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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 443

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 19 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 443

Today's Topics:
520 ST for sale
Atari ST software collection (update/repost)
ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)
DC (formatter?)
Degas picture compression
Drawing Pixels
For Sale: CRICIT Cash Register & Inventory Control Software
GS 2.2
MEGA STE and 1.44 MB floppy?
omnires on ste
Problems using Overscan with SM125
Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)
ST dealerships,
ST Writer word counter
Yahoo! TeX is running on my ST!

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Date: 19 Aug 91 04:13:47 GMT
t!emory!utkcs2!! (Golando Gathings)
Subject: 520 ST for sale

I have the following system for sale :

Atari 520 ST with, external drive(ssdd), mono monitor,
system disks, and various software.

asking $300 , O.B.O (price includes shipping ).

All replies welcome.



Date: 19 Aug 91 07:02:49 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!sbsvax!sbuvax! (Bernhard Stumpf)

In article <>,
as903@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce Urbanski) writes:
> mine has worked perfectly scince I got it.. Been using it for 4 months now..

I don't want you to be afraid, but this is exactly the time I could use mine...

I bought it in April '91, it crashed in June '91 (refused to boot, the beast
was *completely* dead...) and I didn't get it back from Atari Raunheim until

I think of selling it when it comes back, I'm more than angry about Atari Corp.

(Any offers? -> Mega STE4 / 48MB + SM124)...


* *
* Dipl.Ing. Bernhard Stumpf | | | *
* / ___ / University of the Saarland | | | *
* /----. /__. -/- D-6600 Saarbruecken | | | *
* /____/ ___/ /_. / | \ *
* phone : ++49-681-302-41.43 / | \ *
* e-mail: / | \ *
* *


Date: 19 Aug 91 08:51:23 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncr-mpd! (Kent.Dalton)
Subject: Atari ST software collection (update/repost)

Well, no one wanted to buy my ST software collection as a complete set
but my mailbox was literally flooded with replies from people who wanted
just one or two packages.

Since there was such intense interest, I'm not replying to everyone
individually but am instead posting the entire list along with
asking prices.

Buyer pays shipping. All packages include original disk and docs, most
include original box, as well.

I'll still take offers on the entire collection.

Also, note the "IMG Scan" Scanner offered at the end was not in the
original post.

Title Description Asking
MINIX V1.5.10......Unix V7 OS with source code........................$50.00
Lattice C V3.14....ANSI C compiler with tools.........................$35.00
STOS Basic.........Powerful game developing system using Basic........$25.00
Timeworks DTP......Really nice desktop publisher. Very intuitive......$25.00
GFA Draft Plus.....Full blown CAD package. Great for schematics.......$10.00
Print Master.......Excellent Print Shop clone. Banners/Cards/etc.etc..$10.00
Shadow.............Background UL/DL (excellent).......................$10.00
Flash 1.61.........Powerful terminal emulator w/ scripting lang........$7.00
GFA Basic 2.0......The ST Basic of Choice..............................$5.00
Music Const. Set...Music composition. Supports ST and/or MIDI sound....$5.00
Digi-Drum..........Drum machine which uses digitized drums sounds......$5.00

Gauntlet II........Indistinguishable from arcade version! Excels......$10.00
Leisure Larry II...Look for love with Larry, in several wrong places..$10.00
Chaos Strikes Bck..Sequel to DM. 3-D dungeon adventure.................$7.00
Dungeon Master.....The All-time classic dungeon adventure..............$7.00
Wargame Const.Set..SSI's DYI wargame kit also includes
Iron Lord..........Fantasy RPG. Excellent graphics. Star rating in UK..$7.00
BattleTech.........Animated mech wars in the future. SciFi RPG.........$7.00
Batman Caped Crus..Excellent arcade/adventure with two scenarios.......$5.00
Baal...............Psygnosis platform arcade game. Excellent graphics..$5.00
The Pawn...........The Pawn. Magnetic Scrolls classic graphics adv.....$5.00
Jinxter............Quality graphical adventure (also Magnetic Scrolls).$5.00
Time Bandit........The classic arcade-adventure!.......................$5.00
Sorcerer Lord......Control fantasy armies in this detailed wargame.....$5.00
Rings of Zilfin....SSI Fantasy RPG. Restore order to a troubled land...$5.00
Temple of Apshai...3 games in one. (TOS 1.0 only.).....................$2.00
Rogue..............Great little hack-n-slash game! (TOS 1.0 only)......$2.00

Hardware Item:

IMG Scan - Image scanner which scans by connecting sensor to the head of
a dot matrix printer. Works in all resolutions and can save 16 grey
scale Degas format images for use with DTP programs. The raw output from
the scanner is actually 8-bit (256 grey scales!). Includes software.
Interfaces to ST cartridge port. Asking $30.

/* Kent Dalton * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
/* NCR Microelectronics * CIS: 72320,3306 */
/* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A * */
/* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 * (303) 223-5100 X-319 */
I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've
always worked for me.
-- Hunter S. Thompson


Date: 18 Aug 91 17:26:09 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday)
Subject: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)

|>>While talking about the ATW it is now available for 2500pounds with
|>>educational discount. (Thats Half price!)
|>So what? You can go out right now and buy a 21 MIP Sun SPARCstation
|>ELC for the same price in the US (about US$5,000). Wouldn't it be
|>better to own a SUPPORTED workstation that runs a real unix and that
|>you could do real development work on?

Yer, but you can't compare prices on your side of the Atlantic to
thouse on ours. ELC's arn't available here yet and the SLC costs
5000pounds with educational discount. (I know I have just got one for
work.) so assuming the same ration then the ATW would retail in the
states with educational discount at about $2500. (Which is not bad for
4xT800 transputers.) You are right about Helios though it is still a
bit on the buggy side.

Dave Halliday.

Ps I don't realy expect the ATW to become a mainline product in the US
or here in the UK for that matter. It is mainly treated as a research
Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK.
Halliday EMail :
Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232


Date: 19 Aug 91 04:28:00 GMT
u! (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: DC (formatter?)

In article <>
aa384@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Doug Wokoun) writes:
>In a previous article, (Robert J Anisko) says:
>> I thought of a very useful utility that maybe one of the Double-Click
>>programming masters can create - a Background formatter.
> It's been done! It's called Mystic formatter and it's a DA version
>of the DC Formatter. I think I got it from the Terminator archive.

Yep, I've just heard this from a number of people. So much for my
credibility around here, eh? :-)

Oh well, it's no surprise that the folks at DC had
something to do with it...

Robert Anisko


Date: 19 Aug 91 02:03:09 GMT
From: cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Marc A. Lombardo)
Subject: Degas picture compression

Would someone please send me some assembly source code that uncompresses
and displayes a DEGAS compressed picture? I have some docs on the
compression scheme, but I am having trouble understanding it. I would
like some code I could look at (possibly with some comments) that would
help me to understand picture compression.


Marc A. Lombardo User
Atari ST, MIDI, Music


Date: Mon, 19 Aug 91 12:30:39 BST
Subject: Drawing Pixels

Folks I havn't tried this. However my copy of ABACUS specificaly says
that POLYLINE !!!!!CANNOT!!!!!! be used to draw points. !!!!!!!!!.
I have used POLYMARK and that seems fine. I havn't tried saving up
the points. That sounds a good idea.

| VM Sysprogs do it virtually all of the time !!!!! |
| Reply To:- |
| Janet:- DAVEW@UK.CO.SSS.D |
| Bitnet:-DAVEW@D.SSS.CO.UK (Also most places outside UK) |


Date: 19 Aug 91 16:08:31 GMT
edu! (Payman Parastaran)
Subject: For Sale: CRICIT Cash Register & Inventory Control Software

I have a nice Cash Register and Inventory Control Program (called CRICIT)
that I bought 2 years ago for over $300. You can hook up your ST to any
triggered cash drawer, and make it work like a cash register. All invoices
are filed and can be recalled at any time. Mailing lists are automatically
created. It can keep track of 65000 different items in your inventory,
and automatically creates a purchase list. Plus, it does barcode labeling on
your printer and reading (with an optional barcode reader.) You can design
customized inventory reports, and sales reports. It's a very useful package
for any small (or not so small) business.

My father no longer has the business at which he used CRICIT. So I'd like
to sell it.

Make me any offer !!

-- Payman

Payman Parastaran / 274-0897 /


Date: 19 Aug 91 17:16:22 GMT
From:! (Jeffrey C. Burka)
Subject: GS 2.2

I've been playing around with the GhostScript 2.2 binary that was recently
posted to atari.archive. I've got most of the fonts set up and everythings
working beautifully (well, as much as one can expect with only 1 meg of
memory) but I'm having problems with the DeskJet driver's output. For
some reason the printer is inserting several blank lines at the top of the
page, so that a single page of output requires 2 pieces of paper.
The guy who ported 2.2 to the ST (who apparently can't be reached via e-mail
'til next week) states in the ST docs that the DJ driver has been tested
so I tend to think that the problem is something on my end...though I have
no idea what. Anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, or experiences with
the same problem?



|Jeffrey C. Burka | "At night they're seen |
| | Laughing, loving, |
| | They know the way to be happy" --KaTe |


Date: 19 Aug 91 08:46:00 WET DST
From: "Brian" <>
Subject: LASERJET III Printing
To: "info-atari16" <>

A week or so ago I asked if there were any DVI drivers around for the HP
LaserJet III printer - since then I have downloaded shdvi10b.zoo from
the terminator archive ( or and this
works for this printer provided that the non optimised mode is used. The
optimisation mode prints rubbish unfortunately and the non-optimised mode
is rather slow but it gives good results. It would be nice to use the HP
internal fonts but after a lot of effort trying to pursuade HP to let me
have the necessary font metric information I still have nothing (I bought
the technical reference manual for the HP LJIII at extra expense - it does
not come with the printer! - but this contains nothing about how to calculate
the font sizes so I am left high and dry at the moment. The HP printer is a
nice machine but HP's high level support (at least in the UK) is abysmal.

Brian Gladman


Date: Mon, 19 Aug 91 10:47:56 CET
From: Guenter Wartusch <WARTUSCH%DMRHRZ11.BITNET@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: MEGA STE and 1.44 MB floppy?

Hello out there!
Recently I read of someone, who managed running a TT with a 1.44 MB floppy.
As far as I remember he said it was quite easy to make the necessary changes.

My question is, if it is also possible to do the same with the new
MEGA STE's, and if yes, what do I have to do?
Is it true that some of the MEGA STE's are already equipped with HD floppies?
Do I need a new controller chip?

Any comments are welcome.

Thanks, Guenter


Date: 19 Aug 91 05:49:41 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm!
(Joshua Kronengold)
Subject: omnires on ste

could someone please post or mail me either:
a: the source code needed to use omnires on the ste
b: the uuencoded file created from the above
c: the memory locations that need changing in the sample source
(I'll send you the sample source if you don't have it)
d: the name of a shareware mono emulator that does work on the ste


Date: 19 Aug 91 06:38:35 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!megatel! (Thomas Otten)
Subject: Problems using Overscan with SM125

I just got the overscn3 package from terminator and liked it that much that I
took my wiring iron and did that litle modification to my 260ST ( not the
latest model, I guess :-) ).

There wasn't much to do, since most of the stuff was installed by my hardware
dealer years ago to enable the composite sync signal. So I think I couldn't
have done much faults connecting the switch to the rest of it. But it doesn't
work. The overscan software seems to recognize the position of the switch but
all I see are some strange bit patterns and vertical lines. The bit patterns
are changing when I use the *,/,+ and - keys, but not to something sensible.
I'm using TOS 1.4.

Does anybody have a suggestion to fix that problem ? Has anybody experience
using overscan with a SM125 ( I think it's a english model and it's rather
seldom here in Germany ) or does the SM125 has other specifications than the
SM124 making it unusable for overscan ?

Thanks it advance


| Thomas Otten |
| |
| NeXTMAIL : |
| SMAIL : megatel GmbH * Fahrenheitstr. 1 * W-2800 Bremen 33, Germany |
| VOICE : x49-421-2208120 FAX:x49-421-2208150 |


Date: 19 Aug 91 14:52:12 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-! (David H Butler)
Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)

I agree with that. I would rather see an in-business GCR producing company,
than a company that makes a great 256K emulator and then gets sued out of
business. However, if he follows the same principles as before he should be OK
from what I've heard from legal-type friends. As long as he does not actually
sell the ROM's himself with the emulator then it would be very difficult to
take legal action (note: I may not know what I'm talking about here, I'm, just
repeating what I've heard from others...).

I have to admit I would love to see a 256K version with Color for the SST or
TT. However, the TT does not support Mac-Quality color, so how would this be
done? It seems like the task would be very difficult since he would have to
support lots of different second-party cards in order to get the true Mac color
mode (256 colors out of 16mil at 640*480).

Anyway, more power to Gadgets if they can pull this one off, it would sure be a
great tool for the Atari World.

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

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-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
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-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 19 Aug 91 08:53:28 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!ukma!!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm!
(Joshua Kronengold)
Subject: ST dealerships,

yup, I've heard there were several Atari ST Dealerships in the nyc, but only
know about j&r records/computers/etc.
* "Oh Lord, what fools these mortals be!" *
* Robin Goodfellow *
* "Never underestimate man's potential for stupidity *
* Woodrow Wilson Smith *


Date: 19 Aug 91 14:12:37 GMT
!!! (Christopher M
Subject: ST dealerships,

In article <91231.045328JOKHC@CUNYVM.BITNET> JOKHC@CUNYVM.BITNET (Joshua
Kronengold) writes:
>yup, I've heard there were several Atari ST Dealerships in the nyc, but only
>know about j&r records/computers/etc.

J & R is the only non-music store that I know of that sells ST equipment
in NYC. Several music stores (there are a lot on 48th and 49th streets
on the West Side. Try Manny's Music. Also, there is Leigh's computers
which is on 83-84th and 3rd Ave. Don't expect good prices though unless
you buy at J&R. The problem at J&R will be getting them to stock the
equipment you want. They don't sell too many STs compared to Amiga and
Messy Dos machines so they don't keep too many units on hand. You might
have to wait a while for what you want. Also, don't expect the salesman
to know anything about the ST. He/she'll probably try to convince you
to buy an Amiga (which might not be a bad idea anyway depending on what
you intend to do with the thing).

If you need more info, don't be bashful. Send me email and I'll see if I
can point you to the rights spots. After all, I WAS an ST owner for almost
5 years.


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 19 Aug 91 06:21:33 GMT
From:! (James Lynn)
Subject: ST Writer word counter

Does anybody know of a program that can count the words of an ST Writer format
file? Failing that, how abut a word counter for ASCII files? My copy of
ST Writer fairly old (3.0). Has that feature been added to newer versions?

Please E-mail replies. Thank you for listening.

James Charles Lynn


Date: 19 Aug 91 00:46:22 GMT
From: orstcs!orstcs!
Subject: Yahoo! TeX is running on my ST!

After many, many hours of downloading at 2400bps, TeX 3.1 is actually up
and functioning on my machine. My thanks to David Paschall-Zimbel, who
wrote a little guide to help get people started. The instructions are
very clear and helpful.

I had no idea my 9-pin Panasonic was capable of that kind of output.
If any of you haven't ftp'd the TeX files from atari.archive, you ought
to. It is really capable. My printer takes its time, that is for sure,
but it sure looks good.

The only scary point came when I was trying to decide what shell I would
use. I use GEM for most things (go ahead, call me stupid), so i am not
that familiar with the shells available. I tried MUPFEL, which comes with
GEMINI, and I like it. I liked it enough to try to run it from the AUTO
folder, which result in big bombs during boot-up.

No problem, I thought. I'll just run ICDBOOT.PRG from floppy. When I tried
to run ICDBOOT, I got the dreaded TOS ERROR #35 repeatedly. Many reboots and
a couple of almost-crying eyes later, ICDBOOT worked.

So I guess the moral of the story is: Backup your harddisk utilities NOW! and
get a copy of TeX 3.1.

** *** **
John Thaanum ** *** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
"Baseball, hotdogs, **** *** ****
Atari ST's and Chevrolet!" ** *** **


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