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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 329

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 12 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 329

Today's Topics:
Fonts for MGR?
FOR SALE: ICD host adaptor and (broken) sf354 floppy drive
How many MBytes would _you_ recommend? (2 msgs)
Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #328
Mega2 and 1040ST for sale
Mega STe processor speed switch (3 msgs)
Mint ? (2 msgs)
MSA files (2 msgs)
Post Finals Game Help Wanted
Re: Man w/ pipe (2 msgs)
The Ultimate Atari ST System, 4 Sale
Turboass docs in english

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Date: 11 Jun 91 23:17:12 GMT
(Warwick Allison)
Subject: Fonts for MGR?

>Now that I have managed to get MiNT and MGR up and running, I am wondering
>where I can get hold of fonts/icons for MGR... and what do I do with them -
>I.E. where can I get docs too?

It seems that you downloaded `mgr.???' but not `atarimgr.???'. The latter
is tghe original and contains fonts and docs (as well as mgr), while the former
has the updated mgr.

Grab atarimgr.???

/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.


Date: 11 Jun 91 23:26:15 GMT
a!! (Peter Jackson)
Subject: FOR SALE: ICD host adaptor and (broken) sf354 floppy drive

ICD host adaptor with clock, DMA cable, software and documentation
$US 80
($CDN 90)

Price includes shipping by mail anywhere in North America

Peter L. Jackson |
Atmospheric Science Programme |
Department of Geography | usermeso@ubcmtsg.bitnet
University of British Columbia | ph:(604)822-2269 fax:(604)822-6150


Date: 11 Jun 91 19:08:59 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!pbinfo! (Marc Gumbold)
Subject: How many MBytes would _you_ recommend?

In order to get all the nice stuff running, that is available
nowadays for the ST (I own a good ol' 1986 520 ST+),
how much memory would you recommend me to add to my 1 MB?

The "nice stuff" mentioned above would include Gnu stuff
(Emacs, gcc, g++, gdb [Is there gdb for the ST?]), and MiNT,
mgr, bash. Anything important I missed?

I really like my ST for what it is, namely a good typewriter.
But I would like to be able to do some decent C hackery at home
and have my favourite tool (Emacs) around. I know the ST is slow,
but I can live with that. I don't have the money to replace my
ST with a state-of-the-art ?86 AT with some Unix.

Or does anyone think it's not worth it? Should I better throw
my ST out of the window (e.g. keep on just using it as a

Any comments welcome,

Marc Gumbold EMail: Phone(home): +49 5234 5319
grad CS stud Snail(home): Nordstr. 29, 4934 Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany
------ "Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm. -------


Date: 11 Jun 91 19:35:02 GMT
(Claus Brod)
Subject: How many MBytes would _you_ recommend?
To: (Marc Gumbold) writes:

>In order to get all the nice stuff running, that is available
>nowadays for the ST (I own a good ol' 1986 520 ST+),
>how much memory would you recommend me to add to my 1 MB?

4 MB or more, if you really want to run all the stuff mentioned
(MiNT, mgr, g++).

Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time.
D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein)


Date: 12 Jun 91 13:53:04+0100
From: Marcel Lutz <>
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #328

Thank you for your message. I will read it as soon as possible. Marcel


Date: 11 Jun 91 19:08:11 GMT
From: duke! (Bob Currier)
Subject: Mega2 and 1040ST for sale


I posted this a few months ago and had several replies, but
my Dad decided not to sell the Mega until he had his database
up and running on his new 386. Said database is now alive and
well in Paradox, so I am posting again.

Mega2, 20mb hard drive, colour and mono monitors, TONS of software,
etc etc etc. Best offer over $750.

Atari 1040ST with mono monitor (monitor does not work) :-)
mouse, 1 floppy, and tons of software...$300 or bo.

Take 'em both for only $999. That way, ya get two working monitors.
I don't have time to troubleshoot the mono monitor for the 1040.

Bob Currier

(919) 684-3695 x231 WORK
(919) 693-8010 HOME


Date: 11 Jun 91 08:01:47 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cstw18! (Frans
Subject: Mega STe processor speed switch


I've been told that the Mega STe can switch the processor speed.
Most likely this is controlled to write some magic value into some
unknown register. Unfortunately the local Atari Subsidiary could
not supply me with that info, since they could not get it
from Atari Sunnyvale. Is there someone on the net who perhaps knows
this information? Or could someone with a Mega STe (I don't have one)
look into this and disassemble the bios call which does the speed
switching, and post the results of this disassembly (or mail me
the disassembled code so I can dig in it myself).

Frans Meulenbroeks (
Centre for Software Technology


Date: 12 Jun 91 00:10:51 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: Mega STe processor speed switch

Here are routines for switching both MEGA STE and HYPERCAHE
between 16 Mhz with cache and 8 Mhz without cache....

The subroutines cache_on and cache_off must be called from
inside supervisor mode as they access restricted adresses.

cache_on: cmpi.b #2,$2.w ;TOS 2.xx (MEGA STE) ?
bne.s hyper_on ;No, Hypercache on
bset.b #1,$FFFF8E21.w ;Yes, 16 Mhz speed
bset.b #0,$FFFF8E21.w ;Switch cache on
cache_off: cmpi.b #2,$2.w ;TOS 2.xx (MEGA STE) ?
bne.s hyper_off ;No, Hypercache off
bclr.b #0,$FFFF8E21.w ;Yes, Cache off
bclr.b #1,$FFFF8E21.w ;Switch to 8 MHz

hyper_on: move.l #$1E0040,-(sp) ;GPO signal on = Hypercache on
bra.s set_cache
hyper_off: move.l #$1DFFBF,-(sp) ;GPO signal off = Hypercache off
set_cache: trap #14 ;Xbios
addq.l #4,sp

Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association


Date: 12 Jun 91 00:33:58 GMT
From:! (Steve Whitney)
Subject: Mega STe processor speed switch

In article <>
>Here are routines for switching both MEGA STE and HYPERCAHE
>between 16 Mhz with cache and 8 Mhz without cache....

>cache_on: cmpi.b #2,$2.w ;TOS 2.xx (MEGA STE) ?

I don't think that Atari has guaranteed that only MegaSTEs will have TOS 2.xx.
A safer way to determine this would be to check the cookie jar. You can just
do it once and store the value somewhere.


> Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
> Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST
>__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association

Steve Whitney - UCLA CS Grad Student (())_-_(())
Soon to be working at Silicon Graphics | (* *) |
Internet: UCLA Bruin--> { \_@_/ }
GEnie: S.WHITNEY `-----'


Date: 11 Jun 91 23:14:04 GMT
(Warwick Allison)
Subject: Mint ?

This is way off the track, take no notice of it:

>MiNT is a Multi-Tasking program for the Atari ST. I have tried using it,
>but it is difficult unless you have MGR, which is a program that manages
>the multi-tasking.

(I'll omit details for now, since I'd say a few people will jump on this)
/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.


Date: 12 Jun 91 08:16:52 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!warwick!nott-cs! (Dave Gymer)
Subject: Mint ?

In article <>
(Michel Forget) writes:
> (Jim Holt) writes:
>> I have seen quite a few references to MINT in this group. I
>> am curious about what it is ? Is this something like Unix
>> for an ST ? If so, how/where does one obtain it ?
>MiNT is a Multi-Tasking program for the Atari ST. I have tried using it,
>but it is difficult unless you have MGR, which is a program that manages
>the multi-tasking. Since I couldn't locate this program, I gave up on
>the entire ting. You need about 2-4 Megs to use it seriously, though.
>Or at least that is what I have been told. 1 Meg isn't enough to do
>anything useful. The program (MiNT) is able to Multi-Task TOS and TTP
>programs, and keep them running even while a GEM application is running.
>It won't multi-task GEM programs, but it will let you run one while other
>things are running in the background. If you have enough memory, and can
>locate MGR (or really like command lines) then try to get MiNT. Once you
>get it running, it is supposed to be great...

Actually, even with MGR you'll need to like command lines (us UNIX types do :-)
at least until someone writes something like a MGR desktop. MiNT works well
from a shell that supports it (bash, ksh, and the init that comes with it).

You can do useful stuff in 1 meg, but, yes, more memory is _very_ useful.

Once you get it running, it _is_ great! (Perhaps someone would care to replace
the piccy of Bob in the character set with one of Eric Smith? :-)
/* 'Grave' Dave Gymer --------- Internet: dpg@Cs.Nott.AC.UK *\
+* 42 St Marys Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 0EF, England *+
+* Olivier's Law: "Experience is something you don't get *+
\*-------------------------- until just after you need it."


Date: 11 Jun 91 16:06:55 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc! (Alan David Messer)
Subject: MSA files


I know this has probably already been asked,but what do I have to do
to a '.MSA' file to get the demo to work?? I have whattaheck demo,but am
unable to use it because of this??

Can anyone help??



Date: 11 Jun 91 20:18:15 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!atha!aunro!alberta!!e (Bob Erkamp)
Subject: MSA files

In article <> (Alan David
Messer) writes:
> I know this has probably already been asked,but what do I have to do
>to a '.MSA' file to get the demo to work?? I have whattaheck demo,but am
>unable to use it because of this??
These are Magic Shadow Archive files. You need to get the dearchiver. I beleive
it's at in atari/archivers as SHADOW.LZH or SHADOW.ARC.



Date: 11 Jun 91 14:59:37 GMT
From: microsoft! (Darek MIHOCKA)
Subject: NVDI

In article <> CSULLOGG@CRL.AECL.CA writes:
>Would someone please post info about where I can obtain NVDI, a German pgm to
>accelerate screen draws on a TT with a TTM195 monitor? Thanks.

You should be aware of the fact that NVDI currently ONLY seems to work
well in monochrome resolutions and actually slows down GEM operations
in the other TT screen resolutions. It's also somewhat slower than
either Turbo ST or Quick ST 2 when running on an ST, and also slower than
Quick ST 3 when running on the TT in a monochrome screen resolution.
Currently there is only one product available (and I'm sure you can guess
what it is) that not only runs on the TT (sorry Turbo ST!) but actually
significantly speeds up ALL TT screen resolutions (sorry NVDI!). :-)

- Darek

Darek Mihocka. Quick ST 3 for the ST/TT. All views expressed are my own.
Branch Always Software, 14150 NE 20th St. Suite 302, Bellevue, WA 98007


Date: 12 Jun 91 04:34:44 GMT
From: ucsd!ucrmath!watnxt2! (The King)
Subject: Post Finals Game Help Wanted

Well, my finals are over, so I thought I'd relax by playing some games...
however, my computer has conspired against me in my quest for fun. The two
main games that I have been trying to play are Phantasy III and Bard's Tale.
Both give me trouble when it comes to the saved game disk. In Phantasy, it
saves the game fine for a little while, then will start to lose it...the
picture of the town will be divided into vertical strips, and lose most of its
colors. Shortly after this, the demon will appear, but I will have no party,
and the list of characters will be empty... The Bard's Tale problem occurs
before I can even get going, in that it never recognizes the character disk,
or, rather, never seems to write it... I have been following the instructions,
but to no avail. All this leads to my plea for help...does anyone know if
a) either of these games require a specific tos version (I have 1.2, which
has always seemed somewhat safe...) b) there is a good way to check the
reliability of my drive or c) if someone has a copy of what should be on the
character disk (dunno if that would be copyrighted or not) so I could see
if the dang thing recognizes it...


Date: 11 Jun 91 08:14:22 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: Re: Man w/ pipe

In article <> writes (sarcastically :-):
>... Come to think of it, why isn't the Atari ST
>an IBM compatible computer? Gosh, it makes me so mad to think of the large
>number of *useful* things that could have been done with the ST if only it'd
>been an IBM compatible.

Seriously I've been saying that more and more these days when I see the kind
of software you get for PC's.

"Is there an ST version" - "Nope"

> It's only a waste if you believe you
>*deserve* more than what you supposedly purchased with eyes wide open.

Well to be honest, back in '86 when I bought my ST I thought I was getting
a 16 bit version of the 8-bits. How wrong I was. That machine is the Am*ga
since the designers of the 8 bit moved on. As a result I got no fancy hardware
and have been doing things the hard way ever since. BTW: Am*ga owners need not
follow this article up because I'm not interested.

>David Paschall-Zimbel

Anyway this discussion started with my calling the Bob Dobbs characters a
waste. Sure this sort of thing is commonplace but I think that fun extras like
this should only be put in after every serious usage has been covered.

I resent the effort Atari put in to hidden messages, useless characters and
rainbow fuji logos yet only release new TOS versions once in blue moon and
can't be bothered to release new fixed versions once the bugs show up.

The smiley face in the PC character set is at least non-specific.

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 flames!" !


Date: 11 Jun 91 13:35:11 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma! (Graham S Thomas)
Subject: Re: Man w/ pipe

From article <>, by
> Grow up. There wasn't an official standard for all 256 characters back
> in '85 -- and there still isn't today. It's only a waste if you believe you
> *deserve* more than what you supposedly purchased with eyes wide open.

I wonder how many people knew, when they bought their STs, what was
contained in characters 28-31 (or whatever the numbers are)? Very few,
I suspect.

On the other hand, Neil Forsyth's plea for IBM-style text box corners
may be felt to be a bit over the top by people who think that the ST
wasn't primarily designed to run IBM-style text-based programs. :-)

Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, U of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
Email: Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: .. 685865


Date: 10 Jun 91 09:22:21 GMT
(Jeffrey Komori)
Subject: The Ultimate Atari ST System, 4 Sale

I have the following items for sale:

Atari Mega ST2 (upgraded to 4 megs, w/TOS 1.04, socketed cpu, Best PowerSupply)
MoniTerm Viking 2/91 high Resolution monitor (1280x960) w/controller card
Atari SC1224 colour monitor
Atari SM124 monochrome monitor
SyQuest 44 Megabyte removable cartridge Harddisk w/case, ps, ICD Advantage plus
Wuztek D.E.K.A. PC keyboard interface
Northgate Omni 102 PC Keyboard
Practical Solutions Cordless Mouse, Monitor Master, Video Key
Gadgets-by-Small Spectre 128 w/ROMs (Version 3 software)
Talon SuperCharger w/1 megabyte and power supply (PC emulator)

NeoDesk 3
Assorted Games

I'd like to get $2695 for the entire listing but, if nobody offers me that, I
will entertain bids for the various pieces of equipment. Send me an e-mail
with your bid. The highest reasonable bid (by June 30, 1991) will take the
bidded item. Send bids and inquires to:

Thank you for reading this message. (This is my first posting to News so I
hope I did it correctly. :-) )


Date: 10 Jun 91 17:26:18 GMT
From:!unido!mcshh!malihh!pfunk! (Michael
Subject: Turboass docs in english

Ladies and gentlemen,

after some of you guys asked for german docs for the Turboass, i wrote
to Markus Fritze for details. Just a minute ago I received his answer.
He said, some guy from Canada had asked for them just a while ago and he
he is just translating the docs and the program to your difficult language.

I will call again, when his work is done.


| listen to the coolest ! | Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
| Music from the Galaxy ! | 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
| !!! P-Funk !!! | West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |


Date: 12 Jun 91 02:18:04 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!rex!rouge! (Stephenson Daniel A)
Subject: WANTED: Atari ST

Hi! I wonder if any of you out there would like to sell me your old Atari ST.
I was looking for a 1040, most likely, with a monitor in the deal.
Also, please include possible software.

I have seen people in selling their STs for around $200
for the computer and the same for the monitor. It doesn't look like my summer
job will get me enough money to buy a Clone, and I really like Dungeon Master.

So e-mail if you're interested. My friend WOULD sell his for $300 for all to
get an Amiga 500 instead, but the 'up arrow' doesn't work AND he still ins't
sure he wants to sell it!

Thanks a lot!

Dan Stephenson


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