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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 426

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 7 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 426

Today's Topics:
"Video Music"
.gem to .img conversion question
.gem to .img conversion question (other ways)
Atari CD-ROM?
Atari sound chip
Dialog Boxes
HiSoft (2 msgs)
mac fonts in gem/signum format
PC Mouse on an ST
PI3 --> .MAC
PRODIGY and PC-Ditto
SC1224 for sale
sozbonobon and vdi
TOS (GEM) file selector windows (2 msgs)
Wanted HiSoft C
Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1

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Date: 7 Aug 91 21:57:55 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!natinst! (Glen Sescila)
Subject: "Video Music"

Does anybody know anything about Atari's "Video Music" product?
(such as history/number of sales). This is a pretty neat little device
that hooks to your stereo and displays different patterns in sync with
the music. (I managed to get my hands on one recently).


Date: 7 Aug 91 20:37:17 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!!!fischer-mic (Michael Fischer)
Subject: .gem to .img conversion question

Does anyone know of a program to convert .gem files (produced by
Easydraw) to .img files (which can be included in a TeX document
using dviprint from the "showdvi" package)?

| Michael Fischer <> |


Date: 7 Aug 91 21:55:16 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!!ux1.! (Timothy Gallivan)
Subject: .gem to .img conversion question (other ways)

In article <> fischer-michael@CS.YALE.EDU
(Michael Fischer) writes:
>Does anyone know of a program to convert .gem files (produced by
>Easydraw) to .img files (which can be included in a TeX document
>using dviprint from the "showdvi" package)?

I don't know about the .gem to .img conversion, but if you can't find
such a program, there is another (better?) way to do this.

Convert the .gem file to PostScript with mfps. Include the graphic in a
TeX document using dvips. Print the resulting postscript file using
GhostScript. All of the needed software is on atari.archive.

The nice thing about this method is that the graphic resolution is
limited only by the printer (300dpi for a deskjet). Isn't an .img file
limited to the ST screen resolution (80dpi)? Also, once you have the
image in postscript form, you can scale it, rotate it, twist it, stretch
it, etc., without loosing resolution or introducing graininess (is this
a word?).

Also, GhostScript can convert .ps files to bitmapped images in .ppm
format. I am told that there are utilities for converting from .ppm
format to other standard bitmap formats.

-Tim Gallivan


Date: 8 Aug 91 01:24:55 GMT
From:!!!usc!!rpi!news-ser!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!lsuc! (Jim
Subject: Atari CD-ROM?

In article <8159@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM> boblu@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM (Robert Luneski)
>In article <1896@mwca.UUCP> bill@mwca.UUCP (Bill Sheppard) writes:
>>Before you run out and buy a CDTV please wait for CD-I (Compact Disc
>>Interactive). CD-I, the next generation of CD player (developed by
>>Philips, Sony, and Matsushita) will play current audio CDs as well as
>>mega-games and full-motion video (roughly VHS quality). Probably
>>advantages over CDTV are that the nine largest consumer electronics firms
>>in the world will be producing CD-I players, so the software support should
>>be tremendous. Availability is slated for October in Europe, probably a few
>>months later in the US (but I could be wrong either way).
>Before you hold your breath for the introduction of CD-I, consider that
>Phillips has been promising it's imminent introduction for the last three
>years. Sound like any company we know? Nah.... :-)

Actually, you're somewhat wrong about that. Philips *didn't*
promise it's "imminent introduction for the last three years." Quite
to the contrary, in the early days they specifically said it was
going to take time and if you look back at the announcements and
discussions, CD-I is fairly well "on time." Furthermore, you can
as far as I know get actual CD-I development systems right now.

There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about CD-I.
Maybe someday I'll say more, but right now I'm burned out. I did
read today that Nintendo is going to back CD-I. Strange world.

Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura


Date: 7 Aug 91 18:09:00 GMT
From: dftsrv!! (Eli Goldberg)
Subject: Atari sound chip

Hello, on a local Atari BBS, a certain user has been talking
about the "new" sound in either the STe or TT, and explaining how you
can get infinite voices and about some $1 sound cartridge.

Being an ST owner who flew the coop 4 years ago, none of this
seems logical, although I've heard that the STe has 2 voice stereo
sound in addition to the analog chip.

Can someone here who is familiar with the details explain all
of this to me (i.e. is this person right, full of, uh, commodore
hardware, etc) Thanks!

"Great Pride Shall Earn Equal Humiliation" - Mercedes Lackey
The whatever this will be appended to was gronked by Eli Goldberg's hands
The National Space Society says, "NSS members do it in orbit!"


Date: 8 Aug 91 01:15:46 GMT
!watserv1!watmath!lsuc! (Jim Omura)
Subject: Dialog Boxes

In article <91218.172642ZVM055@DMSWWU1C.BITNET> ZVM055@DMSWWU1C.BITNET (U.Kuehn)
>In article <>, (Jim Omura)
>>Dialogue boxes would open and close and disappear, but
>>anything printed under the dialogue box would disappear when it
>>closed. Now that I have a new VDI workstation and window openning
>>up the dialogue boxes don't disappear after they're closed.
>>So far I haven't seen anything in the manuals that would account
>>for this (the Lattice C manuals I've been talking about that is).
>When you have reserved the area under the box using form_dial() and give this
>area back after closing the box, the GEM will send a redraw message to the
>former owner of this area. If it was the desktop, the the owner is GEM and it
>draws the background over all which was there to hide the box.
>If there was a window, the owning application has to redraw it for GEM does
>not save anything exept under dropdown-menues and alert-boxes.
Many thanks to all who replied! I've decided to try to use
the 'vro_cpfm()' blitter call to save and restore the material
under the dialog boxes. So far, it's crashing. I'll be looking
at it again tomorrow. If I can't figure out why it's crashing
I'll post it.

One thing I'm curious about right now: Is there any reason
to open the "physical workstation" if you aren't going to be using
GDOS calls? I haven't found anything in the Lattice C docs telling
me when and where you use 'v_opnwk()' as opposed to 'v_opnvwk()'
except that you can *only* use 'v_opnwk()' if GDOS is present.
But everything I've done (except the 'vro_cpyfm() call) has been
working so far without my using 'v_opnwk()' at all.

Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura


Date: 7 Aug 91 20:50:23 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!!pwp% (Paul Purdom)
Subject: HiSoft

Can someone send me an address for HiSoft in England (or a US address if
they have one)? Does anyone know of a better place to obtain the latest
version of Personal Pascal?


Date: 8 Aug 91 01:03:42 GMT
rinde! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: HiSoft

In article <>
(Paul Purdom) writes:
> Can someone send me an address for HiSoft in England (or a US address if
> they have one)? Does anyone know of a better place to obtain the latest
> version of Personal Pascal?

Was this the OSS Pascal, ? well that went to ICD...but correct me
if I am wrong..
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 7 Aug 91 17:11:50 GMT
From: mcsun!cernvax!chx400!bernina!! (Rene Mueller)
Subject: mac fonts in gem/signum format

hi atari-hackers,
i search the original mac-font in gem or signum format.
can you help me with a ftp address or ... anything else.

bye rene


Date: 7 Aug 91 19:03:34 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncrcam! (mreiss)
Subject: PC Mouse on an ST

I know, this has been discussed before. Problem is I didn't think I was
interested then and now I find I am.

What I want to know is how can I connect a PC Mouse to an Atari ST. Can
someone send me the diagram to do this? Also, the PC Mice that I have the
easiest access to are async devices. Can I connect these to an Atari? I
seem to remember that you can, but I am not sure. I hope so. Can someone
tell me how?

Since this has been around before, please respond via e-mail.


Michael A. Reiss |
| mike
USENET = Mike.Reiss@CambridgeOH.NCR.COM |


Date: 7 Aug 91 15:00:00 GMT
From:!oz! (Technoid)
Subject: PI3 --> .MAC

Hey folks,

I'm looking for a way to convert High Res Degas pictures to
Mac Paint format. I know that pic switch 6 will go from Mac Paint to
Degas so I assume the reverse is possible. Anyone have the program to do
it? Either an FTP site or a .UUE file sent through E-mail would be great.



\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool...


Date: 8 Aug 91 03:39:59 GMT
From:! (David V. Feather)
Subject: PRODIGY and PC-Ditto

A friend of mine gave me a PRODIGY starter kit as a wedding gift.
I have an original copy of PC-Ditto and tried to run the Install program.
Everything seemed to go fine during the installation. I have no hard disk
only one 3.5 and one 5.25 external.
The boot disk made by the install program had "data errors" when I
tried to run the PRODIGY file written by Install. This was with the
installation on the 3.5 disk. Several attempts, same results.
Next, I reconfigured PC-Ditto to use the external 5.25 drive as
drive A. For this option, I had to use a 3.5 disk as disk B and format
it to 360K. (PRODIGY knows I have an A and B drive and wants to use both.)
After Install ran, the PRODIGY program executed fine from the
5.25 drive util it tried to get files from drive B, the 3.5. Again "data

The drive has always worked great and has never given a problem while
used either for Atari or IBM. Any suggestions? Is there a later version
of PC-Ditto that can be configured for only one drive, external, 5.25 ?
My version always tries to use the internal drive, either as drive A for a
single drive system, or as A or B for a dual drive system.
I think the software would work if I could only install one drive, the
5.25 . All of the files written to that disk are fine.


Reply either to News or


David V. Feather Email:


Date: Wed, 7 Aug 91 13:52 CST
From: "Come to the Offworld colonies..." <BAKAY1B@Meena.CC.URegina.CA>

How does one subscribe to from bitnet? Normally I would
subscribe to a list with a command like subscribe anthro-l Brook Bakay
send to a particular listserver at a particular node, however this
obviously doesn't apply here. Any info would be appreciated.

Brook Bakay


Date: 7 Aug 91 22:59:46 GMT
Subject: SC1224 for sale

For sale: Atari SC1224 color monitor. One of the older models I think. It is
in good condition but hasn't been used in about 6 months and I don't have the
CPU anymore. I am selling it for $160 plus shipping. Reply here or call
(508)683-5348 after 6pm EST. Thankk you.


Date: 8 Aug 91 01:30:23 GMT
du!!ysub!psuvm!cunyvm! (Joshua Kronengold)
Subject: sozbonobon and vdi

since sozobon doesn't support such funtions as v_openvwk, graf_handle, and
appl_exit, is there anywhere I can get a library of gem functions compatible
with it.
* "Oh Lord, what fools these mortals be!" *
* Robin Goodfellow *
* "Never underestimate man's potential for stupidity *
* Woodrow Wilson Smith *


Date: 7 Aug 91 22:32:50 GMT
From: world! (azog-thoth)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows

Ive got a 2 floppy drive, no hard drive ST system, and TOS 1.0
and want to ask a general question about the file selector window
of TOS...

When a file selector window pops up, at the top is listed the path.
I change the path to the other drive (say B:/) and press the OK
button, but the window closes without giving me a file list. Is
this a bug or a feature of TOS 1.0? If so, is it fixed in later

I ask because I use a MIDI software package that is copy protected :-(
and in the future I would like to get a hard drive. I can run the
executable off the floppy fine, no problem with me. But I would like
to store my sequences, etc, on the hard drive. But the above solution
would not work. Seems that you can only open a file thru the file
selector window that is on the same drive. Yes no maybe?


| Billy D'Augustine | I beg to differ! |
| | -- Prong -- |


Date: 8 Aug 91 01:16:47 GMT
rinde! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows

In article <> (azog-thoth)
> Ive got a 2 floppy drive, no hard drive ST system, and TOS 1.0
> and want to ask a general question about the file selector window
> of TOS...
> When a file selector window pops up, at the top is listed the path.
> I change the path to the other drive (say B:/) and press the OK
~ ~~
*** Change this to (say B:\) and click on the
*** top selector window bar.. ***

> button, but the window closes without giving me a file list. Is
> this a bug or a feature of TOS 1.0? If so, is it fixed in later
> releases?
> +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
> | Billy D'Augustine | I beg to differ! |
> | | -- Prong -- |
> +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+

Yes go get TOS 1.4, I now have it and wondered how I lived with
out it before.

Yes there are now drive selector buttons for drives up to 'P'..

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 7 Aug 91 16:35:55 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!sol.ctr.col!lll-winken!aunro!apss!ersys! (Greg Granger)
Subject: Turbo-C
To: (Martin Gaeckler) writes:

> gaudreau @ am Mo, 29.07.91 17:06 in ATARI.ENG
> >=PureC is an improved version of TurboC 2.0 - they have improved compiling
> >=speed and and the help system, and a new assembler (68000-68040) is
> >=included. As an owner of TurboC2.0 ('Profi-Pack' - incl. Source-Level
> >=debugger etc.), the update would cost me 150.- DM - I think that's pretty
> >=much money for the minor improvements I would get :-(
> >
> >Could you provide more information on what the update involves/costs/etc.
> The Most important improvements of Turbo C to Pure C:
> - Debugger will run in all resolutions tha provide at least a 80 * 25 char-
> acter screen.
> - It will able to debug DAs.
> - There will be a new assembler with 68040-, NewLibraryFormat- and Debugger-

Now that Pure C (aka Turbo C 2.0) is no longer being distributed by
Borland, what will it take for the new distributers to convert the
documentation into English? I would imagine that since Borland no longer
has any rights to Turbo C, there should be no contractual problems with
converting the documentation into English.

Greg Granger

< InterNet: > "
Gimme the strongest
< FoReMNet: Greg Granger @ 532 or Dark Knight @ 595 > thing you've got."
< Mail Adr: 5906-188 St. Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 >
< Phone : +1 403 481-0803 or +1 403 481-5110 > - Lt. Frank Drebin


Date: 7 Aug 91 17:24:50 GMT
noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!agate!usenet.ins.!eagle!! (Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: Wanted HiSoft C

I am looking to purchase a copy of HiSoft C that someone no longer needs. I
wish to learn C programming using the interpretive C. Would anyone have such
a deal for me?

Clarence T. Chang


Date: 8 Aug 91 00:17:56 GMT
From: convex! (William Rosenkranz)
Subject: Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1

In article <> (Ralph P. Sobek)
>There seem to be two versions of zoo 2.1 available for the Atari ST.
>Before zoo21bin.zoo came available from the binaries newsgroup, I
>recovered from atari.archive the following:

here we go again. now zoo is going to be ruined like lharc was. i suggest
that all those people who care to dabble with zoo 2.1 (and intend to post
it) get together and organize. there should be one version, not 10.

since there was a quasi-official version posted by our esteemed moderator,
i suggest at least initially, that we limit ourselves to that version
ALONE for posting zoo'd archives of any form (well, 2.01 is ok, too). i
hate to speak for steve, but it would not be a bad idea to either post
here your intentions for working on zoo or drop steve a line and let him
summarize who is doing what. if i had the time, i'd volunteer to coordinate
the zoo effort, but i don't. besides i'd rather work on more interesting
applications (like nroff 2.0 which i just started). i can live with slow/
big archives, as long as i can unpack them :-(

and it would not be a bad idea to contact rahul dhesi as well once we have
a working, optimized version and let him #ifdef atarist into the official

if you do work on zoo, do NOT change the algorithm and do NOT change the
file format. optimize the heck out of it and even improve the interface
but do NOT do anything which would render archives unarchivable by the
standard" release.


Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA:


Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1991 19:07 EST
Subject: zoov2.1


Please disregard the earlier posting of ZooV21.zoo that is on! It has the source code included, but was a quick
hack to get it up and running on the ST. Now since somebody has picked up
and added some features and is maintaining it, there is no need for my
hacked up port.

P.S. has anyone used fsm GDOS with Gemini V1.21? I am very interested in
seeing how much of a speed increase there is in the GDOS font output routines.
As it stands running a shell in the console window is rather slow because of
speed of the GDOS output text functions.

Scott Kolodzieski


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