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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 435

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Info Atari16 Digest
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Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 16 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 435

Today's Topics:
.gem to .img conversion question (other ways)
Atari CD-ROM? (2 msgs)
ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)
BinHex on platforms other than mac???
DESKJET 500 && ATARI ST helvetica - font
Dialog Boxes
DISREGARD MY "Is BART down" message, I'm all set!
Hardware goodies in US???
ISAAC card.
Noisetracker Source Needed
Puting a pixel to screen (2 msgs)
TeX dvi drivers & HP emulation
TT problems?
Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1

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Date: 12 Aug 91 15:37:12 GMT
eagle!! (Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: .gem to .img conversion question (other ways)

In article <> (Wolfgang Jung)
>>The nice thing about this method is that the graphic resolution is
>>limited only by the printer (300dpi for a deskjet). Isn't an .img file
>>limited to the ST screen resolution (80dpi)? Also, once you have the
>>image in postscript form, you can scale it, rotate it, twist it, stretch
>>it, etc., without loosing resolution or introducing graininess (is this
>>a word?).
>so far as I know, the ".img" files are not bound to any resolution, they
>are just plain bitmapfiles which also can be with colorinformation.

Wolfgang is quite right. Actually, the header information on an .img file
contains two words that says what dpi the image is to be scaled horizontally
and vertically. If you change these values, you will resize them. I found
this out by changing the header in a picture and importing the before and
after file into Pagestream. Pagestream interpreted them as pictures of two
different sizes.



Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 18:50:31 SST

Hello from Singapore,

I found that I could get a Sony 1.44MB disk drive
much cheaper than original 720KB Atari drive. Thus I decided to
replace my Mega4 with the new Sony 1.44MB. Reason for using
the same brand of drive is that I can swap the drive front
panel and push button with the one on Atari thus no
modification to the case is required.

I installed a Multiplexer chip (74LS157) to automatically
change clock speed from 8MHz to 16MHz only when the HD
diskette is inserted and read/write in the drive A:
I found that the neatest way to install 74LS157 chip is to
piggy-back the chip on top of one chip near to the WD1772. I
bent out all except pins 8(GND) and 16(+5V) of 74LS157 chip.
The chip underneath have only 14 pins therefore I have to
bend these 2 pins of 74LS157 chip inward to align and solder
to pins 7 and 14 of the chip underneath to tap the power and
ground as well as to hold the chip in place.

I bought 2 Sony drives for testing both drives work perfectly on IBM computer.
The 'Made in Japan' SONY can read/write and detect media change on 1040STF but
can only read and detect media change on Mega4. The drive refuse to format disk

The 'made in Malaysia SONY drive (same model No.)can read/write (format) disk
on both 1040STF and Mega4 but it will not detect media change although it does
when connected to IBM. I have to use the Malaysian SONY drive on my Mega and
correct the Media change problem by put a jumper on the drive media change
switch. All other method such as putting diode between Pins 28 and 34, jumper
between pins 2 and 34 have no effect on Malaysian made SONY. a 1.44MB Chinon
drive has the same problem as Japanese Made SONY. It could be the TOS my 1040ST
has old TOS 1.09 and my Mega has TOS 1.4. The problems that the TT and to one
can not format disk when change to 1.44MB disk drive may be due to the similar
problem that I have encountered.

As this modification is not originally means to be carried out. It's not an
Atari fault. My conclusion is that the 1.44 drive that can detect media change
correctly on Atari its circuit may conflict with Atari TOS thus make it write-
protected thus writing and formatting is not possible.

Those who posted recent message about 1.44MB conversion on the TT & other Atari
and reported that he could not format the disk may wish to try changing the
drive to a Malaysian made SONY which is a newer drive and its analog board is
different from the older Japanese made drive.

Hope this will be of some helps,

Now my request for help: Could any kind soul who has the program to set the
Seek speed/step rate for Drive A: or both A: & B: that work with TOS 1.4 kindly
post it to Atari.archive or e-mail it to me.

Many thanks in advance,

Suthipuntha, School of Architecture, National University of Singapore


Date: 12 Aug 91 16:30:35 GMT
(Kevin Darling)
Subject: Atari CD-ROM?

kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jack W. Wine) writes:
>I hope more information can be given on CD-RTOS.

Since it's basically OS-9/68000, then you can drop by the comp.os.os9 group,
or call Microware at 515-224-1929 (US) or 0703 601990 (UK) and ask for
the "OS-9 Catalog", which gives a pretty good OS overview.

>Mating Microware's CD-RTOS with Motorola's M68340 super-muscular micro-
>controller sounds awesomely devastating. Supposedly, one series of CD-I
>machines will use a Signetics 68070 which is something like a 68K with
>integrated DMA, timer and I/O support.

I _think_ the first models will use the 68070, later ones the 68340 (or
whatever else Motorola comes up with... they're creating new CD-I chips).
There are already two OS-9 personal computers out now which use the 68070
and part of the CD-I graphics chipset.

>of the announced details of the broad range of video mode colors: DYUV 16
>million, RGB 32,768, CLUT8 256, CLUT7/RL7 128 and RL3 with 8. The video
>resolution is 384/768 (horizontal), 240/480 (vertical).

The clincher is that there are _two_ complete video subsystems with various
hardware methods of overlaying them on top of each other... PLUS future
backdrop full motion/screen planes. The first commercial players are due
out before Christmas in the US. best - kevin


Date: 12 Aug 91 16:52:41 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr! (Steve Hebditch)
Subject: Atari CD-ROM?

In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
>The new Luser hasn't changed much. It's still as gaudy and as game orientated
>as ever. Maybe it is the best ST mag in the UK but it's still crap.
>When will ST User get their finger out?

That isn't the new ST User. The completely revamped version will be
appearing next month with a definite promise from the editor of much
more of ST World type coverage merged in with games relegated to the

We shall wait and see...

<> <...ukc!axion!tharr!steveh>
<Free Usenet in the UK from Tharr: 0234 841503>


Date: 12 Aug 91 20:36:47 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday)
Subject: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)

In article <14338@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>, kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu
(Jack W. Wine) writes:
|>In article <>
(Graham Higgins) writes:
|>>_Both_ UK ST mags (STUser & STFormat) are reporting AtariUK's intentions to

Both ST mags? There are lots, OK most are not even usefull for anything
other than reserve toilet paper (Ie they are games rags.) but there are
more Including ST action, ST Fun, Games ST etc.

|>>make available a CD-I peripheral for the ST/TT (one mag reports the
spec). They
|>>warn the drooling reader that purchase availability is likely to be
|>>early/mid-92 with a guestimated price tag of 400 pounds sterling.
|>>Let's hope that Atari's marketing management make a better job of CD-I than
|>>they did with CD-ROM.
|>That sounds like a good development! In the US, the actual price would be
|>around $500, I think, because hardware seems to be cheaper here. That would
|>put the Atari CD-I in the range of regular CD-ROM drives, so instead
of being
|>limited to a niche market, it could carve out something much bigger.
|>Another Atari product mentioned in the online mags was a
super-graphics engine
|>based on a RISC processor that connected to the ST DMA port. It was
|>to be designed in England, so I hope some UK net readers can keep everyone
|>abrest of its development and availability.

Um, there are rumors abound about an ATW adon board for the VME equiped
ST's (ie. Mega STe and TT) according to ST Format this board is basically
the transputer part of an ATW complete with its RISC based very high res
colour graphics processor and a number of T800 transputers. I believe the
board is being worked on by Atari UK and perehelion. According to ST
Format the price could be very reasonable to. So any guesses when this
STT (ST Transputer?) is likly to be available, if ever?

While talking about the ATW it is now available for 2500pounds with
educational discount. (Thats Half price!)

Dave Halliday.


Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK.
Halliday EMail :
Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232


Date: 11 Aug 91 05:44:00 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!!thelake!steve@a (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: BinHex on platforms other than mac???

[In article <>, ( EVENSONG) writes ... ]

> Subject gives the idea. I was wondering if there are any programs
> floating around for undoing macintosh BinHex files on other than a mac?
> I have a 1040 STe (Atari) and would like to be able to un-binhex some
> sound files that I got off of news

It's on my list of planned future enhancements for UUCODER.

I haven't tracked down BinHex source code yet. I'd appreciate
tips on where it might be found.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA)


Date: 12 Aug 91 11:41:10 GMT
From:!unido!sbsvax!sbuvax! (Dieter Becker)
Subject: DESKJET 500 && ATARI ST helvetica - font

a friend has a problem with a HP-Deskjet at an ATARI ST

>Dear Sirs !
>I am owner of a HP desk-jet 500 printer with the HELVETICA font module.
>I'm looking for a documentation of the size of the characters
>of the helvetica fonts, especially the 12 point font, for preparing
>a both-sided font for the program "That's Write" for the ATARI ST.
>B. Hammer

Can You help him? Please anwer per e-mail


* Dr. med. dipl.-math Dieter Becker ** Tel.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3046 *
* Medizinische Universitaets- und Poliklinik ** Fax.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3369 *
* Innere Medizin III ***********************************
* D - 6650 Homburg / Saar ** email: *


Date: 12 Aug 91 13:06:40 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas)
Subject: Dialog Boxes

From article <>, by (Harold van
> the proper thing to do for opening dialoges is:
> form_center(dialog,&x,&y,&w,&h);
> to keep big screen owners happy
> form_dial(FDM_START,x,y,w,h,x,y,w,h);
> to save the screen area
> objc_draw(dialog,0,0,x,y,w,h)
> to draw the object
> ret = form_do(dialog,0)
> to handle the dialog
> form_dial(FDM_START,x,y,w,h,x,y,w,h);
> to restore screen area

Most people who are likely to use such calls will probably have spotted
this anyway, but just in case:

I think the correct syntax for the first form_dial() call should be


and the closing call should be


I've used these with Laser C, but I think they are standard across all
compilers. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
Email: Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: +44 273 685865


Date: 12 Aug 91 13:16:24 GMT
From:!gatech!udel!!decuac!!aidev.! (John Miskinis)
Subject: DISREGARD MY "Is BART down" message, I'm all set!

I didn't realize that the spcpics files were actually named with a ".Z"



Date: 12 Aug 91 14:14:41 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-! (David H Butler)
Subject: Hardware goodies in US???

In regard to meore memory, and what Dave Small is up to:

Yes, his board will support 12 megs I understand. I have heard that Gadgets is
currently working or several improvments. I've been using the Spectre for
years, and if I know Small & Company at all we will all be in for some nice
surprises with Spectre 3.x

Also, considering all the problems I've seen just trying to get the Mega STe to
run as a Mega STe, I would guess that the majority of the problems were in the
computer, not the Spectre...

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

-[ For ST consulting in ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
-[ the Columbus Ohio ]-
-[ area, call (9:00 ]-
-[ 5:00 mon-fri), ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 12 Aug 91 20:52:18 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-! (David H Butler)
Subject: ISAAC card.

I just ordered the ISAAC card directly from Dover Technologies (Jay is a very
helpful person). I am going to be using the 800*600 mode. I was wondering if
anyone out there might have this card and be willing to give me a few pointers.
I would like to know what software works, what colors you've found that look
best, and so on. Does anyone know if there is a GIF viewer that will work on
the ISAAC card and use the 16-color high-rez mode?

Basicly any info or tips or opinions would be nice...

Thank you much.

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

-[ For Free ST consulting ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
-[ call Academic Computing ]-
-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 12 Aug 91 10:39:06 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!! (Al Crawford)
Subject: Noisetracker Source Needed

Does anyone know if there exists such a thing as a Protracker compatible
Noisetracker (a la The Empire Noisetracker) for which source code is
available? I'm currently in the process of developing a game and it's
intended that it should have copious amounts of wonderful music. So far
I've managed to find some (possibly erroneous) documentation on the
Protracker file format and the source for a Noisetracker, which I had
intended to use as a guide from which to develop my own tracker for
embedding within my program.

However, having spent several evenings analysing and commenting the source
I've come to a couple of conclusions. 1) It doesn't work due to some
(correctable) bugs. 2) It's very obscure re the techniques used in the
arpeggiator, portamento up and down features and 3) it uses a lot of
self-modifying code, a crime punishable by death in my books.

So, does anyone know where I might find source for something more useful? I
don't intend to use it directly in my program, but with an example of a
working tracker it'd make writing my own a lot easier (esp w.r.t. the
translation between 4 voice Amiga and 3 voice ST sound).



Al Crawford -
"Such a digital lifetime, it's been by numbers all the while"


Date: 12 Aug 91 22:23:31 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday)
Subject: Puting a pixel to screen

In article <>, (Kimmo Lahtinen) writes:
|>Thank you for your reply, but I am afraid that it is no use for me, as
|>I have a high resolution graphics card. And if I am correct you routine
|>writes directly to screen memory, but you can not write to screen memory
|>of the graphics card.
|>Actualy you could but you have to use different system with every different
|>graphics card.
|>So I am looking for a general solution using normal system routines.

Why not use the standard VDI routine to draw a line of length 1 from your point
to your point? Thus getting a dot?

Dave Halliday

Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK.
Halliday EMail :
Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232


Date: 12 Aug 91 19:28:18 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!van-bc!jonh!jhen (John Henders)
Subject: Puting a pixel to screen

In <>, Kimmo Lahtinen writes:
>Thank you for your reply, but I am afraid that it is no use for me, as
>I have a high resolution graphics card. And if I am correct you routine
>writes directly to screen memory, but you can not write to screen memory
>of the graphics card.
>Actualy you could but you have to use different system with every different
>graphics card.
>So I am looking for a general solution using normal system routines.

If the graphic card manufacturer has supplied a VDI driver, then the
v_pmarker() function should do what you want. This function needs the
usual VDI setup of vswr_mode(), vs_clip(), vsm_color(), vsm_type() and
vsm_height(), and will probably not be very fast, but portability
rarely is. If you want fast, you need to get the specs for your card,
and write directly too it, or download code into it if it has a co-
processor. This of course, won't be portable, so if you're selling
a program using this, you'll have to support as many cards as you can
get info on.
Before anyone jumps in and flames Atari for this, I'd point out
that this is common to any workstation supporting multiple graphic
formats. If Atari produced their own graphic card, an optimised library
would be nice, otherwise, it's really the driver writer's responsibility
to make it go as fast as possible.

John Henders
Vancouver,B.C or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 11:45:06 MEZ
From: Michael Burschik <UPP201%DBNRHRZ1.BITNET@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: TeX dvi drivers & HP emulation

I vaguely remember having read (in one of last week's digests) that the
Atari TeX version will not cooperate with the HP LJ IIP and IIIP. Is
this information correct? Are there ways around this problem or do I
have to get another printer?


Date: 12 Aug 91 11:19:48 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr! (Stephen Usher)
Subject: TT problems?

The vertical bars are interference, and are quite normal.

Your monitor (fuzziness) seems to be caused by it being out of focus, I
should get your dealer to replace it, or at the very least get an engineer
to tune it up. (As I have said in an earlier article, my first one was right
out of adjustment, it looks like Atari don't adjust them on the production
line, they juat build them)

It's also well known that the monitor can play havoc with the TT floppy, this
is because Atari decided that the monitor didn't really need any shielding,
so left it off (I disagree with this as whenever I switch the TT monitor on
all FM radios in the house loose their signal! The TT on it's own hardly
produces a hiss).

You would have thought, as the Atari monitor is far more expensive than the
competition, it would be of a very high quality, but as it is it's only really
good if you get a well adjusted one.


<-- tharr *free* public access to Usenet in the UK 0234 841503 -->


Date: 12 Aug 91 14:59:58 GMT
From: mcsun!corton!laas! (Ralph P. Sobek)
Subject: Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1

In article <> (William
Rosenkranz) writes:
| here we go again. now zoo is going to be ruined like lharc was. i suggest
| that all those people who care to dabble with zoo 2.1 (and intend to post
| it) get together and organize. there should be one version, not 10.

I agree with Bill. My initial posting stated that the one posted to
the newsgroups worked better than the one on atari.archive. Since it
seems that people might have missed to *better* version (officially
condoned by our dear software moderator) I have placed both source and
binaries on [] in


Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own. Addresses are ordered by importance.
ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph
If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU
Phone: (+33-)61-33-62-66 FAX-1: (+33-)61-33-64-55 FAX-2: (+33-)61-55-35-77
Got a Mega 4 ST. Wishing it was a Mega STe! :-| Do I *really* want a TT? ;


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