this
might be only hot air...) :-)


Date: 21 Jan 92 14:15:24 GMT
From: mcsun!!sunic!!!
(Per Anders Olausson)
Subject: Compressed Backups, Syquest Drives
To: (Russell Gladden) writes:

>I'm looking for a file compression utility for the ST that will create
>archives across multiple floppies (like ARJ on the PC), or alternately,
>a PD backup program that does file compression and allows easy recovery
>of single files. I have a 150 meg hard drive that I want to back up,
>but not have to use 200 floppies.

You could try out my program dbackup if you want to. It is specifically
designed to do backups which are compressed using any compression utility such
as zoo or lharc.

Unfourtunately I cannot claim that doing a backup with any of these are quick
but at least it has enabled me to use my old Supra FD-10 10 Mb removable media
when backing up my 150 Mb drive. (<-- I had the same problem as you had...!)

I will be upgrading the program this week I think to be less militant about
127 char command lines (which my program restricted itself to since not all
archivers support the extended command line format).

Also, you probably have to use a shell which does not mess with the command
line excessively. (such as pcommand and desktop capitalising - delimited



-------------------------------Andrew Olausson--------------------------------
------------------------------Systems Architect-------------------------------


Date: 21 Jan 92 19:00:51 GMT
(Kosmatos Odisseas)
Subject: Darn brevity

In article <> u1398@JSP.UMontreal.CA
(Kosmatos Odisseas) writes:
>In article <1992Jan20.213826.28501@wpi.WPI.EDU> jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John Dutka)
>>In article <> (Carl
Kreider) writes:
>>>Getting whacked by Amiga lovers leads me to clarify this. A good 68030
>>>design (HP/Apollo) seems to be able to run 350 dhrystones per MHZ of clock
>>>(i.e. 7000 dhrystones at 20MHZ and 17500 drystones at 50MHZ. Next gets 280
>>>drys/MHZ, which is still good. The Amiga 3000 gets 120 drys/MHZ. These
>>Well, my 3000-25 (nocache noburst) gets 6400 dhrystones, so 6400/25=256
>>drys/MHz, quite close to the NeXT. That number would be higher if I was using
>>burst mode and cache on, and not running the term program and text editor.
>>Just wanted to clarify things...
>Are you trying to say that your Amiga 3000-25 is faster or even close the
>speed of a 68040-25 NeXT? Obviously, either the numbers presented above are
>wrong or unfair (which it seems so to me), or the NeXT has a bad design.
>Why dont you turn your cache and burst mode on? Crashes?
Obviously, you meant a 68030 based NeXT.

I must have gotten confused. They don't sell 68030-based NeXT's as far as I
and the prices for Amigas in Montreal (student prices at University) are
ridiculous. So it is quite easy to ass-u-me you would compare your computer to
one of the same price range. [As far as I know, people who have access to News
are usually working/studying at University and thus are eligible for NeXT's
faculty/student prices. Right? Tell me if not.]

The key, though, was _68030 design_. Check.
Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen
der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht
fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in
das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------


Date: 21 Jan 92 00:41:42 GMT
gate!parsely!agora! (Eric Starker)
Subject: Does:

Does anyone have a copy of the online BBS game Movie Madness!? If you do, could
you send it to my address: Thanks.


Date: 21 Jan 92 15:28:16 GMT
From: sae!! (Bob Malay)
Subject: GCC 1.40 & GDB

I installed GCC 1.40 and compiled "hello.c" - it compiled and ran fine using
Gemini 1.2.1; however, compiling "hello.c" with the "-gg" option to enable
use of gdb gave me this:

gcc -v -gg hello.c - o hello.ttp

gcc -atariST version 1.40 Patchlevel 2
c:\bin\gcc-cpp.ttp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Datarist -Dgem -Dm68k -D__atarist__
-D__gem__ -D__m68k__ hello.c c:/tmp/cc100000.cpp

GNU cpp-atariST version 1.40 Patchlevel 2
c:\bin\gcc-cc1.ttp c:/tmp/cc100000.cpp -quiet -dumpbase hello.c -version
-symout c:/tmp/cc100000.sym -o c:/tmp/cc100000.s

GNU C version 1.40-atariST Patchlevel 2 (68K, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C
version 1.40.
default target switches:
c:\bin\gcc-as.ttp -v -m68000 -G c:/tmp/cc100000.sym -o hello.c

GNU assembler version 1.38
c:\bin\gcc-as.ttp: I don't understand 'G' flag!
c:/tmp/cc100000.sym:0: End-of-File not at end of line
c:/tmp/cc100000.sym:1: Junk character 0
Lots of similar error messages

Ok, so whats the problem? Can gcc 1.40 generate the right stuff for gdb? The
man page shows "-gg" as the correct option so what gives??

Bob Malay


Date: 21 Jan 92 14:45:17 GMT
t (Torsten Scherer)
Subject: Hyperformat disk on a PC

In article <>, (Schaaf RF) writes:

|> I have been using hyperformatted disks (11-sectors/track) ever
|> since I bought Scheibenkleister. A few weeks ago I bought a PC
|> and assumed the High density drive would be able to handle 11
|> sectors per track. I was wrong, I am unable to read the disks.
|> Does anyone know whether it is possible to read Hyperformatted
|> disk on a PC. The problem isn't DOS (PC-speed works fine with
|> these disks), so what is the problem?

You're right, it's not a DOS problem. You can even add lines
like "device=driver.sys /d:1 /t:80 /s:11" to your config.sys and
it will work on an emulator on ST's. Maybe up to 10 sectors this
also works on "normal" PC's, but definitely not with 11-sector-disks,
because the standard PC floppy controller is unable to read/write 11
sectors on a DD disk.
And it also doesn't work on a HD-drive, because the data on such
a drive is written in half the physical space than on an DD drive
thus making more space for up to 20 (hyper-ST 21) sektors per track.
You can of cource format a HD disk with 11 sectors, but then it's
only half filled, the other half of the track is empty. Since this
is physically different (allthough it's logically the same) a HD floppy
controller in a PC is definitely not able to read this disk and will
never be, unless you manipulate the controller.


P.S. 80 tracks * 2 sides * 21 sectors * 512 Bytes = 1.7 MegBytes
where is DOS with its 1.44 Megs ???????
this perversion of alphanumerical characters was created by
torsten scherer, universitaet bielefeld, germany
just experimenting with the .signatur file a bit...


Date: 21 Jan 92 14:51:14 GMT
t (Torsten Scherer)
Subject: Hyperformat disk on a PC

In article <>, (Schaaf RF) writes:

|> I have been using hyperformatted disks (11-sectors/track) ever
|> since I bought Scheibenkleister. A few weeks ago I bought a PC
|> and assumed the High density drive would be able to handle 11
|> sectors per track. I was wrong, I am unable to read the disks.
|> Does anyone know whether it is possible to read Hyperformatted
|> disk on a PC. The problem isn't DOS (PC-speed works fine with
|> these disks), so what is the problem?

You're right, it's not a DOS problem. You can even add lines
like "device=driver.sys /d:1 /t:80 /s:11" to your config.sys and
it will work on an emulator on ST's. Maybe up to 10 sectors this
also works on "normal" PC's, but definitely not with 11-sector-disks,
because the standard PC floppy controller is unable to read/write 11
sectors on a DD disk.
And it also doesn't work on a HD-drive, because the data on such
a drive is written in half the physical space than on an DD drive
thus making more space for up to 20 (hyper-ST 21) sektors per track.
You can of cource format a HD disk with 11 sectors, but then it's
only half filled, the other half of the track is empty. Since this
is physically different (allthough it's logically the same) a HD floppy
controller in a PC is definitely not able to read this disk and will
never be, unless you manipulate the controller.


P.S. 80 tracks * 2 sides * 21 sectors * 512 Bytes = 1.7 MegBytes
where is DOS with its 1.44 Megs ???????
this perversion of alphanumerical characters was created by
torsten scherer, universitaet bielefeld, germany
just experimenting with the .signatur file a bit...


Date: 21 Jan 92 13:05:09 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!yorkohm!minster!
Subject: IBM software emulator

In article <> (Jason Morris) writes:
> Out of interest, surely it would be possible to compile from a disassembled
>version of the PC program. Wouldn't this just be compilation of a different

Yes it would, but you miss the point that it's the _disassembly_ that's the
hard part! No disassembler can automatically (automagically?) accurately
disassemble object code. How can it know the difference between data and
code? If it attempts to follow the execution path, we're back to the halting
problem again [see previous postings of mine]

With human skill and a disassembler you can get a lot further, but it can
still be very difficult, if not impossible.

> Jas.
>| Jason Morris +44 344 424842 ext 2662 |


| Mathew Lodge | "What do they call you, boy?" "Kate." "Isn't |
| | that a bit of a girl's name?" "... it's |
| Summer: lodge%alsys@uknet | short for 'Bob'" -- Blackadder II |


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 14:17:42 EST
From: Brian Jepson <IBY223@URIACC.URI.EDU>
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V92 #25

I just put the file to be unZoo'd into a big ramdisk, put zoo all by its
lonesome self into whatever subdir I want to extract it to and then:


-x d:archive.zoo
--- or whatever...x, -x, -x... y'know

and then it puts it in the directory I
started zoo from. I've done this on a 1 Meg st with
some large files... I hope it works for whatever was
originally in mind...

Brian Jepson IBY223@URIACC.URI.EDU


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1992 13:07 EST
Subject: LaserBrain font selection

I cannot get LaserBrain to print with any font other than the default
York 16. I have the Epson 34 font installed and did all the requested
steps (I think) such as choosing a font # and attribute settings (e.g.
Elite). I have version 1.31 from Anyone have a
simple idea on how to get the font selection to work?


Date: 21 Jan 92 11:52 -0300
From: CHIASSA@Umoncton.CA

When I first bough my megafile 30 I had to have it backwards
to hook it up to my 1040ST because the cable was too short.
When I got an SLM605 I was able to turn it around. The cable
from my 1040ST to the "laserbrain" is about 16 in. I don't
know if this means you can make your own cable to about 16 in
and have it work. At first I was told that a longer cable was not
possible because it would mess-up the transfer rate. Maybe
someone else can clarify this matter, perhaps it is a question
of shielding? As far as the noise, I have my monitor sitting on
top of my MEGAFILE. I put a small piece of styrofoam along
the leading edge, not enough to block the vents. It cut the noise
level down to about half-seems to work a bit like a sound
sponge. In any case you might want to try it first.
If anyone want the precise length of my cable send me a message
an I will unhook my cable and get out a measuring tape.



Date: 21 Jan 92 18:47:34 GMT
edu!!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!be824@a (Steve Selick)
Subject: Postscript on Atari's in general

Why is it that Calamus and Notator, probably the 2 most significant
reasons for purchasing an Atari computer, refuse to support Postscript
outputs? Does there exist some universal interceptor that will take
an output for 300dpi laser printers and convert it to a postscript file?
Why, why, why, why, why?


Date: 21 Jan 92 18:12:30 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i

[In article <>, (Kris Van Hees) writes ... ]

> I got Sozobon 1.33i `Heat and Serve` from the
> group, and I installed it on my 1040 Ste with one floppy drive. However,
> running the test makefile, it failed on compiling MINICOLR. It gives
> a loader error '_main' underfined, which is strange as it is the actual
> test nakefile as included in the shipment. Any ideas? Is it actually
> a bug in the 1.33i shipment?

Not that I know of. Make sure that you have the environment set up
properly. Also check minicolr.o to make sure it didn't get truncated
by some mysterious undetected disk write error (nm.ttp is good for

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Note: Mail to the domain has been failing for about a month.
If your mail bounces, try!thelake!steve.
It's probably another side effect of the Super Bowl.
(I'm praying for a blizzard on Super Sunday.)


Date: 21 Jan 92 18:30:12 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras)

[In article <>, (`Grave' Dave Gymer) writes ... ]

> What about source? I can't use binaries compiled with dLibs, as they crash
> under MiNT.I installed 2.0 for a laugh by compiling under the GCC as the
> "UNIX"-hosted cross-compiler version (GCC on my ST, that is).

000 000 000 0 Waiting 4096 00:00:00 MiNT
001 000 000 0 Waiting 183752 00:00:03 GEM
002 001 000 0 Waiting 375144 00:01:18 GEMINI
013 002 000 0 Waiting 151584 00:01:15 READER
023 013 000 0 Waiting 96744 00:00:02 postnews
024 023 000 0 Waiting 144024 00:00:12 ue M:\_news.tmp
025 024 000 1 Running 28224 00:00:00 PS

I just did an escape from my text editor and ran MiNT ps.ttp with the
above result.

Three of the seven processes were compiled with Sozobon C (various
versions) and dLibs: READER, postnews, and ue (MicroEMACS).

You may have had problems with an old version of the library. There were
bugs in the original dLibs 1.2 distribution that bombed programs started
under Gemini/Mupfel and MiNT. As you can see, they were fixed in the
beta-testing stage (which is one reason it took so flipping long).

I can't answer your specific question about source availability, but the
sentiment will be passed along.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Note: Mail to the domain has been failing for about a month.
If your mail bounces, try!thelake!steve.
It's probably another side effect of the Super Bowl.
(I'm praying for a blizzard on Super Sunday.)


Date: 21 Jan 92 18:15:04 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras)

[In article <>, (Christian Lynbech) writes ... ]

> To me it seems that V1.33i really only needs the extended object format to be
> everything V2.0 is (plus some extras, primarily in speed).
> Is this correct, and if so, could we expect somebody to port this too?

Pretty much. I posted code here last week to modify the 2.0 ld.ttp so that it
and the companion jas from Sozobon 2.0 can be plugged into the 1.33i setup.
Basically what you have to do is fix ld.ttp so that ofile is initialized
and add code in pass1() to search for modules in the LIB directory if they
aren't found in the current directory. (See dlibs.doc, pfindfile.)

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Note: Mail to the domain has been failing for about a month.
If your mail bounces, try!thelake!steve.
It's probably another side effect of the Super Bowl.
(I'm praying for a blizzard on Super Sunday.)


Date: 21 Jan 92 18:07:44 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras)

[In article <>, writes ... ]

> Incidentally, if any new Sozobon users are confused, MAKE.INI may need
> if you are only using floppy drives. I've just installed it to work on the
> GEM desktop with floppies and found that for successful compilation with
> MAKE, I had to change the environment paths in MAKE.INI.
> Initially they are set to work from C drive. If unchanged, you'll have an
> error linked to "compiler not found" to a few other messages I've forgotten
> now. Change the paths for PATH, INCLUDE and LIB to (respectively)

As distributed, the lines in MAKE.INI that set the environment variables
are commented out. The method you described will work, but the package
is set up assuming that you'll put Ian's GEM environment-setting utility
in your auto folder.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <>
Note: Mail to the domain has been failing for about a month.
If your mail bounces, try!thelake!steve.
It's probably another side effect of the Super Bowl.
(I'm praying for a blizzard on Super Sunday.)


Date: 21 Jan 92 16:27:53 GMT
u!!! (Christoph Weber-Fahr [KIT])
Subject: Strategy game


I saw recently the strategy-game Spaceward-Ho on a friend's apple.
Has that been ever sold for other machines, especially for my
atari ?

Just wondering..


Christoph Weber-Fahr | E-Mail:
Universitaet Kaiserslautern, KIT/IVS | S-Mail: Postfach 3049
Tel. 0631/205-3391 | D-6750 Kaiserslautern
-------------------------- My personal opinion only ---------------------


Date: 21 Jan 92 16:41:40 GMT
t (Torsten Scherer)
Subject: VORTEX ATonce 386SX for MSTE's

Hi there,

according to the numerous postings about PC emulations on Ataris,
I'd like to tell everybody who's interested some facts about the

VORTEX - ATonce 386SX

It's true that it exists, cause I own one. But it's only for use
with the MEGA-ST/E, since it is plugged in the PLCC socket of the
68000, and all of the other Ataris have DIP CPU's. Perhaps there is
something like an adaptor on the market, but I don't know.

Some facts :

- 32 bit CPU 80C386SX-16MHz
- optional 80C387SX-16 coprocessor
- optional 512Kb fast-ram
- uses internal MSTE-cache
- can use DD and HD floppy drives (theoretically)

Some data :

- Several graphic emulations like
when using a color or monochrome monitor
CGA - 640*200 (2)
320*200 (4)
when using monochrome monitor
HGC - 720*348 (2)
OLI - 640*400 (2)
EGA - 640*350 (2)
VGA - 640*480 (2)
- in the last two resolutions you can only have 640KB of base memory, all
the others can provide 704K base memory
- emulates serial mouse on com1: or com2:
- emulates centronics printer on lpt1:
- every ram above 1 meg is used as extended memory

There may be several thing said, but I'd only like to say a few
important facts. The graphic emulation is of cource the biggest
disadvantage. The EGAmono and Olivetti modes can simply not be
detected. If you try driver=detect in turbo for example, CGA is
reported. But if you ignore this report, it works well. Sadly, most
programs check the hardware before using it, so some programs refuse
to run. The VGAmono solution works correctly as MCGA 640*480 (2) mode
and can be used. Windows 3.0 runs not only in protected (standard) mode,
but also in extended 386 mode including virtual memory and things like
there. The performance is due to the original MSTE-harddisk not so fast,
but bearable.

Some performance information:

without with FastRam
Norton SI4.5 12.3 15.7
PCTools 4.2 330% 510%

Now what is FastRam? Well, since the MSTE works as a 8MHz system, but
the CPU runs with 16MHZ, it had to be slowed down (waitstates etc.). The
Atonce 386SX uses the internal MSTE-cache and is therefore faster than
other emulators on ST's. You can buy the additional fastram, which can
be fitted in four sockets on the emulator and then completely replaces
the lowest 512KBytes of memory, thus making the whole system another
bit more faster. I think this is the absolute maximun in emulation
performance for ST's that is and will be.

The prices:

Vortex Atonce 386SX : ca. 700 DM = 450 US$

The additinal FastRam needn't be bought at Vortex, since standard
chips 4*256Kbit-70ns are used and costs about 50 DM = 30 US$.

The complete ST-ram can be used as extended memory. It is said that
you can also configure it as expanded memory and there is a driver
included, but this is not LIM4.0 compatible and therefore not widely
accepted by programs. It'd like to say that the expanded memory
doesn't work, but when using windows for example, that's not necessary.

The whole hardware is emulated quite good. It's funny to see several
diagnostic programs reporting all these AT-chips working correctly, and
knowing they're not even present.

I'm sorry, but I can't exactly remember the adress, but I've seen it
was already posted in the last days, so have a look in magazines or
other postings. It goes somehow like this:

Computersysteme GmbH
Falterstrasse X
D-W 7102 or 7201 or X Flein

The W is neccessary for foreign writers, cause since the reunification
there are some doubled zip-codes. Forgetting this will not end up in a
bit error, but surely delay letters for some more days (and the german
post office is really not one of the fastest nowadays).

Anyone who wants to know more or has special questions, is invited to
send e-mail to the following adress:

Hope, this has helped some guys...

(Torsten Scherer)

this perversion of alphanumerical characters was created by
torsten scherer, universitaet bielefeld, germany
just experimenting with the .signatur file a bit...


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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