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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 418

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 2 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 418

Today's Topics:
Atari in Concert
Atari Mailing list
C++2LaTeX, anyone interested ?
Dave Small's address!
digittal sample playback question (2 msgs)
dnet Was: Turbo-C
Help! (2 msgs)
I fried my printer with an Amiga!
Info Wanted on Tech Specialties Upgrade Board
Jove Wanted for ST
Jukebox update
Laser C source level debugger (2 msgs)
LZH Path
LZH Programs
Plea for help <-- dead 1040!
TT with Multisyncs
Word Perfect and fonts

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Date: 2 Aug 91 05:45:28 GMT
From:!uhccux!uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! (Jack W.
Subject: Atari in Concert

In article <> (Bertrand Petit) writes:
>In article <>, (Jari
Lehto) writes:
>> I just happened to see the Jean-Michel Jarre's Paris-La Defense concert from
>> TV. Atari France was one of the main sponsors for the concert and there were
>> several Atari Mega 2/4 machines on the stage.
>> The best PR Atari has done in long time... If someone noticed the machines.
> Yes I have noticed the computers but only on the video version. While
>sitting on the bridge in front of La Defense i have seen nothing on the
>scene. I have also seen 5 pages in the magazine edited by Atari France on
>the installation used by Jarre during the show.
> Poor music but great multimedia show!

Speaking of media shows, were there any Atari ads in conjunction with the
Tour de France? The cyclists are attired like colorful billboards and
it would have been a great promotion for Atari France; the Tour becomes of
intense focus for three weeks and 2000 miles of travel thru pretty Spanish,
Italian and French countryside.

Motorola certainly gained a lot of publicity when Australian Phil Anderson of
Team Motorola took advantage of the aid from his Swiss, Norwegian, British,
Canadian and American teammates, by sprinting victoriously in stage 10. The
international representation within the teams corresponds well to a company
with global interests like Motorola, Toshiba or Atari. The drawback is that
supporting a team is expensive, so it might be necessary for Atari to get a
co-sponsor. Most appropriate would seem to be the Fuji Bicycle Company. :-)



Date: 2 Aug 91 09:54:02 GMT
From: myst.UUCP! (System master)
Subject: Atari Mailing list

How does one get on the atari mailing list??

I would like to get here, but currently only
have a mail feed.. Any info would be appreciated. Please
send all replies as mail..



* John B. Bunch * System Operator *
* 771 Madison Ave. Apt 2e * JB's News and Mail Stop *
* Albany, NY 12208 * UUCP: {...}!crdgw1!sixhub!myst!root *
* (518) 436 3810 * Inet: sixhub!myst! *


Date: 1 Aug 91 20:41:10 GMT
From:!unido!sbsvax!! (Jan
Subject: C++2LaTeX, anyone interested ?


I just managed to compile C++2LaTeX (Version 1.1) with GCC 1.39 for the
atari st. C++2LaTeX is a program written by Norbert Kiesel (norbert@, which converts C++-Programs
(or ANSI-C if you specify that by a command-line option) into a
"pretty-printed" LaTeX file. The sources are available at
( To compile them i just had to comment-out one line
(#include <malloc.h>).

Ok, if anyone is interested and has problems to build it himself, i could
post the binary or upload it to atari.archive.

Jan Timm

mail: Jan-G. Timm email:
D-6600 Saarbruecken


Date: 2 Aug 91 05:39:36 GMT
From:!! (Steven Selick)
Subject: Dave Small's address!

Well, every now and then, people start asking for Dave Small's address,
so here's one that I have received replies from a few times. It may not
be small actually |nswering, but somebody over there at Gadgets.
Also, I am told that this is a way to mail to any CompuServe account!


Date: 1 Aug 91 16:27:20 GMT
loom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen)
Subject: digittal sample playback question
To: (Patrick Hawke) writes:

>> NT_COMP will load and play the file, but more interestingly there is source
>> to all kinds of player hardware, ROM port, Printer port, STe DMA and the good
>> old standard ST soundchip...

>How do you get the printer port to output. Is there a schematic for an
>interface? I would assume it was just some DAC chip on the parallel lines.

Right you are, put a voltage-output dac of your choice on the printer port
d0 to d0, d1 to d1 and so on... Feed it 5 volts, and direct the output from
the dac to your stereo. When you have lisend to it for 5 minutes you to make
a RC low pass filter - and then you realize how good the filters in the STe
and TT's are!



Date: 2 Aug 91 15:54:45 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!hp-pcd!hpmcaa!patrick@ar (Patrick Hawke)
Subject: digittal sample playback question
To: (Klaus Pedersen) writes:
> Right you are, put a voltage-output dac of your choice on the printer port
> d0 to d0, d1 to d1 and so on... Feed it 5 volts, and direct the output from
> the dac to your stereo. When you have lisend to it for 5 minutes you to make
> a RC low pass filter - and then you realize how good the filters in the STe
> and TT's are!
> -Klaus

Thanks for the Information! I'll give it a try.

In the meantime,


Contact Me:

/__/ ___
/atrick /
/ /awke


Date: 2 Aug 91 11:39:00 GMT
.edu! (Klamer Schutte)
Subject: dnet Was: Turbo-C

In <dkreiner.680851225@faui09> (Dirk
Reiners) writes:

>P.S.: What about going to dnet.atari or with this dis-
> cussion, it's getting pretty german ...

Please don't do that -- dnet is very restricted (Germany only, i think)
and more people might benefit from discussions by germans only than those
who have dnet access. (BTW: Even german language discussion are interresting!)

Klamer (Not german -- see .sig)
Klamer Schutte Tel: +31-53-892786 Fax: +31-53-340045
Faculty of electrical engineering -- University of Twente, The Netherlands
preferred: SMTP:


Date: 1 Aug 91 18:26:08 GMT
noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!agate!!!!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Help!

I'm surprised that amid this discussion of multi-DA loaders, no one
has pointed out that Atari's new (and free) XCONTROL control panel
provides access to a multitude of utilities while taking up only one
DA slot.

The new control panel actually is a manager for CPX (Control Panel
eXtension) modules. The XCONTROL package includes several CPX
modules, and more are being made available.

CPX modules can be either memory-resident or loaded from disk on
demand -- you configure the system to your liking.

A CPX module can be used in any case where direct, full-time access
to GEM's pseudomultitasking isn't needed. (That's actually the case
with most currently available ACCs, which simply call evnt_mesag()
and wait for a wakeup call from GEM indicating that their menu entry
has been clicked.)

To use a CPX module, you click on XCONTROL's menu entry. This
provides you with a scrolling menu of icons that can be selected to
activate any CPX modules that you have available on your system. The
CPX module you select then runs atop the current GEM application,
just like any desk accessory.

Steve Yelvington <>
Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota


Date: 2 Aug 91 11:46:35 GMT
From:!!!gaudi!petunia!ucselx!! (Patrick Seemann)
Subject: Help!

In article <> (David H Butler) writes:
>Try Chameleon, it only loads one at a time, but lets you dump and load from
>desk any single DA you wish at any time, during any program etc... It takes
>up one slot, and will automatically load whichever DA is called CONTROL.ACX.

You may patch the name of the default ACC in the Chameleon binaries.
Just look for the string C:\CONTROL.ACX and replace it with whatever
you want. You may even load an ACC from anonther drive and/or folder.

"The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow
-- Eden Phillpots


Date: 01 AUG 91 20:44:33 CDT
From: Z4516356 <Z4516356%SFAUSTIN.bitnet@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU>
Subject: I fried my printer with an Amiga!
To: <>

Excuse my posting since this is my first time. I have an ST
which has worked PERFECTLY with my NX-10 dot matrix printer.
We just moved an Amiga over here and was wanting to compare
WordPerfect Amiga with WordPerfect ST. Everything was going fine
and when it was time to start working with the printer on the Amiga,
things began happening in a bad way. Now the Amiga is fried and I guess
the printer is too, since it won't print with the Atari ST.
Can someone tell me the Amiga net address? If this is Commodore
quality then I'll stick with Atari, thankyou! Now I've lost my printer
and the Amiga. I just don't know what I did that was wrong.



Date: 1 Aug 91 13:22:30 GMT
From: uupsi!stiatl! (Ian Mercado)
Subject: Info Wanted on Tech Specialties Upgrade Board

My 1040 has a Tech Specialties upgrade board in it which brings my memory up
to 2.5 meg. However, I got no documentation on the board when I bought the
computer, so I was wondering...

Does the lithium battery attached to the board indicate that is has a clock?
If so, how do I access the time off of it?

Exactly what sort of soldering is necessary to bring it up to 4 meg? I have
the chips, and the sockets are on the board, but I know it's not just as
simple as plugging in the chips and getting 4 meg.

Any spare documentation or info E-mailed to me would be eternally appreciated.


-------- ---- ---- -- | Ian Mercado: |
-- - - ----- -- | emory!stiatl!iam |
-- -------- -- ----- | |
-------- -- -- -- ---- | "Can't keep my mind from the circling sky" |


Date: 2 Aug 91 13:04:34 GMT
Subject: Jove Wanted for ST

I'm looking for an emacs clone with command completion. Gnu emacs is
just too big! MicroEmacs doesn't seem to like either of the software
blitters I use, and I don't know if it supports command completion
nowadays. MicroGnu emacs doesn't offer command completion. I've
been told that a port of Jove exists for the ST. Could anyone send me
a pointer to it, or perhaps just send it to

Any suggestions other than the emacs clones I've named?

Thanks very much!!

Bill (


Date: 1 Aug 91 17:02:27 GMT
loom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen)
Subject: Jukebox update

The same day I send 'The Jukebox' to atari.archive, I found a bug in the
player module, so I decided to lend an friends STe and do some serious
The old version had a bug the double buffering, this bug gave some
real annoying clicks.
The new version is many times faster than the old one! (with 8 players
that is choosen dynamically to give shortest possible convertion time)
It is now possible to do something on the computer (@8MHz), while it is
playing with 1. order interpolation @6.25KHz in the background, or without
interpolation (0. order to be honest) @25KHz.

I expect the new version to replace the old one in the atari/ste directory @

(The program *should* work on the TT, can someone verify this?)

How do I tell my friend (who is on vacation and don't know that I lend his STe)
that his STe have the Harddisc DMA problem? (his STe trashed my Source
Will Atari replace the faulty chip?



Date: 1 Aug 91 20:07:57 GMT
Subject: Laser C source level debugger

I am using Laser C for software development and am considering buying their
source level debugger. So, a few questions:
1. Is it worth $49?

2. Does it have seperate source and program output windows?

3. Is it a true source level debugger (or just a claim)?

4. Are there any better ones available (that work with Laser C)?

5. Is Megamax still out there?

Any other comments are also welcome.

Along the Turbo C or PureC thread:
1. Is PureC to be available in the US?

2. Cost in US $.

Thanks for the help
Jim Harres


Date: 2 Aug 91 09:02:54 GMT
From: van-bc!jonh! (John Henders)
Subject: Laser C source level debugger

In <>, writes:
>I am using Laser C for software development and am considering buying their
>source level debugger. So, a few questions:
> 1. Is it worth $49?

Yes, and more.

> 2. Does it have seperate source and program output windows?
Yes, it uses a seperate screen for the program window.

> 3. Is it a true source level debugger (or just a claim)?

Well, you see the source, just like you wrote it, and step
through it line by line. Can't modify the source in it though.

> 4. Are there any better ones available (that work with Laser C)?


> 5. Is Megamax still out there?

Yes, though they don't appear very active in the market anymore.
Hard to really tell though, as there's really nowhere to advertise

>Any other comments are also welcome.

Laser C's debugger works in color, which is one of the reason's I
won't be switching to Turbo C in the near future. You need Laser C 2.1 or
higher to use the debugger, and 2.2 or higher to work with Tos 1.4. The
2.2 shell is still crash-prone though, and I recommend using a command
shell instead.

John Henders
Vancouver,B.C or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders


Date: 2 Aug 91 12:38:07 GMT
u! (U.Kuehn)
Subject: LZH Path

In article <>,
(Roger Sheppard) says:
>Sample Path..C:\path1\path2\main\auto\boot.prg
> \folder\files.etc
> \program.prg
>So all the Files and Folders that in Main must be in the
>Archive but not \path1\path2\main...
It's really easy to do so: use a command line shell and set an alias to your
lharc, cd to \path1\path2\main and type lharc a -r arcname
When you dont use a shell, open a second window in which the lharc appears,
make the window with path1\path2\main in it be the top window, start lharc
by double click _while holding down the right mouse button_, and type the
above command line.



Date: 2 Aug 91 17:09:43 GMT
From: cadence!! (Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: LZH Programs

people: can we lay this lzh business to rest one and for all:
now that zoo 2.1 is out and posted to comp.[binaries|sources].a.s

-- its high compression is atleast as good as anything else out
-- it is reasonably fast for extraction, compression speed needs some
work, which is happening.
-- it comes complete with sources, and runs on any reasonable
-- it is totally backwards compatible. unlike various versions of
-- the St version does recursive directory decent, regular expression
globbing etc, in addition to all the features for standard zoo.
-- i am sure someone will conjure up a graphical shell for it, for
people averse to cli's.

bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi
GEnie: J.Bammi
CIS: 71515,155
bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi
GEnie: J.Bammi
CIS: 71515,155


Date: 1 Aug 91 23:12:21 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!! (Greg Parsons)
Subject: Plea for help <-- dead 1040!

As far as cleaning the contacts on your chips - if you are VERY
careful, I've found that a pencil eraser works very well in removing
the oxidation that causes bad connections. Hold your finger in between
the pins on each side, though, so they won't bend.

-- (The Molletts - for now)
Laffa while you can Monkey Boy!
"They're French grenades, they don't go bang, they go 'Le Boom'"
Disclaimer: These opinions are NOT my own!


Date: 1 Aug 91 22:48:19 GMT
ct19! (Andrew Krieg, Man or Android?)
Subject: Sheepshead

Since the ST is so popular over in Germany, maybe this isn't too unusual a

I'm looking for a computerized version of the game Sheepshead (or Schafskopf
in German) which is popular in the Milwaukee area, but not too widely known
in the rest of the U.S. I've seen it for the IBM PCs, but never an Atari
version. If anyone knows of a public domain or commercial version of this
game, please let me know.

= Andrew Krieg | Wow, Bob, Wow. =
=| Fire walk with me. =
= or | - little man from =
= | another place =


Date: 2 Aug 91 11:46:09 GMT
Subject: TT with Multisyncs

I use my TT with an Atari TTM195 mono 1280x960 monitor; however, for the first
few months I had been using an Atari PTC1424 colour monitor. The guys in the
next office have Compaq 386sx systems (real dogs!) and on occasion, I have
borrowed thir NEC 3D monitors since I no longer have the PTC1424. The
honest truth is, the PTC1424 is FAR better than the NEC 3D. So, when
thinking of a colour monitor for the TT, why not consider Atari's own PTC1424?


Date: 1 Aug 91 01:29:00 GMT
! (Hayo Schmidt)
Subject: Word Perfect and fonts

In article <> (Gerald Greenberg) writes:
>I don't believe WP uses gdos fonts, so I was wondering if any
>of the font manipulators out there will allow you to use
>different fonts with WP for the ST? I'd even be interested if
>a program allows you to replace the system long as
>WP doesn't simply override that and return to the original
>system font when it loads.
>Does anybody have any ideas?

Probably WP uses the built-in ROM font of the TOS. That means, that WP uses
lina a routines for text output (booh!!!). I can't check it, I don't have WP.

If that ist true, you can use two font manipulators to change the ROM-font.
The size of the font will be the same, but you may load an IBM compatible font
for example. You would have to adapt your printer drivers by yourself.
No. 1 ist FontEdit by D.Woitha (Germany), which is nice and short. It allows to
edit and change only the system font.
No. 2 is Multifont PD by myself, available for example on PD 2000 series 2240
(german version), which can do a lot more (except editing), and therefore has
a size of
If you want to have Multifont PD, you may send me 10 DM or 10 US$ and I'll
send you a copy on a 3.5'' disk. I will also add FontEdit.

Hayo Schmidt
Grotiusweg 1
D-2000 Hamburg 55


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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