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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 331

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 13 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 331

Today's Topics:
Atari 1040STF and SC1224 for sale
Does TT monitor have sound?
GCC, the documentation...
IBM PC Compatible system fonts
ICD and mono
Info wanted about upgrading an SF354 to DSDD...
Mac hard drive w/ GCR
Man w/ pipe
Mega Mega? (2 msgs)
Neo Desk 3
path to Gadgets
RAM upgrade
Rings of Medusa questions...
set-up for Practical Peripherals 9600 modem?
Software Guide for Architects
X for the ST? (Unix Windows)

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Date: 12 Jun 91 22:20:12 GMT
From:!!! (Eric
Subject: Atari 1040STF and SC1224 for sale

I have a stock 1040STF (TOS 1.0 in ROM, 1 Mb memory, 8 Mhz 68000,
internal DSDD 3 1/2" drive, serial, parallel, DMA, Midi, mouse) that I'd
like to get $200+S&H for.

I also have a SC1224 color monitor (original JVC, crisp&bright,
better picture than modern SC1224s). It handles 50Hz just fine (usually
used when running demos or European games). I'd like $200+S&H for it.

I'll sell the pair for $365+S&H.

-Eric Stuyvesant || es2a%andrew@CMCCVB || JNET%"
al782@cleveland.Freenet.Edu || {uunet,harvard}!!es2a
To hate is to study, to study is to understand, to understand is to
appreciate, to appreciate is to love." -John A. Wheeler


Date: 12 Jun 91 18:36:05 GMT
From: imagen!atari! (Allan Pratt)
Subject: Does TT monitor have sound?
To: (Niklas Grip) writes:
>Is it usual that multisync monitors don't have loudspeakers and
>whatabout the TT?

Yes, it's true that most monitors don't have speakers. The TT has a
speaker built in. It also has stereo output jacks on the back so you can
hook it up to an amplifier and speakers, and you can turn off the internal
speaker if you want. The idea is that the internal speaker can be used for
normal stuff like beeps and bells, but for high-quality digitized sound
you're likely to want to use the stereo outputs. The digital sound always
goes to the stereo output jacks; you can control whether the PSG sound
(clicks and beeps) also goes there.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt


Date: 12 Jun 91 23:11:47 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: GCC, the documentation...

atari.archive's gnustuff directory in under reconstruction at the moment.
You will find docs in
on them to produce a plain ascii version.


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: 13 Jun 91 22:51:49 GMT
Subject: IBM PC Compatible system fonts

With all this discussion about Box corners instead of BoB, I thought
Id ask a question that has been on my mind for a little while. Does anyone
know where an I?M PC compat. system font (FED or 8Bit format) can be obtained.
I would like to fool uniterm into using this so that I can use all those
braindead FIDO BBS'S that insist that if you have ANSI stuff you also have an
IB (who?) character set :-(. If this hasn't been done then I guess I will
have to do it myself (sigh).

Speaking of fonts:- I am still looking for some PD HPLJ ones, HP want



Date: 13 Jun 91 04:05:50 GMT
From: noao!ncar!csn!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY)
Subject: ICD and mono

I just receive the cable to fix the monochrome problem which was
vertically shifting before. WOW no more problems, NICE!!! But
unfortunately the cable is shorter than the orginal. It took
nearly 3 months for a replacement but worth while waiting for.
SOOOO to all who reply 3 months ago to my help THANK YOU!!!
My ICD 68meg and the mono is working beautifully together hopely

Thank You Again,


Date: 12 Jun 91 20:41:46 GMT
.edu!dsinc!bagate!! (William Bishop)
Subject: Info wanted about upgrading an SF354 to DSDD...

In article <>, (Mark
Spacek) writes:
> Just wondering if anyone out there has taken a DSDD drive and stuck
> it in an SF354 and how it worked out...

...(stuff deleted)...

Yes, I've done it! It works great!!

> ...To switch to a DSDD internal, I think you pretty much
> just throw away the little interface board for the SSDD drive and stick
> the DSDD in there...

Yes, I think your correct (I should know but my brain all fogged up at the

... (stuff deleted)...

> ...Sending it as E-Mail
> rather than posting it here would be best, otherwise its possible that I
> might not see it before it gets purged because of hard drive troubles on
> this system. Thanks.... Mark....

Sorry, can't E-mail yet!

**** All opinions stated above are my own!! ****
William Bishop | "
Its a big country...
IKEA U.S. Services, Inc. | Someone's got to furnish it!"
Plymouth Commons | - IKEA
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 |
Tel: (215) 834-0180 | This space intentionally filled!!
Fax: (215) 834-0872 |
Telex: 846223 |


Date: 13 Jun 91 03:23:12 GMT
noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!!!!gatech!hubcap! (Sam
Subject: Mac hard drive w/ GCR

For GCR users: remember how Dave Small mentioned how he moved
his hard drive between his Mac II and his GCR? I have always
wanted to do that, to use the same drive on a Mac II at work
and on the Spectre at home, but never found out exactly what
to do. Well, I've just found out! It is simplicity itself! IF
you have an ICD FAST drive, all you would need is a 50 pin
SCSI connecter and a REAL Mac drive, such as the Quantum 105
meg selling for under $400 now. Plug the Mac drive in the FAST
drive and go! It has both a Atari daisey chain connector as
well as a standard 50 pin SCSI connector on the back. Just
remember to choose the extra DEVICE when you boot up Spectre.

BTW, the Mac drive mentioned above should be an external hard
drive, with its own power and case. If you ever wnat to use it
on the Spectre ONLY, just take it out of its case and plug it
into the extra slot in the FAST case.

Now I have room for System 7, the minute Dave gets it working!

Sam Wang Visual Arts Clemson University


Date: 12 Jun 91 21:06:36 GMT
.com!mintaka!! (maximum entropy)
Subject: Man w/ pipe

In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
>Well this Bob Dobbs character (actually 4) is just another example of Atari
>wastage, along with Bea Hablig et al. I think I would have preferred to see
>four box corner characters, ala IBM, so that we could make up boxes in text.
>Now some bright spark is going to say "
Why not change the font youself".
>Why should I have to support 3 resolution (6 if you include the TT) to get
>such a simple addition. Atari should have put something *useful* in there in
>the first place.

Sure, Atari gives you 4 characters of pure slack and you want BOX
CORNERS. This just proves you are SQUARE and haven't smoked your
daily dosage of frop. Send all your money to "
Bob", and you might be
forgiven IF YOU ARE LUCKY.

The thing I like best about my ST is that "
Bob" is in the character
set. They should have used 16 characters and given him the space he


entropy. . .it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.
Boycott AT&T, Lotus, Apple, Ashton-Tate and Xerox. Join the League for
Programming Freedom! Write to for more information.


Date: 12 Jun 91 18:30:28 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!pacific.mps.ohio!linac!midway!clout!chinet! (Stephen Jacobs)
Subject: Mega Mega?

What with GNU Emacs, big RAMdisks, Scheme, Smalltalk, MultiGEM, etc. etc. it
seems like a reasonable thing to want to expand a Mega beyond 4 MB. Anyone
done it? Any possibility of a commercial expansion?



Date: 13 Jun 91 02:07:26 GMT
o-news!toumon!wucc! (Y.Tsuji)
Subject: Mega Mega?

In article <>,
(Stephen Jacobs) writes:
> What with GNU Emacs, big RAMdisks, Scheme, Smalltalk, MultiGEM, etc. etc. it
> seems like a reasonable thing to want to expand a Mega beyond 4 MB. Anyone
> done it? Any possibility of a commercial expansion?
> Steve

I have done some preliminary probe into this matter two years ago and there
was absolutely no problem at all. Expanding up to 8 MB is rather easy if
you know how to build a RAM board for 68000 CPU. The reason I haven't done
it yet is that so far I couldn't persuade the DMA controller to handle the
upper 4 megabytes. I have recently heard that CRT controller (SHIFTER) can
be persuaded by poking their I/O addresses (Reflex board does this and
allows us to use any kind of monitor on TOS 1.4). I don't think using
a RAM disk of 4 MB is very fantastic (I'd rather use a hard disk). Another
thing I had to consider was using Standard SIMMS sockets...

Germans actually sell expansion boards, but they are VERY expensive at
least in England where I am based in a way. A 4 MB expansion module costs
Sterlng Pounds 689.43 at Atari Workshop in Windsor. It may not include
the actual chips which they charge StgL 275 for 4 MB.



Date: 13 Jun 91 09:57:48 GMT
(Matthew Baker)
Subject: Neo Desk 3

From article <750118@hpsad.HP.COM>, by randyh@hpsad.HP.COM (Randy Hosler):
> If you tie the mono-detect line to ground the ST thinks it has a mono
> monitor hooked up to it. The scan rate goes to 70Hz and all you see on
> the color monitor (actually I'm not sure about the color monitor, but on
> my TV) all I see is scrolling orange lines. In other words, it don't
> work that way. But, you may be able to hear the audio. :-)
> Randy Hosler

The reason the ST polls the /MONO line 50/60/71 times a second is to avoid
blowing the sh!t out of your color monitor.

The horizontal osc cctry will try to lock to twice the normal horizontal
scan freq... this oscillator is also used to generate the EHT in your
system. If you're lucky, all that will happen is that the osc will freerun
and make a bit of a squeal. However, if you aren't lucky... anything from the
horiz. o/p transistor, the EHT coil, tripler, or even the tube (unlikely)
may fail. These failures, involving _very_ (20+KV) high voltages can be
messy, noisy, smelly, and _very_ expensive.

Don't do it.



Date: 13-JUN-1991 08:53:03.03
Subject: none



Date: 12 Jun 91 21:51:00 GMT
u! (maximum entropy)
Subject: path to Gadgets

>From: (Steve Yelvington)
>[In article <165@gbs.UUCP>,
> root@gbs.UUCP (Root) (really Dave Small) writes ... ]
>> The path taken by this message is the path "
back" to us here at
>> Gadgets.
>Just one quick word of advice before you use the Path: line, though.
> [...]
>>From the 12-hop Path: line on the article I received, I would guess that
>!boulder!tcr!gbs!root might be a working UUCP path, but
>there probably is a faster one (anybody know the Internet equivalent of

It is probably, but I don't do uucp when I can
avoid it, so I'm not sure that they are really the same host.

Most people don't need to worry about all this because most sites have
smart" uucp routers, and root@gbs.UUCP should do the right thing.
entropy. . .it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.
Boycott AT&T, Lotus, Apple, Ashton-Tate and Xerox. Join the League for
Programming Freedom! Write to for more information.


Date: 13 Jun 91 02:16:40 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: RAM upgrade

In article <1991Jun12.124509.19294@uniwa.uwa.oz> ermadmin@uniwa.uwa.oz (Earth
Resources Mapping) writes:
> I have just started to build the 2meg upgrade board as posted
> to the net and it looks great..
> However, could some clever person explain how the pins on the
> MMU are numbered so that I dont solder the extra address line
> to the wrong place
> ..Clive

On the top side of the IC there is a bevel on it with a dimple,
This dimple is over pin 1, and the pin to the left side of the Dimple is 68,
and the left most pin on that side is 61,
Note pin 61 is connected to 0 volts.
* <- Dimple
~ ~
0V A9

I hope this helps.

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 12 Jun 91 23:30:54 GMT
watserv1!watdragon!! (Maurice
Subject: Rings of Medusa questions...

Anyone who hasn't played the game Rings of Medusa, you can ignore this

When you enter a city, and enter a temple within the city, sometimes
they give you a clue to where a treasure is located.
ie. 13 degrees 21 minutes south, 26 degrees 15 minutes west

Now, when I go there and send out my scouts, they always return saying,
Sorry sir, we found nothing." Am I missing something here? I've
outfitted them with extras and machines, but is there perhaps something
else I need?

In addition, when attacking with the warship, I can't seem to hit any
enemy boats with my cannon. There's no indication of where the cannonball
is going, so I don't even know if it's firing or not!

Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated.

Please reply by mail as I don't read this group regularly.
Early to bed and early to rise...makes a man sleepy as hell!"

Maurice Kowanetz


Date: 12 Jun 91 17:42:18 GMT
noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!unix.c!dsinc!bagate!cbmvax! (Joe O'Hara - Product
Subject: set-up for Practical Peripherals 9600 modem?

In article <>
(Roger Sheppard) writes:
>In article <>
(Stephen Jacobs) writes:
>> Over the weekend, I got a Practical Peripherals V.32 V.42 V.42bis modem (at
>> a warehouse sale: wholesale on these babies appears to be about $400). Works
>> just fine, thank-you on my ST so far. I remember some discussion about flow
>> control (or lack of it) with the ST's serial port. Modems like this were 3
>> times as expensive back then, so I didn't save the messages. What do I have
>> to do? What might go wrong? How do I deal with problems? All this
>> specifically relating to flow control and a fast modem with data compression.
>Well from what I know, there have been a lot of Problems with RTS/CTS
>flow control with all the Atari range, there are a few Fix programs
>for this.

The manual for the modem (I have the same one) recommends using XON/XOFF flow
control in the modem and RTS/CTS at the computer. However, if the poster above
is correct regarding problems with RTS/CTS with Ataris, you can turn off flow
control in the modem and rely on XON/XOFF at the computer.

Joe O'Hara || Disclaimer: I didn't say that!
Commodore Electronics Ltd ||
Product Assurance || "
I never lie when I have sand in my shoes."
Systems Evaluation Group || - Geordi LeForge, Star Trek TNG


Date: 12 Jun 91 23:49:13 GMT
.edu! (Douglas Noble)
Subject: Software Guide for Architects

Final Announcement

The Department of Architecture at the University of California
is putting together a catalog of software used by architects.
The book will include all software used in the profession,
including CAD, project management, modeling, rendering,
facility management, etc.

To be included in this reference guide, firms and individuals
must fill out a two page questionaire available by mailing a
request to:

Douglas Noble, AIA, Ph.D.
Department of Architecture
232 Wurster Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720


Date: 13 Jun 91 01:46:03 GMT
csn!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY)

Try Windows 3.0 using a 486-33 with 130Meg and 1024x768 SVGA 256 colors,
1.44 Meg floppy and ISA bus, motherboard expandable to 64Megs using 4Meg
SIMMS, all for under $2700.00 US dollars. And COMPAQ machines are slow
compare to some compatibles rolling out these days. And also if you
can't get those people to get a new system, try buying new SVGA cards using
VRAM, or TIGA cards which is said to be upto 10x faster than any VGA card
out that should solve most of the slowness experience on Windows 3.0, I'm
using Windows 3.0 and its faster than window type environment I've seen or



Date: 13 Jun 91 03:40:44 GMT
From:!bruce!!monu6!!s883334@u (James Alan Hall)
Subject: X for the ST? (Unix Windows)

From article <>, by
(Mickey Boyd):
> In article <2392@netmbx.UUCP>, perstoro@netmbx.UUCP (Wilhelm Schaefer) writes:
>>limsico@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (Carl Limsico) writes:
>>> This question has probably already been asked several times, but
>>>here it goes: Does anyone know of any type of X-Window
>>>emulation/server/host for the ST? Please either e-mail or post
>>On the other hand there is a programm called UW (unix windows).
>>I think it was designed for the mac first, but it has been
>>ported to the st by someone.
> Unix Windows is not related to X in any way (other than coincidental
> appearance). It is a great program, which allows one to have muliplexed
> terminals over one serial line (the terminals are in the form of windows).
> You can set font sizes, cut and paste, file transfer, etc. It consists of
> an ST end and a Unix end (which must be compiled for your particular system).
> [ additional comments deleted ]

Unix Windows is very good. Just one important facet you forgot to mention:
its needs BSD flavoured unix to run. Those like myself with SysV will have
to wait till someone rewrites the whole package for it.

> As for an X server on the ST line, I don't envision it happening any time
> soon. With Ethernet cards so scarce, and 9600 baud modems still in the
> $500 range there is not a very high demand for one. Don't get me wrong, I
> would love to have one (and if you find out about one, I will be happy to
> eat my words). You could probably direct-connect the serial port and run
> it at 19.2 using a SLIP connection.

There is at least one X server package for the St. Its made by a German
company, and sold with their ethernet adaptor. I can't find my documentation
on it at the moment, but as soon as I do I'll post details about it
(unless someone else does it for me).

> --
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
> Mickey R. Boyd | "
Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
> FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
> Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
> email: |
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------

______ ______
| | \ / \/\/\/\ James Hall / Mithrandir Man
| | \ / \/\/\/\ Know
|______| \/ \/\/\/\ Thyself


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