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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 470

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 5 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 470

Today's Topics:
24 pin printer driver for Spectre
Atari Computer for sale!
Atari Printer Setup
Conclusions: How do I stop Control-C?
Current status of Autoswitch Overscan
Falcon Disks
Machine Prices (was Re: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I)) (2 msgs)
Railroad Tycoon
RAM disks for Mega4/ste??? Yes!
Sozobon C -- Mail?
Stacey Advice, please
Star NX-1000 driver for 1st World Plus
Super Charger 286? (2 msgs)
TeX Advice
Trouble With New Floppy Drive

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Date: 5 Sep 91 18:22:47 GMT
Subject: 24 pin printer driver for Spectre

Where can I get a 24 pin printer driver (for a Roland Raven) to use
with MacWare under Spectre?

For the user asking about LDW, it's compatible with LOTUS 2.1. Latest
version of LDW that I have is 2.0. Hope this helps.


Date: 5 Sep 91 17:45:32 GMT
From:!!! (Chuck
Subject: Atari Computer for sale!


Atari 1040 ST
1 meg main system memory
Internal 720K 3.5" disk drive
TOS 1.4 Operating System ROMs
Surreal Systems internal clock chip
Atari SC 1224 Color monitor
Original super-sharp JVC model
Home-brew" hard drive
SH 204 case and power supply/fan
ICD Advantage Host Adapter (w/clock)
OMTI SCSI-to-MFM converter
Seagate ST-251 40 meg drive (flakey)
DMA cable
Atari standard mouse
WordPerfect for the Atari ST
Abacus Chartpak
Misc. system disks for the above system
...and any other misc. Atari formatted disks that I have

All this great stuff for just $750 or best offer!

I'd rather sell the system as a whole, but if I get offers
for most of the pieces, then I'll go that way.

Anyway, if you have an offer, then make it! The worst thing
that can happen is that I'll say "
No way!"

I prefer email, but if you would rather call, you can reach
me at (301) 521-0015.



Chuck Rickard


Date: 5 Sep 91 15:48:00 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle! (D Mallon)
Subject: Atari Printer Setup

Printer Problems
(Atari-Silver Reed)

I'm currently trying to link up a silver reed Daisy wheel
printer to my atari, through the parallel printer port.
However, there seems to be some confusion between the two regarding
line feeds i.e. I get about one line then rubbish.

The Atari seems to only offer a very simple set-up facility for
printers i.e. Install Printer, with no way to alter control characters.

If anyone out ther has overcome a similar problem I'd appreciate
their advice.



Date: 5 Sep 91 19:44:08 GMT

I plan on purchasing a multisync monitor for the ATARI ST.
I was wondering would the following monitors work with the
Omniswitch(?) in both monochrome and color modes.

SONY 1304 HG (the one I own now)

Panasync 1391
Samsung Syncmaster 3
or any others (below $350 cost).

If the Sony 1304 will work then that would be great!
I don't wish to purchase anything over $350.00 cause the ACER
that was offered to me was for $340.00 which will do both modes

Thanks in Advance,



Date: 5 Sep 91 23:55:53 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Len

In a previous article, (CHU JEFFREY) says:

>I plan on purchasing a multisync monitor for the ATARI ST.
>I was wondering would the following monitors work with the
>Omniswitch(?) in both monochrome and color modes.
> SONY 1304 HG (the one I own now)
> Panasync 1391
> Samsung Syncmaster 3
> suggestions?
> or any others (below $350 cost).
>If the Sony 1304 will work then that would be great!
>I don't wish to purchase anything over $350.00 cause the ACER
>that was offered to me was for $340.00 which will do both modes
> Thanks in Advance,
> Jeff

In addition to this, I'd like to know if I buy a multisynch monitor,
can I later connect it to an IBM clone and display VGA graphics with it?




Date: 5 Sep 91 21:15:31 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!usc!apple!portal!atari! (Allan
Subject: Conclusions: How do I stop Control-C?
To: (Michel Forget) writes:
>2. Use getch() and putch() to do the input and output, and use cfg_ch()
>to modify the functions to use the BIOS calls mentioned above. This
>would be more portable than the above method, ...

I disagree. It assumes that everybody else who uses your source code has
the same library that you have. Even if it's popular & widespread (like
MWC or something) it's still not portable.

There's a third alternative: use Crawio(c) for output and Crawcin() for
input. These are GEMDOS functions, not BIOS functions, and as such are
redirectable and other stuff. The redirection doesn't actually work before
TOS 1.4 for some of the single-character I/O calls, but that's Yet Another
Good Reason To Upgrade.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt


Date: 5 Sep 91 22:13:23 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!!fauern!opal! (Karsten Isakovic)
Subject: Current status of Autoswitch Overscan

Hello Gerald,

>Chuck, Rio Computers was going to be the US distributor of
>A-O, last I heard. I called them a few times in August to
>find out about it, but it seemed that it was always destined
>to be there about a week after my call. Now that the academic

RIO has got 10 AS-Overscans at the 20.8, befor the ATARI fair in Duesseldorf
started. Since Richard was at the fair, the first date to buy a AS-OverScan
in the US was around 28'th of august.

Greetings, Karsten


Date: 5 Sep 91 23:08:24 GMT
.edu (Bruce Urbanski)
Subject: Falcon Disks

You can order the mission disks right from SH.. I recommend mission disk II


Date: 6 Sep 91 01:44:19 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!unix.cis.p! (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Gemini/Fonts

Okay, you are saying that Gemini can only use Monospaced fonts.
Now how can I tell the difference...

Robert Anisko


Date: 5 Sep 91 13:38:24 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis! (Kernel Mustered)
Subject: Machine Prices (was Re: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I))

In article <>
| In article <>
| >
| >While talking about the ATW it is now available for 2500pounds with
| >educational discount. (Thats Half price!)
| So what? You can go out right now and buy a 21 MIP Sun SPARCstation
| ELC for the same price in the US (about US$5,000).

What you forget is that although the exchange rate is about $1.7 : #1,
generally computers cost about 1.5x or 2x as much over here as they do in
the USA.

For example, over here a SPARCstation is about #5000, not $5000.



Date: 5 Sep 91 20:09:40 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!!!! (Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Machine Prices (was Re: ATW adon for ST's (was RE: CD-I))

In article <> (Kernel Mustered)
>In article <>
>| In article <>
>| >
>| >While talking about the ATW it is now available for 2500pounds with
>| >educational discount. (Thats Half price!)
>| So what? You can go out right now and buy a 21 MIP Sun SPARCstation
>| ELC for the same price in the US (about US$5,000).
>What you forget is that although the exchange rate is about $1.7 : #1,
>generally computers cost about 1.5x or 2x as much over here as they do in
>the USA.
>For example, over here a SPARCstation is about #5000, not $5000.

Well, if you're going to spend 5K pounds anyway, why not just take the
Concorde over to NY and buy a SPARCstation ELC and take the Concorde
back to merry ol' England. At least this way you can travel and have
a few beers while you're at it. :-)

I'm amazed at European prices. You can get a 486-33mhz system here for
less than US$3,000 also. Perhaps, that is why Atari machines don't
sell very well here. According to J&R Music World's latest pricing,
a monochrome Mega-2 STe will cost you US$1400+. Most people would
probably prefer to get a low end Mac or medium-end PC clone for that
amount of money (unless they want a MIDI machine...and the Mac is
making inroads in that market as well).


Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
--------------| -Harel Barzilai-


Date: 5 Sep 91 22:53:20 GMT
(Bruce Urbanski)
Subject: Railroad Tycoon

If you have a GCR and can't wait. get the MAC works just fine..


Date: 5 Sep 91 17:44:43 GMT
stnews! (Joe Gaudreau {Dances with PostScript})
Subject: RAM disks for Mega4/ste??? Yes!

In article <> writes:

(Joe Gaudreau {Dances with PostScript}) writes: Hey! that's me!
> Are there any RAM disks that *work* on a Mega4/Ste? I've tried a
The only ones (of the reset-resistant variety) I've found are the Codehead
Ram Disk (on the Codehead Utilities Disk) and Keith Ledbetter's L-Ram, part
of his LUTILS, in utilities/lutils.arc on Terminator.
The Codehead one is terrific, in that you can set it up at *and remove
it* at any time without re-setting.

The Mark Williams rde_sty for the Ste works quite nicely on the
Mega4/Ste. It has many nice variations but the one I like the best is
being able to save the ram disk image as a .tos file, which can be
loaded once with whatever you populated it with:

I have drive o: setup for Turbo-C development with 1.5 meg and it just
barely fits all the compiler tools, libraries, includes, emacs, and
gnu-make. It get's used with the 'Master' shell and it's purpose is
essentially to be a 'rom' drive. There'a around 400k left for
diddling or temp stuff. *but* the cool part is that I saved the
configured and populated ram drive as a binary (900k-ish) - it's a
built in feature of rde. Now, when I load the ram drive, everything
is there. Compiles are *SO* fast, it's simply unbelievable - saves
wear and tear on the HD too.

*Gulam* or some other shell (like Master) is highly recommended for
talking to rde - it lets you do much much more than the gui it comes

Thanx to all.




Date: 5 Sep 91 18:42:30 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!!thelake!steve@a (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Sozobon C -- Mail?

[In article <>, (Michel Forget) writes ... ]

> Hello. I heard that there will be a new version of Sozobon C released
> soon. Does anyone know the mailing address of the authors, and whether
> or not they will still ship the package out to people for the $10
> mentioned in their documentation for version 1.0 of Sozobon C. The
> reason I am asking is that I don't have access to a Mail Server (like
> Bart) or (although the second one might be fixed
> soon). I would like to get the newest version of Sozobon C that I can,
> and if this is the only way I can, I'm game.

The new version that I've been looking at was not prepared by the original
Sozobon team. It was put together by Ian Lepore, the guy who wrote the
GEMFAST bindings. I don't know whether Ian wants to get into the disk-
shipping racket, and at any rate I don't have his mailing address.

But as soon as 1.62i is released, I'm sure I can persuade the Minnesota
Atari ST user group to package it as a Disk of the Month. MAST DOMs are
available to nonmembers as well as members and are priced at $4 (US) each,
plus postage. If you're outside the USA, better add a couple of dollars.
Probably the best way to send funds in this small amount is to purchase
International Reply Coupons at your local post office; MAST can convert
them to U.S. stamps, which are always useful.

I'll post an announcement here as soon as 1.62i is released.

Meanwhile, if you want to get a jump on the mails, you could send
a letter and a check or IRCs to:

P.O. Box 120016
New Brighton, MN 55112 USA

Include in your note that you want Sozobon C 1.62i (or better). You
don't want 1.61i, which was on last month's DOMs, since it has some
problems (all apparently fixed in the new version).

Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA)
Member, Burned Out Newspapercreatures Guild


Date: 6 Sep 91 01:41:54 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!unix.cis.p! (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Stacey Advice, please

On the IBM emulator, I have heard of I THINK PC-Speeds being
put inside a STacy - you might want to talk to a STacy owner or
possibly a dealer about that...

On the MAC side, just get Spectre GCR and the MAC ROMS, and you have
a PORTABLE MAC for a WHOLE LOT LESS than an actual MAC portable...

Robert Anisko


Date: 5 Sep 91 23:16:03 GMT
!pnet01! (Jim Trageser)
Subject: Star NX-1000 driver for 1st World Plus

Anyone have a hex file for 1st WordPlus for the Star NX-1000 printer? I tried
the Epson files, but I can't get bold NLQ and when I corrected the hex codes
within the Epson file to correspond to Star nlq bold, I started getting
quadruple line feeds when I used italics. (although I didn't touch the italics
or linefeed coding. Very weird).

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!trag
ARPA: crash!pnet01!


Date: 6 Sep 91 00:54:36 GMT
Subject: Super Charger 286?

Anyone who wants an IBM emulator for specific applications
such as games, and for graphics capabilities such as VGA,
and for expansion options, should buy the only REAL PC emulator,
an actual IBM style system.

A used turbo XT system will probably cost less than an ST
emulator, will run ANY pc program, and will be expandable to
use just about ANY peripheral you could ever want.

An ST emulator should only be for someone who doesn care about
expansion, and who doesn't have any serious applications in

As good as they are, the ST pc emulators will never match even
the most basic true PC...



Date: 6 Sep 91 03:38:48 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!!rj (Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Super Charger 286?

In article <> writes:
>Anyone who wants an IBM emulator for specific applications
>such as games, and for graphics capabilities such as VGA,
>and for expansion options, should buy the only REAL PC emulator,
>an actual IBM style system.

If you have the $$$ and space (see below)...

>A used turbo XT system will probably cost less than an ST
>emulator, will run ANY pc program, and will be expandable to
>use just about ANY peripheral you could ever want.

The expansion is a definite. But can you get a comparable system for
the same price (in terms of software capabilities, not expansion/cards)
Besides, who wants an XT anyways? (if I wanted one, I would have
bought a laptop for a good price) -- for me gotta go AT for

>An ST emulator should only be for someone who doesn care about
>expansion, and who doesn't have any serious applications in

I agree on the first part, and disagree on the second. I used/will use
IBM emulators for programming (TurboC, Smalltalk/V) among other things.
They worked well with Supercharger (regular flavor) and should
work well with an ATSpeed. For that matter, they work on the
software PC-DITTO of all things!

>As good as they are, the ST pc emulators will never match even
>the most basic true PC...

(referencing ATSpeed16): But for someone like me who only needs to
run basic software (i.e. anything not tied to an expansion card), then
something like the ATSpeed16 is ideal - gives CGA/Tandy color,
Herc/EGA/VGA mono (the various resolutions allow for compatibility
with many programs which are resolution-dependent; 286 (and optional
287) give compatibility to programs that use these chips specifically.
If I wanted a killer-PC system, I'd buy one - but as I have
my ST and have NO intention of getting rid of it, I don't need
2 COMPLETE systems cluttering up my already cluttered area.
I just want to be able to run software as needed, and no more.
An emulator will get one through college courses, anyways...

Robert Anisko

get some suntan oil - I feel some flames coming this way :-)"


Date: 5 Sep 91 18:01:40 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!!cs!! (Michael Fischer)
Subject: TeX Advice

In article <3265@tamsun.TAMU.EDU> (Mark Lehmann) writes:
>What I'd like to here is a success story.
>My prof got me interested back in TeX and LaTeX today. I want it for
>my St. I have aboiut 9 Meg of space left on my hard disk and 1 Meg of
>memory that I want to upgrade to 2.5 Meg. Should I do this.
>I see so many complaints about TeX on the ST. Should
>I even try?

Yes, TeX and LaTeX are viable on the ST. My wife is in the midst of
producing a 550 page manuscript of a book using it. I use LaTeX for
all of my own writing. One of the nice features is that I can freely
move tex files back and forth between my Sun Sparcstation 1 at work
and my Atari MegaST at home and compile them, preview them, or print
them at either location. The only real noticable differences between
the two systems are screen size and speed. The ST compiles roughly 10
pages/minute; the Sparc runs approximately 10 times faster.

Whether you should try to bring it up on your system is another
matter. TeX and its associated programs and files comprise a large
and complicated system. You will need the 2.5 Meg of memory. The 9
Meg of hard disk space you have available might be enough, but you
won't have much left over after you install TeX and its fonts and
related programs. Getting ahold of suitable fonts may not be so easy.
Fonts files are generated using MetaFont for specific printers and
resolutions and are quite large. Fonts generated for "
write black"
laser printers will work on the SLM 804, which is a "
write white"
printer, but they don't look as good as ones generated especially for
a "
write white" printer. I couldn't find a complete set of screen and
printer fonts in the usual places, so I finally ended up generating
one myself. This took several hours of time on a Sparc. I don't know
whether it could have been done on the ST or not, but if so, it
probably would have required 30 or 40 hours of CPU time or more.

Here are the components that I can recommend. All are available on or on tex archives such as

1. Basic TeX engine: tex version 3.1.

2. Latex macros.

3. Screen previewer: showdvi.

4. Laser printer driver: dviprint (packaged with showdvi).

Instead of 3 and 4, one can use dvips to convert .dvi files (produced
by TeX) to PostScript files, which can then be printed or viewed using
appropriate PostScript tools such as Ghostscript or Ultrascript.

Optional components:

5. Bibliography tool: bibtex.

6. Font generation: metafont.

In addition, you will need a good ascii text editor for preparing
input files for TeX/LaTeX. TeX is not a "
wordprocessor" in the usual
sense and does not provide tools for data entry. I use either
MicroGnuEmacs or Tempus, but any editor capable of reading and writing
pure ascii files will work.

Hope this helps.
| Michael Fischer <> |


Date: 5 Sep 91 14:30:33 GMT
(My name is Brian Rost)
Subject: Trouble With New Floppy Drive

The floppy in my 1040ST died, so I went out and got a Mitsubishi DSDD drive for
$50 and threw it in last night. At first, nothing worked. OK, turn over the
ribbon connector, that's better. Hmm, still not right, oh yeah, use the drive
select jumper to select drive 0. Now it reads all my floppies. Try to format
a blank floppy...nothing!! "
Drive not responding...disk may be corrupted".

???I'm totally confused. I don't hear the head moving around when I try to
write or format. The drive is brand new and was inspected by the dealer
before shipping. I'm thinking there is some other stupid jumper or switch on
it somewhere.

Brian Rost


* *
* The above does not reflect the opinions of *
* my employer. *
* *
* If music is outlawed, only outlaws will be *
* musicians. *
* *


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