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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 439

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 16 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 439

Today's Topics:
.gem to .img conversion question (other ways)
Atari earnings
Atari ST Software collection for sale
Compression (background)
Getting UW up and running (2 msgs)
Guests wanted for Atari Conferences
Lap-link type program? for ST/TT? (3 msgs)
Minix question
ORIGAMI folding editor - what is it ? (2 msgs)
Snowball -- great little program.
System 7 and Spectre GCR
Unix for TT ???
v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)
Xcontrol and Mouse accel

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Date: 14 Aug 91 21:02:12 GMT
.edu!! (Timothy Gallivan)
Subject: .gem to .img conversion question (other ways)

In article <> (Bertrand Petit) writes:
>In article <>,
(Timothy Gallivan) writes:
>> The nice thing about this method is that the graphic resolution is
>> limited only by the printer (300dpi for a deskjet). Isn't an .img file
>> limited to the ST screen resolution (80dpi)? Also, once you have the
>> image in postscript form, you can scale it, rotate it, twist it, stretch
>> it, etc., without loosing resolution or introducing graininess (is this
>> a word?).
> Not at all. You can create img files with any resolution. I use
>a scanner with the Calamus DTP package and I import 300dpi IMG files in
>Calamus without anytrouble.

OK, OK, .img files can be any resolution. The point is that once you
have an .img file, you are stuck with that resolution. If you need to
rescale the image, you have to deal with the problems of this fixed
resolution. In some cases this can't be avoided (like with your 300dpi
scanner), but PostScript graphics do not suffer from these problems.
You can enlarge the image by a factor of 2 and still get 300dpi (or a
couple thousand dpi if you have an expensive printer, or a nearby
printshop). With GhostScript, mfps, and dvips, you can enjoy the
benifits of PostScript on your ST ... for free.

-Tim Gallivan


Date: 14 Aug 91 16:05:18 GMT
(Stephen Jacobs)
Subject: Atari earnings

Atari's earnings were just printed in the Wall Street Journal. The plant sale
was so much bigger than anything else that a meaningful interpretation of the
report would take a lot more information than the little bit in the announce-
ment. Two things were noticeable, though: sales were off again, and they seem
to have gotten a better price for the plant than originally reported (about
$40 million, rather than mid-30s). At heart, I don't think Atari is a real
estate company, so the future depends on a supply of machines that people
want to buy.


Date: 14 Aug 91 19:35:42 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncr-mpd! (Kent.Dalton)
Subject: Atari ST Software collection for sale

I sold my ST so my entire software collection is up for sale.

I would love to sell all of this as a complete package. Interested
parties can e-mail for a complete list. Here are the highlights:

Minix V1.5 (Unix V7 OS), Timeworks DTP, Flash 1.61, Shadow, Printmaster,
Lattice C V3.14, STOS Basic (BASIC specifically for game writing), GFA Basic

Falcon 1.2, Gauntlet II, Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back,
BattleTech, Wargame Construction Set, Suspect, Infidel, Rogue, Rings of

Asking $150+shipping. Will accept offers on individual pieces.
/* Kent Dalton * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
/* NCR Microelectronics * CIS: 72320,3306 */
/* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A * */
/* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 * (303) 223-5100 X-319 */
Lazlo's Chinese Relativity Axiom:
No matter how great your triumphs or how tragic your defeats --
approximately one billion Chinese couldn't care less.


Date: 15 Aug 91 05:13:24 GMT
(Jonathan Roy)
Subject: Compression (background)

- compression of all data on a system while it is active.

I BETA-tested this program, and can tell you it is very well written, and
works like a champ with practically all the software, and games, I had
at my disposal. THere is only a minimal time loss from teh compression
schemes, but you can get some remarkable savings. I suggest you call
Double Clik (Or their BBS) directly for ordering information.

||| Jonathan Roy (The Ninja) Internet:
||| -- BBS: Darkest Realm - (813) 397-5335 - Public UUCP/Usenet --
/ | \ "I dislike killing my guests." -Steven Brust Lynx me up!
Citanet: ..!{mast,overmind,tpt4}!darkrealm!the_ninja GEnie: J.ROY18


Date: 14 Aug 91 21:51:41 GMT
mich!terminator!! (Jeff Weiner)
Subject: Getting UW up and running

A while back someone (sorry I can't remember who) said they would post
something regarding how to set up unix windows on the st. Could
this person please contact me? I'd like to post it to the archive,
not mention get it to work myself.

Jeff Weiner --- weiner@{,, atari.archive}
Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor
Couldn't think of a witty saying to go here - give me some time


Date: 15 Aug 91 02:35:20 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-!!ysub!psuvm! (J.J. Lehett)
Subject: Getting UW up and running

Well, I have been using UW for a while now. To set it up, you must compile
the unix source code on the unix system you intend to use it on. Then simply
run the uw prog on the st. Make sure you configure the RS232 port in uw to
you correct setting. Then simply use hayes commands from the first window
uw pops up to dial your unix system, log in as usual, then run the uw executabl
e on the unix side. Now you will be able to open additional windows etc from
the st side of things. Remember though, that it is adm31 emulation.
With a good use of defining the function keys on the st you should be able
to connect to non unix systems (I use vm though uw in another window) and
get pf keys etc by binding the function keys to their appropriate codes.

Good luck
* J.J. * Internet: JJL101@PSUVM.PSU.EDU * Penn State *
* * * Center for *
* John Lehett * Bitnet: JJL101@PSUVM * Academic Computing *
* Atari ST's!, Puzzles, Cryptos, Games, Diplomacy, Synths + Midi *


Date: 15 Aug 91 08:58:07 GMT
(Mark Leair)
Subject: Guests wanted for Atari Conferences

The Atari Special Interest Group on the Cleveland Freenet server
("") is looking for guests on its conferences.
What a great way to meet other Atarians and promote your products...
For more information please contact me via


Date: 14 Aug 91 21:35:41 GMT
From:! (Glenn Linderman)
Subject: Lap-link type program? for ST/TT?

Gotta move my data from my Mega4ST to my TT. Anyone know of a lap-link type
program that would work for this? 40MB is a lot to move by floppy...Thanks

Glenn Linderman 408-378-7575 x2366


Date: 14 Aug 91 23:45:21 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!!
(Robert J Anisko)
Subject: Lap-link type program? for ST/TT?

In article <>
(Glenn Linderman) writes:
>Gotta move my data from my Mega4ST to my TT. Anyone know of a lap-link type
>program that would work for this? 40MB is a lot to move by floppy...Thanks
>Glenn Linderman 408-378-7575 x2366

Hmm,if you can't find any special link things that would work
for you, how about a simple null modem? Then you could use any
term program (preferably something with Zmodem) and then just
transfer away (of course, you'd have to create the folders,
but at least it would be a simple and rather inexpensive way to
do it).

Hope this helps...

Robert Anisko


Date: 15 Aug 91 10:05:27 GMT
From: mintaka!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!isgate!krafla! (Adam
Subject: Lap-link type program? for ST/TT?

In <> (Glenn
Linderman) writes:

>Gotta move my data from my Mega4ST to my TT. Anyone know of a lap-link type
>program that would work for this? 40MB is a lot to move by floppy...Thanks

To extend the question...

Does anyone know of a circuit or product to connect up a bunch of Atari
computers in a DMA network? Each computer has its own hard disks and other
peripherals but they also talk to each other over the DMA bus. I know there
are negative as well as positive implications involved with this kind of
setup, but it could be real useful where several machines are in the same
room. The reason for using the DMA instead of the cartridge port is because
it is less likely to be full.

Anyone like to discuss this?

-Adam David-


Date: 13 Aug 91 16:49:50 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!hgatenl!tedux!alice! (Harold van Aalderen)
Subject: Minix question

In Christopher L. Russell wrote:

> My question is: Which version is better, the MAC or ST version? The
> reason I ask is becuase I have a Spectre so I could run the MAC version.
> If they are pretty much the same, it would seem ST would be superior
> because I wouldn't have to run it under emulation. Also, I have read that

The St version is older than the MAC version so it is likely to be more stable
beside if you think you can run a MAC version on a ST with MAC emulator?
Don't think it will work, since the emulator catches MAC specific traps and
so. MINIX replaces the complete operating system so any system calls are trans
lated to the hardware directly not trough an underlying MAC layer

> the Amiga and ST binaries are compatible (under Minix) does anyone know if
> this is true for MAC as well?

Don't know about the binaries (could be) but since minix comes with complete
compiler packege it shouldn't be difficult to recompile any source

By the way there is a comp.os.minix group (or something like it) try asking them
the questions.

Harold van Aalderen

for the time being send replys to:
exception for domain that should always reach me at harold@alice


Date: 15 Aug 91 02:36:56 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-!csn!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY)

OK people I am broke and bills of sorts are now about to come in
cause Fall semester is starting again. I will need to sell the
rest of the remaing atari equipment, but hopefully my TT will come
in by end of the year so the stuff present must be sold to pay for
bills. The following:

ATARI SM124 (7 Months old) cables and all original package.

ATARI 520 STfm with 1 Meg RAM, DS/DD drive, Battery backed clock,
external mount cooling fan. Excellent condition.
Comes with 400 DD disks with at least $500.00 software
invested. Let say $.40 a disk. Also a 2400 Baud Packard
BELL modem.
Need $475.00.

ICD FAST with Adaptec 4070A and a NEC 68 Meg HD incase in a
Digital 40 Watt P/S, two cables to hook to ST or STE etc...
Need $400.00.

All Hardware are in excellent condition, only the 520 is older than
a year old, everything else is about 7 months old.

Email me:



Date: 14 Aug 91 17:15:10 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!utgpu!nrcnet0!cunews!csi.uot! (Christopher Browne)
Subject: ORIGAMI folding editor - what is it ?

First comment:
VERY IMPRESSIVE! Thank you for your work on ORIGAMI! I was
considering to try to port it using Sozobon, which looks like it was NOT
a wise idea... and now, wholly unnecessary. The GEM interface is VERY nice!

A couple of questions:
1) Would it be possible to put the keybindings for the menu commands
on the menu? Read the bindings, at some point, and stick them
in? Or is this impractical? T'would be VERY helpful in learning
the keystrokes...

2) (Question about commenting for other languages deleted as
I found material in the docs. on it. I WILL have to check out
how TeX files are dealt with - I THINK that there's no
"Begin-comment/End-comment", but rather the single "%" identifier,
but I'll have to check that out...)

Again, THANK YOU! Very nice package - I will, most likely, be using it
as my primary editor, particularly if I can customize it to auto-link
to LaTeX files (i.e. - Do a file-fold simultaneously to putting an
\input{} in).

Christopher Browne
University of Ottawa
Master of System Science Program


Date: 15 Aug 91 11:31:18 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!urmel!tabaqui! (Michael Schwingen)
Subject: ORIGAMI folding editor - what is it ?
To: (Christopher Browne) writes:

>First comment:
> VERY IMPRESSIVE! Thank you for your work on ORIGAMI! I was
>considering to try to port it using Sozobon, which looks like it was NOT
>a wise idea... and now, wholly unnecessary. The GEM interface is VERY nice!

>A couple of questions:
> 1) Would it be possible to put the keybindings for the menu commands
> on the menu? Read the bindings, at some point, and stick them
> in? Or is this impractical? T'would be VERY helpful in learning
> the keystrokes...
I have thought about that. I have no idea how to do it flexible enough
so that it works if you change the keybindings (without major hacks in
keybind). If you have an idea, I will most probably do it.

> 2) (Question about commenting for other languages deleted as
> I found material in the docs. on it. I WILL have to check out
> how TeX files are dealt with - I THINK that there's no
> "Begin-comment/End-comment", but rather the single "%" identifier,
> but I'll have to check that out...)
Origami comments always end at the end of line. So you can simply use
'%' as start-of-comment and '' (nothing) as end-of-comment. Same is for
assembler, shell scripts, ...

Michael Schwingen, Ahornstrasse 36, W-5100 Aachen, Germany


Date: 15 Aug 91 03:36:13 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!ua (Michael B. Vederman)
Subject: Snowball -- great little program.

In article <1991Aug14.051224.25519@netcom.COM> bryanw@netcom.COM (Bryan
Woodworth) writes:
>I encourage you all to check out Snowball. It's a wonderful little program
>that really is a whole lot of fun! Thanks for the this quality ware,
>Bryan Woodworth Mail: bryanw@netcom.COM
>Netcom - Online Communication Services San Jose, CA

Awww... Gee shucks, thanks a bunch for the kudos!

Just remember that you too will be able to write software as good and better
once we release The Game Workbench this December.

Let's see, how many days until Christmas shopping season starts? :-)

- mike

Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 77274
Voice: (713)977-6520 | DC DESKTOP | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others


Date: 14 Aug 91 15:40:14 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!!samsung!know!
Subject: System 7 and Spectre GCR


I am trying to bring up the System 7 Mac operating system under Spectre 3.0. I
built the System 7 version I am using to run on a MacPlus without printer and
network services. So far no luck.

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks.

Ross Judd (


Date: 15 Aug 91 04:29:02 GMT
noao!asuvax!!samsung!!!uqcspe!cs.uq! (Marshall Harris (G.M.))
Subject: timothy@yoda

Sorry to use bandwidth - I can't get mail to timothy@yoda etc.
So here is my reply to you!
I put gs22b onto my h/disk. I set up the environment ok, I believe.
When I trun gs for bj10e it works fine with pure graphics (eg: golfer),
but with fonts it won't work. If any font is in the .ps file, nothing is
If i do the same with epson, it produces output.
Also, it produces screen images ok, but nothing when using bj10e option.
I'm using the fonts from atari.archive.
So I guess the grtaphics part's ok, but bj10e is a bit suspect!
Is it because I have only 1meg of memory?

_-_|\ (Marshall Harris)|ph:+61 7 365 2908
/ B <--+ Department of Computer Science :fx:+61 7 365 1999
\_.-._/ | University of Queensland, St.Lucia
v +--Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA (The Sub-Tropics)


Date: 14 Aug 91 18:10:16 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!nixpbe! (Martin Boening)
Subject: Unix for TT ???

In <>
(Kimmo Lahtinen) writes:

>I noticed some time ago a question about the availability of TT Unix,
>but did not see any answers. I have seen even a price for it, but
>can you really buy it somewhere?

>By the way am I correct that it is based on Mach kernel?

Ahm, no, I don't think so. As far as I know, it is a port of
AT&T System V R4 (SVR4). According to people at the diverse
fairs I visited, SVR4 was ported instead of SVR3.2 because
they wanted to provide a very modern UNIX as a reimbursement
for being so late with the TT.

So long,


Date: 13 Aug 91 17:27:02 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!hgatenl!tedux!alice! (Harold van Aalderen)
Subject: v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)

Someone wrote (my reply option doesn't work and I just deleted the From line):

> So that would mean that "v_opnwk()" in Lattice C is an entirely
> bogus command! Neato! :-)

I think every manual will state that v-opnwk() is useless in a simular way
That doesn't mean that it is true.

> Conclusion #1: We need some new books put out on GEM/TOS programming.
> Hopefully, some of those books will be the manuals that come with
> these compilers.

That wouldn't be a bad idea, a book that not only list all GEM/TOS functions
but also list how to use them (not only how to call them)
The Profibuch does a pretty good job doing this but many things need to be
cleared up, most of it I assume can be found in the developpers information
from Atari but that is hard to get.

> Supposition: "v_opnwk()" is probably necessary for some GDOS commands.
> Probably I'll find this out if I ever actually use a GDOS related command.
> That's fair enough. In the mean time, I won't worry about it and I
> won't use it.

v_opnwk() is used by AES to install the desktop. It can be used from within
an AUTO folder program to enable the use of VDI aslong as the workstation
is closed properly before the program exits. If it isn't AES won't be able
the open a new workstation and exits == reboot

It seems to me it is needed for opening any workstation using another device
than the screen. In that case you will need GDOS since a driver for that device
has to be loaded and GDOS will take care of that.

Harold van Aalderen

for the time being send replys to:
exception for domain that should always reach me at harold@alice


Date: 13 Aug 91 17:02:58 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!hgatenl!tedux!alice! (Harold van Aalderen)
Subject: Xcontrol and Mouse accel

Ralph wrote:

> Are you sure? It's not in a.a's CompInd.Z listing. Don't you mean
> MACCEL2? In addition, SYSINFO.PRG lists MACCEL3 as identifying itself
> as MACCEL2.

SYSINFO merely reads the cookie jar prints a build in message for each cookie
that it knows. Since both maccel2 and maccel3 use the same cookie they get the
same identification. The last version posted was posted before maccel3 so I did
not know it.

If I am not mistaken MACCEL3 was posted to so
it should be in the archives. The version I am running is 3.3. The CPX module
was included in the XCONTROL archive which I found in some local BBS.
The program was not included in this archive.

Harold van Aalderen

for the time being send replys to:
exception for domain that should always reach me at harold@alice


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 19:00:22 -0700
From: atari16 (INFO-ATARI16 (maillist admin))


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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