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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 441

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 17 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 441

Today's Topics:
Atari earnings
Atari Sales
Atari Show - how much? (2 msgs)
ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)
DC Snowball Fight (bug fix for 512K machines)
GCC1.40 for tos
Lap-link type program? for ST/TT?
Puting a pixel to screen
SM124 4sale
Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and S
Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR) (2 msgs)
Unix for TT ??? (2 msgs)
v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)
Weekly Posting of New Stuff

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Date: 16 Aug 91 17:35:51 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Atari earnings

In article <>
(Stephen Jacobs) writes:
>Atari's earnings were just printed in the Wall Street Journal. The plant sale
>was so much bigger than anything else that a meaningful interpretation of the
>report would take a lot more information than the little bit in the announce-
>ment. Two things were noticeable, though: sales were off again, and they seem
>to have gotten a better price for the plant than originally reported (about
>$40 million, rather than mid-30s). At heart, I don't think Atari is a real
>estate company, so the future depends on a supply of machines that people
>want to buy.


I have seen the earnings report too. It isn't good. A computer company
cannot survive unless it sells machines. Atari's sales as you have noted
above, have again decreased. They are quickly losing their market share in
Europe now also.

The lionshare of the "earnings" they reported were the result of savings
due to repurchasing some of their existing debt and the sale of their
plant in Taiwan. A useful analogy here would be:

TWA reports an increase in earnings. However, those earnings were due
to the fact that they sold off 5 747's (a source of revenue) and some
of their landing slots. They had less customers this year, but hey,
they made a little money on selling thos planes, eh? Who cares if people
prefer to fly United now?

While this is intended to be very sarcastic, it isn't THAT far from the
truth in this case. Just check out the price of Atari stock to see how
much investor confidence there is in your favorite computer company.
I think it is hovering just over $2/share. Gee, that is just where it has
been since a year ago...what a coincidence. :-)


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 16 Aug 91 17:56:47 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Atari Sales

It is worth noting that Atari's sales in their most recent earnings
report was only about 58% of the sales for the same period last year.
That sounds like a dramatic drop off to me.

So how does one report sales of $49.2 million and net income of 30.4
million anyway? Especially, a company like Atari??? I smell some
"creative accounting" practices here.


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 16 Aug 91 14:59:21 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!gmdzi! (Stefan Focke)
Subject: Atari Show - how much?
To: (Stefan Rupp) writes:

>In article <>
(Herbert Sauro) writes:
>>Dear Netters,
>>Does anybody know how much (I assume its not free) the enterance fee is
>>for the Atari show in Germany?


Here are the real prices:
8 DM normal
4 DM for students


Stefan Focke Tel. 02241-14-2265
GMD-Z2.W e-mail: (Internet)
Postfach 1240 (EAN)
5205 St. Augustin 1


Date: 15 Aug 91 23:14:54 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!nathan! (Udo Erdelhoff)
Subject: Atari Show - how much?

In <>, Herbert Sauro writes:

>Does anybody know how much (I assume its not free) the enterance fee is
>for the Atari show in Germany? I've written to Atari and (suprisingly)
>they sent me their show blurb but no hint as to how much it might cost
>to enter.
Which one do you mean? If you mean the fair at Duesseldorf, you'll have
to pay something around 8-10 DM for a day ticket.

>One other question, why does a TT cost almost as much as a decent Mac
>in the UK while in Germany its almost a 1000 pounds cheaper?
Rumors says that Atari earns half it's money here in Germany. This might
be the reason...
Udo Erdelhoff Fido: Udo Erdelhoff on 2:245/52.1


Date: 16 Aug 91 17:21:16 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)

In article <>
(Dave Halliday) writes:
>|>Another Atari product mentioned in the online mags was a
>super-graphics engine
>|>based on a RISC processor that connected to the ST DMA port. It was
>|>to be designed in England, so I hope some UK net readers can keep everyone
>|>abrest of its development and availability.
>Um, there are rumors abound about an ATW adon board for the VME equiped
>ST's (ie. Mega STe and TT) according to ST Format this board is basically
>the transputer part of an ATW complete with its RISC based very high res
>colour graphics processor and a number of T800 transputers. I believe the
>board is being worked on by Atari UK and perehelion. According to ST
>Format the price could be very reasonable to. So any guesses when this
>STT (ST Transputer?) is likly to be available, if ever?
>While talking about the ATW it is now available for 2500pounds with
>educational discount. (Thats Half price!)

So what? You can go out right now and buy a 21 MIP Sun SPARCstation
ELC for the same price in the US (about US$5,000). Wouldn't it be
better to own a SUPPORTED workstation that runs a real unix and that
you could do real development work on?



p.s. That $5K figure is LIST price, not educational discount. That is
probably even much cheaper.
Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 16 Aug 91 13:59:19 GMT
noao!ncar!!!wupost!udel!!!d (David M. Baggett)
Subject: DC Snowball Fight (bug fix for 512K machines)

The version of DC Snowball Fight posted to atari.archive last week has
a tiny bug which prevents it from running on 512K machines. Version
1.1 of the game fixes the problem and is available from atari.archive now.


Dave Baggett


Date: 16 Aug 91 15:11:11 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!alchemy! (Piet van Oostrum)
Subject: GCC1.40 for tos


I am a bit confused at which files I need for the newest GCC for TOS.
Actually, I want to have a TOS cross compiler on Unix. I do have the GNU
GCC 1.40 distribution sources. And I have the mint libraries (v 10).

Any help is highly appreciated.
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: (*`Pete')


Date: 15 Aug 91 08:01:38 GMT
From: mcsun!!funic!! (Kimmo
Subject: Lap-link type program? for ST/TT?

There is a firm called Lacom (?) in Germany which makes a HD-controller that
can link two computers to one disk (even a PC or MAC). I have seen only
an add so I do not know if it really works.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kimmo Lahtinen E-Mail : or
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Phone : +358 0 758 1322
Possessed by a Spirit G3 Fax : +358 0 758 1396


Date: 16 Aug 91 21:11:59 GMT
From: sae! (Bob Malay)
Subject: maccel3.4

Where is maccel3.4 on a.a? Is it available? If its available but not on a.a
can somebody email an arc'ed and uudecoded version to me?

Bob Malay


Date: 16 Aug 91 21:27:21 GMT
From:!actrix! (Alex Valdez)
Subject: Puting a pixel to screen

In article <> (Kimmo Lahtinen) writes:
> I want to know what is now the "official" way to put a pixel to screen.
> I have read form this group that Line-A is not a good idea, but I did
> not find any simple pixel routines from VDI.
> I hope it is not too slow.
> --
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Kimmo Lahtinen E-Mail : or
> Finnish Meteorological Institute
> Phone : +358 0 758 1322
> Possessed by a Spirit G3 Fax : +358 0 758 1396

You have to draw a line from and to the same point.
================================Alex Valdez=============================
"Alas sais na naman, oras ng pagdidili-dili...
Isaisip ang mabuti, ang masama'y iwaksi..."


Date: 17 Aug 91 06:13:53 GMT
From: ub!csn!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY)
Subject: SM124 4sale

I need to sell the sm124 monitor.




Date: 17 Aug 91 00:25:36 GMT
(Chuck Rickard; ACS (UGRAD))
Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and S

In article <> (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:

>I remember reading "way back when" and article by Dave Small in which
>he said that Apple made it VERY difficult to purchase 256K ROMS. Since
>his Spectre relies on the buyer being able to plug in Apple ROMs, it isn't
>surprising to me that he hasn't supported this yet. He is walking a very
>fine line with Apple when it comes to litigation. His operation is small
>enough that it would take VERY LITTLE effort for Apple to put him out of
>business so I can see why he is being very careful about this. He even
>put in code to try to detect EEPROMS with illegal copies of 128K ROMs
>in the hope that it would keep pirates from directing Apple's anger at
>him. I don't blame him at all.

Dave Small has been looking into the new Mac ROM clone chips being designed
by NuTek for their clone systems. NuTek has said publically that they make
their chips available for other clone makers that were interested, so if
they actually do get them out, Dave should have no problem using them for
the "Spectre 256".

On the subject of the new chips, I heard that they will have the Motif
user interface instead of Finder (along with a few new calls for other
great features) while still retaining all compatibility with the previous
and current ROMS. From what I read in MacWorld, they are pretty close to
completion. Their lawyers are working at full steam to keep Apple from
shutting them down. Apple really doesn't have any legal ground to stand
on in a case against NuTek, however.


Chuck Rickard


Date: 16 Aug 91 18:07:00 GMT
From: milton! (Il Oh)
Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)
To: (bryan.nystrom) writes:

>I also read last night on GEnie that Dave is VERY seriously considering
>going after the 256K ROM emulation. He had put out "Feelers" about a
>month or so ago as to how much interest people would have in the 256K version
>and WHY they wanted it. Putting out "Feelers" was much the same way that
>the 128K Spectre and the SST board came about being done. He did state that
>color MAC support (Color Quickdraw) could only be supported on 68020's and
>above (read: maybe the SST), though he didn't say for sure that he would
>be trying for that.

Aren't the 256K ROMs even harder to get a hold of than those 128K ROMs are
now? What good is a new cartridge to use it if we can't get the ROMs?
Il Hwan Oh |"Sometimes of late years I find myself thinking
Univ. of Washington, Tacoma | the most beautiful sight in the world might be | the birds taking over New York City after the
| last man has run away to the hills"


Date: 16 Aug 91 17:52:33 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)

In article <>
(bryan.nystrom) writes:
>From article <83370@brunix.UUCP>, by (Marshall Vale):
>> In article <> JUDD@CC49.CRL.AECL.CA writes:
>>> I am trying to bring up the System 7 Mac operating system under Spectre
>> 3.0. I
>>> built the System 7 version I am using to run on a MacPlus without
>> printer and
>>> network services. So far no luck.
>> Currently System 7 does not work on Spectre (any version). It's in the
>> hands of Mr. Small as to when it will work. This is a major system
>> revision with many things changed so it might take him awhile but this is
>> Dave, so it'll be done.
>I also read last night on GEnie that Dave is VERY seriously considering
>going after the 256K ROM emulation. He had put out "Feelers" about a
>month or so ago as to how much interest people would have in the 256K version
>and WHY they wanted it. Putting out "Feelers" was much the same way that
>the 128K Spectre and the SST board came about being done. He did state that
>color MAC support (Color Quickdraw) could only be supported on 68020's and
>above (read: maybe the SST), though he didn't say for sure that he would
>be trying for that.

I remember reading "way back when" and article by Dave Small in which
he said that Apple made it VERY difficult to purchase 256K ROMS. Since
his Spectre relies on the buyer being able to plug in Apple ROMs, it isn't
surprising to me that he hasn't supported this yet. He is walking a very
fine line with Apple when it comes to litigation. His operation is small
enough that it would take VERY LITTLE effort for Apple to put him out of
business so I can see why he is being very careful about this. He even
put in code to try to detect EEPROMS with illegal copies of 128K ROMs
in the hope that it would keep pirates from directing Apple's anger at
him. I don't blame him at all.


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 16 Aug 91 17:27:25 GMT
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Unix for TT ???

In article <> (Kimmo Lahtinen) writes:
>I noticed some time ago a question about the availability of TT Unix,
>but did not see any answers. I have seen even a price for it, but
>can you really buy it somewhere?

You haven't seen if for sale because it isn't ready yet. Remember how
long before "Rainbow TOS" came out after it was "known to exist?" I
wouldn't hold your breath waiting.

>By the way am I correct that it is based on Mach kernel?

I don't know, but I don't suspect you'll see any answers forthcoming from


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 15 Aug 91 23:31:08 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!nathan! (Udo Erdelhoff)
Subject: Unix for TT ???

In <>, Kimmo Lahtinen writes:
>I noticed some time ago a question about the availability of TT Unix,
>but did not see any answers. I have seen even a price for it, but
>can you really buy it somewhere?
Not now, allthough Atari promised the first machines to be delivered to
some selected registered developers in April (that's what they told me
on CeBit 91).
The Unix-TT (or better, TT-X, as Atari called it) is an TT030/8 with a
200 meg harddisk, 19" monochrome monitor, Unix SYSVR4, C-Compiler,
some kind of window system (I think it was Motif/X11) including developers
tools (must be something like the Open Windows Guide from SUN).
The price was something around 8000 DM (4500-5000 US-$) incl. VAT.
All information without guarantee....

[personal opinion on]
If the price and the technical details are right, it's the cheapest Unix
machine I've ever heard of. Add another 4-8 Megs of Ram and about 200 MB of
hard disk space and away you go...

Udo Erdelhoff Fido: Udo Erdelhoff on 2:245/52.1


Date: 15 Aug 91 23:34:04 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!horga!nathan! (Udo Erdelhoff)
Subject: v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)

In <>, Joseph W Reiss writes:

>Does this mean that some enterprising utility creator out there could
>write an auto folder program that would allow GEM programs to run in
>the AUTO folder by calling v_opnwk() and closing the workstation at
>the end of the AUTO sequence? If so, why hasn't anyone done it?
Yep, that's possible. And someone has already done it. Take a look at
XBoot 2.XX from Bela Computers here in Germany....
Udo Erdelhoff Fido: Udo Erdelhoff on 2:245/52.1


Date: 17 Aug 91 08:25:53 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!wupost!gumby!umich!terminator!
(Atari Archive Robot)
Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff

drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Aug 10 14:40 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 6144 Aug 10 11:18 ./utilities
-rw-r--r-- weiner 10729 Aug 10 14:33 ./utilities/Index
drwxrwxr-x jon 2560 Aug 10 14:22 ./magazines/streport
-rw-r--r-- weiner 63485 Aug 10 14:22 ./magazines/streport/str731.txt.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 2494 Aug 10 14:40 ./00readme.txt
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Aug 12 14:51 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 2048 Aug 12 21:28 ./archivers
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Aug 12 14:53 ./tex/tex31
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Aug 13 14:27 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 4120 Aug 13 14:23 ./games
-rw-r--r-- weiner 34258 Aug 13 14:20 ./games/cannon.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 9329 Aug 13 14:23 ./games/invaders.lzh
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 8733 Aug 13 14:24 ./games/Index
drwxrwxr-x jon 2048 Aug 13 14:25 ./telecomm
-rw-r--r-- weiner 223963 Aug 13 14:25 ./telecomm/turbo_sw.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 2818 Aug 13 14:27 ./telecomm/Index
drwxrwxr-x gray 512 Aug 13 12:05 ./gnustuff/tos/Emacs
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Aug 13 14:22 ./sound/players
-rw-r--r-- weiner 6302 Aug 13 14:22 ./sound/players/discplay.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 1575 Aug 13 14:23 ./sound/Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 85369 Aug 13 14:27 ./Index
drwxr-xr-x weiner 1536 Aug 13 12:23 ./dc
-rw-r--r-- weiner 210432 Aug 13 12:23 ./dc/snowball.lzh
drwxr-xr-x swood 512 Aug 13 10:18 ./portfolio/support
-rw-rw-rw- swood 46500 Aug 13 10:18 ./portfolio/support/stfoli.lzh
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 42980 Aug 13 14:27 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Aug 14 19:00 .
-rw-r--r-- weiner 3193 Aug 14 18:59 ./tex/Index
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-rw-r--r-- weiner 26451 Aug 14 18:57 ./tex/tex31/poofiles.zoo
drwxrwxr-x jon 2560 Aug 14 18:47 ./magazines/streport
-rw-r--r-- weiner 54868 Aug 14 18:47 ./magazines/streport/str732.txt.Z
drwxrwxr-x jon 2048 Aug 14 18:46 ./magazines/znet
-rw-r--r-- weiner 31158 Aug 14 18:46 ./magazines/znet/znet9133.txt.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 85369 Aug 14 19:00 ./Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 42982 Aug 14 19:00 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x daemon 1024 Aug 15 15:14 .
drwxrwxr-x jon 4608 Aug 15 14:56 ./games
-rw-r--r-- weiner 94637 Aug 15 14:56 ./games/atax.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 59776 Aug 15 14:56 ./games/blobbrun.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 32635 Aug 15 14:56 ./games/colony.lzh
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 8843 Aug 15 14:58 ./games/Index
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drwxrwxr-x jon 6144 Aug 15 14:51 ./utilities
-rw-r--r-- weiner 57981 Aug 15 14:51 ./utilities/elfboot2.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 44738 Aug 15 14:51 ./utilities/letemfly.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 53269 Aug 15 14:45 ./utilities/sunclock.zoo
-rw-r--r-- weiner 10778 Aug 15 14:53 ./utilities/Index
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-rw-r--r-- weiner 44738 Aug 15 14:51 ./utilities/letemfly.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 53269 Aug 15 14:45 ./utilities/sunclock.zoo
-rw-r--r-- weiner 57981 Aug 15 14:51 ./utilities/elfboot2.lzh
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 4007 Aug 15 15:11 ./applications/Index
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Aug 15 15:08 ./applications/dtp/fonts/pagestream
-rw-r--r-- weiner 42310 Aug 15 15:08
-rw-r--r-- weiner 39069 Aug 15 15:08
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Aug 15 14:58 ./applications/astronomy
-rw-r--r-- weiner 84009 Aug 15 14:58 ./applications/astronomy/stargide.lzh
drwxrwxr-x weiner 512 Aug 15 14:59 ./applications/other
-rw-r--r-- weiner 32768 Aug 15 14:59 ./applications/other/videocat.lzh
drwxrwxr-x jon 1536 Aug 15 14:44 ./printing
lrwxrwxrwx weiner 10 Aug 15 14:44 ./printing/mfps.arc -> gem2ps.arc
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 2621 Aug 15 14:45 ./printing/Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 85740 Aug 15 15:12 ./Index
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 211006 Aug 15 14:46 ./dc/snowball.lzh
-rw-r--r-- weiner 78081 Aug 15 15:14 ./ls-lR.Z
-rw-rw-r-- weiner 43142 Aug 15 15:12 ./CompInd.Z
drwxrwxr-x jon 3088 Aug 16 14:05 ./graphics


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