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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 427

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 8 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 427

Today's Topics:
"Video Music"
Atari in Concert
bridge for Atari
CPX's and XCONTROL (was Re: Help!)
How to prove your MEGA STE is broken - an update
LZH Path
sozbonobon and vdi
TOS (GEM) file selector windows (3 msgs)
TOS 1.4 with Neodesk 3, or TOS 2.0
TT and Genlock
TT demos and sound samples wanted
TT problems?
Which archiver ? (Was: use

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Date: 8 Aug 91 06:58:25 GMT
deccrl!!!! (John Miskinis)
Subject: "Video Music"

>the music. (I managed to get my hands on one recently).

How much is it? It sounds pretty cool! Where one see|buy one?



Date: 7 Aug 91 22:58:01 GMT
n!!!grasp1!frmug! (Bertrand Petit)
Subject: Atari in Concert

In article <14217@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>, kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jack W.
Wine) writes:
> In article <> (Bertrand Petit) writes:
> >In article <>, (Jari
Lehto) writes:
> >> I just happened to see the Jean-Michel Jarre's Paris-La Defense concert
> >> TV. Atari France was one of the main sponsors for the concert and there
> >> several Atari Mega 2/4 machines on the stage.
> >>
> >> The best PR Atari has done in long time... If someone noticed the machines.
> >
> > Yes I have noticed the computers but only on the video version. While
> >sitting on the bridge in front of La Defense i have seen nothing on the
> >scene. I have also seen 5 pages in the magazine edited by Atari France on
> >the installation used by Jarre during the show.
> >
> > Poor music but great multimedia show!
> Speaking of media shows, were there any Atari ads in conjunction with the
> Tour de France? The cyclists are attired like colorful billboards and
> it would have been a great promotion for Atari France; the Tour becomes of
> intense focus for three weeks and 2000 miles of travel thru pretty Spanish,
> Italian and French countryside.

I have not seen any Atari advertisment during the Tour de France.
Because i'm completely out of intereset for tv sport competition i can have
missed it. By the way it would be surprising if Atari get involved in a team
of any type. They never advertise their products in france, Atari is only
know by the early press informations and by arabian telephone (is it a good
expression in english).

| Bertrand Petit | Signature is under construction |
| alias | |
| >Elrond le demi-Elfe< | Be sure to wear your helmet |


Date: 8 Aug 91 09:38:24 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!tnosoes! (Marcel Lucassen)
Subject: bridge for Atari

Hi you out there,

I wonder if there exists a bridge program (the card game) for the
Atari ST. I know of a bridge program that runs on MSDOS, which of
course can be emulated on the Atari, but hey, this is for my
mother in law.... She'd appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance,

Marcel Lucassen
TNO Institute for Perception Phone: +31 34 63 562 11
P.O. Box 23 Fax: +31 34 63 539 77
3769 ZG Soesterberg e-mail:
The Netherlands


Date: 8 Aug 91 05:44:03 GMT
From:!!!usc!wupost!udel!!! (Charles Henry Medley)
Subject: CPX's and XCONTROL (was Re: Help!)

In article <> (Ralph P. Sobek)
>You are absolutely right Steve, but the CPX documentation is *only*
>available to *certain* developers. Not us!

Here in Washington, D.C., I think almost every ST BBS has the "Developer"
docs for XCONTROL in a plain ASCII file. I'm a registered developer and
I never got the docs, at least not until I logged on to a local BBS.

As an aside, I've also seen an ST emulator for the Amiga floating around.
I've seen it work, but the only application that has been tried on it (that
I've seen) is DEGAS Elite, and it doesn't save or color cycle. This file
isn't very big (about 200+ k uncompressed), and it almost ran the copy
protected game "Superman", which is scary. I'm wondering if anyone knows
if this is a legal emulator or not, since it has got to have portions of
TOS in it...


Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1991 11:49 CDT
Subject: Fractint

I use both Fractint16 (IBM / compatibles Dos
level version) and Fractint
for WINDOWS. I enjoy both very much. A lot of hard work went into those
programs and every time I use them I am facinated. Fractint on a
386/33mhz machine with a 1024x768x256 color vga video is excellent. In
Windows I often run fractint for windows as a background task. It does
its beauty in 200x100 up to 1024x768 in any size window or as a reduced
ICON. correction:(up to 2048x2048 resolution).
Don't flame, my atari 1040st is nearby (an old friendly computer)
Lately I've been trying to learn to program in BORLAND C++ for Windows 3.0
and I must admit that opening a window in Windows is much more difficult
than in GEM.
I enjoy both computer worlds but i'm just greedy for maximun
resolution and colours and speed as I can acquire. Love graphics
and sound with computers.
Don Lewis <djlewis@ualr.bitnet>
or <>


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:24:23 GMT
From: mcsun!!funic!! (Kimmo
Subject: HiSoft

In article <>
(Paul Purdom) writes:

Can someone send me an address for HiSoft in England (or a US address if
they have one)? Does anyone know of a better place to obtain the latest
version of Personal Pascal?

Personal Pascal is in now product of ICD. The current version is 2.05.
The address is:

ICD Inc.,
1220 Rock Street,
Rockford, IL 61101-1437

tel: (815) 968-2228
fax: (815) 968-6888

BBS: (815) 968-2229

I hope this helps.

(I am in no connection with ICD, just a customer)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kimmo Lahtinen E-Mail : or
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Phone : +358 0 758 1322
Possessed by a Spirit G3 Fax : +358 0 758 1396


Date: Thu, 8 Aug 91 15:53 N
Subject: How to prove your MEGA STE is broken - an update


Hello again,
Just a short follow-up to my message yesterday concerning the
above. I have just been able to try the MEGA STE programme "shifter.prg" on a
colour monitor and find that no screen displacement is produced, whether in
medium or high resolution or any of the 3 possible speed settings. So if the
MEGA STE problems can been seen using Neochrome etc. in colour mode I have no
idea how to reproduce them.
Anyway SHIFTER.PRG definitely shows up the fault in HIGH resolution.
Contrary to what I said about the displacement corresponding to 0, 1, 2 or 3
character widths, in fact it corresponds to 0, 2, 4 or 6 character widths!
I am now in the process of battling with my supplier to have the
problem fixed, will let you know the outcome.


----------------- Paul A. Dagleish, I.L.L. --------------------------

snail: Institut Laue-Langevin, 156x, F-38042 GRENOBLE, France
phone: (33). -- telex: 320 621F -- fax: (33).



Date: 5 Aug 91 21:03:00 GMT
mcsun!unido!!!artcom0!!!Thomas_Quest (Thomas Quester)
Subject: LZH Path

RS>How does one LZH a Folder that is say 3 deep, that also contains
RS>folders, but not to include paths of the 3 folders in the archive.
RS>Sample Path..C:\path1\path2\main\auto\boot.prg
RS> \folder\files.etc
RS> \program.prg
RS>So all the Files and Folders that in Main must be in the
RS>Archive but not \path1\path2\main...

Why not change to path1\path2\main (by opening the folders or by cd)
and start LHarc from there (by double-clicking with the right button)

Thomas Quester * Lampenland 9 * 2050 Hamburg 80

Eines Tages wurde dem Kolumbus ein Ei untergeschoben, aus dem er dann


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:10:48 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: sozbonobon and vdi

[In article <91219.213023JOKHC@CUNYVM.BITNET>,
JOKHC@CUNYVM.BITNET (Joshua Kronengold) writes ... ]

> since sozobon doesn't support such funtions as v_openvwk, graf_handle, and
> appl_exit, is there anywhere I can get a library of gem functions compatible
> with it.

Sure. That's what GEMFAST is for. GEMFAST 1.5 binaries and sources are
at Just include the appropriate libraries on
the command line when you run the compiler, i.e.:

cc -o program.prg program.c aesfast vdifast

GEMFAST 1.6 is included with a new ``Heat and Serve'' self-installing
Sozobon C package from Ian Lepore. I've been testing Ian's package for
a few weeks. It includes some bugfixes in GEMFAST, but the most significant
changes involve the ability to run Sozobon from the GEM Desktop or another
graphical shell. I'm running the new Sozobon C 1.30i directly from Gemini
by double-clicking on makefiles, and it works like a charm.

I'm going to ask Mike Dorman to upload it to a.a., since he's at an
Internet site and I'm stuck with UUCP and a 1200bps modem. (Really!)

Here is a summary of the changes I've noticed from the last official

* A very polished GEM-based installation program creates the appropriate
directories and installs all the programs, header files, documentation,
etc., on your system.

* A GEM environment setter program is included so that global information
can be made available to the compiler components (and other programs, for
that matter) without requiring the use of a command shell.

* CC, the compiler driver program, supports a number of added switches:
-v[1][2][3][4] Numbers now cause cc to pass the -v flag to components.
-r <file> specifies an alternate runtime startup module.
-h holds the screen with a Hit any key... prompt before exit.

* HCC supports ANSI-style concatenation of adjacent string literals, and
there is no limit to the total length of a string assembled by the
concatenations. (ANSI-style concatenation means that if two strings are
separated only by white space, they are logically joined together as if
they were a single string literal.)

* HCC allows C++ comments (// delimits a comment).

* HCC fully supports void* pointers as a generic pointer type that does
not generate a type mismatch warning. (This is especially welcome for the
ob_spec field of an OBJECT.)

* Include files may be nested to any depth (former limit was 8).

* JAS, the assembler, no longer accepts C-style comments and comments set
off by asterisks. (Stars in column 1 still delimit a comment, but
semicolons are required to add comments to the end of a line of asm code.)

* JAS processes full ANSI escape sequences within string constants.

* JAS runs 50-100% faster than the original Sozobon version, by Ian's

* TOP, the optimizer, is more powerful. Ian has added several dozen new
peephole sequences the he says shorten code sequences commonly found in
GEM programming, such as access to an element in an array of structures
via pointer and index into the array.

* The BUFSIZE environment variable can instruct HCC, TOP and JAS to use
large i/o buffers for faster compilation if you have enough memory.

* MAKE is replaced by an enhanced version of a public-domain 'make'
utility that is much more powerful. It works with a MAKE.INI file that you
can tailor to your environment.

* DLIBS has been modified with several fixed routines, including the XARGS
support routines, lmemcpy and bzero functions, and Ian's hand-coded
assembler string library functions. (The bugfixes appear to be the same
ones that are included in most commonly circulated versions of dlibs. I
don't think the argument parser has been upgraded to support the ARGV

* DSTART.O is supplemented by alternate startup files (apstart.o and
minstart.o) for creating GEM applications and desk accessories.

* GEMFAST 1.6 bindings for GEM functions are included.

* Some rarely encountered bugs are documented in detail.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA)


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:01:06 GMT
.edu!thelake! (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows

[In article <>, (azog-thoth) writes ... ]

> When a file selector window pops up, at the top is listed the path.
> I change the path to the other drive (say B:/) and press the OK
> button, but the window closes without giving me a file list. Is
> this a bug or a feature of TOS 1.0? If so, is it fixed in later
> releases?

It's a feature.

Clicking on OK (or hitting RETURN or ENTER) means that you're done.

To change drives on TOS 1.0 file selector, move the cursor to the
path field and change the file mask to reflect the drive you want
in this format:

Note that you should use backslashes, nor forward slashes.

Then click on the bar at the top of the little window in which the
filenames are displayed. This will prompt TOS to re-read the
directory using the mask you provided. Because of what appears to
be a bug in TOS 1.0, the mask will be wiped out and replaced with
the wildcard *.*, but you'll still get the drive you want.

Click on OK only after you've selected a file.

There are a couple of other solutions you should know about:

-- Third-party file selector replacements, such as Universal Item
Selector and Little Green File Selector. These hook into the system
and replace the standard file selector, providing lots of enhancements
including push-buttons to change drives. UIS III includes quite
a few file-handling functions as well, so you can copy files, etc.,
from the inside of any GEM application.

-- TOS 1.4 provides an enhanced file selector with push-buttons for
changing drives. It's not as slick as UIS III, but it's much better
than the 1.0 file selector. Since you're getting a hard drive, TOS 1.4
is a good idea anyway.

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA)


Date: 8 Aug 91 08:47:26 GMT
From: timbuk! (Marc Bouron)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows

In article <>, (Steve Yelvington)
> [ ...stuff deleted... ]
> Then click on the bar at the top of the little window in which the
> filenames are displayed. This will prompt TOS to re-read the
> directory using the mask you provided. Because of what appears to
> be a bug in TOS 1.0, the mask will be wiped out and replaced with
> the wildcard *.*, but you'll still get the drive you want.
> [ ...more stuff deleted... ]

If you click in the part of the dialog showing the file names, rather than the
`title' bar, then the filename mask isn't wiped by TOS. I think this helps if
there is actually a file of the type you are looking for in the directory you
have chosen.


# # # . . #
# Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ #
# Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) #
# +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | #
# # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # #


Date: 8 Aug 91 11:09:52 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!!! (Jan van der Steen)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows
To: (Steve Yelvington) writes:

>[In article <>,
> (azog-thoth) writes ... ]

> > When a file selector window pops up, at the top is listed the path.
> > I change the path to the other drive (say B:/) and press the OK
> > button, but the window closes without giving me a file list. Is
> > this a bug or a feature of TOS 1.0? If so, is it fixed in later
> > releases?

>It's a feature.

[stuff deleted...]

I also have a question concerning the file selector. I already posted this
question to two weeks ago but got no response.

I noticed that when giving a relative path to the file selector
of the Atari STe it's impossible to do more "cd .."'s (using the close
box of the window) than the directory where the relative path started.
This has to do with the way the system figures out the parent directory.

An example to illustrate what I mean:

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sample.c =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <aes.h>

#define PATHLENGTH (64+1)
#define FILELENGTH (12+1)

char file[FILELENGTH];
int button;

(void) sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", ".\\MISC", "*.C");
(void) strcpy(file, "FILE.C");

exit(fsel_input(path, file, &button));
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sample.c =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

This will result in the file selector showing:

Directory: .\MISC\*.C
Selection: FILE.C

When applying the "cd .." button of the file selector it will show:

Directory: .*.C
Selection: ________.___

So, it seems that the system code performs the "cd .." command
by stripping *one* directory from the current path. However,
the used algorithm doesn't make sense in this case.

My question:

Should one only supply full pathnames to the file selector,
or should the described behaviour be considered a bug?

Three notes:

1. The used algorithm (stripping instead of executing "cd ..") does
make sense for file systems which support symbolic links. So, it
is not necessarily a bad algorithm to use. Subject of discussion
is the *way* the system strips.

2. The current working directory of the test application was below
the root of the file system.

3. The above program might perform differently on older TOS systems.

Jan van der Steen

Jan van der Steen
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jan van der Steen
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Date: 8 Aug 91 11:25:49 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!cf-cm! (Andrew F Stratton)
Subject: TOS 1.4 with Neodesk 3, or TOS 2.0

The subject almost says it - should I get TOS 1.4 now (Ihave TOS 1.0)
and use with Neodesk 3, or should I wait for TOS 2.0 to come out, and
buy it instead. I have a 6 ROM Atari STM (1985 model), with 2.5 Mbyte memory
and a 20 Mbyte Supra hard disk.

Please mail to me, and I will summarise to the net.

Thanks in advance,


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:36:36 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cstw18! (Frans
Subject: TT and Genlock


What I would like to do, is to record TT images onto my VCR.
I'm not very familiar with this subject, but I'm told I need something
like "genlock" to achieve this.
Now I've read somewhere that the TT should support this one way or
another (by grounding a pin of the monitor plug and supplying a sync
signal on another pin, sorry, forgot which pins exactly).
However, as I see it my TT only delivers RGB signals whereas my VCR
needs CVBS. Is there perhaps an easy way to convert RGB signals to
CVBS? Can I use the CVBS sync as input for the TT?
Or doesn't the VCR provide a sync when recording, but should I supply
a sync signal to both VCR and TT??

Thanks for the info.
Frans Meulenbroeks (
Philips Research Laboratories


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:42:26 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cstw18! (Frans
Subject: TT demos and sound samples wanted


Since I now have my TT for a few weeks I was wondering if there aren't
any neat demo's floating around for the TT. I looked in the
binaries archive and on terminator, but there seemed to be no TT
specific stuff, which exploits the TT graphical and computational
capabilities. Does anyone have a nice demo for me (or a pointer to
where I can find one). Note that I do not have ftp access.

Also I would be interested in a few sound files. I've found quite
a number of players in the binaries group, but no sound files to go
along with it. Of course I mean sound files for the STe/TT DMA sound
subsystem, not .snd files for the TT.

Frans Meulenbroeks (
Philips Research Laboratories


Date: 8 Aug 91 06:46:24 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cstw18! (Frans
Subject: TT problems?


I do have a few things with my TT, of which I want to know if they are
real problems, or if I'm expecting too much from my systems.
The problems are:
1) I see vertical bars, spaced something like every 16 pixels on my
screen. The bars are a little darker line with adjacent a little
lighter line. They are best visible on the desktop when it has a
homogeneous background. It can be seen best by modifying the desktop
color to homegene gray. It seems to be some kind of echo mechanism
since the bars do also appear left of the desktop (in the white
area beside the desktop), but are missing at the very right of the
desktop. Also at the left side of a window or icon the closest two
bars are not visible over the height of the window or icon.
The effect is barely visible with a dithered desktop.
Don't expect this is normal.
Did anyone have similar experiences?
2) When I go to the sound setup menu, and I turn up the bass a little
(with maximum volume). and I press on the figure with the headphone,
the sound I get is pretty distorted. Not only from the internal
speaker but also on my amplifier connected to the TT.
Is this normal and am I pushing the system beyond its limits, or is
this related to the STe problems reported before in this group?
Lowering the volume lets the problem go away.
Also when I click on the headphone figure with the mouse, I can hear a
click on the speaker. For the time being I assume that this is just
a switch-on problem. If you think it isn't, or if your TT doesn't do
so, let me know.
3) The screen (PTC 1426) is a little bit blurred whenever it is all
white (for instance when rebooting). Also there seems to be some
interference with the floppy drive.
I was not used to this, since neither my SM125 nor my sun monitor on
the work does have this.
Furhtermore while the system is on the upper line (that is, the line
between the black area on top, and the desktop) slowly becomes
shorter (so the line is partly black, and partly desktop color, say
green. The first part is black, but this shortens slowly, at the
favor of the green part at the end which gets longer.
According to my dealer this is normal, and part of this is caused
because the PTC 1426 has no internal shielding.
Does anyone have other experiences??

Despite these problems I'm very content with my TT.
It's a great system, and I'm still discovering new capabilities.

Frans Meulenbroeks (
Philips Research Laboratories


Date: 5 Aug 91 20:57:00 GMT
mcsun!unido!!!artcom0!!!Thomas_Quest (Thomas Quester)
Subject: Which archiver ? (Was: use

UZ>Some days ago, I've got lha200 from; its an lharc
UZ>version 2.0, so it can unpack the lh5 method which is even better in
UZ>compression than the 'old' lh1 method. This version is from Th.Quester and
UZ>he seems to be aware of the incompatibility problem, because he built in
UZ>a switch for compatibility with those old unix-lharcs and others, which do
UZ>some wrong things with the headers in the lzh file;

The a-switch is used to create old-style lh1-archives. The wrong things
with headers are recognized automatically. Some time ago I spent a week
or so, to make it compatible to any Lharc-Version I could get. By the way:
The only way to get rid of any incompatiblity is to send me a copy of the
.LZH-File -- and, if available -- the archiver that produced it.

Thomas Quester * Lampenland 9 * 2050 Hamburg 80

MauTau V 2.2c - Der August macht seinem Namen alle Aehre.


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