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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 471

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 6 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 471

Today's Topics:
Atari 1040ST system for sale
Atari Printer Setup
Best PD BBS software for UUCP/Usenet
espredit passwords
GEMDOS and AES questions
help running oxyd
Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #466
Internal Clock
Object Orientated languages
Stacey Advice, please
ST memory allocation (2 msgs)
Super Charger 286?
TeX Advise
Thanks re:Frustration
Yet Another Dead Mouse!
Zoo 2.1
ZOO Version 2.1 wanted

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Date: 6 Sep 91 07:13:46 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!!ucsd!sdcc6!sdcc13!
(Dennis Lou)
Subject: Atari 1040ST system for sale

The following is posted for a friend:


Atari 1040ST system

Wico BOSS joystick
-thumb trigger flightstick style

Epyx joystick
-handheld short stick style

Atari SM 124 monochrome monitor

Power director
-fits under monitor and switches power

Amiga 1084D color monitor (with adapter)
-sometimes the speaker pops and goes out
-otherwise in good condition

Star NX1000 printer
-9pin dot matrix
-friction/tractor feed
-excellent condition

$800 or best offer for anything and everything.

Call Anson at 619 452 6018.
Dennis Lou || "But Yossarian, what if everyone thought that way?" || "Then I'd be crazy to think any other way!"
[backbone]!ucsd!dlou |+====================================================
dlou@ucsd.BITNET |Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went to my high school.


Date: Fri, 06 Sep 91 08:34:42 BST
Subject: Atari Printer Setup

>I'm currently trying to link up a silver reed Daisy wheel
>printer to my atari, through the parallel printer port.
>However, there seems to be some confusion between the two regarding
>line feeds i.e. I get about one line then rubbish.

This is usually due to flow control problems. The ATARI can send much
faster than any daisy wheel. So if the Daisy tells the ATARI to
hang on a moment and it dosn't data gets lost. Result rubish.
Problem is I can't give a general solution as as far as I know
some of the flow control is broken in some versions of TOS. If you
can I suggest you try for XON/XOFF flow If the Daisy can cope
as I think that is the one which works.
Also if you had included a return address I could have replied direct.
I guesh for me to reverse a JANET but the forward address in the digest
was too much for me to reverse engineer before my first coffee.

| VM Sysprogs do it virtually all of the time !!!!! |
| Reply To:- |
| Janet:- DAVEW@UK.CO.SSS.D |
| Bitnet:-DAVEW@D.SSS.CO.UK (Also most places outside UK) |


Date: 4 Sep 91 17:12:55 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!agsc!veeble!fiction! (Daniel Roedding)
Subject: Best PD BBS software for UUCP/Usenet
To: (Steve Yelvington) writes:

> So far as I know, the only currently available ST BBS that allows Usenet
> messages and UUCP/Internet email to be incorporated into the message base
> is STadel, a variant of Citadel.

Just my $ 0.02: I wrote a BBS program two years ago and ran a BBS with
uucp interface on my machine here about 1 1/2 years. The BBS program is
network independant - the message import/export and the uucp dialup have
to be done with external programs (I did it with the good :-) old
MailTruk..., but I'm relatively sure that you could use other uucp
packages such as Mercury).

The program is in the public domain.

Since I don't work on this program any more, take the source and be happy,
change whatever you want...



Date: 6 Sep 91 10:44:27 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)

In article <> (CHU
JEFFREY) writes:
> I plan on purchasing a multisync monitor for the ATARI ST.
> I was wondering would the following monitors work with the
> Omniswitch(?) in both monochrome and color modes.
> SONY 1304 HG (the one I own now)
> Panasync 1391
> Samsung Syncmaster 3
> suggestions?
> or any others (below $350 cost).
> If the Sony 1304 will work then that would be great!
> I don't wish to purchase anything over $350.00 cause the ACER
> that was offered to me was for $340.00 which will do both modes
> right?
> Jeff

From what I have read the Best is a NEC 3D, most of the otheres you
have to adjust them when to go from Colour to Mono, also have a look at
the Dot Pitch, go for one thats 0.28 mm

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: Fri, 06 Sep 91 12:39:01 MEZ
From: Wolfgang Ley <BWWL%DCZTU1.BITNET@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: espredit passwords
To: Atari ST users forum <>

Hi ppl,

Bryan Kruzynski asked about the passwords in ESPREDIT..
Espredit ist only a level-editor!! You need Esprit (not PD!) to play
the created levels.
You can save your own levels with the password-option to provide
looking and editing by other people. (the levels are too easy to
play if you know them ;-).

ESPRIT is a monochrom game by Meinolf Schneider and distributed by
Application Systems Heidelberg.
But: Meinolf Schneider has written a new "esprit-like" program
OXYD. I just have uploaded it to atari.archive..

With Espredit you can only create/edit ESPRIT-Levels - not OXYD-Levels!

Bye, Wolfgang.

Wolfgang Ley e-mail:
Teichstrasse 9 from BITNET : BWWL@DCZTU1.BITNET
3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld from Internet:
Tel. 05323/82132 (voice) or


Date: 5 Sep 91 21:48:04 GMT
c!ubc-cs!fornax! (Wolfgang Jung)
Subject: GCC1.40

I want to use gcc 1.40 but I don't know what i need and where to
find all the nesscesary stuff.
I will need gcc itself, but i also need some other stuff
like gas (which version I will need would be nice which Where to get it)
and also the Libraries.

Please mail me..

PS: If you want to mnail me after 25th of Septeber use as
the address.


Date: 6 Sep 91 10:46:15 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!alchemy! (Annius Groenink)
Subject: GEMDOS and AES questions

In <> (Gregory
Carter) writes:

>In article <3044@atari.UUCP> kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) writes:
>> (Annius Groenink) writes:
>>|1. It seems to me that all OTHER text editors load files about
>>| twice as fast as my program. I use one straight Fread().
>>One straight Fread() is the fastest way you can load a file.
>>It is possible that the slowdown you see is due to buffer
>>setup you might be doing after you have read the file.
>>|2. Does the ATARI AES send ANY WM_NEWTOP messages?
>> ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad)
>> ||| Atari Corp. System Software Engine
>> / | \ #include <disclaimer>
>Not really, you could try getc, which is very fast and part of the C


I was (we were) talking about ---F---read not ---f---read.
Fread() is a GEMDOS function, that has no buffers of its
own. It just loads a file right into a user buffer!
We're talking ATARI not UNIX, especially when it concerns
a desk accessory!

Despite the fact that I had SOME useful replies, I wish
that I hadn't posted those questions...

Annius Groenink|undergraduate student
Laan van Borgele 24|maths/computer science at the
7415 DJ Deventer|University of Utrecht, Holland.


Date: 5 Sep 91 21:36:34 GMT
c!ubc-cs!fornax! (Wolfgang Jung)
Subject: help running oxyd

In article <>
>I downloaded and extracted oxyd from atari.archive.
>There doesn't seem to be any docs, and I can't seem to get it to run.
>Anybody else been successful??

Actually OXYD is something called DONGLEWARE which just means, that you have
to buy the OXYD Book (price about 50 DM form Aplication Systems Heidelberg)
You should be able to play the first 10 Levels after loading.
Put everthing onto a Floppydisk the .prg file into an AUTO-Folder.
Turn Off your ST & HD. Turn back on the ST and WAITWAIT WAIT till the
music starts ringing your ears. The rest should be easy (OXYD says the rest)



Date: Fri, 06 Sep 91 14:56:02 CDT
From: Mike Dorman <MDORMAN1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #466
To: Atari List <>

On Wed, 4 Sep 1991 15:30:11 MST Michel Forget said:
>Subject: Sozobon C -- Mail?
>Hello. I heard that there will be a new version of Sozobon C released
>soon. Does anyone know the mailing address of the authors, and whether
>or not they will still ship the package out to people for the $10
>mentioned in their documentation for version 1.0 of Sozobon C. The
>reason I am asking is that I don't have access to a Mail Server (like
>Bart) or (although the second one might be fixed
>soon). I would like to get the newest version of Sozobon C that I can,
>and if this is the only way I can, I'm game. What I need to know:
>1. Do they still send out the package if you mail them the $10?
>2. The Address.
>3. Has the price gone up?
>If anyone has any information, please let me know. Thanks for your time.
Okay, here's the situation:

This revision of Sozobon isn't being done by the original authors--it's
being done by Ian Lepore, the author of GemFast. There was a release
a couple of weeks ago, but it hit GEnie, and a zillion and a half bugs
were found. Ian is in the process of fixing them--the beta I have seems
to have no problems at all.

Since this package isn't being distributed by the actual Sozobon crew,
well, their offer doesn't hold, because they wouldn't know what you were
talking about. However, I am willing to extend a similar offer--$5, and
I'll send you a diskette with the newest version, plus docs (on disk, my
printer couldn't take any workload at all), an installation utility,
GemFast v 1.6 (the latest--and 1.7, when it comes out), and some other
neato stuff that Ian and I have cooked up together.

Just send your request to the address: MDORMAN1@UA1VM.UA.EDU.

Be warned, though, version 1.32 is *not* done quite yet. When it is
done, rest assured that it will get posted to atari.archive, and
I will post something to this newsgroup.



Date: 6 Sep 91 11:03:29 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!stl!dsbc!oasis! (Jason Morris)
Subject: Internal Clock

Can anyone recommend a good internal clock for an STe? I've seen the external
Forget-Me-Clock II which is quite nice, but I'd prefer something a little less
Any opinions/ideas gratefully accepted, and prices (pref.UK) would be

Thanks in advance,
Jason Morris.


Date: 6 Sep 91 03:24:05 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!lll-winken!aunro!ersys!
(Ryan Daum)
Subject: Object Orientated languages

Where/how (I don't have FTP access) can I pick up some varieties of
object orientated languages...

I spent the night on LambdaMOO (open,8888
) and am now addicted to the MOO language used there.. anything like it
around for the ST?

Ilu Iluvatar en kare eldain a firimoin ar antarota mannar valion :
numessier. Toi aina, mana, meldielto -- enga morion : talantie.
The father made the world for elves and mortals and he gave it into
the hands of the Lords in the West. They are blessed, holy and loved,
except the black one. He has fallen.


Date: 6 Sep 91 13:23:23 GMT
du! (Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Stacey Advice, please

In article <> (Robert J Anisko)
> On the IBM emulator, I have heard of I THINK PC-Speeds being
>put inside a STacy - you might want to talk to a STacy owner or
>possibly a dealer about that...

Do you really think it would fit? I never opened a STacy up, but judging
by the outside dimensions the space must be tight inside.

> On the MAC side, just get Spectre GCR and the MAC ROMS, and you have
>a PORTABLE MAC for a WHOLE LOT LESS than an actual MAC portable...

This is probably the BIGGEST selling point of the STacy. I'm surprised
that Atari hasn't exploited this in their advertizing (advertizing? hehe).
BTW, did the STacy ever get its FCC class B certification?


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 5 Sep 91 21:24:20 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!usc!apple!portal!atari! (Allan
Subject: ST memory allocation
To: (Eric Smith) writes:
>So perhaps what you should do instead (and it's a *much* cleaner
>solution than fiddling with GEMDOS' allocated memory buffers) is to
>catch the ramdisk calls at a higher level, i.e. at the trap #1 level
>instead of trap #13.

You call that cleaner?! Eric, I'll assume you had some bad drugs this
morning and forgive you; you don't usually make howlers like this.

It is VERY hard to tell if a GEMDOS call is destined for a given
filesystem. You have to keep track of all handles to decide which ones are
open on files of yours, including stdin and stdout because of redirection.
This is a COMPLETE non-solution as far as this guy's ramdisk is concerned.

Furthermore and most obviously, DON'T MUCK WITH GEMDOS. It's almost ALWAYS
a bad idea. If you have to steal Trap #1 then you've probably got some
serious organizational problems with your program, or else you're just
doing something Evil and Wrong. The only things that steal trap #1 that I
can approve of are OSes in themselves: MiNT and MetaDOS and the like. And
they HAVE to.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt


Date: 6 Sep 91 14:18:17 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!utgpu!news-server.ecf!generi!julian!! (Eric Smith)
Subject: ST memory allocation

In article <3058@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes:
> (Eric Smith) writes:
>>So perhaps what you should do instead (and it's a *much* cleaner
>>solution than fiddling with GEMDOS' allocated memory buffers) is to
>>catch the ramdisk calls at a higher level, i.e. at the trap #1 level
>>instead of trap #13.
>You call that cleaner?! Eric, I'll assume you had some bad drugs this
>morning and forgive you; you don't usually make howlers like this.

Well, I did say "cleaner" and not "easier"... (:-))

>It is VERY hard to tell if a GEMDOS call is destined for a given
>filesystem. You have to keep track of all handles to decide which ones are
>open on files of yours, including stdin and stdout because of redirection.
>This is a COMPLETE non-solution as far as this guy's ramdisk is concerned.

You're right; mea culpa. I've been working with MiNT for so long that
I forgot what a pain trying to do this from scratch would be.

To return to the original poster's request: wait for a month or so and
MiNT 0.9 will provide you with the tools you need to do a dynamically
resizable ramdisk (namely, user writable and installable file
systems). I have to agree with Allan (of course) that trying to do
this under TOS is a Bad Idea. (Actually, as he points out, memory
fragmentation may make it a Bad Idea regardless!)

Eric Smith


Date: 6 Sep 91 06:09:47 GMT
Subject: Super Charger 286?

>Besides, who wants an XT anyways? (if I wanted one, I would have
>bought a laptop for a good price) -- for me gotta go AT for

OK, take a used XT, add a $79 '286 motherboard, and you've got an AT...

Suddenly you've got a "pc emulator" that runs 12 times faster..

PLUS... you can add 1.2 Meg 5.25 drives, AND 1.44 Meg drives for about
$49 each.. ST..?? No can do...

An Atari ST + an IBM emulator = an expensive, but limited alternative to
the real thing. If those limitations fit into your needs, great..!

But... don't expect to be able to run ALL pc applications, or ALL pc



Date: Fri, 06 Sep 91 13:43
From: "Ralf Meyer"
Subject: TeX Advise

if you are seeking for a very complete an fast TeX implementation
which comes with a good GEM based graphical shell and picture import
/ printing facilities, try the TeX port from Stefan Lindner. It's
available via anonymous FTP from RUSMV1 (Stuttgart, Germany), All you need is in the directory :
/soft/tex/machines/atari/Lindner-TeX and for metafont try
This package comes with an installation program, so it's very easy
to install. The doc. is still in german, but you can get one of the
good TeX guides available all over the world. Furthermore a big
version and a special version for Atari TT/030 machines, a CWEB
and many other tools are available at this host (same directory).
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 00010001
RALF MEYER 00011001
X.400 : S=UKBC; OU=IBM3090; P=UNI-KARLSRUHE; A=DBP; C=DE 00040004


Date: 6 Sep 91 12:41:07 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!know!
Subject: Thanks re:Frustration

Thanks to netters who replied to my posintg about my TT/ICD tape drive
problem. My E-mail out keeps bouncing; do not know why! BTW, the tape drive
works like a charm on a 4 meg 1040ST to back up an external MF 30 hard disk.

I asked to borrow a SCSI cable from a Mac user and will try the back up thru
the SCSI rather than the DMA. That way, I may be able to isolate the problem
to a flakey DMA.


Date: 6 Sep 91 16:34:21 GMT
(Dan Crevier)
Subject: Ultrascript

I just got a SLM804 Atari Laser Printer from my dad, and I got ghostscript
and got stuff to print that I created from the mac, but it doesn't look very
good. The fonts aren't very good. So, I want to get Ultrascript. Does
anyone want to sell their old copy that has been sitting on the shelf to
me? If not, does anyone know of a good place to get it?




Date: 6 Sep 91 14:41:16 GMT
From: (Minghsun Liu)
Subject: Yet Another Dead Mouse!


My mouse just died this morning. (Well not totally, but there is no
vertical movements anymore, even after cleaning the mouse inside out.)

Anyway, the point of this post is that I am fed up with Atari-made mouse
and am looking any suggestions on other third-party mouse.

Many thanx in advance.

- Minghsun Liu


Date: 5 Sep 91 21:52:35 GMT
c!ubc-cs!fornax! (Wolfgang Jung)
Subject: Zoo 2.1

Where can i find (with names) the corect Version of zoo 2.1
There was recently (ca 1 month ago) several versions off this archiver
around, but only ONE was fully functional, so could one of send me
where I can find it..


PS: If you need to send me mail after the 25th of September please mail to:


Date: 6 Sep 91 08:28:13 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!opal!gmdtub!prosun! (Ralph Berg)
Subject: ZOO Version 2.1 wanted

Hi folks,
where can I get ZOO 2.1 ?
Tell archive ftp site?



Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1991 11:42 CDT



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