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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 454

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 28 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 454

Today's Topics:
Accelerators for the ST forsale
Anyone hear what went on at the Atarimeese?
games and TOS 1.4 (2 msgs)
Gulam problems [was Re: long input lines under Gulam] (2 msgs)
HELP! Need HP DeskJet Plus driver for 1st Word Plus
LDW Power, any users?
Lost Touch With Panarthea
MGR for Minix
MultiGEM Question! (2 msgs)
Official weird thing: wandering menu bar
Time to upgrade
Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you... NOT!
versions that need POOLFIX3 [was Re: Gulam problems]
YG modem

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Date: 26 Aug 91 23:38:11 GMT
(Steven R Fordyce)
Subject: Accelerators for the ST forsale

I have come to possess a large number of Processor Accelerators for the 520,
1040, and Mega ST that I will sell for $65 each shipping included. I will
sell two for $100. These are new units, in the box, were built by CMI and
are fully tested. These accelerators are on multilayer boards that plug
into a socket you solder onto the 68000. These boards are built around a 16
MHz 68000 and run at double the standard processor speed. The speed
up you get with this product depends on the software you are running, but it
runs from 10 to 30%.

These boards (there is a different one for the 520/Mega or 1040, so let me
know what you want) also accept 68881 floating point unit of any speed,
although it doesn't pay to get one faster than 16 MHz. For software that
uses the math chip you can get speed ups of eight to ten times or more.

There is also a socket for an Atari blitter chip if your machine didn't come
with one. You can get these from your Atari dealer.

These boards originally sold for around $300. Schematics and PAL equations
are available on request. Complete instructions are included. DON'T try to
install one of these if you are not handy with a soldering iron and haven't
done this kind of thing before! I will not be liable for your mistakes.

If you want one of these, call or send a check to:

Steven R. Fordyce
6913 Sunnyview Rd NE
Salem, OR 97305-9543

Steven R. Fordyce uunet!sequent!ether!stevef


Date: 27 Aug 91 16:49:45 GMT
From:!!!!lelie@decwrl. (Peter Lelie)
Subject: Anyone hear what went on at the Atarimeese?

In article <>,
aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys) writes...
>Any great things come out of the Atarimeese in Germany?
>Anyone know?

I was there and I put my hands on an STbook. _Very_ neato design!

1MB RAM, 40 MB harddisk, 5 hours of operation with accu-set, cursor
operated by 'vector pad': you put your finger on a mould and push into
the desired direction. A bit strange, but ATARI said, after an hour you
would be comfortable with it.

The STbook contains _no_ floppy drive, instead you can connect it to
your PC (or ST, dunno) and use the STbook winnie as an additional disk
(software needed, comes from ATARI). There is a reserved compartment for
a modem to be added.

They expected it to be on the market in december. The price has not been
disclosed (at least to me :-), but I heard them say 'like the stacy's
price'. Let's see how ATARI will mess it up - oops, will sell it...

Some nice grafic cards could be seen, but I've got no $$$ to get a
multisync monitor :-(

DC Software were there and I had the opportunity to talk to Mike
Vederman (Hi Mike!). It's quite interesting to meet people you only knew
from reading usenet-articles!

Peter Lelie D-5000 Koeln (Office) | D-4047 Dormagen-Zons (Home)
Digital Equipment GmbH Stolberger Strasse 90 | Theodor Fontane Str. 51a from USA
..unido!decum!col01.enet!lelie from EUROPE
Disclaimer: My opinions are mine.
BTW, isn't every computer a _digital_ computer?


Date: 27 Aug 91 20:02:36 GMT
et (Horst Bahr)
Subject: ATARI.ENG
To: (Karsten Isakovic) writes:

>Sooo doll ist die Gruppe auch nicht ;-(

>1. Sind die Messages mindestens eine Woche alt
>2. Nicht volltaendig (In den Tagen kamen garantiert mehr Anfragen)
>3. Warscheinlich nur in einer Richtung vernetzt.

>Ich warte mal noch 2-3 Tage ab, wenn sich dann nichts tut, entferne ich die
>ATARI.ENG ( wieder.

>Gruss, Karsten


very funny Karsten. You posted your message in an international group...
Mouses are not all in the world.

........................................................................... I PARROT-BERLIN, PUBLIC BBS, TEL. +49 30 724467


Date: 26 Aug 91 20:54:17 GMT
From: hpcc05!hpcuhb!hpindda! (Michael Goo)
Subject: games and TOS 1.4

I can also run Midwinter on my 2meg, TOS 1.4 520ST. In case anyone's counting.


Date: 27 Aug 91 15:17:29 GMT
noao!ncar!!mips!!!pwp%i (Paul Purdom)
Subject: games and TOS 1.4

Thanks for the replies about MidWinter. Apparently it can be run on an ST520
with enough memory. Also TOS1.4 does not appear to be a problem.
None-the-less I can not get the game to run. One person suggested a disk
drive problem. The disk drive does appear to work fine, but I guess there are
several possibilities along this line.

When trying to run MidWinter I unplug Magic Sac and the disk drive. I
disconnect my one sided disk drive and have only the two sided drive plugged
in. The two sided drive has the name MASTER-3S on it. Just to be sure I will
try all this again tonight. I forget how the ST decides which dsik drive is A
and B when two drives are hooked up, but the way I normally hook things up
the two sided drive is drive B, but when it is hooked up by itself, it works
fine as drive A. If any of this suggests things I should try, I will be
greatful for your comments.


Date: 27 Aug 91 11:55:13 GMT
Subject: Gulam problems [was Re: long input lines under Gulam]

In article <3031@atari.UUCP>, apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) says:
> (Roger Sheppard) writes:
>>Can you tell me if POOLFIX3 is needed with TOS1.6 or 1.62. ?
>Yes. Here it is:
>[ uuencoded POOLFIX deleted]

Umpf? Wasn't this fixed in GEMDOS 0x1700 (0.17) in TOS 1.62?????
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 28 Aug 91 05:37:37 GMT
From: (Mike Healy)
Subject: Gulam problems [was Re: long input lines under Gulam]

This may be a FAQ, but, how do I get gulam to use a real more instead
of emacs, or what in my configuration file is causing gulam to use
emacs for more?

a vi guy


Date: 26 Aug 91 19:40:50 GMT
noao!ncar!!mips!!hp-col!hpldola!hp-lsd!wgg@a (Grant Grovenburg)
Subject: HELP! Need HP DeskJet Plus driver for 1st Word Plus

I just upgraded my printer to a HP DeskJet Plus. My older version of
1st Word Plus doesn't supply a driver for this printer. I tried calling the
help number on my registration card, but it has been disconnected.

Does anyone have the driver, or knowledge of how I could obtain one??


Grant Grovenburg


Date: 27 Aug 91 18:47:54 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!sun-barr!newstop!eastapps!eastnews!gaudreau@ariz (Joe Gaudreau {Dances with PostScript})
Subject: LDW Power, any users?

Subject asks all. Anybody using it? How do you like it.
How does it compare with Lettuce 1-2-3?




Date: 27 Aug 91 15:50:07 GMT
From:!!!! (My name is Brian Rost)
Subject: Lost Touch With Panarthea

Hello, folks...

I've lost touch with the Panarthea archive again. No response but no
mailer-daemon messages telling me my mailer couldn't connect.

The last address I had was:

Anyone who can suggest what the problem might be (like the address has been
changed again!!) please E-mail.

Brian Rost


* *
* The above does not reflect the opinions of *
* my employer. *
* *
* If music is outlawed, only outlaws will be *
* musicians. *
* *


Date: 26 Aug 91 11:48:16 GMT
From: mcsun!!funic!! (Kimmo
Subject: MGR for Minix

I just received a newsbulletin from Minix Centre (U.K.) and it
promoutes MGR-window manager for Minix (actually for their own M-kernel).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kimmo Lahtinen E-Mail : or
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Phone : +358 0 758 1322
Possessed by a Spirit G3 Fax : +358 0 758 1396


Date: 26 Aug 91 18:04:23 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: MultiGEM Question!
To: (Michel Forget) writes:

> Hello. A friend of mine recently bought a new ST, and he discovered a
> program called MultiGEM. It was installed on his Hard Drive, so he tried
> to use it. He had a little success, in that he was able to have
> InterLink execute in the background. He was also able to bring up a TTP
> program in a window. This was good, but he couldn't do anything serious
> with the program because there was no way (that he knew of) to exit from
> a background task other than clicking on an empty slot in the Desk menu.
> He asked me for help, but I've never seen or heard of MultiGEM. If
> anyone can tell me the following information, I will relay it to him:
> 1. Are there any keystrokes to exit a program while not in a menu bar?
> 2. What kinds of programs can be multitasked with MultiGEM?
> The second question is for me, since I will consider purchasing the
> product if it is good. If you have any general information about the
> product, that would also be helpful. I hope someone can help him out
> (and me as well with the second question). Thanks for your time.
I forgot to mention in my original post of this message that my friend
bought the computer used, and that the program is version 1.01 according
to a program called MULTICON.PRG that was in the same folder. The
computer came with no documentation, which is something else I forgot to

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


Date: 26 Aug 91 05:30:41 GMT
apss!ersys! (Michel Forget)
Subject: MultiGEM Question!

Hello. A friend of mine recently bought a new ST, and he discovered a
program called MultiGEM. It was installed on his Hard Drive, so he tried
to use it. He had a little success, in that he was able to have
InterLink execute in the background. He was also able to bring up a TTP
program in a window. This was good, but he couldn't do anything serious
with the program because there was no way (that he knew of) to exit from
a background task other than clicking on an empty slot in the Desk menu.
He asked me for help, but I've never seen or heard of MultiGEM. If
anyone can tell me the following information, I will relay it to him:

1. Are there any keystrokes to exit a program while not in a menu bar?

2. What kinds of programs can be multitasked with MultiGEM?

The second question is for me, since I will consider purchasing the
product if it is good. If you have any general information about the
product, that would also be helpful. I hope someone can help him out
(and me as well with the second question). Thanks for your time.

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


Date: 28 Aug 91 03:13:47 GMT
du!!linac!att!!ucsd!sdcc6!sdcc13!bboychuk@ (The Majestic Llama)
Subject: Official weird thing: wandering menu bar

In a program I'm working on, after a re-compile, the menu bar
decided that it wanted to stop appearing at the top of the screen
and is now showing up about three text lines down and half a dozen
spaces over from the left. I've tried everything I can think of,
including re-compiling all the source files and sorting everything I
can get at in the resource editor. Anybody ever have this happen
before? Any solutions?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My GOD, did you see the power and majesty radiated by
that llama?"
"Well, of course I did, you fool..."


Date: 27 Aug 91 13:40:27 GMT
edu (David H Butler)

I would like to thank everyone who responded to my last posting about my Megas
random reset problems. I managed to add an -additional- internal fan (this was
an extremely interesting task, if anyone is interested in how I did it, let me
know and I will post the procedure). This did not help the reset problem, but
it does send a lot more hot air out the back vent. (My stock fan blows out the
rear, I understand some go the other way around, or maybe Atari just got
confused and installed some backwards). It also seems to keep the reset/crash
problem from occuring as soon, I can now stay on for nearly an hour before it
starts to crash, even though I'm running the fan off the original internal
power supply. I've ordered the heavy duty power supply from BEST electronics,
and I'm sure I'll let everyone know if it does not do the job...

..As for my experiences with the ISAC board, it looks beautiful, and in really
nice for DTP work, but there are many software problems, the most common of
which is software checking for LOW resolution. The ISAC card in color mode (it
also has monochrome) looks like a really huge low-rez screen to the software.
So, software that should run just fine on this monitor will give the "will not
run in low rez"
alert, rats. This $599 card ended up costing me damn close to
$1100!, I figured out that for that cost I could have sold off all my old
equipment, purchased an old Amiga 1000 (which was as the local store) for $199,
sent in the owners-manual cover, and gotten a really nice Amiga 3000 with AMAX
and the ST emulators (I understand the *great-trade-up* in now over). Needless
to say I'm a little bit upset. Oh well, I still like my old Mega (2+2), so I
guess I'll keep it for a while longer...

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- Desktop Publishing

-[ For Free ST consulting ]- -(Just a little plug for my company)-
-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
-[ call Academic Computing ]-
-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 27 Aug 91 18:06:11 GMT
From: ogicse!ucsd!ucrmath!watnxt2! (The King)
Subject: Time to upgrade

With my next paycheck, I should have enough to buy myself a new computer,
so I think it is time to consider what to buy. I'm pretty sure that similar
questions have been posted in the past, but I never saw any replies, so if
anyone has any helpful information, I'd love to hear it (or if the people who
asked before saved any replies they got, I'd be most grateful to see them...)

Anyways, the options that I am considering:

1) Upgrade the living daylights out of my 1040st. Get a memory upgrade, an
accelerator, maybe Spectre, basically as much as I can afford. I'm not
sure how reliable the thing would be afterwards, so this isn't my first choice.

2) Sell the 1040st (and the PC-Ditto II in it), and get a 1040ste. This ends up
being kind of like the above, in that I'd have money left to buy more memory,
Spectre and/or another IBM emulator etc. It would probably be better to do this
then to upgrade my old st, but the end system my be about the same.

3) Sell my st, and get a mega ste. I wouldn't have much money left to buy
anything else, but it would be nice to get a computer that was actually more
powerful. And a detachable keyboard would also be nice. Of course, so far
there seem to have been some problems with the megas, so I'm not sure about
this one either.

4) Sell out and get a Mac or an IBM clone. I really don't want to do this,
but I should keep it in mind, I guess.

One thing that might influence my decision would be info on the SST board. Is
there any news on a configuration for the 1040st/ste? How much is the thing
supposed to cost?

Any info from people who have followed any of these paths would be very helpful.




Date: 27 Aug 91 15:21:46 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis! (Kernel Mustered)
Subject: Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you... NOT!

aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys) writes:
> What Atari needs now is a computer designed for multi-media.
> This computer should also share the graphics and sound of the Jaguar.
> It needs to have a high-density drive (1.44 or higher).
> It needs to have 2 megs at least standard on it with capable of being
> expanded to more (a lot more) in the future.
> The desktop must be at least capable of doing what the TT desktop can do.
> It needs to be capable of Super VGA graphics at least.
> The computer needs to capability of running IBM software.
> It needs to be built to accept changes and future technology.

I agree with everything you say except for the bit about IBM software.
Allow third parties to built PC emulators, but don't drag the machine down
to the level of just another PC clone. Build something with a 68030 or
an 88000 in it.

> Developers that can say I WANT to build hardware and write software for it.

As far as I'm concerned, "I want to build hardware and write software for
if and only if "It is not based on any existing Intel processor".



Date: 27 Aug 91 18:14:11 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!portal!atari!
(Allan Pratt)
Subject: versions that need POOLFIX3 [was Re: Gulam problems]

>In article <3030@atari.UUCP>, apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) says:
>>(and also 2.01 and 3.01), and that bug will EASILY be triggered by the

>REALLY? I thought this one was fixed in GEMDOS 0.15 (Sversion(): 0x1500)???

My mistake. The bug is in TOS 1.4 and 1.06 and 1.62 but not in any TT TOS
or Mega STe TOS. The Sversion() value for the first fixed version is 0x1700,
which is to say Version 0.17.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt


Date: 28 Aug 91 06:28:05 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: YG modem
To: (Roger Sheppard) writes:
> Y Modem G can only use with MNP4/5 V42 type modems, ie, error correcting
> ones, but Note: there is a CRC check on received data, and will drop
> out if it gets a error.
> Note: you must use the TOS 1.4 fix2 to use RTS/CTS Flow control with
> TOS 1.4, the ONLY SZ/Zmodem upload that I found to work correctly,
> is the German Gem one.. GSZRZ18, I think, was posted to binaries some time
> back
> --
> *** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
> *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
> *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
> *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***

The Supra 2400+ is a MNP 2-5 V.42/V.42bis modem. The program that I am
using is called HSFIX.PRG and is in german. The intro when it loads is
in english, and it says that it is for Tos 1.02 and higher. I haven't
been able to test it with sending yet, but I will soon. Has anyone ever
seen a Ymodem-G utility that SENDS? All the IBM term programs have that
protocol for sending and receiving, yet we don't. There are also some
other interesting protocols that would be interesting to see for the ST.
Jmodem (or is it Imodem) is supposed to allow you to send and receive a
file at the same time. That would be handy. So far the best protocols
for the ST seem to be Zmodem and Ymodem-G, though.

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


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