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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 480

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 13 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 480

Today's Topics:
AT-ONCE 386sx
ATARI 520ST (2 msgs)
DOs and DON'Ts about desk
GEMDOS and AES questions
HD Package and stuff 4Sale
K&R C to ANSI C converter
Looking for an older version of UU**CODE c source.
Looking for term program... (4 msgs)
maccel.prg wanted
mono monitor scrolling
Spelling checker: ISPELL?
two bugs in PBMPLUS (ST-version)
WordPlus/WP and multiple fonts

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Date: 12 Sep 91 12:18:00 GMT
.edu!!!uniol!tpki!seki! (Carsten
Subject: AT-ONCE 386sx

aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys) writes:

>In a previous article, (Carsten Setje-Eilers)
>>The only disadvantage is,that you have to scroll the screen up and down
>>via HELP and UNDO-key. The speed of redrawing the screen is ok,I think.
>>But the big question is,if you need such a system,if you have a Atari St...

>What do you mean you have to scroll the screen up and down?

>For what?

VGA-mono is 640 * 480. The Mega STe offers 640 * 400.
So there's a difference of 80 lines. You can scroll the screen up and down
these 80 lines,if you press the HELP- or UNDO -key.
You can't see the whole VGA-screen on the SM124 ....


Carsten Setje-Eilers 2300 Kiel Aschauweg 18a Germany zer:carsten@kbbs


Date: 12 Sep 91 14:01:56 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!ljdic (L. J. Dickey)
Subject: ATARI 520ST

In article <> writes:
>In <> (Allen Chan) writes:
>>Atari 520ST, Complete system for serious user.
>>Tools: Unix, multitasking package, communications package,
>>VT100 emulator.
>Yeah, I have Unix in a Desk Accessory. It even runs X-windows, giving a
>maximum ...

I detect a note of cynicism here...
Are you forgetting that IDRIS from Whitesides has been available for years?

Leroy J. (Lee) Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey
Obsolescent?: BITNET/EARN: ljdickey@watdcs


Date: 12 Sep 91 14:56:04 GMT
.com (Les Carleton)
Subject: ATARI 520ST

In article <>, (L. J. Dickey) writes:
|>I detect a note of cynicism here...
|>Are you forgetting that IDRIS from Whitesides has been available for years?
|>Leroy J. (Lee) Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
|>UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey
|>Obsolescent?: BITNET/EARN: ljdickey@watdcs

What exactly is IDRIS, surely it isnt a *real* unix for the ST?

Les Carleton / Tel: +44 (256) 488351 \ \
Digital Equipment Corporation / Email: \ \
CSC/UK Ultrix Support Group / "The Software Lifeguard" \ \
----------------------------+ "Open Standards ... Free Software" / /
"My opinions, My Mind, Don't take that away from me!" / /


Date: 12 Sep 91 01:05:00 GMT
asoft! (John Stanley)
Subject: DOs and DON'Ts about desk

[ (Hayo Schmidt) writes ... ]

> >[ (Dave Johnson) writes ... ]
> > Could some please give me an list of the dos and don'ts of writing
> > desktop accs, ......

> DON'T:

> -- If you 'must' allocate memory dynamically, assume that it is gone after
> receiving AC_CLOSE. But don't forget to Mfree() it - on the other hand,
> you must also assume, that it is not gone. You'll never know... :-(

Mfree'ing memory after an AC_CLOSE is a bad idea... If the AC_CLOSE
is triggered by an appl_exit() call and the program returns to a non-AES
shell program, the user may run dozens of non-AES programs before the
ACC is able to fully process the AC_CLOSE message. Since the main
application may -or- may-not exit after making an appl_exit() call,
there's no way to know if the accessory should assume the memory has
been freeed by the application exiting or not. This is the cornerstone
of why using the gemdos Malloc() in an accessory is, in general, ABI

Better to assume it has been free'ed, and take the risk that those
memory blocks are temprarily lost (until the application really does
terminate), than to free memory that the system may already have
assigned to someone else.

I think it would be better to say for accessories:

-- Don't use the gemdos Malloc() for allocating memory after your
first AES call (probably appl_init()). Any memory allocated
before the first AES call will remain assigned to the accessory
and should not normaly be Mfree'ed. On the other hand, if you're
going to need a large fixed-size block of memory, it's better to
modify the accessory to reserve that much more memory as part of
your BSS (uninitialized dataspace) rather than using Malloc.

-- If you absolutely must use Malloc(), you probably should rethink
what you're doing. (Example: Small scale allocation can be done
safely using variations on the standard malloc()/free() routines
to/from a large block of memory Malloc'ed before the first AES
call. This can be done with a small change to almost any standard
C or asm library..)

-- If you choose to ignore the previous two warnings, when your ACC
receives a AC_CLOSE message, assume any memory Malloc'ed since the
prior AC_OPEN has already been assigned to someone else for the
last 20 minutes...

-- Consiquently, it's a bad idea to call Mfree() to free memory after
you've received the AC_CLOSE message... You might be "freeing"
memory somebody else is already using.

-- Generaly speaking, Malloc() is only "safe" within an accessory:

1) Before the first AES call.


2) Between any two AES calls, and you must Mfree it before the
2nd AES call. (And even this may have problems under some
TOS multitasking extensions...)

-- Yes, there are exceptions and tricks that allow allocating memory
at any time, but they require knowledge of TOS internals, and
should only be used as a last resort and then only by experts.

Subnote: Atari -could- document these tricks and announce them to
the world (they have ocassionly leaked "hints" about how this can
be done burried in various technical responses). I'm not sure,
but I suspect they are reluctant to document and release these
techniques because it could easily create a flury of new and
poorly designed accessories that would fragment memory and make it
difficult to maintain the current Malloc-cation subsystem. A
complete redesign of the memory system would take a lot of work.
(I suspect it's somewhere far down twords the bottom of their list
of "Things to be done - someday"...

John L. Stanley <>
Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems


Date: 11 Sep 91 22:15:42 GMT
oft! (John Stanley)
Subject: GEMDOS and AES questions

[In article <>, (Martin Gaeckler) writes ... ]

>> Does the ATARI AES send ANY WM_NEWTOP messages? I never seem to
> 2. The WM_NEWTOP message is sent to your program when *YOUR* window is new
> toped. You won't get a message when another window is opened or topped.
> Therefore you have to wait for a time event an look whether *YOUR* window
> is top or not.



When one of your windows is topped, the WM_TOPPED message is sent to
your application... Not the WM_NEWTOP message.

> Hope this helps.

John L. Stanley <>
Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems


Date: Thu, 12 Sep 91 11:20:22 ADT
From: Alyre CHIASSON <>
To: N <>

HARLEQUIN has some nice features that I didn't have in
PARTNER ST by TIMEWORKS. But I am amazed that I cannot set
an alarm for an event other than on the actual date. Am I
right or have I missed something in the manual


Date: 12 Sep 91 23:44:20 GMT
.edu!!agate!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU
Subject: HD Package and stuff 4Sale

I need to sell the following complete HD kit.

ICD fast SCSI host adapter with 2 cables included.
Adaptec 4070A SCSI -> ST506 (RLL)
Digital 40 Watt P/S, cooling fan CASE, fits
perfect under monitor, 2 Drive Bays.
includes Manuals, installation disks, and etc...

Comes complete, all you need is a ST506 HD and your on your way!
Taking offers for this package. $???.??

Anyone interested in a Avatex 2400 Baud external (no manuals or P/S)?
How about a SS/DD internal drive that came off a 520STfm?
Original PC-Ditto (latest version) for sale.




Date: 12 Sep 91 14:17:56 GMT
From: noao!ncar!gatech!pitt!ysub!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: K&R C to ANSI C converter

Hello everybody,

now there is a test version of an K&R C to ANSI C converter, called
kr2ansi, available from
The program is written in ANSI C and I have compiled it with TURBO C
and GCC.

"Dipl.-Math. Bernd Setzepfandt"

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / Dipl.-Math. Bernd Setzepfandt
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Institut fuer Numerische Mathematik
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ / / /__/ / /
\________/ \________/ \_____/ / Einsteinstr. 62, D-4400 Muenster, Germany
/ Internet:
/ Bitnet: onm46@dmswwu1a.bitnet
/ Tel. (+49) 251 - 83 3799


Date: 12 Sep 91 19:30:05 GMT
From: amdcad!! (Bion Pohl)
Subject: Looking for an older version of UU**CODE c source.

A couple of weeks ago I was tying to UUENCODE a text file on our VAX
and then UUDECODE it. When it was decoded the EOL was saved as whatever unix
uses so my decoded file

Well someone sent me another version of UU**CODE sources for the VAX
and when I tryed them the file now
which is what I had started out with. Correct?, yes. Better?, no. You see,
now when I try to decode a large UUENCODEd file into an archive of a GIF only
now when I try to decode a large UUENCODEd file into an archive of a GIF only
the first part of the file is done correctly. I'd rather be able to decode
on the vax so that I am transferring the smallest possible file (ARC, LZH, GIF,
etc.) over the modem to the my ST.

Now to the reason I'm writing all this. I'd like to use my old
who wrote the old one but the source was set up to be compiled under UNIX c,
VAX c, MS-DOS, and GEMDOS. If someone has this source code could they mail
it to me. I've already looked through the source section of the archive and
didn't find it. Also, I can't FTP off site so sending me addresses wont help.


the first part of the file is done correctly. I'd rather be able to decode on
the vax so that I am reansfering the smallest possible file (ARC, LZH, GIF,


Date: 12 Sep 91 15:08:26 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!cis.ohio-st!!ohstpy!miavx1! (Ryan
'Gozar' Collins)
Subject: Looking for term program...

In article <>, (Techno)
> (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:
>>Uniterm is definitely the best term program for the ST, bar none.
> Well, it seems you haven't seen Rufus as yet.
> Techno

Well, I started using Rufus, and I liked it a lot, except that sometimes
the VAX I connected would send out a code that would reset the keypad to
NUMERIC and that I would have to set number of columns to 81 so that 80
col lines would be doubled spaced.

Is there a newer program out?

Ryan 'Gozar' Collins Question for MAC Users: rlcollins@miavx1.BITNET
|||| Power Without What IS the format of a rc1dsanu@miamiu.BITNET
/ || \ The Price!! MAC HFS floppy disk? R.COLLINS1 on GEnie


Date: 12 Sep 91 16:16:20 GMT
noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!spdev!texsun!digi!r (Roy Gosewehr)
Subject: Looking for term program...

(Note: I posted a similar reponse a couple of days ago, but our
newsreader crashed and it apparently did not get sent out
(as far as I know). If this is a duplicate, I apologize
in advance.)

There is a public domain version of Kermit for GEM available (which I
obtained from GEnie). With Flash 1.6, all you need to do is to tap
INSERT to get a command line prompt and then type: GEM pathtoKermit
(return). This will shell out of Flash into Kermit. When you quit
Kermit, an additional key press (any key) is prompted which returns
you to Flash. Very easy and convenient. To make it even nicer, you
can edit the function key table to assign the above string to a
function key. Then, Kermit (or any other protocol) is available with
a single key press. Really great stuff!

BTW, this is a generic "execute" mechanism as someone else pointed out.
In addition to the generic version, there is a command which allows
you to shell to your favorite editor.

Roy C. Gosewehr


Date: 11 Sep 91 22:41:48 GMT
oft! (John Stanley)
Subject: Looking for term program...

>[ writes:
>> The most powerful package is Uniterm, available free from
>> The easiest to use is Flash 1.6, from Antic (
>> I use both. There is also STalker, which has seen some good reviews here on
>> the net (I have not seen/used this one). I really like the user interface
>> that Flash provides, but it does not include Kermit. For those occasions
>> when I need this capability, I use Uniterm.

There are several external protocol programs that can be used along
with Flash. Kermit and Zmodem are both available and take almost no
effort to install on a Flash function key.

[ (Roger Sheppard) wrote ... ]

> Antic use to advertise a Kermit Option for Flash, but I don't know
> if its posible to still get it ..

Some dealers may still have it, but you probably would only be able to
find it as a used program someone didn't need anymore. It was an ACC
that supported kermit and gave Flash the ability to act as a limited
small personal bbs.

Unfortunately it doesn't work with the most recient version of Flash
(it's an -old- accessory) and the improvements in Flash since it was
compatable with the accessory are important enough that I doubt you'd
want to go back to that version.

John L. Stanley <>
Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems


Date: 11 Sep 91 22:51:12 GMT
oft! (John Stanley)
Subject: Looking for term program...

[at731@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Troy L. Nothnagel) writes ... ]

> Using Flash's 'execute' function, you can run any .TOS, .TTP or .PRG
> that isn't mouse driven. (For some reason it likes to block out the
> mouse.)

Mouse driven programs can easily be run from Flash. You'd know how to
take care of this and many other things if you read the manual that
comes with the program... You -do- have the manual don't you..??

John L. Stanley <>
Software Development Consultant / Dynasoft Systems


Date: 11 Sep 91 22:25:35 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!usc!trwind!venice!sleepy!
Subject: maccel.prg wanted

Can someone email me a copy of the latest version (3.4, I believe) of
maccel.prg I have looked at a.a and several other ftp sites but haven't
found it ( or any version of maccel ).
Thanks in advance

Jim Harres


Date: 12 Sep 91 13:44:46 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!ptimtc!!mustang!d!eagle!! (GARY PEASE)
Subject: mono monitor scrolling

I recently purchased a 50 meg hardrive and a monochrome monitor for my 1040
st. The st was bought around 1987 and is the original machine, no TOS
updates, memory upgrade etc. It has alway worked fine with my color
monitor. Now that I've got the hard drive and the mono I have the
following problem. Whenever I copy file from A to the hard drive the
monitor freaks out and just scrolls and has snow. If I reboot the system
the problem goes away. Also I ran another program and the desktop came back
shifted and part it was backwards?( It hard to explain what it looked like)
The guy I bought it from suggested that maybe I need a TOS update? Can
anyone help me. How can I troubleshoot the problem?


Date: 12 Sep 91 19:57:40 GMT
From:!!gatech!udel!!libws3.ic.sun! (Michael Rose)
Subject: need STMIDIEX or MIDIEXCL.LZH...

Hello everyone!

I have been trying to find a few programs, but they don't seem to
be on terminator er um, atari.archive. They were mentioned in ZNET 91-34 in
the Z*NET software shelf. The first one is STMIDIEX or MIDIEXCL.LZH? It
is a Midi system exclusive program to save configurations and set-ups of
Midi devices on the ST. The other one is WINXV13.LZH. This is a patch to
allow GEM to open up to 127 windows at once, instead of 8. If anyone
has these programs, or knows where I can get them, please send me E-mail.


Michael Rose


Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1991 14:10 MET
From: "Thomas Hantke, KVI Groningen, Zernikelaan 25, NL-9747 AA Groningen, The
Netherlands, phone ++31 50-633259"
Subject: Spelling checker: ISPELL?

Hi netters,

I am looking for a good spelling checker that could spell English, German and
Dutch documents. I can get the (raw) dictionaries via ftp, but I need a
program that builds a quick dictionary from them. The one PD available
(spell?) just builds an ascii list; this is too slow.

What about ISPELL ?
Has it been ported to the ST?

Looking forward to all your enthusiast responses,




Date: 12 Sep 91 09:41:22 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!dnlunx!freyr! (Blom M.A.)
Subject: two bugs in PBMPLUS (ST-version)

In article <> (Klamer
Schutte) writes:
>In <> (Lars Michael) writes:
>Oops! Proper fix overhere is opening your (binary) files with file modes
>"rb" and "wb" instead of "r" and "w". This does the ST prevent from
>making \n from \r\n.

You would also have to set stdout to binary mode, since most people use:

pbm-program infile > outfile

Marco Blom.

+ +
+ no signature yet.... +
+ +


Date: 12 Sep 91 13:41:08 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!know!
Subject: WordPlus/WP and multiple fonts

WordPlus does not support embedded printer commands (that I know of) but
WP does. WordPlus does have mimimal font control via the 'add ruler' feature
but its capability is very limited.


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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