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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 655

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 12 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 655

Today's Topics:
'020 and '030 C compilers..
Ataris and modems
Click to type utility
Focusing SM124 (how to?)
FOR SALE, BEST OFFER: DigiSpec, GIF converter (superb)
GDOS driver for HP DeskJet
Help me with MiNT, MGR. . .
Hermes UUCP package
ICD Host Adapt. Card price
I need a hand scanner for an Atari ST 1040 (US or Yugoslavia)
Okami 1.3 (revised edition :-) (2 msgs)
TOS 1.4 doesn't register double mouse click (2 msgs)
Why ASV Is A Dead No Future Product

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Date: 11 Dec 91 20:44:04 GMT
From: mcsun!uknet!!!
Subject: '020 and '030 C compilers..

In article <1991Dec10.122452.26867yonder@netcom.COM> yonder@netcom.COM
(Christopher Russell) writes:
>Me and a friend are working on a small '030 system which will start
>out as nothing but memory and an RS232 port. Anyways... In the past
>my friend had the Atari ST developers kit from way back and he used it
>when he built his own small 68000 system. He was able to use the Alcyon
>C compiler to generate code for his system. We'd like to be able to
>generate '030 or at least '020 code on the ATari ST if possible.

Have you tried Lattice C (my version is 5.something)? This compiler
comes with libraries that can be changed depending whether your CPU is the
normal 68000, 68020 or 68030.

W. Alan B. Evans
[ ]


Date: 12 Dec 91 00:28:10 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!wupost!!comp.!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Ataris and modems

In article <>
(Steve Withers) writes:
> Can anyone tell me what sort of modem should be used with an Atari ST or other
> Atari? I have an external 2400bps modem that has been used with an IBM
> compatible PC. Can this modem be used with Atari computers? What special
> adapters - if any - may be required? Who sells them? How much? Are the
> voltages compatible?
> Logically, I can't see why a Hayes compatible modem can't be used with any
> computer that has the appropriate software. Am I correct in thinking that?
> What comms software is available in the public domain for Ataris? Where can I
> get it? Can Ataris read DOS formatted 3.5" diskettes? I have been told I may
> have to format a 720K, 3.5" floppy as a 360K, single-sided floppy. Is this
> correct?
> There are a lot of questions there, but If I can get the answers, I'll be able
> to make a local Atari user a happy modemer - maybe.....
> Please reply by mail. If there is interest, I'll post a summary.
> Thanks
> Steve
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Did you vote for them? I didn't vote for them. Did you vote for them?"
> Steve Withers - Wellington, New Zealand
> /

All external modems should work with the Atari, but the Super 5 modem has
some problems with othere modems so don't get one of those..

Here in NZ, a 2400 modem will cost from $250/350nz..

There are many PD Comms programs for the Atari, you will find plenty
of these on a Few of the Atari support BBS in Wellington, but this is
the main one..'Harbour Board' 04-4762852..
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 10 Dec 91 23:57:23 GMT
noao!ncar!!!caen!uflorida!!sync!bo (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Click to type utility

In article <5164@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU>, (Scott
Willingham) writes:
>While such a utility may be useful for people with disabilities, it
>is just silly for anyone else.

BRRRRR! Blatent personal opinion, no disclaimer in sight.

>Even if you are a bad typist, how
>could you "poke keys" with a mouse pointer on a fascimile keyboard
>any faster than you could poke real keys with your finger on a real
>keyboard? You still need to "hunt and peck" in the same inefficient
>way. If you are insistant on using the mouse for text input, at least
>come up with an interface that is more suited to mouse movements than
>finger motions.

I would tend to agree, although I think the QWERTY format should still be
there. A graphic picture that looks like the actual keyboard would slow
things down somewhat.

>I'd recommend getting a program that teaches you to
>type. It's a worthwhile investment of your time if you plan to use
>computers to any degree in the future.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is available for the ST (and it looks very good),
includes both mono and color monitor versions, and is the best instructional
typing program I have seen. It could probably be found in the bargin bin of
some mail order house.

I could think of several good reasons for the existance of such a program
with very little effort. How about navigating your average BBS software
(which usually consists of a bunch of single key entries)? Just about any
single key menu-driven type program could become "touchy feelie" with such a
utility. Of course, there are disabled folks who might like it. Also, I
hate having to move my hands to the keyboard just to type a couple of
characters (when doing a lot of mouse oriented work), so I could see it being
useful in that sense. How about typing weird characters not on the keyboard
(there is no reason why the program should be restricted to just the normal
characters)? How about typing small strings with a mouse click (no reason
why it should be restricted to one character, either)? I agree with the
original poster that this would be a very neat hack for the ST.

If only it was around when I broke my wrist a couple of years ago!
Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."


Date: 11 Dec 91 21:07:31 GMT
u! (Sharon L Skwara)
Subject: DC?

In article <> (Michael Park) writes:
>Is this sort of thing even possible? How does one get
>an accessory to do the "typing" for another program (legally)?

I don't see why not. If it were on an IBM, I would probably have the
code of the chosen key placed into the keyboard buffer, and trigger the
"key has been hit" type of interrupt. It should just be a matter of putting
the code in the right RAM location...

slsst11 >--


Date: 12 Dec 91 00:39:02 GMT
nz!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Focusing SM124 (how to?)

In article <> (unx3184) writes:
> I've tried to focus my SM124 because it's very fuzzy in the corners,
> moderately fuzzy at the sides and top, and not exactly sharp in the center.
> I've located the "Focus" adjustment on the circuitboard, and found it to have
> little or no effect throughout it's 1.5 or 2 turn range. I twisted most
> (all I found... I hope there's another) of the other adjustments with
> no better results. I'm curious... do I have to grab the yoke on the picture
> tube to adjust this? If so... How should I construct a "Grounding probe"
> to discharge the tube before I fiddle?
> Also... Once I've discharged the tube, what kind of motion of which yoke
> (I seem to recall two) would help? Or is there some method of "Coarse"
> focus that I've not located? Please help. My eyes are sore.
> jc (
> Actually the center of the screen is "good enough"....

There are no othere adjustments, this is about as best you will get,
no monitor will focus all over the tube face, unless you bay big $$$
for it, the Atari monitor is only a cheap monitor, you only get what
you pay for...
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 11 Dec 91 22:18:23 GMT
From: amdcad!netcomsv! (Bryan Woodworth)
Subject: FOR SALE, BEST OFFER: DigiSpec, GIF converter (superb)

I'm selling a copy of DigiSpec. It converts IFF and HAM and GIF pictures
to Spectrum format in a matter of minutes. About 30 seconds for a 150K
file, not too shabby. Most likely the best commercial GIF viewer for the

I don't use it anymore since I got an IBM clone. So, best offer takes it.
Original packaging, disk :) and instructions included. This is only about
2 weeks old. I really shouldn't have bought it. Was $40 new, looking for
at least a $15 offer but might go for less. Please don't torture me with
$5 bids.

Bryan Woodworth Mail: bryanw@netcom.COM
Netcom - Online Communication Services San Jose, CA


Date: 11 Dec 91 22:42:31 GMT
From:!!!!wupost!! (Markus Wenzel)
Subject: GDOS driver for HP DeskJet

Hi netlanders!

Due to several requests I've just put a package containing some fonts
and GDOS drivers for the DeskJet and the LaserJet on the server ( It is located at the
following path:

I do not own any applications providing a printer output via GDOS,
so I could not test its capabilities. Any comments and experiences are
welcome to this newsgroup!

If you do not have any ftp access in Internet, please contact ,
and you will receive a short description about the mail service of rusmv1.

I got the package from a local mailbox, and for it does not contain any
copyright restrictions, I suppose it may be distributed freely.


* /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart *
* /usr/spool/mail/ *
* /usr/voice/private/ +49 (0)7159 18201 *
* /bin/ps -l TT admin on *
* /etc/motd >> We'll meet in /dev/null ...8-) << *


Date: 11 Dec 91 14:31:02 GMT
(Jeff Jackson)
Subject: Help me with MiNT, MGR. . .

> MiNT and MGR. ... (preferrably EMACS or UEMACS)

Emacs 18.57 is available on under
/atari/gnustuff/tos/emacs. It uses termcap, so if you have a termcap
entry for your MGR window and set your TERM environment variable, it
should work just fine.

> I prefer vi as an editor

Your sick and in need of counseling. ;-)

Jeffrey Glen Jackson _|_Satan jeered, "You're dead meat Jesus, I'm gonna | bust you up tonight."
x5120 | Jesus said, "Go ahead, make my day."
%%%%%%%%% -- Carman, "The Champion"


Date: 11 Dec 91 00:00:57 GMT
noao!ncar!!!caen!uflorida!!sync!bo (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Hermes UUCP package

I am very interested in the Hermes UUCP package (apparently German) that
has recently appeared on atari.archive. My questions are:

1. Are the folks who developed it on the Internet? Email addresses?

2. Is there a set of english docs, even just brief ones to get me

3. Is it any better/worse than the Mercury UUCP package? Can they
both run over standard TOS (no MINT yet :-)?

4. As anyone gotten it up and running?

Any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Please let me know
about any experiences with either Hermes or Mercury.

Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."


Date: 12 Dec 91 00:41:27 GMT
nz!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: ICD Host Adapt. Card price

In article <> grillo@olivey.ATC.Olivetti.Com
(Savino Grillo) writes:
> Hi There,
> What is the price of the ICD Host Adapter (DMA->SCSI) board in the USA ?
> Here in ITALY is about 196 $. SInce I'll be in the USA around January
> I tought if is worthing to buy the card over there.
> Savino

There are some 4 host cards that they make, the lowest that I have
seen was $70us, but that could be for the micro one..

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 12 Dec 91 00:45:48 GMT
nz!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: I need a hand scanner for an Atari ST 1040 (US or Yugoslavia)

In article <1991Dec9.234853.18115@bpdsun1.uucp> pdb@bpdsun1.uucp (Phil D.
Baurer) writes:
> I would like any information on obtaining a hand scanner of any sort for an
> Atari ST 1040. If by chance this would be easier to obtain in Yugoslavia,
> that would be great, but I don't expect that. Thanks!
> -----
> quintro!bpdsun1! or uunet!tiamat!quintro!bpdsun1!pdb

Well the one to go for is the Golden Image one, note; now version 2,
and comes with Mygraphs touchup version 1.62 if I remember correctly..

Was quoted in UK, Mags as the best bye...
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 10 Dec 91 23:45:29 GMT
noao!ncar!!!caen!uflorida!!sync!bo (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Okami 1.3 (revised edition :-)

In article <>,
(Agostino Deligia) writes:
> FILE rw-r--r-- 238341 Oct 17 15:07 okami13b.lzh
>So, if anyone is still willing to ftp it to a North-American site (preferably
>atari.archive) I would greatly appreciate it since I am not allowed to ftp
>overseas... :-(

I just stuck it in the atari/new directory at Jeff
should have it in atari/newitems in a few days.

Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor
FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend
Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You
email: | got drunk in a topless bar."


Date: 11 Dec 91 22:10:45 GMT
From:!swrinde! (David Churchill)
Subject: Okami 1.3 (revised edition :-)

sytang@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Shoou-yu tang) writes:
> The file is there and I have got it over to my account now, however it's
> all German doc.s and probably the program is German based so have not
> transfer it to a.a.u.e., if there is a demand for it eventhough it's
> in German then I'll glad to send it to a.a.u.e.

No need, as I've already done so. Even with the German docs, it's not too
difficult to set up. Some of the help screens are in English, so that helps.

> Tang

Dave C

Dave Churchill DoD #266 * * * CS Undergrad (Class of '92) * * * Memorial University of * * * Newfoundland.
My opinion is just that - mine! * * * St. John's, NFLD Canada


Date: 12 Dec 91 00:32:05 GMT
nz!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: TOS 1.4 doesn't register double mouse click

In article <jmw.692327091@lad> (John Mark Williams)
> Now that I've _finally_ upgraded to TOS 1.4 I discover that anything
> resembling a double mouse click in my sequencer, Steinberg Pro-24, gets
> interpreted as two separate single clicks. This renders large portions
> of the program unusable. At current prices it would be cheaper to buy
> another computer to run Pro-24 on rather than buy a new sequencer, like
> C-Lab or Cubase, but it'd be simpler if there was some workaround or fix.
> Can anyone help?
> John M Williams, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tasmania

These is a Fix program that is on GEnie for this, by CodeHead, can't remember
what its called, the bug you talk about is a new feature, the mouse
has a new auto feature for the scroll bars, you don't have to keep clicking
just hold the mouse button down..
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 12 Dec 91 01:13:59 GMT
rpi! (John Mark Williams)
Subject: TOS 1.4 doesn't register double mouse click

>In article <jmw.692327091@lad> (John Mark Williams)
>>Now that I've _finally_ upgraded to TOS 1.4 I discover that anything
>>resembling a double mouse click in my sequencer, Steinberg Pro-24, gets
>>interpreted as two separate single clicks. This renders large portions
>>of the program unusable. At current prices it would be cheaper to buy
>>another computer to run Pro-24 on rather than buy a new sequencer, like
>>C-Lab or Cubase, but it'd be simpler if there was some workaround or fix.
>>Can anyone help?

Thanks to all who replied with suggestions. The answer is to install the
buttnfix accessory (from A.A).

John M Williams


Date: 11 Dec 91 14:56:24 GMT
From: ispd-newsserver!psinntp!mpoint! (Chris Mauritz)
Subject: Why ASV Is A Dead No Future Product

In article <> (Ronald Kushner)
> (Richard Covert) writes:
>>I contend that Atari's ASV (Atari Sys V UNIX) is a product
>>with no future.
>[points deleted]
>>so, if you care to argue the viability of the Atari ASV package
>>please respond to my six points above. But remember the market place
>>is the final judge and if ASV doesn't sell it won't last!! No one
>>is going to buy ASV just to play games (and we all know that the
>>TT030 is just a fancy games machine !!).
>Anyone who thinks Atari can pull off Unix should read the negative crap in
>the Amiga newsgroups about Commodore's SVR4 port... If I remember right,
>some reviews state "poor performance at a high price"... Atari and their
>game image definatly won't have an warmer welcome from the Unix rags than
>PET Commodore...

I saw an article in one of the unix rags a few weeks ago which described
the Amiga 3000 w/Unix sys V r4. Basically, they said that the implementation
was OK, but the price was way out of wack compared to systems available
from unix leaders like HP/Sun/etc...I think they said the list price for
the A3000 unix bundle was nearly $7K. I have not seen the price for the
Atari unix package, but I suspect it will not sell unless it can compete
in price with the bottom end SPARCstation or NeXTstation. Let's face it,
Atari cannot lure buyers with its name so if intends to sell boxes it will
have to do so based on aggressive pricing. However, if Atari is hard
pressed to earn money with present margins, I find it rather unlikely that
they will be able to make money by investing in a market in which they have
no hope of competing.

Perhaps, Atari should go back into the games business. That would seem
to be what they are good at. They had the tiger by the tail originally
with the ST computers, but they have since lost any competetive edge....


Chris Mauritz |Meetpoint Station BBS - Public Access Unix |(718)899-0662 v.32/v.32bis/v.42bis 9600b
Copyright (C) 1991 |Join us...We're friendly dammit! :-)


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