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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 430

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 15 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 430

Today's Topics:
bridge for Atari
Double Click Software
FAX for ST
Hardware goodies in US???
Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #429
Is XCONTROL on atari.archive bad?
Lattic C (ANSI C) Wanted
TOS (GEM) file selector windows
TOS (GEM) file selector windows [FSEL wrapper source code]
TOS 1.4 with Neodesk 3, or TOS 2.0 (2 msgs)
TOS 2.05 & 3.XX, What Machines?
Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1
what I think about GEM

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Date: 9 Aug 91 13:14:20 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: bridge for Atari

In article <> (Marcel
Lucassen) writes:
> Hi you out there,
> I wonder if there exists a bridge program (the card game) for the
> Atari ST. I know of a bridge program that runs on MSDOS, which of
> course can be emulated on the Atari, but hey, this is for my
> mother in law.... She'd appreciate any help.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Marcel Lucassen
> TNO Institute for Perception Phone: +31 34 63 562 11
> P.O. Box 23 Fax: +31 34 63 539 77
> 3769 ZG Soesterberg e-mail:
> The Netherlands
> ----------------------------------------------------------

Well I do know of one called Bridge Player 2150, but is not PD
and comes from the UK.
If you e-mail me I can send you some more info on it, that I don't
have handy at the moment.
*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 9 Aug 91 13:39:36 GMT
noao!ncar!asuvax!!swrinde!!! (Michael B. Vederman)
Subject: Double Click Software

In article <> (Bernhard
Stumpf) writes:
>Hi there,
>wat did happen to DC Software ???
>I didn't find something new since several weeks, not on
> - (dir utilities/doublick is even empty! 9.8.91)

I checked this out yesterday (as a matter of fact) just to make sure they got
everything we sent. I found the usual directory empty and was wondering, then
I noticed that Jeff was kind enuf to give us our own directory in atari/dc

Seems we're moving up in the world (in the file hierarchy that is :-).

> -

The moderated newsgroup takes a while, since Steve has to download them, check
them out, then repost them, not to mention he gets dozens of other posts too.


>I hope I'll meet you guys from DC on Atari fair in Duesseldorf as announced.

We hope to meet a lot of our net friends too!

We just found out that we are in STAND H26 in Halle 12. Be sure to drop by
and we'll give you a BIG TEXAS WELCOME! (And hopefully sell you some of our
software too - hey, this is costing us an arm and a leg!)


- mike

Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 77274
Voice: (713)977-6520 | DC DESKTOP | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others


Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1991 12:35 +0200
From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: Ethernet

About Ethernet for ST/TT. I saw in some German magazine that there is
company in Mainz which sells it. Could some kind soul from Deutchland tell
us how much does it cost?
/* Milan Adamov | */
/* Ratka Vujovica Coce 6 ] | [ There is question that has no answer.*/
/* 11090 Belgrade ---|--- Does my country still exist ? */
/* Yugoslavia ] | [ */


Date: 5 Aug 91 15:09:54 GMT
(Richard Clarkson)
Subject: FAX for ST

Hello Robert Woodcock!

I was unable to e mail you from minyos (rmit) is

Let me know if you find out the program that will allow the st to fax out via
a modem?



Date: 9 Aug 91 03:55:22 GMT
u (Stephen Jacobs)
Subject: Hardware goodies in US???

We've already established that there are some nice goodies being made for the
ST. But does anyone sell these things in the US? In particular: memory
expansion of the ST beyond 4 M, and network hardware that permits the ST to
be on the same network with 'more popular machines'.


Date: 3 Aug 91 12:42:47 GMT
noao!asuvax!!samsung!!goanna!!s88 (Tehn Chin)
Subject: Help!
To: (Patrick Seemann) writes:

>In article <> (David H Butler) writes:
>>Try Chameleon, it only loads one at a time, but lets you dump and load from
>>desk any single DA you wish at any time, during any program etc... It takes
>>up one slot, and will automatically load whichever DA is called CONTROL.ACX.

>You may patch the name of the default ACC in the Chameleon binaries.
>Just look for the string C:\CONTROL.ACX and replace it with whatever
>you want. You may even load an ACC from anonther drive and/or folder.

You can have more than one Chameleon by having two Chameleon accessories
loaded. Just have the other copy of Chameleon with a different name. For
example, you may have one of them called CHAM1.ACC and the other called

Tehn Yit Chin
.All is not what it seems to be....
standard disclaimer apply.


Date: Tue, 13 Aug 91 18:59 BST
From: "SpeedBall does not refer to a drug cocktail, this is a
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #429

I am trying to construct a list of games (particularly stategy) publishers /
software houses for the ST(e) range. I have not had much luck obtaining
addresses of the companies involved and would therefore humbly ask if any
netters can either give me some addresses or tell me where I could possibly
obtain them.

On a different subject, could anyone tell me the expected UK distributuion
date and price for the Mega 4 STE as I considering the purchase of such a
machine. I would also be grateful if the people who have had distribution
of the Mega STE range in their country could tell me of any problems with
distribution etc. have occured.

Cheers, Neil Ellis.

* Neil Ellis * Ken Thompson was once asked, "If you were re- *
* York University * designing UNIX what would you do differently?" *
* * He replied, "I'd spell creat with an e." *
* (0904) 412606 * - Life With UNIX (a guide for everyone) *
* Or from Internet : *


Date: 9 Aug 91 09:59:29 GMT
From: timbuk! (Marc Bouron)
Subject: Is XCONTROL on atari.archive bad?

In article <>, (Patrick
Haggood) writes:
> I just FTP'd XCONTROL from atari.archive as binary. I tried un-arcing
> it on my unix box and my dos box, both of them said they couldn't
> handle the archive. Anyone had any success with un-arcing these
> files from atari.archive?
> --
> Genie - P.HAGGOOD2 Internet
> PRODIGY - Not anymore, Jackson. Bitnet - phaggoo@waynest1
> Phone - (313) 577-0669

Be sure to use arc 6.02, which can handle directories.


# # # . . #
# Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ #
# Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) #
# +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | #
# # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # #


Date: 9 Aug 91 18:28:33 GMT
u (Robert Jules Shaughnessy)
Subject: Lattic C (ANSI C) Wanted

I am looking for a used copy of Lattic C or any other C that is ANSI
compatable. Please send me e-mail with your price, if interested in selling.

Bobby Shaughnessy


Date: 9 Aug 91 07:52:41 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows

In article <> (Steve Yelvington)
>Then click on the bar at the top of the little window in which the
>filenames are displayed. This will prompt TOS to re-read the
>directory using the mask you provided. Because of what appears to
>be a bug in TOS 1.0, the mask will be wiped out and replaced with
>the wildcard *.*, but you'll still get the drive you want.

If you click on the up arrow you do not lose the mask you typed.

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" !


Date: 9 Aug 91 09:54:55 GMT
From: mcsun!cernvax!chx400!! (Remo Hofer)
Subject: TOS (GEM) file selector windows [FSEL wrapper source code]

In article <>, (Steve Yelvington)
> [In article <>,
> (David M. Baggett) writes ... ]
> > ... To solve this, I wrote a wrapper for
> > the file selector that expands an initial . in a pathname to the
> > complete specification for the current working directory. I.e.,
> > ".\*.c" -> "d:\usr\src\*.c".
> This is a good thing to do, and thanks for the code. I've had problems
> with some commercial applications (including PageStream) used across
> multiple hard drive partitions because the application didn't pass a
> full and proper path mask to the fsel.
> ----
> Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA)

Wouldn't this be an idea for a dc week utility. A TSR that parses all pathnames
before calling the system routine. So these commercial applications will not
cause problems to anyone. But the TSR should really be tiny. Else we could use
a extended file selector as well. Or is it a challenge for Lars-Erik Osterud to
write the smallest path parser in the st world. The best way for sure would be,
that the people at atari would change the fileselector to do this stuff.
Or does TOS 3.xx already expand paths in the fileselector?

Remo Hofer
RFC822: <> or <>
X.400: S=hofer;OU=urz;O=unibas;P=SWITCH;A=ARCOM;C=CH


Date: 9 Aug 91 13:17:43 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: TOS 1.4 with Neodesk 3, or TOS 2.0

In article <> (Andrew F Stratton) writes:
> The subject almost says it - should I get TOS 1.4 now (Ihave TOS 1.0)
> and use with Neodesk 3, or should I wait for TOS 2.0 to come out, and
> buy it instead. I have a 6 ROM Atari STM (1985 model), with 2.5 Mbyte memory
> and a 20 Mbyte Supra hard disk.
> Please mail to me, and I will summarise to the net.
> Thanks in advance,
> Andy.Stratton.

Well I think that you will find that TOS 1.4 is all you will be able
to get..
TOS 2.0 would be on bigger Roms, 256k not the 192k that is in your system..

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not ***
*** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! ***


Date: 9 Aug 91 13:52:29 GMT
Subject: TOS 1.4 with Neodesk 3, or TOS 2.0

In article <>, (Andrew F Stratton) says:
> The subject almost says it - should I get TOS 1.4 now (Ihave TOS 1.0)
>and use with Neodesk 3, or should I wait for TOS 2.0 to come out, and
>buy it instead. I have a 6 ROM Atari STM (1985 model), with 2.5 Mbyte memory
>and a 20 Mbyte Supra hard disk.
> Please mail to me, and I will summarise to the net.
> Thanks in advance,
> Andy.Stratton.

(1) It's always a good idea to get Rainbow TOS.
(2) As far as I know, there won't be a TOS 2.x for old (192 K ROM)
(3) Take a (free) llok at Gemini 1.21, too. It's shareware and lots of
people prefer it over other desktops.

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 9 Aug 91 12:28:22 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!natinst! (Glen Sescila)
Subject: TOS 2.05 & 3.XX, What Machines?

I have the desire to run TOS 2.05 or above. My question is:
Can the 1040STe run one of these versions of TOS? (upgraded to 2 Megs of
RAM). Or do I need a MegaE or TT?



Date: 9 Aug 91 08:49:15 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!alchemy! (Ate Brink)
Subject: Warning: Two versions of Zoo 2.1

In <> (Peter Mutsaers)

> > There seem to be two versions of zoo 2.1 available for the Atari ST.
> > Before zoo21bin.zoo came available from the binaries newsgroup, I
> > recovered from atari.archive the following:
> > -rw-rw-r-- 1 1401 327325 Jul 14 23:14 zooV21.zoo
> > This latter version seems to have trouble with the recent postings:
> > lynxlib2.zoo and sokobin2.zoo.
>Could you post which and where is the version of zoo2.1 which works
>well? I'm not sure anymore which one I had.

I tried zooV21.zoo from atari.archive and it didn't work!
The version from is much better. This version is
available at our archive by anonymous FTP or by our Mail-Server.

*****> by anonymous FTP:

Site: []
Login: "anonymous" or "ftp"
Password: your email address (you@your_domain)
Usage: see the ftp(1) manual on your system
File: ATARI-ST/utils/zoo.zoo
Important: don't forget to set binary mode.

*****> by our Mail-Server program:

1) The Mail-Server can be reached at the address

2) The Mail-Server understands a couple of commands, all commands
must be in the message body. The first thing you might want to
do is ask it for help:

send HELP

3) The Mail-Server will send you the UUENCODED package
if you put the following commands in the message body:

send ATARI-ST/utils/zoo.zoo
send ATARI-ST/archivers/zoo.ttp

Note: The zoo.ttp is the binary file in case you don't have an older version
of ZOO to extract zoo.zoo.

Ate Brink (
Moderator of the Atari archive at the Utrecht University
Ate Brink, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-30-534408 Email:


Date: 7 Aug 91 23:25:00 GMT
(Martin Gaeckler)
Subject: what I think about GEM

>Yea, but even so, its still rather clumsy. Think about the work needed to
>copy a file from your floppy to the hard drive. The above is needed, because
>(usually), you cant open a window onto the floppy. You could create a
>folder called Floppy, and use Preferences to set path to A:, but thats
>still awfully clumsy. And why press a keyboard key when using a mouse?
>Isnt that the point of a GUI? Windows may be prettier than GEM, but
>its _real_ easy to get things done, IMHO

No, i'm sorry you are wrong. Coping a file from a floppy disk to the hard
disk is the same procedure as you would do with the GEM-Desktop. But If You
want to copy a file to an empty disk you can't open a window of that disk,
therefore, you have to drag the file to the disk icon of your floppy disk.
Then you can open a window.



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