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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 312

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 4 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 312

Today's Topics:
Clock Recommendation
Convert Sound Samples from Amiga IFF?
Current Notes/Dave Small query
Degas -> Gif Format converter?
Fan on the MEGAFILE 30 (2 msgs)
FSM-GDOS...When? How?
G++ for ST, where again?
Hardware Project: RAM disk
Making a HD bootable
More than 4 Meg ??
Personal Pascal 2
Picture formats? (.IMG .GEM .PI3 .PIC)
Publishers (II)
Questions on Desktop/Environment
SF314 and GCR (not quite working)
Student Discount? (2 msgs)
ST User Virus!
Unix for the TT?

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Date: 3 Jun 91 12:34:11 GMT
philabs!ttidca! (George Woodside)
Subject: 'only_ste.lzh'

In article <> (Jim Omura)
> While we're on the topic of viruses, I was very impressed with
>the "finish" of VKiller. It got me to thinking about such programs.
>VKiller identifies ST boot sectors and where possible specifically
>identifies viruses. But even the warning about boot sectors is
>well done. I was just thinking that many of us use Atari ST's in
>"mixed environments" with MS-DOS machines and it would be helpful
>if VKiller identified MS-DOS boot sectors as well. I wouldn't go
>so far as to try and keep up with the MS-DOS virus situation completely,
>but just give a warning like this:
>"MS-DOS Executable boot sector found. If this disk was not supposed
>to have one, you might want to discuss this with whomever supplied
>the disk."

> That way you could alert an MS-DOS user that s/he might have
>a virus.

Thank you. I put a lot of effort into the user interface.

MS-DOS uses exactly the same technique to identify an executable boot
sector as the ST. Well, actually, it's the other way around. GEMDOS
was built to MS-DOS compatibility in that way. An MS-DOS executable
boot sector will be identified by Vkiller as "executable", but as
unrecognized. It would be extremely complex to attempt to look at the
code in the boot sector, and attempt to determine if it were MS-DOS
code or ST code.

The vast majority of MS-DOS viruses, now, are of the link type, which
infect files, rather than the boot sector. ST versions of these link
viruses are now appearing in Europe infecting ST files. They will be
appearing on this side of the Atlantic soon, I expect. I have revieved
data on a couple of the ones captured in Europe, and am working on
tools for the ST to combat them.

* George R. Woodside - Citicorp/TTI - Santa Monica, CA *
* Path: *
* or: ..!{philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodside *


Date: 4 Jun 91 19:06:05 GMT
From: crdgw1!gecrdvm1!
Subject: Clock Recommendation

Can anyone recommend a good clock for a 1040 STe? I once had a cartridge
clock that came with a host of desktop utilities. The package didn't work
very well, and the clock ran very fast, so I junked it.

Anyone care to share the name/manufacture of a clock that works well?

Phil Z


Date: 3 Jun 91 22:49:36 GMT
From: uhccux!hale! (Alan Whinery)
Subject: Convert Sound Samples from Amiga IFF?

Most Honorable Denizens of Atari-Land:

I am an Amiga owner. One of my very good friends is a 520 ST
owner. Through your gracious advice, we are now swapping picture files
like brother-computers. Now, I wonder where there may be utilities to
convert to an Atari (Is there more than One) De Facto format for sampled
sound, such as I am already able to do for Mac and Sparc Station. Surely
Someone has written such a thing. Where and what is it?

Humble Regards,

| D. Alan Whinery| The Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii |
| Technical Genius| Internet: |


Date: 4 Jun 91 23:15:59 GMT
.edu! (Ray Wilmott)
Subject: Current Notes/Dave Small query


I was just reading through the latest issue of Current Notes,
specifically the article by Dave Small. I thought it was a very
good article; very daring of him to write it, and it definitely made
me stop and think about the topic...

Anyway, my quick question for those of you who have read the article
and might [think they] know the answer - what company, and which
early 80's 8-bit programmers was Dave talking about specifically? I
have been around the Atari community for 10 years, so I probably will
recognize the names, but I can't think of who they might be offhand.

Please limit any replies to this message to e-mail rather than
posting...I do not wish to stir up a lot of muck within the
newsgroups. Thanks.




Date: 4 Jun 91 18:35:35 GMT
amp.Colorado.EDU! (Jim Elliott)
Subject: Degas -> Gif Format converter?

Is there a utility for switching Degas-type picture files into
GIF format? I'd like to find such a utility for a friend of mine who has
a 1040ST, but I didn't see anything really appropriate on atari.archive. I know that PicSwitch will go from Gif to Degas (or other
formats), but I didn't think it went the other way. If someone could mail
me with information on where to find such a program, I'd appreciate it.



Date: 4 Jun 91 08:35:22 GMT
Subject: Fan on the MEGAFILE 30

just a quick one and at the moment I dont have the exact details but a friend
of mine modified the casing and mounting around the fan and now you can hardly
hear it .
If any one is interested then Mail me and I will go round and see him to get
some finner details.



Date: 4 Jun 91 08:53:42 GMT
From:!!!usc!rpi!!samsung!!goanna!! (Tehn Chin)
Subject: Fan on the MEGAFILE 30
To: writes:

>I've had a megafile 30 for about a year, and the only complaint
>I've had is the loud fan. Is it really needed, or will the
>drive run cool enough without it? Are there any ways to quiet the
>fan, maybe replacing it with a quieter one?


> WHITTEN@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU Chris Whittenburg, Univ. of Kansas
> WHITTEN@UKANVAX.bitnet Electrical Engineering

This may not apply, but I had a SH205 hardrive in a Mega ST box. I, too, was
getting pissed off by the loud fan. I open it and noticed that the hand was not
bolted to anything but it just sits into a slot. I then put some blue-tac so
that it will stick to one of the side walls to stop it vibrating against the
surrounding wall or stop it jumping around in its slot. I was quite amaze as to
the amount of noise being removed.
I have not seen the inside of a megafile 30, but I assume that it would be the
The blue-tac material is some stuff that will adhere two piece of material but
with the ability to separate them later.
Tehn Yit Chin
Royal Melbourne Insititute of Technology, Australia.


Date: 31 May 91 19:11:05 GMT
.edu (Jeffrey K. Long)
Subject: FSM-GDOS...When? How?

I have been trying to get GDOS drivers for my HP Deskjet for "ever"
it seems, and now have given up the search (No, I haven't ordered one from
Migraph, please read rest of note) to await the arrival of FSM-GDOS.

1) When will it be relesed ?

2) Who will handle distribution (Atari Directly, or through dealers, mail
order, ...)?

3) What will it cost, and will it include (as I have heard rumoured) drivers
for most printers including the HP DeskJet (original version)?

4) Can I get it now by buying Goldeaf's Wordflair II?

5) Will this guy ever run out of questions? Why ask why? Why is the sky blue....

Thanks in advance for whatever information you can provide!
I would assume posting replies should be appropriate, since I am sure
that many would like to hear more details about FSM-GDOS!!!!

Capt Jeff Long Rome Laboratories, Griffiss AFB, NY (preferred) Network Design Laboratory (315)330-7751 or (DSN)587-7751


Date: 4 Jun 91 08:56:39 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!nlsca! (Frans Meijer)
Subject: G++ for ST, where again?

A few weeks ago, somebody announced G++ 1.39 (and gcc 1.39) for
the ST. It was available from an FTP site in Germany (where else? :-),
I think. Anybody remember where it was??
Viele Thanks in advance

Frans Meijer, Sweelinck Conservatory | "Military intelligence is
Amsterdam <frans@nlsca.UUCP> | a contradiction in terms."

| - Groucho Marx
Frans Meijer, Sweelinck Conservatory | "Military intelligence is
Amsterdam <frans@nlsca.UUCP> | a contradiction in terms."

| - Groucho Marx


Date: 5 Jun 91 00:06:23 GMT
Subject: Hardware Project: RAM disk
To: (Eric Stuyvesant):

> working on this? I'm sort of surprised that there are no commercial
> SCSI RAMdisks on the market. Or am I missing them? Any comments are

A while ago I saw a huge solid state SCSI (Ram) drive, and it was
quite expensive...
Sorry, don't remember any details.

> -Eric Stuyvesant


Date: 4 Jun 91 12:03:48 GMT
(Ronald J Friedel)
Subject: Making a HD bootable

I realize that this is a frequently asked question but I have ignored
it till now.

I just bought a Spectre GCR over the net and while attempting to make
one of my partitions on my hard drive a Mac partition, I got the drive
to disappear. Any way to bring it back? Naturally there is some
irreplaceable data in another partition that was not completely
backed up.

Please email. (I have ftp access to


Ron Friedel
GeoSciences UW-Milwaukee


Date: 4 Jun 91 11:26:31 GMT
u (Dave Gymer)
Subject: More than 4 Meg ??

In article <91154.141443SYSPMZT@GECRDVM1.BITNET>
>The implication I've heard is that I can only address 4 Meg with my 1040 STe.
>I've already upgraded to that point with 4 1-Meg SIMMS, and am wondering if,
>should memory prices drop in the future, I'll be able to expand with
>4 2-Meg or 4 4-Meg SIMMS.
>Is there an architectural restriction limiting a 1040 STe to addressing
>4 Meg, and if so, what is that restriction? Also, can anyone explain if and
>why I must add symetric amounts of memory in the SIMM slots? (eg 4 1-Meg, not
>1 1-Meg and 3 256K, etc.)

The answer to both questions is, I believe, that the MMU in the STe can
only handle .25 and 1 meg SIPPS/SIMMS, and these are arranged in two banks,
which must contain the same amount (hence, memory configurations can only
be .5 meg, 1 meg, 2 meg, 2.5 meg, and 4 meg). I too have a four meg STe.

Perhaps someone out there knows of a replacement MMU and memory slots? (Could
it be that a 68030 board might have this facility?).

Question is, what would you do with more than 4 meg on an ST running TOS (or
MiNT). I've yet to exhaust 4 meg (even with GCC, MGR, and BASH. Emacs coming
soon... :-)
/* 'Grave' Dave Gymer --------- Internet: dpg@Cs.Nott.AC.UK *\
+* 42 St Marys Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 0EF, England *+
+* Olivier's Law: "Experience is something you don't get *+
\*-------------------------- until just after you need it."


Date: 3 Jun 91 21:25:56 GMT
From: hpl-opus!hpspdra! (Fred Saavedra)
Subject: Personal Pascal 2

I Thought that ICD distributes Personal Pascal, any that who
I bought my copy from. Who Is HIGH SOFT?


Date: 3 Jun 91 22:19:51 GMT
u (Niklas Grip)
Subject: Picture formats? (.IMG .GEM .PI3 .PIC)

Where can I get full documentation of different picture formats on the
ST? I am most interested in .GEM .IMG and .PI3, and want to use them
in some programs that i plan to write.

| | |
| Niklas Grip | Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228) |
| University of Luleaa | Vallstensgatan7 | Internet: |
| SWEDEN | S-951 55 Luleaa | Bitnet : |

(I know this footer is no beauty, but I`ll fix it next week (after my
last examination before summer holiday)...)


Date: 4 Jun 91 15:15:08 GMT
From:!tekgen! (Robert Luneski)
Subject: Publishers (II)

In article <13309@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jack W.
Wine) writes:
>The June '91 AtariUser stated that Atari Israel will hire 600 workers, mostly
>comprised of engineers. Oy, with 600 engineers, Atari must be developing some-

Did you ever hear the one about how many Atari engineers it takes to screw in
a light bulb?

____ ____
/\/\/\ Bob Luneski Diamond Back II Support: boblu@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM /\/\/\
\/\/\/ Oregon Research Associates Genie: B.LUNESKI1 \/\/\/
\/\/ 16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 Phone: (503) 620-4919 \/\/
\/ Tigard, OR 97224 FAX: (503) 639-6182 \/


Date: 4 Jun 91 20:55:26 GMT
From: cadence!! (Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: Questions on Desktop/Environment

Sender: (USENET News)
Organization: Cadence Design Systems
Lines: 18
In-Reply-To:'s message of 30 May 91 08:27:36 GMT

In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:

> BTW: Atari UK say this is 'OK' to talk about.
> At $28 offset from the start of the structure $4f2 points to is a pointer to
> the process ID of the current process. This is actually its basepage.

but atariUSA says that this is an "undocumented" variable and you
cannot rely on it to exist in the future. i too want it for gdb and
agree it is very useful. apratt??
bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi
GEnie: J.Bammi
CIS: 71515,155


Date: 4 Jun 91 22:38:53 GMT
u (sze nam hong)
Subject: SF314 and GCR (not quite working)

Some more things for sale:

1) SF314, very little used, $75
2) Specter GCR, not quite working, last time I check, it will boot magic
format fine, but cannot read mac disk. You may get it fixed easily, I don't
know. No mac rom, $60, sold as is.

Sze Hong


Date: 4 Jun 91 01:31:49 GMT
Subject: Student Discount?

Since someone brought it to mind, I thought I'd ask this somewhere where I can
get a good answer... Does Atari offer student discounts on ST/TT
hardware/software?? (Please say yes, but only if it's true!!)

Steven Ourada


Date: 4 Jun 91 18:26:07 GMT
From:!!!usc!!swrinde!elro!jato! (Van Snyder)
Subject: Student Discount?

In article <>
>Since someone brought it to mind, I thought I'd ask this somewhere where I can
>get a good answer... Does Atari offer student discounts on ST/TT
>hardware/software?? (Please say yes, but only if it's true!!)
> Steven Ourada

Get real.


Date: 4 Jun 91 08:27:36 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: ST User Virus!

In article <>
(Dave Johnson) writes:
> *I* WROTE (WRT to ST User disk):
>> You'll also find an illegal (very!) copy of NEOchrome on there too.
>> About now you'll all be saying "Why does this guy keep going on about
>> NEOchrome?"
. Well the answer is I would like it to be PD officially but
>>Atari seem disinterested.
>Actually it's NEochrome Master, and the documentationwith it states that it is

That's more the opinion of Chaos than fact. The say send the money to Dave
Staugas and put or left an Atari copyright on the program. None of this was
done with Atari's consent and so is illegal. BUT if Atari would like to say
something on NEOchromes future themselves I would be interested to hear it.

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" !


Date: 4 Jun 91 08:34:49 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: TT

In article <> (Claus Brod) writes:
> (CHU JEFFREY) writes (WRT to the TT):
>A multitasking TOS version is rumored to appear later this year or next

or the year after, or the year after that or ... :-)

Sorry folks. I just couldn't resist it.

No doubt Atari UK will have the new TOS, n+1 years after everyone else.

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" !


Date: 4 Jun 91 13:48:05 GMT
From: modcomp! (Joe Green)
Subject: Unix for the TT?
To: (Paul S. Sears) writes:
>I can get a NeXTstation (mono) here with a 106M HD, 2.88M Floppy, 19"
>Mono (crisp) monitor, Mach OS, X-windows, AND ethernet for $3K with my
>student discount. Now, if Atari offered a student discount, then, your
>claim that the TT is "
much lower" than the NeXT might be valid...

Now, if I had a student discount, your claim might be valid. As it is,
the original claim that the TT is lower cost *is* valid for me.

Joe Green jgreen@modcomp.UUCP
Modular Computer Systems, Inc. modcomp!jgreen@uunet.UU.NET


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