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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 391

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 15 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 391

Today's Topics:
An idea for DC Software?
Cartridge port connectors
Gregory Carter
More problems with WP2.0.1 with Spectre
Multitasking for ST (to sell)
Need 68000 socket adapter
NROFF (2 msgs)
PageStream VS Calmus
Portfolio in Terminator 2?
software QDOS emulators on the ST?
Spectre v.3 had problem with date/time in WP2.0.1 (2 msgs)
Supra vs. ICD controllers
TT compatability... (2 msgs)

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Date: 15 Jul 91 02:54:04 GMT
e!! (Warwick Allison)
Subject: An idea for DC Software?

(Lauren C. Howard) writes:

> We'd like to be able to boot a disk, copying everything on it to a RAM
>disk it creates, all done automatically on bootup.

Simplest solution:

Put a shell in the auto folder, and have the startup script
create the ramdisk, then do the copying. I'm not sure what would
be the best shell for this. A tos equivalent of init.prg that
comes with MiNT is what you need.

/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.-._/ University of Queensland,
v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.


Date: 14 Jul 91 22:45:06 GMT
.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU!megadata! (Geoff Swan)
Subject: Cartridge port connectors

Hello All,
I'm currently looking for a reliable source of the 40 pin
right angle 2mm pitch edge connector sockets used for the cartridge
ports in the Atari computers. Does anyone know of a good source with
a good price? I think Atari get theirs from Taiwan through Japan but
I'm not sure of the manufacturer or the part number.
Any help would be much appreciated,
Geoff Swan.


Date: 15 Jul 91 14:04:55 GMT
du (Gianni Messina)

Hi guys!

I need to convert an Atari ST graphics file (IMG or PI3 format) to a
PC IBM Windows 3 (TIF, BMP or GIF format).

Is there someone that have a PD available program for ATARI ST or
IBM PC that can send me?

Thanks in advance!

Gianni Messina



Date: 14 Jul 91 04:26:15 GMT
(Mark Choi)
Subject: Gregory Carter

> Excerpts from 12-Jul-91 Re: PageStream VS
> Calmus Gregory Carter@engr.wisc (626)

> As for my Grammar, I am a computer scientist, not an english major.
> Just a journalism minor. :)

Sorry, I could not resist.
Although I could not care less for most of the subject matter on the
net recently, with all the Amiga/Atari wars going on and such, I just
had to advise Greg here that he had better get a new minor. If he thinks
he can get a job at any publisher, either newspaper or magazine or
whatever, with his gawd-awful grammar (and spelling), he is sadly
mistaken. I have read most of his posts from the day I first started
reading this newsgroup some time ago, and NOT ONE had proper English. I
am sorry, but not being an English major is no excuse. IT IS YOUR NATIVE
LANGUAGE FOR GOD'S SAKE. Do you speak like you write? Does anyone
understand you? What the hell?


Date: 15 Jul 91 05:37:32 GMT
Subject: LZH/Musedt/Trak_st

Well it seems the famous LZH problems have finally struck me, just when I
find a program I really want. I cannot extract MUSEDT.LZH (from atari.
archive) for love nor money, using any of my multitude of lzh programs.
Could some kind soul please send me the executable (Only this and the source
wont extracvt) or point me to an archiver that handles this file?

Also does the archive of TRAK_STE recently posted to .binaries contain any
docs, I didnt get any but I seem to have seen reference to them.

Thanks, Rob (In a lecturers/bosses account)


Date: 15 Jul 91 10:51:43 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!newton! (Trevor Kirby)
Subject: MIDI

In article <>, (Robert
Barton) writes:
> The Amiga has six (6) hardware timers.

It also has a user community of 2 year olds judging by the number of fuckwits
posting amiga messages here.



Date: 13 Jul 91 05:31:26 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!uupsi!rodan.! (Gerald Greenberg)
Subject: More problems with WP2.0.1 with Spectre

Well, I have now done a little more work on the Macro
tutorial, and I've had WP crash a few times while working with
a macro. I've had three crashes that do not seem to be
repeatable. I have found one problem, however:
For the command "EndIf"...when I type it without a space
between "End" and "If", Spectre crashes...when I type a
space between "End" and "If", Spectre does not crash. Now
there are other commands that I've typed with no spaces and
there was no, this seems to be a problem
particular to this command (although there may be others,

Back in May, before I bought WP, I asked on the net whether
or not v.2 worked with Spectre...a couple of people
responded that it worked. Now that I've worked with it for a
very tiny bit, I've started to come up with problems...
I guess maybe simple typing and formatting do not cause too
many problems (I haven't discovered any yet), but more complex
things, e.g. inserting auto date/time, or macro usage, do not
seem so stable. Anybody else out there using WP2.0.1? with
or without problems?

I hope these things can be cleared up...the more I use this
program, the better it looks (if it only wouldn't crash!)



Date: 15 Jul 91 08:32:04 GMT
Subject: Multitasking for ST (to sell)

For the record.. TTs use the same technique to change between the five lower
resolutions as the ST does between low res and medium res.

Stephen Usher

Janet:- or
Internet:- or


Date: 14 Jul 91 21:08:56 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!samsung!!! (Drew D Whitehead)
Subject: Need 68000 socket adapter

I am wondering if anybody has a vector graphic of the Atari Logo that can be
used with Calamus. If you do, could you please mail it to me.

Also, I am wondering if everyone knows about the AtariFest III coming up on
July 27th in Indianapolis, IN. If you need any info about it, please feel
free to mail me. I have all the details, maps, etc.


Drew Whitehead


Date: 14 Jul 91 22:42:36 GMT
dem!netcomsv! (Matthew Seitz)
Subject: NROFF

Is there a utility available to print out nroff files?
Matthew Seitz


Date: 15 Jul 91 01:23:23 GMT
ris! (John Gordon)
Subject: NROFF

seitz@netcom.COM (Matthew Seitz) writes:

>Is there a utility available to print out nroff files? about "nroff"?

(sorry...couldn't resist. :-)


Date: 15 Jul 91 14:41:04 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!magnus.acs.oh! (David H Butler)
Subject: PageStream VS Calmus

In article <> (Greg
ory Carter) writes:
> Well, I couldn't control myself. When people actually try to go
>throught hassle of FONT drivers, pic formats, etc...just to do
>page layout on the ST I burst into a laugh mode.
> It is like using a sledge hammer to straighten a toothpick.
> As for my Grammar, I am a computer scientist, not an english major.
>Just a journalism minor. :)
> But still, you can't be serious about doing anything but VERY simple
>layout on the ST.
> DTP would be great if Atari came to thier senses and endorsed a
>real OS. Not this GEM BS. I however, I do like TOS. And like its
>layout, for what I have to do.

Really Greg, you should not use this newsgroup to slam Atari, especially when
you don't know what you are talking about. The GEM desktop may not be great,
the the interface works great in programs. It is fast and has a nice menu
system. As for you comments on Atari D.T.P. programs, from you posting it looks
as if you have never used them. I OWN A DTP COMPANY, I STARTED WITH MAC
SOFTWARE. You probably have not had this experience, if you have I would like
to hear about it. As for complex documents, I just described one of them. I do
good work, I like it and it satisfies my customers. Paul, owner of the other
ATARI based DTP here Columbus does absolutely wonderful stuff, it is honestly
just about the best work I have ever seen done on any system, far better than
mine really. I just can't do his work justice, you would have to see it to
believe it. Both of us do lots of work, our customers are professionals who
demand good work, we do complex work, we do long and extensive documents, etc.,
just like Mac users do. Sure, we have different font formats than does the Mac,
and different printer dirvers etc., but show me output from a Mac to a 300dpi
printer anywhere close as good to what I get from Calamus (by the way, you
can't, like I said, I've used the software and I know). If you want to read the
advantages of some of the Atari Software, go back and read my original post,
but actually pay attention. I don't think the users of this Newsgroup mind
constructive comments, comparisons etc., but you have not offered that, just a
few opinions about something you seem to know absolutely nothing about. Please
post a follow up describing the process by which you arrived at the conclusion
that Paul & I can't be doing what we're doing with the system we are using. If
you know some good features the Mac software offers that the Atari Software
does not, please let me know, you may even talk me into changing, I'll do
what's best for my company, but you will have to use real FACTS and experience
, not just unsubstantiated opinions.

- David (General parter in High Resolution Desktop Publishing)


Date: 14 Jul 91 20:13:54 GMT
From: noao!coyote! (Oscar Fowler)
Subject: Portfolio in Terminator 2?
To: (Mark Choi) writes:

> Hey:
> > Excerpts from 7-Jul-91 Portfolio in
> > Terminator 2? Corey Liu@jarthur.clarem (876)
> > Did not look like Atari had a hand in the appearance though. I could not
> > find any listing in the credits and it seemed the filmakers tried to
> > avoid
> > showing the product label (i.e. the Fuji).
> I doubt Atari had a hand in it, but they DID show the Atari logo and
> fuji for a brief shot at the beginning.
> -MARK-

Actually, Atari Games was in the list of THANKS GO TO... at the end of the
credits for the movie. I didn't notice if Atari, Corp. was in there,

Oscar Fowler |
Deep Thought | Tucson, Arizona


Date: 13 Jul 91 17:54:16 GMT
isgate!krafla! (Adam David)
Subject: software QDOS emulators on the ST?
To: writes:

>From what I've heard, the only ST QL emulator so far (unless Tony Tebby's
>managed to get his QDOS compatable OS on the market) is the hardware/software
>emulator from some german company, and I don't even know if that exists any
>more. (The last QL World I got was March last year).

This software is written by Tony Tebby and Jochen Merz. The hardware is made
in Germany and the complete emulator package is sold by Jochen Merz Software.
Full device support is included, also for removeable hard disks. The hardware
also provides overscan for the ST which can be used by GEM. The latest QDOS
version which I have still needs the extra hardware. Later on the hardware
should become optional. There ought to be support for other screen-enhancing

There is also a software only emulator made in Sweden. It is a PD patch for
QDOS, so it is necessary to have a QL computer with the Trumpcard disk
interface in order to set it up. The only device support is for keyboard and
floppy disk, with a software screen emulator for the 512*256 4-colour screen
mode. It works with either a colour or mono monitor. If you're out there
listening Johan, maybe you can post a message about it.

I have both emulators but have not had time/facilities to set up the PD one
yet for comparison. When I have done this I will post a review of them both.

For the sake of completeness, I am mentioning that there is also an earlier
hardware-based emulator which was made by Futura Datasystems in Norway. This
required the original QL video chip which can be hard to obtain. The advantage
is that the video system is 100% QL but there are no extra modes provided by
the hardware. Less than a year ago, Jochen Merz was offering a choice between
the Norwegian and the German QL video board with the QL emulator. The emulator
itself is essentially a software product.

Adam David.


Date: 12 Jul 91 19:07:16 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!uupsi!rodan.! (Gerald Greenberg)
Subject: Spectre v.3 had problem with date/time in WP2.0.1

Well, doing one of those introductory tutorials actually
proved useful for once. While doing the Macro tutorial for
WordPerfect 2.0.1 on Spectre v.3, I found that Spectre crashes
when you try to access auto date/time from the tools menu!

I called Gadgets, and it sounds like they don't even have the
new WP version yet, so this was news to the operator (who will
pass on the info). She suggested WP may be making a hardware
call, which would mess things up....Too bad, since Write Now
and MS Word both are able to insert date/time stamps in
documents withouth any problems for Spectre!

I called WordPerfect Corp, and the technician I spoke with did
not know how the date/time stamp was achieved (nor was he able
to find out). He said he did contact the Atari section, where
they seemed to have a Spectre, and he said they were able to
see the problem.

Well, I haven't noticed any other problems, although I've
really only just started to use WP for the Mac recently. Has
anybody else noticed any other problems? or is this the only
one (I hope)?

I also hope Gadgets and/or WordPerfect can clear this up.


Date: 15 Jul 91 04:27:02 GMT
From: ccncsu!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang)
Subject: Spectre v.3 had problem with date/time in WP2.0.1

No, I don't have answer just have some thoughts about the 2.0 version after
using it both on the Spectre and Mac ( Classic and SE). While WP addes some new
stuffs and improve the function, they also make it run very slow on the lower
end of Mac. (Try to let it scroll a page of Mathematical equations with Greek
, integration, etc) On the MacII and 030 family it runs reasonable well but on
the basic Mac it's not like the 1.* version.
Althought it soppose to be like PC5.1 version, it's missing some of the 5.1


Date: Tue, 5 Mar 91 07:11:52 EST
Subject: STE VIDEO
To: ""

Last Feb. I got one of Greg Carter's STe's. Set it up on the kitchen table
with a TV. Video was an abomination. OK, next I tried a plain-vanilla compo-
site analog monitor. In either lo-rez or med-rez, video was only slighly better
than using a TV. (Both the TV & monitors were monochrome). In desperation I
got an SM124. Thank goodness, the hi-rez is nice! I opened up the 124 &
tweaked up the display so it fills the entire screen. Rez as good as Mac mono,
only bigger!
But some software only runs in lo- or med-rez. Ugh! I got data on the
MC1377 that outputs video in the STe, but no schematics of the STe itself.
Anyone out there got STe diagrams? (I have *green* money.) I've been working
on a scheme to convert the composite signal to TTL & split analog, but it ain't
easy, the electronics are a tad hairy. You can use a passive RLC filter on the
lo/med rez output to clean up the color clocking mess that fouls the background,
but in my hands such a filter also muffs up the signal impedance & generally
degrades the quality of the pure mono signal & resulting display.
I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has messed with this, or am I
the only person who can't stand lo/med rez on the STe?



Date: 15 Jul 91 04:07:51 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!samsung!umich!uflorida!mailer!nu! (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Supra vs. ICD controllers

In article <1991Jul10.060403.8376@netcom.COM>, yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher
Russell) writes:
>I'm about to emabark on the fun project of setting up a homebrew
>harddrive system for my ST (SyQuest 44). Anyways, lots of folks have
>suggested the ICD Advantage adapters. ICD's seem to be reliable, have
>good tech support and very good software. Supra adapters can be
>gotten for less though. The Supra adapters have everything the ICD
>has as far as basic features. Both have clocks. Are the ICD adapters
>worth the extra money. Should I avoid Supra? I haven't heard anything
>good or bad about the Supra controllers. BTW, I'm going by what I have
>seen in my new BEST Electronics catalog:
> ICD Advantage w/clock --- $105.95
> "The New" Supra w/clock - $ 77.00

The ICD price looks high. I got my adaptor for about $80 from D&P Computer
Supply (1-800-535-4290). ICD software is far better than Supra's. ICD's
adaptor definitely works with the Syquest (and it reports a media change
in the corner of the screen). Also, I see more ICD ads than Supra ads. If
I were you, I would get the ICD adaptor.

One advantage that the ICD has over the Supra is the corner report of any
sense codes from the drive (the above mentioned media change is one of them).
I have only seen such a code a couple of times (they were both "recovered
read error", and occured due to a bump of the desk).

>Both seem to come with software, cables, etc. Anybody know what the
>significance of "The New" is above. Was there an "old" Supra adapter?
>Can anybody comment on Supra's support, reliability? How about will
>a Supra work with a SyQuest (obviously very important).

Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
email: |


Date: 15 Jul 91 09:03:39 GMT
Subject: TT compatability...

I recieved my new TT on Saturday :-)

The first thing I did was to do a quick check of all the ST software I could
get hold of and see what was and wasn't compatable.. here is a list of the

Calamus Works sometimes, when the program doesn't think it can't work
under TOS version 3.
1st Word+ Works in ST high, except for having the wrong text font size.
Spectre GCR Well... I've got version 3.0, but I canne get it to work.. it
locks up (as does GCRTEST) at the first try at
accessing the floppies in GCR mode.
Neodesk 2 Works fine.
MiNT 0.8 Works fine (except for the exception handling).
GNU CC 1.37.1 Everything works except the preprocessor, which doesn't parse
#if blocks properly.
Starglider 2 Works fine! (and incredibly smoothly :-)) But no sound effects
Starglider 1 Starts ok, but seems to crash after startup screen (though
this may be just my copy as it's a bit dodgy on the
Jinxter Works fine.
Hard Drivin' Works fine. (If a little fast)
Populous Starts ok (thoug the demo don't work), but falls over after
about a minute.
Elite Gives up on booting, as in it says there's not enough memory
and locks up the machine. It give the same symptoms on
the ST when you try to run it with the hard disk
driver installed.
Psion Chess Works fine.
F-15 Combat Pilot
(Digital Integration)
Crashes out during booting.
Marble Madness Works great.

All these tests were done with and without the processor cache on. Those
programs which could be booted from floppy were.

Well.. it seems the compatibility of the TT is patchy at best, though this
might just be that I've just been unlucky with the programs I've tried.

Stephen Usher

PS. Should the TTs internal speaker sound as if it's blown?

Janet:- or
Internet:- or


Date: 15 Jul 91 12:19:33 GMT
uern!! (Claus Brod)
Subject: TT compatability...
To: writes:

>1st Word+ Works in ST high, except for having the wrong text font size.

This is a real bug in 1WP which the TT TOS reveals. You can get an
updated version, V3.15a, from Atari/GST.

Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time.
D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein)


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