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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 92 Issue 037

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 23 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 37

Today's Topics:
Atari 520 st forsale
Darn brevity (3 msgs)
Dungeon Master
File & MIDI transfers: Atari 1040 ST, Korg M1 and Amiga 3000/25
GCC 1.40 & GDB
GCR with overscan?
Hyperformat disk on a PC
Sozobug 1.33i
SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? (2 msgs)
What to do? (3 msgs)
Where to get the SLM Init

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Date: 22 Jan 92 18:37:30 GMT
rian!csbvax! (Marty Lefkowitz)
Subject: Atari 520 st forsale

Atari 520STfm for sale. Hardly used. 1040 motherboard.
Comes with mono monitor,
1 double sided disk (IBM compatible)
1 single sided disk.
Monitor Stand
All origonal boxes and manuals

$350 or best offer.


Date: 22 Jan 92 15:28:13 GMT
From: olivea!!pyramid!nsc!amdahl!JUTS!duts!
(Kent L Shephard)
Subject: Darn brevity

In article <> (Erik Funkenbusch)
>u1398@JSP.UMontreal.CA (Kosmatos Odisseas) writes:
>>In article <1992Jan20.213826.28501@wpi.WPI.EDU> jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John
Dutka) writes:
>>>In article <> (Carl
Kreider) writes:
* stuff deleted *
>No, the NeXT has a bad design. The OS steals too many clock cycles for it's
>own work (task switching, display postscript, my god man It's UNIX!). We're
>talking system performance here, not processor performance. obviously an 040
>outperforms an 030 at the same clock speed, but because of the NeXT's high
>overhead it's performance is in the dregs.

You are saying that UNIX is such a dog it makes a NeXT run like a '030
Amiga, HP, TT, etc????
The test was on an '030 NeXT.
You are very uninformed. Have you ever used an '040 NeXT? I happen to
own one. I've done benchmarks on it, with and without the window server
running. In both cases with it scores %1000drys/MHz or %25000drys.
When tested with the window server running all the other UNIX stuff was
running. Without the window server running it is in single user mode
and is a bit faster. I didn't give exact numbers because I don't have
them in front of me.

The NeXT is in no way a "bad design." Other companies should have a
design so "bad."
>| UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks | "I know he's come back |
>| ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51! | from the dead, but do |
>| INET: | you really think he's |
>|-------------------------------------------------| moved back in?"
>| Amiga programmer at large, employment options | Lou Diamond Philips in |
>| welcome, inquire within. | "The First Power". |

/* -The opinions expressed are my own, not my employers. */
/* For I can only express my own opinions. */
/* */
/* Kent L. Shephard : email - */


Date: 22 Jan 92 15:05:28 GMT
From: olivea!!pyramid!nsc!amdahl!JUTS!duts!
(Kent L Shephard)
Subject: Darn brevity

In article <> (William
Rosenkranz) writes:
>In article <> (Carl
Kreider) writes:
>>design (HP/Apollo) seems to be able to run 350 dhrystones per MHZ of clock
>>(i.e. 7000 dhrystones at 20MHZ and 17500 drystones at 50MHZ. Next gets 280
>>drys/MHZ, which is still good. The Amiga 3000 gets 120 drys/MHZ. These
This must be an '030 NeXT. The '040 gets %1000drys/MHz.

>>numbers are computed from data in UnixWorld. I would guess the root of
>>the difference is primarily memory system design (memory speed, burst vs.
>>non-burst, etc). So my question *really* meant, did atari do a good job
>>on the design of the TT memory interface, or perhaps how bad a job did
>>they do? I did not mean to denigrate Amigas or glorify Ataris.
>i would guess the compilers on the more expensive machines are better.
>for example, i get about 100 dhrys/MHz on an ST with Alcyon C and closer
>to 200 dhrys/MHz with GNU C. same machine otherwise...

Compiler does matter.
>dhrystone is not a very good benchmark, unless all things are equal. that
>includes compiler technology in this case. caches on the bigger boxes will
>help, as you point out, but few people consider compilers when comparing
>(or reporting) dhrystone numbers. i have also seen people posting
>_executables_ of dhrystone, which is nonsense.
>also realize there are at least 3 versions of dhrystone...

On the NeXT I was using 2.0 of dhrystone.
>Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
>Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA:

/* -The opinions expressed are my own, not my employers. */
/* For I can only express my own opinions. */
/* */
/* Kent L. Shephard : email - */


Date: 22 Jan 92 15:08:28 GMT
From: olivea!!pyramid!nsc!amdahl!JUTS!duts!
(Kent L Shephard)
Subject: Darn brevity

In article <> u1398@JSP.UMontreal.CA
(Kosmatos Odisseas) writes:
>In article <1992Jan20.213826.28501@wpi.WPI.EDU> jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John Dutka)
>>In article <> (Carl
Kreider) writes:
>>>Getting whacked by Amiga lovers leads me to clarify this. A good 68030
>>>design (HP/Apollo) seems to be able to run 350 dhrystones per MHZ of clock
>>>(i.e. 7000 dhrystones at 20MHZ and 17500 drystones at 50MHZ. Next gets 280
>>>drys/MHZ, which is still good. The Amiga 3000 gets 120 drys/MHZ. These
>>Well, my 3000-25 (nocache noburst) gets 6400 dhrystones, so 6400/25=256
>>drys/MHz, quite close to the NeXT. That number would be higher if I was using
>>burst mode and cache on, and not running the term program and text editor.
>>Just wanted to clarify things...

That was an '030 NeXT.
>Are you trying to say that your Amiga 3000-25 is faster or even close the
>speed of a 68040-25 NeXT? Obviously, either the numbers presented above are
>wrong or unfair (which it seems so to me), or the NeXT has a bad design.

Wrong and unfair. Compared an outdated machine (NeXT '030) with offerings
from other companies. NeXT ---> %1000ddrys/MHz.

/* -The opinions expressed are my own, not my employers. */
/* For I can only express my own opinions. */
/* */
/* Kent L. Shephard : email - */


Date: 23 Jan 92 02:27:04 GMT
From: (Kevin)
Subject: Dungeon Master

In article <> you write:
>Ok, I have played through Dungeon Master and I am at the end, you know I'm
>sealed off down there with Chaos, I've destroyed all the flame-sloth things
>and the dragon and I have the firestaff etc....
>My question is simple : HOW do I kill Chaos? I know it's something about
>fluxcaging/fusing but I have been fighting him for at least 5-10 hours (no,
>not all at once) with no effect. Someone help please, I'm running out of

Having just spent the weekend playing DM at my brother-in-laws, I think I
can help w/ that.. (sound familiar?) Anyway, you can't 'kill' chaos.
If you have the firestaff and that 'rock' (I forget the name of it.. and
so soon!) fused together, then you create a 'cage' using the second option
on the firestaff, and when he enters it, you use the fuse option on the

What I want to know is how to 'continue' after you have Chaos caged? The
hint book said something about 'he might let you gather the treasure after
you're done'?

As a final note, I picked Hawk (the fearless- or is that just plain stupid)
as a solo run because he had the strength to carry some stuff, but had a
little mana as well. It took awhile to build wizard levels- but by the
end of the game, his wizard level was highest (2nd level master- 1st
level fighter).

Oh, another question about DM- I was using the 'better' axe that you
find in the lower levels to hit the stone golems on level 7. However,
I was only doing very little damage to it. Is there something that
works better on these? Once you run out of mana, it's hard to fight, and
if it weren't for that door....


"Gene Roddenbery: He must have been a red-shirt."

"Life would be great if all of these bad things didn't keep happening to me."
"Gene Roddenbery: He must have been a red-shirt."

"Life would be great if all of these bad things didn't keep happening to me."


Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1992 17:32 EST
Subject: File & MIDI transfers: Atari 1040 ST, Korg M1 and Amiga 3000/25
To:, i-amiga@RUTVM1.BITNET

Date sent: 22-JAN-1992 17:13:25

Greetings from the void.

This semester I've signed up for an Electronic Ensemble Production class at
American U. The goal of which is to produce a synthesizer concert by the end
of the semester. I consider myself to be one of the musically talentless, but
it was either this or Lighting Design, which doesn't interest me at all. This
class, even if I don't do well, has the advantage of being in line with my

At the school we have 3 Korg M1's, an Oberhiem Matrix 6 and some Roland box
connected to a Kurzweil MIDIboard? and an Atari 1040-ST. I don't know the
first thing about any of these... yet. I was told that this Atari is 4 years
old, with 1 MB RAM, and a 60 MB hard disk, although we're not certain of that
last figure. There's some sort of C compiler for it.

At home, I've got a stock Amiga 3000 (25 Mhz) with a 50 MB hard disk, 6 MB RAM
and AmigaDOS 2.04 on the hard disk, not in ROM. I've purchased Matt Dillon's
DICE (a C compiler) for it, but I really don't know C yet. (I'm a FORTRAN and
assembler programmer, but haven't done any small machine work.) I also have a
Perfect Sound 3.22 sampler and CrossDOS for it. No MIDI stuff, no synthe-
sizers, etc.

Both computers have modems.

Now, my question: Since I have limited access to the synthesizers and the
Atari on campus, what can I purchase in order to develop ideas on the Amiga and
then transfer them, either via floppy (preferred) or phone, to the Atari and
vice versa? I'm still in hock over the Amiga, so I'm looking for cheap

PLEASE, PLEASE, send replies directly to me, since I'm not on all of these
lists. (I know I should be, but my disk space just won't support it!)

Thanks for any help.

=========== U.S. Mail =============================== E-Mail ===================
Kevin Cole <Flatline> | Bitnet: CADS_COLE@GALLUA.BITNET
Center for Assessment and | or
Demographic Studies (CADS) | KJCOLE@GALLUA.BITNET
Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) | Internet: KJCOLE@GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU
800 Florida Avenue, N.E. | UUCP: ...!psuvax!gallua.bitnet!kjcole
Washington, D.C. 20002-3625 | CompuServe: 76167,1406
(202) 651-5575 | The WELL: kjcole
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way."


Date: 23 Jan 92 00:22:32 GMT
uvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c (Bjarne Pohlers)
Subject: GCC 1.40 & GDB

In article <>, (Bob Malay) says:
>I installed GCC 1.40 and compiled "hello.c" - it compiled and ran fine using
>Gemini 1.2.1; however, compiling "hello.c" with the "-gg" option to enable
>use of gdb gave me this:
>gcc -v -gg hello.c - o hello.ttp
>[...results deleted...]

compile it with the "-g"-option. But to run gdb you should do the following
gcc -c hello.c -o hello.o
gcc hello.o -o hello.ttp
sym-ld $GNULIB/crt0.o hello.o -lgnu -o hello.sym
gdb -e hello.ttp -s hello.sym
(gdb) run
Then you can set breakpoints and start debugging...
" Bjarne Pohlers Fast address: <> &
\ Slow address: Asbeckweg 15 | W-4400 Muenster | Germany \
& Phone number: (xx49)251-866559 "


Date: 22 Jan 92 23:15:30 GMT
From:!!!usc!wupost!!!math.fu-be! (Stephan Muhs)
Subject: GCR with overscan?

In article <> (William
Magro) writes:
>Does Spectre GCR work with the overscan modification??????
No. And according to Dave Small it never will.

>And on the TT, does it run in the color modes, i.e. TT med res.
>I know it won't be in color, I am just wondering whether it can
>run a mono 640x480 mode.
I really do not quite understand what you are asking here, so I will give
an answer to what I thin I understood: the Spectre will work with any
monochrome TT resolution - but not in color modes. It will also work with
most monochrome modes of ST graphic boards.

>Does Spectre GCR do the sound via DMA sound on an STe, or is it done
>in software, like on the regular ST?
I am not sure, but believe that Dave did not find the time to do any STE
specific work on the sound routines.

>Any help is appreciated (of course)!
Glad to give it.



stephan muhs
wilhelmstr. 51 ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!dino!colonius
5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs
germany voice: +49 221 7393484


Date: 22 Jan 92 20:21:47 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!samsung!nstar!syscon!carl@arizon (Carl Kreider)
Subject: Hyperformat disk on a PC
To: (Schaaf RF) writes:

>I have been using hyperformatted disks (11-sectors/track) ever
>since I bought Scheibenkleister. A few weeks ago I bought a PC
>and assumed the High density drive would be able to handle 11
>sectors per track. I was wrong, I am unable to read the disks.
>Does anyone know whether it is possible to read Hyperformatted
>disk on a PC. The problem isn't DOS (PC-speed works fine with
>these disks), so what is the problem?

My guess is that the NEC derived controller in the PC can't handle
inter-record gaps as short as they use to get 11 sectors on. The
177x chip used in the ST obviously can. This has bit me before.
Carl Kreider

CIS 71076,76
Usenet ....!!carl


Date: 23 Jan 92 02:01:26 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!bonnie.concor!! (Bob Bright)
Subject: Sozobug 1.33i

In article <> writes:
>Just a note to let folks know that there is at -least- a problem with one of
>the example programs that comes with the 1.33i release and STe computers.
>I installed the 1.33i release on an STe last night, during the local MAST+
>programmers meeting. We then 'tested' the program by clicking on the makefile
>in the example programs folder. It compiled and ran the test programs without
>a hitch. However, the 'minicolr' pallette changer doesn't work with STe
>machines. I didn't go through the code enough to learn whether it was a
>special call or not; I assume that the program makes assumptions about the
>color pallette information (which is 4 bits for the STe vs. 3 bits for the ST).

There are also problems with minicolr that don't have anything to do
with whether it's running on an STe. When run as a prg, my mouse
locks up on exit and I have to reboot. This occurs on both of my
machines, a 520ST/TOS1.2 and 1040ST/TOS1.0. Minicolr seems to work
OK on both machines when it's actually running, though.

Bob Bright | E-mail:
Dept. of Philosophy | FAX: (204) 261-0021
University of Manitoba | Voice: (204) 474-9105
Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 |


Date: 22 Jan 92 23:56:38 GMT
du! (Stephan Muhs)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

In article <>
(Kosmatos Odisseas) writes:
>I have been reading (Znet) about a 68030 upgrade called SST by David Small.
>Sounds good, but can it be installed in a 520ST from 1985? Or does one need
>a Mega ST, or a 1040ST, or one of the newer ( >1988 ) machines like STE or up?
>My 520ST has had a one meg Memory upgrade, so there's also less space inside.
>Send a followup article please, as others may also want to know.
>Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen
>der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht
>fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in
>das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------

The SST board will work with any variety of ST that has the 68000 CPU in a
64-pin DIL style, including the 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STF(M), 1040STF(M),
and Mega ST 1/2/4 - but not any STE machine.

BUT: for anything but the Mega STs you will need a stronger power supply
(at least 4 Amps on +5 Volts) and a different case. So if you have your
machine in a PC-case with a strong power supply that will be fine.

For the standard, off-the-shelf 260/520/1040 models: sorry, no way.

Oh, if you should ask how I know: I am distributing the Gadgets products in
Germany and have exhibited the SST board in August in Duesseldorf (if you
still don`t know it: every year in Duesseldorf, Germany the largest Atari
fair in the world takes place).

The information above was given me by Dave Small back then, to the best of
my knowledge nothing has changed about the board in that regard.


stephan muhs
wilhelmstr. 51 ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!dino!colonius
5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs
germany voice: +49 221 7393484


Date: 22 Jan 92 23:56:45 GMT
du! (Stephan Muhs)
Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST?

In article <> (William Thomas
Daugustine) writes:
>But I also recently read in AtariUser (Jan 92), that an ST and STe
>version will be avaialble Real Soon Now
>Billy D'Augustine

News to me. I haven`t even received the first shipment of the standard SST
board (for Mega ST and STs with big cases and even bigger power supplies).
But then again, in late August 1991 Dave Small told the people at the
Atari Fair in Duesseldorf that the SST would probably be shipping within a

Gadgets release dates are probably as reliable as those of Atari, but their
products have always been worth the waiting time.


stephan muhs
wilhelmstr. 51 ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!dino!colonius
5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs
germany voice: +49 221 7393484


Date: 22 Jan 92 23:18:24 GMT
(Stephan Muhs)
Subject: What to do?

In article <> (Carl
Kreider) writes:
>I just gave my wife my old 520 so I need something new. What about the
>TT? Is it fast (or slow like the Amiga 030)? Where is the best place

Well, if you call the (25 Mhz) Amiga 3000 slow, you will probably not like
the TT either...

>to get one? Where do you find hardware details (like the Abacus books
>for the 520)? Should I take a current model or wait for the 1.44MB
>floppy version? How much better than a multi-synch is the Atari color
>monitor? Or should I get a Mega STE and a Small 030 board?
Nope. With an STE you cannot use the SST board at this time - and it will
probably take SOME time until the STE version is available.

>It looks a little bleak at the moment since I only have $2500, but I
>have to get *something* again.
$2500 should buy you a nice system!


stephan muhs
wilhelmstr. 51 ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!dino!colonius
5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs
germany voice: +49 221 7393484


Date: 23 Jan 92 00:27:37 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wupost!!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: What to do?

In article <> (Mr
Stephen R Usher) writes:
> In article <> Keith Sommerville
<> writes:
> Steve
> PS. How did you get the ICD utils to see the TT scsi bus?
> --
> Addresses:-
> JANET:- or
> Internet:- or

You do need version 5.x.x of the ICD utils to work with a TT, and a
ICD host adapter...
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 23 Jan 92 03:17:50 GMT
From: milo! (Scott R. Chilcote)
Subject: What to do?

kbad@atari.uucp (Ken Badertscher) writes:

>I confess!

>It's a conspiracy by Atari to steal 8.5 megabytes from you.
> (stuff trimmed)

>Now our plot to keep 8.5 megabytes of each ST157N we sell is foiled.
>Geeze, we can't get away with anything any more, can we?

> ...ken

> ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad)
> ||| Atari Corp. System Software Engine
> / | \ #include <disclaimer>

Hey, Ken, this isn't as twisted as it sounds!

When I bought my Mega 2 a couple of years ago, I eventually looked inside and
found that it had FOUR megs of RAM in the motherboard!

Apparently very few Megas are like this one. I found that the RAS line to the
upper bank had been left unsoldered, so only two megs of RAM were useable. I
corrected this oversight, and zam! Four megs!

Atari's attempt to limit *my* address space failed too. Sadly, most mega 2's
were not made this way; slim pickings for conspiracy hunters...

.. So what's the real story behind the guy with the pipe again?

Disclaimer: I do not represent Verdix Corporation, and my
postings do not represent their opinions.
Scott R. Chilcote - or -


Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1992 21:50 EST
Subject: Where to get the SLM Init

For those who asked where I got the SLM Init, there were two addresses
in the manual. The first is the address I used, the other is a new one
for me.

Roemestrasse 21
7000 Stuttgart 1
W. Germany
ph 0711 602489

519 W. Taylor #114
Santa Maria
California 93454
(805) 925 6682

For those who missed my first posting, the Init redirects output
from Mac applications (under GCR) to the Atari SLM laser. You'll
need MacPrint to generate the output file image. I am very pleased
with the Init.


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