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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 676

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 5 years ago


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 27 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 676

Today's Topics:
CFN chat 11:00 AM EST Friday
Color Emulators and the ste....
Deleting a folder with illegal name
FTP dir on NOPE
History of Atari
Holiday Greetings
Interface to use Okimate 20 with the STe.
Printer CPX (2 msgs)
problem unpacking c.b.a.s articles (2 msgs)
Quick ST support (4 msgs)
SM124 emualtor
Termcaps help...
TOS 2.06 (2 msgs)
Which is better to run for ST acceleration?

Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
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to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.

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If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
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Date: 27 Dec 91 01:39:48 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!!!agate!usenet.ins.!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Len Stys)
Subject: CFN chat 11:00 AM EST Friday

If you can make the Free-Net chat, it will be on Friday at 11:00 AM.

The channel will be +AtariCon

The TELNET address is

If you have an ID on Free-Net, you should login, go to the Free-Net
terminal setting by "go terminal" and make sure it is set to "VT100"
or "ANSI" or some kind of smart terminal that your program can emulate.

After you set it, make sure your computer is set to the same.

Then type "go cafe" and pick multi-user chat.

You should then pick a nick name by "/nick (name)".
Then choose the Atari Conference by typing "/join +AtariCon"

If you don't have an ID and can telnet, you may want to get one for
future conferences.

This conference pertains to a letter a group of individuals are sending
Atari to make sure Atari's next generation computers are the best
that we believe they can be.

See you there.




Date: 26 Dec 91 21:22:26 GMT
From:!! (John Bunch)
Subject: Color Emulators and the ste....

Howdy all,

I have a problem or two... I have a couple of games and a few programs
that I would like to run, but they are color only. Now what I would like
to know is if anybody knows of any color emulators that run on the STe
with Tos 1.62? I have tried bigcolor, emumontr.lzh, omni-res, and
emula 5.1. None of these seem to work. I get various problems with each.
I have gfacolor.prg, but it only does low resolution. Any ideas out there
on the net?


John B Bunch * I don't want the world, I just want your
771 Madison Ave Apt.2e. * half.... -TMG
Albany, NY 12208 *
(518) 436-3810 * UUCP: {...}!crdgw1!sixhub!myst!john


Date: 25 Dec 91 13:21:44 GMT
p!! (Gerald Greenberg)
Subject: Deleting a folder with illegal name

I seem to have named a folder with an illegal name (xxx_?) and
now I cannot delete it. It can be opened, but nothing can be
copied into it, and it cannot be renamed. I believe I saw a
discussion of this long long ago...what do I need to do here?


Date: 26 Dec 91 16:06:05 GMT
Subject: FTP dir on NOPE

In article <>, (Donald
George) writes:
> out. I've been trying to access for access to the
> atari archives that are (were?) there.
> 1. Are there still archives there?

No. NO. NO!

There are no archives for the Atari ST on Remove this
Internet address from your Atari-related FTP lists. The person who maintained
files at this address has MOVED ON. It was removed from the
'Welcome' posting a long time ago for that simple reason.

I.E. You're wasting your time.

If you want U.S. access to the most complete archive, use the Internet address ... see any of the monthly postings which cover the
atari.archive server.


David Paschall-Zimbel

"The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come
with it."
-- R. Buckminster Fuller


Date: 27 Dec 91 04:16:13 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!agate!!nosc!crash!pnet01! (Jim Trageser)
Subject: History of Atari

I'm writing a story on the history of Atari for San Diego's ComputorEdge
magazine, and need some background information on some of the hardware (OK,
most of the hardware. . . .)

To wit: what differentiates the STfm and the STe from the straight ST? How are
the Megas different (as well as Mega STe)?

Was the 2600 game machine the first Atari home machine? Did Bushnell sell
commercial arcade games before his home machines? What are the significant
featuers of the XE/XL 8-bit machines?

Thanks in advance for your e-mail responses!

Happy Holidays,


UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!trag
ARPA: crash!pnet01!


Date: 24 Dec 91 21:28:51 EST
From: Lawrence Estep <71450.1050@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Holiday Greetings
To: *SysOp Bill Aycock <76703.4061@CompuServe.COM>,

Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season and a Healthy and Prosperous
New Year from the staff of Weather World Productions, ALERT Indiana, and
our entire family.


-Lawrence Estep
Member of Atari Exchange of Louisville, Kentucky (AEL)


Date: 26 Dec 91 15:09:15 GMT
From:!! (John Bunch)
Subject: Interface to use Okimate 20 with the STe.


I have an Okimat20 printer and would like to use it with my atari STe. I need
an Okimate20 to parallel port plug and print module. Anybody out there have
one they are willing to sell? If so please send me email. Please send me
mail at sixhub!myst! if possible. Thanx..

P.S. If you want to phone the number is (518) 436-3810


John B Bunch * I don't want the world, I just want your
771 Madison Ave Apt.2e. * half.... -TMG
Albany, NY 12208 *
(518) 436-3810 * UUCP: {...}!crdgw1!sixhub!myst!john


Date: 24 Dec 91 08:25:45 GMT
du!!! (Steven Selick)
Subject: Printer CPX

Is it me, or does the printer CPX supplied with the cpx arc file refuse
to save a configuration of 960 dots per line? Has anybody else come
across this problem? Any solutions?


Date: 26 Dec 91 01:44:47 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Iain Laskey)
Subject: Printer CPX

The problem is not the CPX. The desktop,inf file does not save the printer
information correctly. I have a small program I put in my autofolder to set it-
to 960
# Iain R Laskey #
# #


Date: 23 Dec 91 15:47:22 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!hp4nl!tedux!! (Harold van
Subject: problem unpacking c.b.a.s articles


This is a strong cry for help!
Problem: All arrived encoded archives are handeled badly bad appropiate
unpack program (arc6.02 and arc521c, xlharc(Shroka's version1.2,
zoo2.1 and zoo2.0)

I use the decode program: uud version 3.4 25-nov-1988

I also have a self extracting archive that refuses to unpack because my
TOS (1.4 on a MegaST 4Mb) refuses to recognize it as a program.

Any ideas why all unpackers suddenly seem to be incompatible with their own
Before a few months ago I never had any trouble at all I always had some
archiver that was able to unpack the things I received and as far as I know
I have all the different versions of all unpackers of the last 4 years!

What uudecode program should I use Steven?

Please reply by email!

Harold van Aalderen |
| {...!mcsun}!hp4nl!hgatenl!tedux!alice!harold
alice: She's not the neighbour girl nor is she living in wonderland
Who it is? For me to know for you to guess.


Date: 25 Dec 91 04:46:04 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!tripos! (Tom
Subject: problem unpacking c.b.a.s articles
To: (Harold van Aalderen) writes:


>This is a strong cry for help!
>Problem: All arrived encoded archives are handeled badly bad appropiate
> unpack program (arc6.02 and arc521c, xlharc(Shroka's version1.2,
> zoo2.1 and zoo2.0)

>I use the decode program: uud version 3.4 25-nov-1988

I also have problems with uud. Can anyone help?

Tom Downey


Date: 26 Dec 91 22:55:43 GMT
(Mark Choi)
Subject: Quick ST support

Excerpts from 20-Dec-91 Re: Quick ST support
Steve Whitney@flatcat.wp (1407)

> Yeah, that's like saying, "The service at my bank is terrible, I think
> I'll pull
> my money out."
Ridiculous, ism't it, Bob?

No it ain't. It's like saying that my bank gives me poor service and a
shitty interest rate, and there is another bank that has ok service, but
who are rude, and have a high interest rate.
Atari has poor perfomance compared to QuickST, and the service to users
from atari is a joke. just try to call them or email them with a
question. Dereck has had good support for his product, and his product
has GREAT performance. Some feel he is rude. Bob's point is... SO WHAT?.
I agree. if quick ST has had good support in the past(it hs) and if it
is cheap (it is) and if it is good (it is) then to not buy it on account
of the views of the programmer, while valiantly moral, is a bit foolish.



Date: 26 Dec 91 23:02:56 GMT
(Mark Choi)
Subject: Quick ST support

Excerpts from 20-Dec-91 Re: Quick ST support
John Paul Pietrzak@uxa.c (1641)

> Actually, I still use TurboST every day, and am quite satisified with
> it. If you can find a store selling some of the older software (say
> like MicroTime, in my home town :) I would think that TurboST could
> still compete with Quick ST in this market. Perhaps Quick ST has finally
> become faster, but up to now I've still heard about more compatibility
> problems with it than with Turbo.

Actually, Turbo has just about always had more compatibility problems
than QST, aside from taking a valuable .ACC slot (Thanks DRI for only
giving 6) Also QST has always been faster, in the contemporary release,
than Turbo. I know, I've used many incarnations of both, and have even
had both installed at the same time.



Date: 27 Dec 91 01:42:03 GMT
From: sgi!odin!! (Steve Whitney)
Subject: Quick ST support

In article <>,
(Mark Choi) writes:
|> Excerpts from 20-Dec-91 Re: Quick ST
|> support
|> Steve Whitney@flatcat.wp (1407)
|> > Yeah, that's like saying, "The service at my bank is terrible, I
|> think
|> > I'll pull
|> > my money out."
Ridiculous, ism't it, Bob?
|> No it ain't. It's like saying that my bank gives me poor service and
|> a
|> shitty interest rate, and there is another bank that has ok service,
|> but
|> who are rude, and have a high interest rate.
|> Atari has poor perfomance compared to QuickST, and the service to
|> users
|> from atari is a joke. just try to call them or email them with a
|> question. Dereck has had good support for his product, and his
|> product
|> has GREAT performance. Some feel he is rude. Bob's point is... SO
|> WHAT?.
|> I agree. if quick ST has had good support in the past(it hs) and if
|> it
|> is cheap (it is) and if it is good (it is) then to not buy it on
|> account
|> of the views of the programmer, while valiantly moral, is a bit
|> foolish.

Look. My reasons for not wanting to purchase anthing from Branch Always have
nothing to do with "rudeness." I have heard horror stories about customners
whose checks were cashed for fixes that didn't correct the problem they were
having, people told "tough" when they had a problem, etc. These are _support_
issues_ not the "views of the programmer."

Besides, there are other ways to increase screen performance including
Turbo ST,
processor accelerators, and the blitter as has alreay been pointed out.

--Steve Whitney / Silicon Graphics OS Group

|> -mark


Date: 27 Dec 91 01:43:52 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!sgi!odin!!stever@ariz (Steve Whitney)
Subject: Quick ST support

P.S. You also took my quote out of context and made it appear to have
almost the opposite meaning. That sarcastic snippet was followed by
statements supporting it which negated your "followup."

--Steve Whitney / Silicon Graphics OS Group


Date: 26 Dec 91 22:14:55 GMT
From: mcsun!sun4nl!nikhefk! (Paul Molenaar)
Subject: Rom-moth?


My dear brother owns an Atari 1040ST and suddenly experienced some
weird problems. As I do not operate any Atari myself, I'm not familiar
with the symptoms, but I have verified the situation.

About a year and a half ago, I upgraded his machine to the new
TOS (probably old by now) which enabled drive to read and write
IBM compatible diskettes. Everything worked fine.
But all of a sudden this stopped working. The diskettes the
Atari produces are unreadble on a PC. I had to run Norton
on the floppy to 'repair' it. Norton claims the disk have
a wrong media descriptor byte. I thought that was the problem
with the old TOS!

Any clues? I'm baffled!

Paul Molenaar


Date: 25 Dec 91 15:20:09 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: SM124 emualtor

My friend has a TT with a bigscreen monitor (monochrome) and has some
problems running software made for ST-MEDIUM and ST-HIGH only. I have
heard something about a SM124 emulator for the TT, does anyone know more?

Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /


Date: 25 Dec 91 01:43:51 GMT
From: world! (Thomas Knauer)
Subject: Termcaps help...

Hi, (john c chu) writes:


>I just downloaded the tcsh port as well as version 18.57 of GNU Emacs
>from atari.archive.

>Can someone please give me a Termcap entry that'll allow me to fully
>use tcsh (i.e., arrow keys, at least?) as well as convince Emacs that
>my terminal (i.e., the Atari ST) is powerful enough to run Emacs?

>Or is there something more serious that is wrong (i.e., common mistake
>during installation?)

>Please reply by email.
no !! Not only by email please, because I've the same problem ...
"... terminal 'atari' is not powerful enough to run emacs..."




Date: 25 Dec 91 14:23:06 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: TOS 2.06

Does anyone know where I can buy TOS 2.06 for my MEGA STE ?
It MUST be in English, and should be 50Hz (but 60Hz will do)
E-mail adress or normal adress would be fine. Price too.

Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /


Date: 25 Dec 91 22:47:14 GMT
From: apple!portal!!
Subject: TOS 2.06

Lars-Erik Osterud asked:
>Does anyone know where I can buy TOS 2.06 for my MEGA STE ?
>It MUST be in English, and should be 50Hz (but 60Hz will do)

CodeHead Software in the US will be selling the TOS 2.06 ROMs separately
from their TEC board for those whose STs will handle the ROMs directly.

Give them a call at CodeHeadquarters AFTER Christmas week for pricing
information: (213) 386-5735

Their US Snail address is: P.O. Box 74090, Los Angeles, CA 90004



Date: 25 Dec 91 05:32:34 GMT
e!tmpmbx!! (Techno)
Subject: Which is better to run for ST acceleration?
To: (Brett Hurt) writes:

>Which is better to run for reliability and performance.. Turbo ST 1.4 or
>Quick ST?

Hm, I'm running Turbo ST V1.8 and it's very stable and compatible, even on
overscan. Quick ST isn't. Personally, I cannot recommend Quick ST.



| ||| Please do not e-mail from outside Germany ! |
| / | \ Hardcore ST user ! ====================== |
| Nothing that's real is ever for free, you just have to pay for it sometime. |
| (Al Stewart) |
Hi ! I'm a .signature virus. Join the fun and copy me into your .signature !


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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