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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 408

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 25 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 408

Today's Topics:
Amusing insites re Amiga owners (For ST owners only) (2 msgs)
Atari ST floppy problems
Atari ST Phasar 4.0 (ANTIC) - Home Accounting Software
crabs -- Screen-eating program for MiNT
For Sale - Atari 520 ST
Interesting Archiver Facts [was Re: Use Unlzh 1.72 ...]
lharc source (Was: Use Unlzh 1.72 for Unlzhing! Works with all!
Music Studio (for Atari ST) file format ?
PC-Ditto I -vs- SoftPC
Plea for help <-- dead 1040! (2 msgs)
TOS 1.4 question(s)
use unlzh 1.72 for unlzhing! works with all!
WANTED: Stereo-Tek Glasses
Where to get PC-DITTO II PALs ??????
Word Perfect and fonts

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Date: 25 Jul 91 20:04:51 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!oakhill!digital!digital.sps.! (Jinfu Chen)
Subject: Amusing insites re Amiga owners (For ST owners only)

In article <> writes:
>2048x1024 GT 56 plane Z buffered 3d Graphics system. One 15 Y-o
>decided to tell me that his Amiga could do that !!!!

I call that Amiga mentality. Case of point, just keep reading reader's letter
section in any non-dedicate PC magazine, such as Byte, Inforworld. Once a
whlie there will be an Amiga owner writting letter to complain about either
the lack of coverage of his machine, or his machine could do the same thing
as well.


Date: 25 Jul 91 22:31:58 GMT
a!! (Ray)
Subject: Amusing insites re Amiga owners (For ST owners only)

In article <> (Jinfu
Chen) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>2048x1024 GT 56 plane Z buffered 3d Graphics system. One 15 Y-o
>>decided to tell me that his Amiga could do that !!!!

First of all I think this phrase may have been taken out of context.
Perhaps what the 15 year old meant was "my amiga can raytrace too", not
thathis Amiga cold run at the same speed.

>I call that Amiga mentality. Case of point, just keep reading reader's letter
>section in any non-dedicate PC magazine, such as Byte, Inforworld. Once a
>whlie there will be an Amiga owner writting letter to complain about either
>the lack of coverage of his machine, or his machine could do the same thing
>as well.

And if you go back to the 1986-87 era Mac users were doing the same thing
before the Mac was accepted as a "serious" business machine. The complaints
are justified again BYTE however. BYTE Used to be a general industry
magazine but now 75% of the articles are about the PC. It is getting
better (more Unix, Mac and Amiga articles) but is still mostly PC
oriented. All I can say is, the technique of writing to magazine editors
telling them you want more coverage of product X works, and now the
Amiga is covered in many US non-Amiga magazines. (BYTE-occasionally,
Video PROphiles, Camcorder Magazine, Electronic Learning, CGM)
Perhaps if more ST users would write into magazines asking for coverage
they might get some, and the ST wouldn't have such an appalling
sales rate in the US.

Asking for coverage isn't a sin as long as your message is well
written (not ranting and raving). Recently only a few letters to computer
shopper was enough to get them to restore the Amiga section (which they

/ * // The opinions expressed here do not \
| | \X/ in any way reflect the views of my self.|
\ UUCP:uunet!tnc!m0023 * /


Date: 25 Jul 91 21:13:45 GMT
From: apollo! (John Francis)
Subject: Atari ST floppy problems

I recently put my 520ST back into commission after a long sojourn in MSDOS-land
(got to have somewhere to play old Infocom games & something with MIDI ports

Unfortunately I am having problems with my floppies. Both floppies are external
(this is an *old* system). The SS drive just seems to have intermittent
on the power connector. The DS drive *seems* to work O.K. - I can write files
it, and they read back O.K. at first. After about the fourth reading, however,
quite often get the "Data on drive B: may be damaged" popup.

1) Does anyone have any suggestion as to what is going on here ?

2) When I last had a problem with my 520, I remember I just shipped the system
back to Atari with a check, and they sent me a replacement system (with an
improvement: TOS in ROM. I *said* this was an *old* system).
a) Does Atari still offer this service?
b) If so, will this cover floppy drives, or is it just for the system
c) If floppies are covered, could somebody please send me details such as
the address to send things to, and the cost?

Finally, a heretical question: Is there an ST emulator that runs on an IBM PC?


Date: 25 Jul 91 22:47:19 GMT
From: sequent!! (Mary Kay Petersen)
Subject: Atari ST Phasar 4.0 (ANTIC) - Home Accounting Software

Does anyone have experience using a home accounting package for the
Atari ST called Phasar 4.0 (ANTIC)? Any comments on features/limitations
would be appreciated.

/_ _ / sequent computer system, inc. +-----+
/ / / /__/ __ 15450 sw koll parkway | # |
/ / / / \__(_/_/_/ beaverton, or 97006-6063 | |
mary kay petersen/ +-----+
(503)578-5817 __/


Date: 25 Jul 91 22:37:21 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!news-server.!utgpu!watserv1!watmath! (L. J. Dickey)
Subject: crabs -- Screen-eating program for MiNT

In article <> (Ralph P. Sobek)
>There seems to be a problem with the crabexe.lzh file that was posted.
>Neither Unix uudecode or uud or even uud on my ST could decode this
>In article <> (Steven Grimm) writes:
>| table
>| !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?
>| begin 644 crabexe.lzh
>| M'\TM;&@Q+68< !:-0 0E6K%B "4-204)3+E144,*)]FFQF'NG[!@R#==Cz
>| M0SK72P UW;UG[MOM>J6TW[!9;2FD7#2FHL$R,!K)<!$Y[P E97YY2AG?OFEZy
>| M-44-MP8$40/Q)&)FC;N[@]\8+$">_"0G,S-.MNAR!;:~RC0$5AC:LUC.(LF/w
>| M<\=+6)+<S:26 N/R[BH+F5;9=W#R>.@[0?,ISZ;SD$2P6N+8TPQ~;:!;@W!v
>| M$7Z'5@D@;_%+ZQF0B/:J<OGCD~IW L-IEBM>Q?#DN/07BQRBS(F_0~<'T$C2u
>| ..8>OG83<SX LGU[._T "Jt
>| s
>| end
>On the ST uud complained about the sequence letter <J> in the next to
>last line. The Unix versions all did a nice `segmentation violation.'
>Have others successfully recovered this file?

Open letter to Ralph,

I started with the file "crabs" that I took from the binaries news group.
I tried UUD on my MIPS machine. I got segmentation fault, just as you did.
I tried uudecode on my MIPS machine.
A file called crabexe.lzh was created.
I then used UUE on MIPS to encode it, and got the file crabexe.uue.
Then I did "diff crabs crabexe.uue > t.di". (so far I have four files).

-rw-r----- 1 ljdickey 2174 Jul 25 18:09 t.di
-rw-r----- 1 ljdickey 10330 Jul 25 18:09 crabexe.uue
-rw-r--r-- 1 ljdickey 7304 Jul 25 18:08 crabexe.lzh
-rw-r----- 1 ljdickey 12333 Jul 25 18:08 crabs

Here is the important stuff from t.di :


< Message-ID: <>
< Date: 4 Jul 91 17:32:04 GMT
< o /
< >--------X--snip snip snip-------
< O \
< ..8>OG83<SX LGU[._T "Jt
> ..8>OG83<SX LGU[._T"Jt

In my explorations, I found that if I now used the revised file,
(the one with the <T">), that UUD and uudecode would both handle
it and both gave the same results.

Of course, the ".lzh" _appears_ to be corrupted, but I did not
move the file to the ST and try to run it. It might be OK.

Comments about uudecode:
I know that the first char of a line (usually the M) tell how many chars
the decoder should find on the line. The "." (first char) seems to be
saying, pick up <..8>OG83<SX LGU[._T ">, then UUD looks at the next char
and says OOPS, the J is wrong, and should give a "sequence error".
On the other hand, "uudecode" ignores superflous characters. (It
ignored all of the trailing characters "z", "y", and so on, from the
top of the file. If your "uudecode" does not ignore superflous chars,
it is not "standard".

I hope this helps.

Prof Leroy J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey
Obsolescent?: BITNET/EARN: ljdickey@watdcs


Date: 25 Jul 91 23:12:50 GMT
From: Sequoia! (25227-Mitch Javeline(H436)null)
Subject: For Sale - Atari 520 ST

For Sale: Atari 520 ST including:

SM124 Hi-Res B&W Monitor
2 3 1/2" Floppy Disk Drives
Lots of Software including Flash, WordPerfect, Degas

Asking $200.00 or Best Offer

Please Contact Mitch Javeline , (908) 566-1900 (Days)
(908) 671-5730 (Eves/Wkends)


Date: 25 Jul 91 22:25:38 GMT
(Ryan Daum)
Subject: Help!

I have successfully connected to Atari archive at It asks
for a login and password. I used "anonymous" for the login, what is the

Ilu Iluvatar en kare eldain a firimoin ar antarota mannar valion :
numessier. Toi aina, mana, meldielto -- enga morion : talantie.
The father made the world for elves and mortals and he gave it into
the hands of the Lords in the West. They are blessed, holy and loved,
except the black one. He has fallen.


Date: 25 Jul 91 18:03:22 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!! (Aalderen van Harold)
Subject: Interesting Archiver Facts [was Re: Use Unlzh 1.72 ...]
To: (David M. Baggett) writes:

>In article <> writes:
>A few interesting things I've found about archivers in general:
> I Arc'ed the self-extracting LZH file alled DIGISTUF.TOS and
> came up with an Arc file of about 250K. Then I forced
> "storing" by using "arc as ..." and the archive came out to
> be 215K. Perhaps Arc is storing CRC information in the first
> case but not in the latter? Still, it seems strange.
> BTW, this is with Arc 6.02ST.

I once tried to arc an uucoded arc file with unix 5.12 arc version
after about 1/2 an hour I got the message 'Disk full' or something
it turned out that the arc program used up about 100Mb diskspace
(OK it was a large file 1 a 2 Mb, but not that large)

I think it is the 'crunching' algorithme thats breaks down under certain
conditions like compressing compressed data. Therefore you could consider it
to be a bug of the arc program not recognizing this.

Am I wright? (any comment of programmers of various compressors)

Harold van Aalderen (


Date: 25 Jul 91 21:23:57 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath! (L.
J. Dickey)
Subject: lharc source (Was: Use Unlzh 1.72 for Unlzhing! Works with all!

In article <> (William
Rosenkranz) writes:

>it's real simple: if u think unlzh solves the world's problems, then post
>source code (so we can port it) and we won't complain (too much... :-).

I thougt that Bill Shroka ( ncoast! ) has lharc code
that he makes available for Unix Boxes.

Prof Leroy J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey
Obsolescent?: BITNET/EARN: ljdickey@watdcs


Date: 25 Jul 91 20:43:09 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!!apollo! (John
Subject: Music Studio (for Atari ST) file format ?

I Just managed to get my Atari 520ST set up again after a year (the
computer desk got stolen for the 386), and I can't find the doc I had
which describes the internal file format used by "Music Studio 88".
If anybody could email me a copy of this information I would be most


Date: 25 Jul 91 15:42:20 GMT
u (Patrick Hawke)
Subject: PC-Ditto I -vs- SoftPC

I want to use a Serial PC Scanner on my ST because of the availabilty.

I currently have PC Ditto I. How does this compare to SoftPC in Spectre (MAC).

I mostly want to use this to transfer documents using PC-OCR software.


/__/ ___
/atrick /
/ /awke


Date: 25 Jul 91 17:32:28 GMT
(Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: Plea for help <-- dead 1040!

Also, remember to ground yourself! I did that to my 520 in the winter of 85.
It was dry in the house, and I thought I could get away with it by immersing
myself in the stream of my ultrasonic humidifier. I pulled my mmu and glu
out of their sockets, rubbed pencil erasers over the contacts to get rid of the
oxides, and then put the chips back in. I turned the power on. A blank, white
screen stared back at me. At that moment, I thought my chance of getting out
of the dungeon of MIT (with insanity certification) just evaporated. Well, not
quite. $140 (parts and labor) and two weeks later, the beast was back.

Ever since then, I've always attached myself to a wire (tuck a strip into my
metal watch band) and connect the other end to the ground on the wall socket.
The human body can easily generate up to 10000 volts of static electricity.



Date: 25 Jul 91 23:50:14 GMT
From: noao!ncar!midway!msuinfo!kira! (Count Zero Interrupt)
Subject: Plea for help <-- dead 1040!

More than likely, the garbled screen is resulting from bad memory.
The fix will crack you up. (It's really funny!) The chips come lose,
AND you can reseat them WITHOUT opening the case. Just press down
firmly on the vented section of the case and all the way the keyboard.
You will probably hear some creaking noises. THis is FIXING things!!!

As a last resort, open the case and press all the chips (THAT AREN'T
SOLDERED) back into place. (GROUND YOURSELF FIRST)!!!!!!!

Not responsible for injuries so BE CAREFUL. It works well for me....

Someone else suggested lifting the case about 1" off the desk and
dropping it. I wouldn't recommend THAT on a machine with a drive...

||| David W. Schultz |||
||| uunet[!rutgers!mailrus]!frith!schultzd |||
/ | \ Work Phone: (517)-353-8891 / | \
/ | \ "All I see Pornographitti, All I hear Pornographitti..." / | \


Date: 15 Jul 91 20:28:04 GMT
From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn! (Robert Elsinga)
Subject: TOS 1.4 question(s)

In a message of <04 Jul 91 02:15:14>,
(2:320/100.1) writes:

g> From: (Gerald Greenberg)
g> Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
g> Keywords: tos, speed
g> Summary: Is it really faster than tos 1.0?
g> Much to my surprise, not every one of the
g> benchmarks increased! And some decreased! Here are the
g> results:
g> CPU memory, register, divide, and shifts all stayed the same
g> at 99%.
g> Can somebody explain why more of the numbers get worse than
g> get better?

Which version of QuickIndex do you use? QuickIndex compares the result of your
Atari to a 'standard' one running with the *same* TOS. If you can get
QuickIndex 2.x, you can comapare the results to any of the TOS-versions...
But... comparing TOS 1.4 to a TT is frightening... =8-)

Robert Elsinga =8-)
Co-sysop * Atari BBS Connection * Leeuwarden NL


Date: 24 Jul 91 21:38:00 GMT
.edu!!!artcom0!!!Martin_Gaeckler@ariz (Martin Gaeckler)
Subject: Turbo-C

Dave Halliday @ SUB am Mo, 15.07.91 11:02 writes

>|>Did Borland give a reason for stopping to support the Atari ST product?

No, Borlang USA didn't give any reason for that. Turbo C for the Atari ST was
only supported by Borland Germany an independed company which was owned by
Fritz Heimsoeth. After Borland USA bought Borland Germany (in July 1990) they
didn't take interesting in supporting Turbo C. And, unfortunately, it take a
long time to give back Turbo C to the the developpers.

Greeting from bavaria

Martin Gaeckler


Date: 25 Jul 91 20:36:04 GMT
From:!! (David M. Baggett)
Subject: use unlzh 1.72 for unlzhing! works with all!

In article <> (william
rosenkranz) writes:
>In article <> writes:
>>I have heard ENOUGH! I don't see why everyone has problems with LZH and
>>LHarc.. All you need to do is use UNLZH 1.72 and all your files will be
>>unlzh'd easily and painlessly! It uses a nice GEM interface and I have
>>had *no* problems with it.
>i'll tell u why: unless there is source code, i can't run it on a unix
>box. and i do NOT want to download (at 2400 baud) a 500kB file before i
>look at it. i admit to not checking if source was included. if it is,
>which i doubt, then...never mind. oh, the source better be C, not assembler,
>too. by telling me it has a gem interface, i can guess it is highly

look, we've been thru this before. u can get source to lharc 0.03 (beta)
which, as i described, has worked fine for me on plenty of archives,
from i compiled mine from that c source on
an ultrix machine and have been using it with no problems.

>it's real simple: if u think unlzh solves the world's problems, then post
>source code (so we can port it) and we won't complain (too much... :-).
>then after unpacking, we can "zoo" it like it should have been in the
>first place :-).

standard zoo is complete garabge compared to either arc or lharc. if
u want ease of use (with subdirs) and speed, use arc. if u want good
compression use lharc. there's been no reason to use zoo until
very recently. with the advent of the "high compression" method
zoo is now viable, but before it wasn't even in the running.

dave baggett


Date: 25 Jul 91 22:15:04 GMT
(Geoffrey Spear)
Subject: WANTED: Stereo-Tek Glasses

I've been looking for a pair too.

If anyone knows where to get some, send me a message too! I need them
(okay... maybe I don't NEED to animate stuff in 3-D, but I enjoy killing
my brain cells...)

Geoffrey Spear
Carnegie Mellon Summer Pre-College


Date: 25 Jul 91 21:41:37 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath! (L.
J. Dickey)
Subject: Where to get PC-DITTO II PALs ??????

In article <> george@electro.UUCP (George
Reimer) writes:
> I would like to buy my friend's PC-DITTO II from him
> but... He has no PALS for it!!

What is a PAL?

Prof Leroy J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey
Obsolescent?: BITNET/EARN: ljdickey@watdcs


Date: 25 Jul 91 17:04:13 GMT
From: psinntp!! (Gerald Greenberg)
Subject: Word Perfect and fonts

In article <>
(Bob Bright) writes:
>In article <> (Gerald Greenberg) writes:
>>[stuff about using different fonts on WP...]
>A couple of years ago I needed some special characters in a document I
>was working on. I tried replacing the system font using font.ttp, and
>also some accessory that does a similar trick (the name escapes me
>right now), but in each case WP just reverted to using the normal
>system font. I know that my new font was resident, because when I
>called up the Alt/Ctl key mapping screen, the table of characters at
>the bottom was displayed using the new font; but for some reason WP
>would only display the normal system font on the document screen.
>I called WPCorp to find out whether they had hard-coded the address of
>the ROM character tables into the program, or whether the program uses
>its own built-in display font (which just happens to be identical to
>the system font). The ST Support person didn't want to tell me much
>(it seems that WPCorp takes a dim view of people hacking on their
>executables), but did finally hint that the program uses its own
>fonts. So I went searching through the program with a binary editor,
>thinking that I would find the character tables and modify them
>directly. But I wasn't able to locate them. :-( Truth to be told, I
>don't even know exactly what to look for.
>If anyone has any suggestions I'd be forever grateful, as I'm sure
>would Gerry and others who would like to see some different characters
>in their WP documents.
>Bob Bright <>
>Dept. of Philosophy
>University of Manitoba
>Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9105
This does indeed make things interesting! This is one of the
main reasons I do NOT like the ST incarnation of WP.
Different fonts can be used on other versions, e.g. Mac and
msdos, but not on the ST! (Amiga?)
I would really love to have other fonts with WP...even if it
meant only using ONE long as I could design the
layout of the font and be able to get to the upper ascii
characters with a key-stroke (e.g. with caps-lock on, or
something like that).
Thanks for your input, Bob, and I second your call for help
from others...and maybe I'll write to WP (again).


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