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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 393

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 15 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 393

Today's Topics:
An idea for DC Software?
An idea for DC Software? (wish list) (2 msgs)
Atari's monitors
Atari in Concert
Autoloading ramdisk
Colour monitor died...
Double Click programs
Hot Wire
lynx games mentioned in AE
Mupfel w/Neodesk 3
Portfolio in Terminator 2? (3 msgs)
Quality control problems? Not here!
Running a dual TOS system
Starving Developers Sale

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Date: 15 Jul 91 19:49:40 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!wciu!abode! (Luis Outumuro)
Subject: An idea for DC Software?

In article <1991Jul13.184629.16508@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
lch3e@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU (Lauren C. Howard) writes:
> I encourage folks who can't afford other computers to buy the ST. Most
>of them end up with one floppy drive, no HDD.
> We'd like to be able to boot a disk, copying everything on it to a RAM
>disk it creates, all done automatically on bootup. Then we could run that
>program from RAM. RAMSTART for the Mac does this. It takes just as long
>to load it to the RAM disk and then run it, as it does to run it from the
>floppy; but then in using the program you have the extra speed.
> Having a user-selectable drive name, or else defaulting to drive A:,
>would make it useable with fussy programs like Timeworks DTP.
>Please don't comment with "why dont you buy a hard drive/pagestream/etc."
>There are a lot of people in the world who can't afford a small fortune
>for a computer, much less adding harddrives. The ST is ideal for them;
>excellent service from 1 disk drive, even with a TV set.
>Thanx for your time and consideration.
>Lauren Howard, Chief Potentate
>Atari Computer Club CHarlottesville Users !

Hi Lauren,
Being able to create a RAMdisk at bootup, copying files to
the RAMdisk, then continuing to boot from the RAMdisk; is a great idea!
Although the solution is already commercially available on the CodeHead
Utilities disk from CodeHead Software. CodeHead has just released Version
4.0 of this disk. It has a list price of $34.95, although street price is
around $25 - $30; it is available from your local dealer (if you have one!),
your favorite mail-order or from CodeHead Software directly.
The CodeHead Utilities 4 has lots of new versions of previous
programs and lots of brand new programs (it comes on two floppy disks now).
It also includes the latest versions of the Codehead's collective public
domain and shareware programs; and the updated demos of thier other
commercial works (all of which support the ST/STe/TT's).
No... I don't work for CodeHead Software, but I am a satisfied
CodeHeadian customer! Bye......................



Date: 15 Jul 91 20:15:38 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: An idea for DC Software? (wish list)
To: (Timothy Gallivan) writes:
> While everyone is presenting wish lists, how about a spooler that tests
> the size of a spooled file, mallocs enough memory, then shrinks itself
> when the file has been printed. Is this possible? Frankly, I would be
> happy if I can find a spooler that can simply handle binary files.

Now this is a really good idea. A printer spooler that shrinks itself to
match the size of the file (or expands to a maximum limit) would be
really great. Sometimes I want to print something that is only two or
three kilobytes, and it seems like such a waste to keep a thirty-two
kilobyte buffer. The spooler itself would be a little larger, but the
benefits would be fantastic.

Good idea, Timothy! I just hope DC read it and like it...:)

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


Date: 16 Jul 91 00:37:07 GMT
(Warwick Allison)
Subject: An idea for DC Software? (wish list)
To: (Michel Forget) writes:

> (Timothy Gallivan) writes:
>> How about a spooler that tests
>> the size of a spooled file, mallocs enough memory, then shrinks itself
>> when the file has been printed.

>Sometimes I want to print something that is only two or
>three kilobytes, and it seems like such a waste to keep a thirty-two
>kilobyte buffer.

I'm in the opposite position: I'd like a spooler that spooled to disk,
and read back in chunks (eg. 4K) for printing. That would make printing
from PageStream much more pleasant on my 9-pin. I believe the lpr stuff
with MiNT did this.

What are the pitfalls of having a TSR access the disk? If I knew them,
I would gladly write such a spooler.

/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.


Date: 16 Jul 91 03:32:29 GMT
!!world! (azog-thoth)
Subject: Atari's monitors

Last week, my colour monitor died, and due to price reasons, I decided
to get a new monochrome monitor (SM124), and it arrived today, and
I just wanted to make a few statements about it, to anyone who cares :-)
(in other words, Ill be babbling:-)

Anyways. What I want to know is why Atari didnt make _one_ monitor for
_all_ resolutions. I love the resolution on this monochrome! When I
think of monochrome, I always picture black and amber (or green), but this
is black and a nice shade of offwhite. Easy on the eyes, and the dot
pitch seems to be pretty good (what is it, btw?). But Ive software that
has to run on colour (mainly games. my new Populous game arrived the
day after my colour monitor died :-( ), so why did they do it this
seemingly silly way? (was it a sleazy marketing ploy, to make people
buy _two_ monitors, or just perhaps an engineering overlook?)

| Billy D'Augustine | Come as you are, reclaim your identity!!! |
| | -- MOD -- |


Date: 15 Jul 91 22:00:55 GMT
From: mcsun!!fuug!!!
(Jari Lehto)
Subject: Atari in Concert

I just happened to see the Jean-Michel Jarre's Paris-La Defense concert from
TV. Atari France was one of the main sponsors for the concert and there were
several Atari Mega 2/4 machines on the stage.

The best PR Atari has done in long time... If someone noticed the machines.

* Jari Lehto * 90-387939 * * Music, love & *
* Tenavatie 19 A * 90-382887 * * friendship! *
* 00760 HELSINKI * 94040/02887 * * Garlic, beer &*
* Finland * fax +358 0 8735916 * * sausage! *


Date: 15 JUL 91 20:52:31 CDT
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.bitnet@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU>
Subject: Autoloading ramdisk
To: <>

Lauren Howard, Chief Potentate writes:
" We'd like to be able to boot a disk, copying everything on it to a RAM
disk it creates, all done automatically on bootup."
No problem... get SI_RAM.ACC and it will do this for you. Before I
bought my hard drive a few years back (1988), I used SI_RAM.ACC daily
and loved it! It supports autoloading of programs during powerup and, if
your electricity is stable, and if you don't turn off your computer, then
you are set.
Sorry, I have no idea as to where to pick up this old but excellant
accessory. Nor do I know if it works with anything above TOS 1.0, but it
was a favorite utility for me. I am sure that it or something similiar
is available across the various sites.

Larry Rymal <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET> |>Atari ST Users of East Texas<|
Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas


Date: 15 Jul 91 23:51:58 GMT
u! (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Colour monitor died...

Check who manufactured the monitor. If it is a Goldstar, then check
in the yellow pages under TV repairs and look for a Goldstar
authorized dealer. As for the other makes, I can't help...

Robert Anisko


Date: 16 Jul 91 03:15:56 GMT
.edu!emory!gatech!!nu! (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Double Click programs

I would like to see a .ttp version of DCShowit for us Neodesk users.
DCShowit is by far the best ASCII file viewer for the ST (IMHO), and I miss

Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
email: |


Date: 15 Jul 91 22:52:31 GMT
(Harry Dodgson)
Subject: Hot Wire

I just bought Hot Wire (version 1.2) from:

RiteWay Computers
in Warren MI

I like the program!!!!!!! It makes program launching easy.
It hates formdoit - but I seldom used those features
anyway. I have one annoyance. They sold me a copy that
had the envelope with the disk opened and the software
already registered to someone else!!! I want to know
if I send in the registration card, Can I get a clean
copy for a nominal fee? I bought the software, I like
it, and I refuse to do business with those people any more.
I am 3 hours drive from the place so I can't just drive
there and make them do the right thing. I will be glad to
send in this copy if they want me to.

I would ask just how to change the registered name at boot time
but I don't want to encourage that. I want a copy with my
name on it though.

Anyone know an Atari ST software dealer within 200 miles of
Kalamazoo MI?

Anyone from CodeHead Software
or friends with them on here?

apologies for being a bit incoherant - I am just upset right now.

Harry Dodgson Jr. | Internet -(
Western Michigan University |
Computer Science Department | Voice (616) 387-5803
Kalamazoo, MI 49008 | Office 4038 Friedmann Hall


Date: 15 Jul 91 19:56:17 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!wciu!abode! (Luis Outumuro)
Subject: lynx games mentioned in AE

In article <> (Eric Glover) writes:
>Speaking of the Lynx, Promises and Atari;
>Is Atari Explorer Dead, [a pause] Again?
>A man who hasnt seen an issue of AE since Feb.

Hi Eric,
From what I have heard Atari Explorer is on hiatus again. I
have not heard anything about when that status may or may not change. Bye...



Date: 16 Jul 91 03:34:06 GMT
From: cadence!! (Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: Mupfel w/Neodesk 3

> >
> >I've seen some wierdness when using Neodesk 3 and Mupfel, any help would be
> >appreciated:
> >
> Sounds as if Neodesk catches the AES trap and does his own things with
> shel_read/shel_write (very bad idea). Can you check whether they changed
> the AES trap (do the use XBRA?).

They indeed do. They also screw around with lineF in their keyboard
equivalent for dialog buttons utility (i forget the name).

I was wondering why inlined math code would'nt work with a '881 in
co-processor mode. Their acc was the cuprit. I left the autor a
message on GEnie some time ago, dont know if they did something about it.

bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi
GEnie: J.Bammi
CIS: 71515,155


Date: 15 Jul 91 19:21:54 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!rex!ukma!dftsrv!
(Nigel Tzeng)
Subject: Portfolio in Terminator 2?

In article <> (Paul S.
Sears) writes:

jbunch@isis.UUCP (John Bunch) presents in article
>I saw credits for Atari Games, but not for Atari Computers... But it
>sure did look an awful lot like a portfolio... Coolness...
I wish I had a copy of the program the kid ran on the Portfolio to break
the codes in the ATM's. Of course, it was staged, but the opportunities
are endless.... :-)

Out of curiosity...I assume that PIN numbers are not on the card
(otherwise anyone finding your card can just read it off witha card
reader from RS). Does anyone know for sure? I know that the cards
have account numbers and other basic info (like your name) but I've
noticed that they tend not to notice bad pin numbers until after they
poll your bank. That may just be a feature of the machines I frequent
but I'm sure the Chevy Case ATMs wont tell you that you mistyped your
pin until after you try a transaction.

* Paul Sears * Technology *** |"The greater an individual's power
* The University of Houston *** | over others, the greater the evil that
* * * * | might possibly originate with him."
* * * * | - PROPAGANDA, from A Secret Wish (CD)



Date: 15 Jul 91 22:04:58 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!uakari.primate.w!!milton! (Il Oh)
Subject: Portfolio in Terminator 2?
To: (Nigel Tzeng) writes:
> (Paul S. Sears) writes:
> jbunch@isis.UUCP (John Bunch) presents in article
> >
> >I saw credits for Atari Games, but not for Atari Computers... But it
> >sure did look an awful lot like a portfolio... Coolness...

> >John.

> I wish I had a copy of the program the kid ran on the Portfolio to break
> the codes in the ATM's. Of course, it was staged, but the opportunities
> are endless.... :-)

>Out of curiosity...I assume that PIN numbers are not on the card
>(otherwise anyone finding your card can just read it off witha card
>reader from RS). Does anyone know for sure? I know that the cards
>have account numbers and other basic info (like your name) but I've
>noticed that they tend not to notice bad pin numbers until after they
>poll your bank. That may just be a feature of the machines I frequent
>but I'm sure the Chevy Case ATMs wont tell you that you mistyped your
>pin until after you try a transaction.

I think the program was "cracking" the PIN numbers (isn't that redundant)
rather than reading it off of the card. Of course, I don't think those
ATM's are programmed to accept PIN's through the magnetic reader.
Il Hwan Oh |"Sometimes of late years I find myself thinking
Univ. of Washington, Tacoma | the most beautiful sight in the world might be | the birds taking over New York City after the
| last man has run away to the hills"


Date: 16 Jul 91 00:49:10 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!! (Paul
S. Sears)
Subject: Portfolio in Terminator 2?
To: (Nigel Tzeng) presents in article
>In article <> (Paul S.
Sears) writes:
> jbunch@isis.UUCP (John Bunch) presents in article
> >
> >I saw credits for Atari Games, but not for Atari Computers... But it
> >sure did look an awful lot like a portfolio... Coolness...
> >
> >John.
> >
> I wish I had a copy of the program the kid ran on the Portfolio to break
> the codes in the ATM's. Of course, it was staged, but the opportunities
> are endless.... :-)
>Out of curiosity...I assume that PIN numbers are not on the card
>(otherwise anyone finding your card can just read it off witha card
>reader from RS). Does anyone know for sure? I know that the cards
>have account numbers and other basic info (like your name) but I've
>noticed that they tend not to notice bad pin numbers until after they
>poll your bank. That may just be a feature of the machines I frequent
>but I'm sure the Chevy Case ATMs wont tell you that you mistyped your
>pin until after you try a transaction.
[my sig delete...]

You are correct to assume that the PIN is not on the ATM card. The
account number is magnetically encoded (a number of times for safety)
and somecards even have the person's name encoded. The ATM requests
that you give it a PIN number, then when it polls the bank for your
transaction, it asks the bank to verify it. If it matches, then the ATM
goes on it merry way, if it doesn't it usually asks for it again, unless
it gets a message to "aquire" the card (i.e., the damn machine ate my
ATM card....)

* Paul Sears * Technology *** |"The greater an individual's power
* The University of Houston *** | over others, the greater the evil that
* * * * | might possibly originate with him."
* * * * | - PROPAGANDA, from A Secret Wish (CD)


Date: 15 JUL 91 21:01:00 CDT
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.bitnet@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU>
Subject: Quality control problems? Not here!
To: <>

Greg Carter writes:
"Especially since the ST is NOT at any point a stable hardware design.
Even during periods of manufacturing the boards electrical chracteristics
change often enough to make such a upgrade dubious."
The reference here is to the installation of an accelerator board.
Dang, I usually don't react this way, but this kind of comments concerns
me. Should I stop using my accelerator on my ST? This ST has been
struck by lightning, trucked across the country to various exhibits, and
abused with terrible line voltage via a poorly functioning Europe to U.S.
transformer. The durn thing keeps working.
It has had salt air exposure for a year on the motherboard while on
assignment on the coast. It works the Spectre GCR Mac emulator while
using an accelerator.
So, should I stop doing this since "obviously" the ST is not a stable
hardware design?

Larry Rymal <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET> |>Atari ST Users of East Texas<|
Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas


Date: 15 Jul 91 18:19:06 GMT
edu (Claus Brod)
Subject: Running a dual TOS system
To: (Stephen Harold Goldstein) writes:

>Does TOS 1.0 support BGM partitions?


>Will this let me get past the 16MB limit?

Yes. You can have up to 256 MB per partition.

>What problems might occur by using larger clusters?

Creating files with 1 byte length will cost you 2048, 4096... bytes instead
of 1024, for example.

>(I've got an ICD Advantage host adapter with version 4.x.x software,
>though I just downloaded the 'latest' v5.x.x)

Note: Do not use ICD's option to create 32 MB partitions with 512
bytes per logical sector. This will not work under TOS 1.0.

Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time.
D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein)


Date: 15 Jul 91 20:17:13 GMT
From:!tekgen! (Robert Luneski)
Subject: Starving Developers Sale

**** Newsflash **** Atari Developers Starving ****** Details at 11

Have you heard of starving artists sales? Well this is a starving
developers sale. In order to generate cash to continue operations
I am forced to liquidate some of my excess hardware and software.

Hard disk stuff:

CDC Wren 86 Meg 15ms $400
Seagate 157N-1 49Meg 28ms $225
ICD Advantage Plus SCSI Host adapter w/clock $75
Supra SCSI Host adapter w/clock $65
External case w/power supply & fan $75
If you also get one of the drives only $50
I'll put together any combinations of above in a system loaded with
PD software plus a copy of the latest version of Diamond Back II

Miscellaneous hardware:

External DreamPark PowerDrive 1.44 meg Floppy $200
Includes 60 free HD disks
520ST w/1 meg upgrade $200
Epson DX-10 Daisy Wheel printer $75
Epson MX-80 9 pin Dot Matrix printer $50
Supra 2400 Baud modem w/cable $75
JoppaFAX 2400 modem with 9600 baud FAX w/cable $150

I also have the following software items that I no longer need for sale:

Wordup 3.0 $25
Degas Elite $20
Revolver $15
MiGraph Labelmaker Elite $20
Megamax C $40
G+Plus $10
Neodesk 2.05 $15

Hero's of the Lance SSI $10
Rings of Zilphin SSI $5
Star Command SSI $8
Warship SSI $10
Red Lightening SSI $10
Storm Accross Europe SSI $10
Wargame Construction Set SSI $10
SuperStar Ice Hockey $8
F40 Pursuit $5
Silent Service $8
Dive Bomber $8
Fire Brigade $10
Spitfire 40 $10
Lombard Ralley $8

All hardware and software items have the original box and documentation.

Terms: First full price offer gets it. I will consider offers through
August 1 (I may be starving, but I won't give it away. Listed prices are
already at the low end of fair market value). You pay UPS ground shipping
and payment is UPS COD cash.

____ ____
/\/\/\ Bob Luneski Diamond Back II Support: boblu@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM /\/\/\
\/\/\/ Oregon Research Associates Genie: B.LUNESKI1 \/\/\/
\/\/ 16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 Phone: (503) 620-4919 \/\/
\/ Tigard, OR 97224 FAX: (503) 639-6182 \/


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