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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 320

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 7 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 320

Today's Topics:
Color monitor replacement?
FIX24.PRG + ADDMEM.PRG (need info)
G++ from IS AT atari.archive
Gemini Icons
Hard Drive on old 520STs
How to buy SIMMs for the ST
IBM Readable disks
KX-P1081 or Epson compatible printer driver needed for Spectre 128
My stupidity
Publishers (II)
Reading 8-bit disks with an ST (2 msgs)
Requirements for g++
SED for ST?
TC array bug... (was: Re: Reliable archiver/compress...)
Umich atari

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Date: 7 Jun 91 12:59:56 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Color monitor replacement?

In article <> (Luis
Outumuro) writes:
> Hi David,
> $230 is a very fair price for a brand new monitor! By all
> means, get the new monitor. Bye.............
> Luis

Well from what we have seen here in New Zealand that the New Atari
monitor is very pore, it has a dot pitch of 0.42 mm, and with a grey screen.

This is now what your are getting from some of the better TV's..

The First Atari monitor had a 0.38 mm dot pitch with a black screen,
the GoldStar has a 0.39 mm dot pitch, but not much of a black sceen.

There was anothere monitor that I have seen in USA Mags but not here,
this had a slanted on/off switch

I don't rate the new monitor at all, its a funny thing that the Amiga
monitor has had similar changes, its now a 0.42 mm dot pitch with a
grey screen.
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 7 Jun 91 02:26:30 GMT
isgate!krafla! (Adam David)
Subject: FIX24.PRG + ADDMEM.PRG (need info)

I had the honour of seeing the first TT to arrive in Iceland. It has version
TOS 3.01 (UK) in it. Fix24 works fine straight up out of ST Computer magazine
from Germany, but we cannot get addmem to work because it uses an undocumented
memory location in TOS 3.01 (DE) to fiddle with the MPB. The address in the
german version is $71E2 but the english version has nothing significant at
that address. It is not likely to be a misprint because it is repeated more
than once. Can anyone help us with a solution?

For those who don't know what these programs do:
Fix24 installs TT ram immediately above the ST ram.
Addmem lets TOS use the relocated TT ram as fast ST ram.

What are people using for this purpose, and where is it hidden?

Adam David.


Date: 7 Jun 91 10:13:17 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: G++ from IS AT atari.archive

7696 Jun 7 06:02 FList
1645 Jun 7 05:34 README.G++
425580 Jun 6 03:12 g++-139.lzh
1271 Jun 7 05:34 gnu++.g
116352 Jun 6 03:12 inc++.lzh
291236 Jun 7 05:35 lib++.lzh
g++-139.lzh =>

38082 Apr 18 11:42 g++.ttp
34279 Apr 9 13:45 g++filt.ttp
830171 Apr 26 09:15 gcc-cc1p.ttp

lib++.lzh =>

6811 Sep 9 1988 lib/bison.hai
15325 Jan 11 23:21 lib/bison.sim
1871 Apr 18 10:57 lib/crt0.o
20884 Feb 25 08:38 lib/flex.ske
2010 Apr 18 10:57 lib/gcrt0.o
25098 Apr 20 1990 lib/gem.olb
24234 Apr 20 1990 lib/gem16.olb
121488 Apr 19 09:12 lib/gnu.olb
121218 Apr 19 09:13 lib/gnu16.olb
313028 Apr 23 11:25 lib/gpp.olb
5666 Apr 20 1990 lib/iio.olb
5606 Apr 20 1990 lib/iio16.olb
30314 Apr 20 1990 lib/pml.olb
30268 Apr 20 1990 lib/pml16.olb
6356 Apr 20 1990 lib/termcap.olb
6382 Apr 20 1990 lib/termcap1.olb


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 13:06 BST
From: "Jonathan White (MscIT)" <>
Subject: Gemini Icons

Hi all!!!
The documentation for Gemini 1.2 mentions a program called "Icon-
by Gurd Knops. Supposedly it allows yo to cut sections of Degas .PI3
pics into gemini as icons. Anyone know anything about it ? Is there a
version in English?
Bye all!!!

Jonathan white Msc Aston Birmingham U.K. ~ ~
internet : /\\ / \
Janet : /. \\/ \ |\___/|
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"Never make a deal with / / | \\ \_\/ \ \
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Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 09:24 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Hard Drive on old 520STs

Hello all--

I can add a bit to the discussion regarding using a hard drive
with one of the old 520ST's. I run a January '86-vintage 520; the only
modification was having TOS-ROMs installed in the fall of '87, and my
HD is a 30-meg Supra. If I boot up without any desk accessories, I have
about 317,000 bytes of free RAM. I say "about" because no accessories
means no FREERAM.ACC to get an exact figure. For the sorts of programs
I run, that's not particularly restrictive (though there are times when
I really could use more memory).

Having said that, could anyone tell me _why_ using a HD cuts down
on usable memory? An uninformed question, I know, but still I wonder...


Michael Johnston

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit...somewhat the same distance
from the sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are
canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is
oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe."

--Dan Quayle, on why we should go to Mars


Date: 7 Jun 91 05:44:22 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!!ux1.! (Christian Kurrer)
Subject: How to buy SIMMs for the ST

I plan to buy 4MB of SIMM to boost up an 1986 Atari 1040 ST with 1MB and TOS on
ROM. (My Atari is back in Europe and I haven't touched it for a long time.)
It would be great if someone could answer some of my questions:

Will any SIMM's do, or are there any size restrictions?

Will any version of the ROM system allow this upgrade? I fear that I have a
pretty old version like 1.2 or the like. If I need a newer version of the ROM,
where can I get it?

Answers by email or posting welcome.

Christian Kurrer


Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 11:29:34 WET DST
From: "Ian McCall (Scorpion)" <>
Subject: IBM Readable disks

I know that Neodesk should format PC readable disks, but somehow mine
doesn't. The IBM PS/2 I'm on now doesn't like anything not formatted on
a PC. I don't understand this, but that's the case.

Any clues? The PS/2 is running DOS by the way, not OS/2.

Ian McCall (


Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 11:32:39 WET DST
From: "Ian McCall (Scorpion)" <>
Subject: KX-P1081 or Epson compatible printer driver needed for Spectre 128

Well, what's left to say? I need an Epson printer driver for Spectre 128
please. Or an IBM graphics one, as the Panasonic can emulate that as
well. I -seem- to remember this subject coming up a while ago, but as I
wasn't interested at the time, I didn't really take any notice.

Can anyone help?

Ian McCall (


Date: 7 Jun 91 12:47:26 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: lharc

In article <> (William
Rosencranz) writes:
> In article <> (Thomas Quester)
> >If you send me a disk and the stamps you'll receive the LZH 1.13.21 or
> >a newer version. The bugs you described are fixed at 1.13.20.
> months ago i started a debate on the (current) weakness of lharc. since
> then, it seems nothing has changed: MANY people still have compatibility
> problems (at least 10 articles complaining in the last month). and still
> we bicker over pennies (i can get bulk DSDD disks for $0.39US each).
> and now we have yet another potentially incompatible version, with a
> new version numbering scheme. why can't you guys who write these
> versions get together and decide on a standard already? i say "potentially"
> incompatible because i have not used it nor read its docs. but where
> lharc is concerned, it is safe to expect the worst :-(. and the terminator
> guys and steve grimm should be on that "committee", too, so we at least
> try for compatibility (already). sheesh...
> oh well...
> -bill
> (i NEVER use lharc :-)
> BTW: i am pleased to see compressed tar files appearing :-). hint, hint...
> the .taz file is the wave of the future! now if only GEMDOS could support
> file.tar.Z naming...
> --
> Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!c1yankee!rosenkra
> Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA:

Before you rave/rant about some one elses product, you could have at
least tried or tested it out, at least this chap is trying to make
a better LZH, and fixes those compatiblity problems that you are on about,
and did you know that its the fastes LZH to date.

Also note, Arcshell C.F.Johnson (Little Green Footballs) now has
support for it, he has not so far supported the other lzh programs
that you are on about..

So why not give it a try, and then eat your words..
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 6 Jun 91 17:54:02 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!janhh! (Jan Willamowius)
Subject: LOGO

Roger Sheppard asked:
>Does any one know if its posible to get Ataries Logo to work with Tos 1.4/1.6
>I do get a out of Memory when I try to load a Logo Program/File,
>Note: The software does load up on a 1040 ST with Tos 1.4.
>Are there any patches to make this work?

I just took a look at it and I guess I found the problem:

For some stupid reason LOGO tries repeatedly to allocate all
available memory until malloc(-1) returns zero. After that it
does it's Mfree().

To solve the problem you have to apply the following patch using
some kind of a disk utility.

The patch starts at offset $5C (relative to he beginning of the file).

original: $4eb9, $0001, $2fec, $4a40, $670c, $2f00, $4eb9, $0001, $2fba,
$588f, $60ea

patched : $4a79, $0001, $2fec, $4e71, $4e71, $4e71, $4a79, $0001, $2fba,
$4e71, $4e71

Maybe this is the rebirth of ST-LOGO... :-)

Happy hacking,

Jan Willamowius, Nienredder 6, 2000 Hamburg 54, Germany


Date: 6 Jun 91 18:37:36 GMT
From: mcsun!inesc!unl!unl! (Jose Goncalo Pedro)
Subject: My stupidity

In article <> (Alex
Valdez) writes:
In article <16582@helios.TAMU.EDU> (Mark Lehmann)
> I have a problem though. The sozobon files have directory names that
> I want to keep. If I use the novice "zoo -extract" command, all of the
> files are retrieved without pathname. I looked at the man pages and
> tried the followin command:
> zoo {x}[//] d:\term\download\sozobon1.zoo
Were you trying to run zoo from the desktop and do you have TOS 1.0?
The TOS 1.0 desktop converts all TTP parameters to uppercase. So,
instead of zoo seeing a -x option, it sees -X which it doesn't
understand. Try using a CLI (one that doesn't convert parameters to

Or maybe you could try:
zoo x// d:\term\download\sozobon1.zoo

(i.e., without the {}[]).
if you are using some comand shell, and not the desktop, maybe you
should use / instead of \ in the pathname...

Jose Goncalo Pedro BITNET/Internet:
+---------------------------------+ UUCP: jgp@unl.uucp
| Departamento de Informatica +----------------------------------+
| Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2825 Monte Caparica, PORTUGAL |


Date: 5 Jun 91 04:50:16 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!malihh!pfunk! (Michael
Subject: Publishers (II)

In <>, writes:
>Europe may be a different story, but in the U.S.A, Atari=dead.

So we have to hope, that ATARI Europe could go on with it's line, even
if ATARI USA has broke down. When looking at the facts, you would believe,
that Europe's division could sell ST's even if the mothercompany has gone.
But could the mother permit this to it's child. Looking backwards I see,
that ATARI Europe always had to ask the US division to do anything new,
isn't it ?


| listen to the coolest ! | Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox |
| Music from the Galaxy ! | 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 |
| !!! P-Funk !!! | West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 |


Date: 7 Jun 91 00:33:16 GMT
u!!tredysvr!cellar! (Brian 'Rev P-K'
Subject: Reading 8-bit disks with an ST

I've got several megs' worth of old and very important text files on
floppy disks, leftovers from when I used an 8-bit Atari. Now that I have an
ST, I'd really like to be able to bring the text into my new machine and
transfer it to 720K floppies.

Can anyone either outline or recommend a way for me to work up a
quick transfer system? Is it possible to hitch an old 810 disk drive to an
ST, and read ASCII files from it>

Advice-- and especially a solution-- would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Siano, aka [ "Mr. A. Hitler, the old Nazi thing, says
[ Mickey's silly. Imagine that! Well, Mickey is
Rev. Philosopher-King [ going to save Mr. A. Hitler from drowning or
[ something some day. Just wait and see if he
revpk@cellar.UUCP [ doesn't. Then won't Mr. A. Hitler be ashamed!"

[ -- Walt Disney, 1933.


Date: 7 Jun 91 12:19:08 GMT
(Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Reading 8-bit disks with an ST

In article <6DB632w164w@cellar.UUCP>, revpk@cellar.UUCP (Brian 'Rev P-K' Siano)
> I've got several megs' worth of old and very important text files on
>floppy disks, leftovers from when I used an 8-bit Atari. Now that I have an
>ST, I'd really like to be able to bring the text into my new machine and
>transfer it to 720K floppies.
> Can anyone either outline or recommend a way for me to work up a
>quick transfer system? Is it possible to hitch an old 810 disk drive to an
>ST, and read ASCII files from it>
> Advice-- and especially a solution-- would be greatly appreciated.

I cannot give you a solution, but I can tell you where one is. You need
to get STXformer (the 8-bit emulator), and make a cable. At that point,
you can hook an 810 to your ST and read disks. I don't know the details.

Of course, if you have an 850 you could always direct-connect the two
together and modem them over . . . .

Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."

email: |


Date: 7 Jun 91 08:14:00 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: Requirements for g++

++ Simple question time: do I need gcc if I want to use g++? Having forked out
++ the dosh on Lattice C v5 (pretty goo, BTW) I'd rather not have to get
++ another C compiler :-)

Doesn't' look like it, but that's just a guess, this is part of the readme from
the version of G++

++ Here is a version of G++ 1.39.0 for the Atari ST based on GCC 1.39.
++ You should know a few things about it:
++ 1. G++.TTP is the C++ main driver. The *only* difference between GCC.TTP
++ and G++.TTP is that G++ assumes `.c' files to be C++ code while GCC
++ assumes `.c' files to be C code. You will normally use the extension
++ `.cc' for C++ code. In this case there is no need to use G++.TTP;
++ just use the equivalent GCC.TTP.
++ 2. When compiling C++ code you should `setenv UNIXMODE=._/LAH' because
++ the GNU C++ lib header files have case-sensitive names, i.e. `String.h'
++ is different from `string.h' !!!
++ 3. When linking C++ code (with GCC.TTP or the equivalent G++.TTP) you *must*
++ explicitly specify the `-lg++' linker option.
++ 4. A few bugs fixes and extensions were made to the standard GNU C headers,
++ libs, and utilities (like `gcc-ld.ttp'). Do not use other versions
++ of GNU C headers, libs, and utilities.


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: 7 Jun 91 10:09:14 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!van-bc!jonh!jhen (John Henders)
Subject: SED for ST?

Does anyone know if there is a sed clone for the ST? If so, where
can I find a copy?

John Henders
MIND over MIDI Productions or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders


Date: 2 Jun 91 22:54:18 GMT
(Juergen Lock)
Subject: TC array bug... (was: Re: Reliable archiver/compress...)

From article <>, by (Martin Koehling):
> Juergen Lock nox @
> <>
>>[description of zoo/TC array index bug deleted]
> The bug was fixed in Turbo C version 2.00.

hmm, sure? i know someone who i'm sure has some version >= 2.00
and he had to do this same [(long) foo] thing to get `compress'
running. i know that 'cause i was it who told him the `trick'... :-)

> It wasn't really a bug but a "design restriction" - it made programs both
> smaller and faster (it's even mentioned somewhere in the manual!).

not in my manual (TC 1.1 that is). and besides, what does ANSI
say about this?

> The new compiler uses only 16 bits for array addressing if and only if it is
> sure that the array addressed is smaller than 32 KBytes.

ummm... how can it be sure when i, for example calloc()ed the thing?

confused, :-)
J"urgen Lock / ..!nicedel!lynx1!jelal!nox / ** !! dead{hanseat!jelal} !! **
...ohne Gewehr


Date: 7 Jun 91 12:34:36 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Umich atari

In article <91157.183707ZVD007@DMSWWU1C.BITNET> Ulrich Kuehn
<ZVD007@DMSWWU1C.BITNET> writes:
> In article <>, (Mike
> DeMetz) says:
> >
> >Anyone know what happened to server?
> >I have gotten no reponse to requests in about 2 months.
> atari.archive is now at
> U.Kuehn

Is this not the server for people that don't have FTP access, also
refered to as BART..
how do we now access it when we don't have FTP access ?.

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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