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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 233

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Sat, 27 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 233

Today's Topics:
Atari advertising
Atari Questions...
atari user mag
Blank windows on the desktop?
Computer stuff, golf clubs, fridge for sale
european mags
Floppy Menu Program WANTED
New VME Video card from Toronto Canada! (2 msgs)
Saving my sanity in Chaos Strikes Back
Sozobon C help.
Spectre GCR / ST Disks
ST book
the lynx
UIS III, Uniterm, DCDesktop
Wanted: Symbolic math program for novice ST user

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Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:26 GMT
! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: Atari advertising

In-Reply-To: message from

did the mets win(my honme team even though i am in cali)
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 16:30:47 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!umiami!
Subject: Atari Questions...

In article <>, (Erling
Henanger) writes:
>> 1. Why is the TT being shipped with the old MEGA keybooard?
> My TT came with the new style keyboard. Where were you told they are shipped
with the old
> MEGA keyboard ?
> The keyboards are compatible, if that's what you asking, and thus it should be
able to upgrade
> to the new style keyboards.
> Anyway, I think the Mega-keyboard is very good, so I don't see the point in
exchanging it.
> (That said, the new keyboards aren't any worse, theyre just 'different', and
anything new
> takes a little time to getting used to...)
> --
> _______ _____ o ____ Erling Henanger
> /___ /____/ / / /| / / Norwegian Institute
> / /\ / / / | / | ___ of Technology. (NTH)
> ------ / \ /____ / / |/ \____| o Atari Lives !

I was at the store when they opened the TT! We were all rather disapointed.
Actually, when I was back at the store yesterday, I was told that Atari has run
out of the new keyboard and so they will be shipped with the MEGA keyboard
until they can make more of the TT board. Anyone with the old board will be
shipped a TT keyboard for no charge.

Mark Santora


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:23 GMT
! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: atari user mag

In-Reply-To: message from

yeah cause people like me live far away from dealers!and the price 15 bucks
is ok by me.It is short and sweet and i hope other mags(stinformer,current
notes,aim)would get into the same game like atari user magazine
i say bravo to these chaps!
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 15:16:43 GMT
From: bcstec!galileo! (8472 BE32R)
Subject: Blank windows on the desktop?

Just before christmas, I added a syquest 44M drive with an ICD+ host adaptor
to my 520 ST system. At the same time, I also updated my TOS to version

At some point since the, I've been having a problem with my desktop.
Sometimes when I boot my machine, the default window to the root directory
of my hard disk is empty and the info line reads "0 bytes in 0 files".o

After deleting my desktop.inf file, and creating a new one, the window now
shows the correct contents of the C:\ drive at startup, but whenever I run an
application, the desktop returns with a blank window titled "C:\" even if it
used to be open to a subdirectory. If I click the close button the
appropriate number of times to return to the root dir, the normal "C:\"
window returns. However, if I repeat the process 3 or 4 times, I sometimes
get a dialog box saying someting like "Can't access the ':' file or folder".

I've got a ton of programs in my auto folder, but disabling them doesn't
seem to help. I've also got the TOS14FIX program (or whatever its called)
and POOLFIX3. I'm also using version 5.10 (or 5.11) of the ICD driver.

I've tried reformatting my Syquest drive, but that didn't seem to help any.

If anyone has a clue regarding what's causing this problem, email or post a



Date: 25 Apr 91 04:31:03 GMT
632!ritcsh!ultb! (C.L. Freemesser)
Subject: Computer stuff, golf clubs, fridge for sale

The following items are for sale due to the death of a friend.

If you are interested in any of the following, please call Don Allis at
716-293-3415 after 5pm EDT, or send a message to me at:

BITNET: clf3678@ritvax
BBS: 716-436-3078 (I'm the SysOp)

Arrangements can be made for shipping, except where noted. All offers
will be considered!

o Atari 1040 ST system. Includes CPU, SC1224 color monitor. The drive in the
computer was replaced with an Epson drive after the stock Chinon failed (a
BIG plus in my book). Also included is a PC-DITTO II board that WORKS in
this machine! Problem is, there MAY be a chip problem with it. It's being
included because the 68000 socket is soldered on, and not worth the time
to remove. Also included is an external 5 1/4 drive. $550.

o Panasonic KXP 1090i printer, excellent condition. Rougly 192 CPS draft. Some
extra ribbons and paper. $200.

o Avatex 1200hc Modem. Perfect working condition. $50.

o Computer desk. Commercial grade, very heavy duty and well-built. Also
includes a printer stand. $300. *** WILL NOT SHIP THIS ITEM ***

o Atari 130 XE computer, includes power supply. $75.00.

o Atari 1050 disk drive. Includes power supply and data cable. $75.00.

o Atari 800 with tape drive and all cables. $25.

o IBM Public Domain Software Disks (5 1/4) $1.00 each. approximate 250
disk to choose from. All 250 for $100.

o 5 1/4 disks. Approximately 500 blank disks. Some single sided and
some double sided. 100 disks for $20. 500 disks for $90.

o Right Handed Golf Clubs. Allied Colonials. 3 Woods, 6 Irons, and 2
Putters. Bag, umbrella, balls, tees, everything you need to play. 1
year old. $150.

o Kenmore 18 cu. ft. upright freezer. White in color. About 9 years

_____\ Chris Freemesser, RIT Comp.Eng.Tech. Dimension's End BBS /_____
______\ BITNET: clf3678@ritvax (716)436-3078 /______
_______\ Usenet: 2400 baud/42 megs /_______
________\ GEnie: C.FREEMESSER STark BBS software /________


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:25 GMT
! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: european mags

anybody have any u.k mags like st acftyion(i meant action) for sale let me
know ,i will buy em from you with or without the disks!(if they are still
is,in good condition)]
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:19 GMT
noao!ncar!!!linac!att!pacbel!ucsd!nosc!crash!! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: f.t.l

are they still making st software after chaos strikes back?seems quiet on
there part !
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 15:23:32 GMT
noao!ncar!!!ftpbox!motsrd!motcid!da (Mario D'Alessio)
Subject: Floppy Menu Program WANTED

Does a menu program exist that can be put in the AUTO
folder on a floppy and show a list of all programs on
the floppy? I want to be able to boot from a floppy,
be shown a menu of all programs on the floppy (and
preferably not list all the data files) and be able
to select and run the program. It should also be
able to handle GEM and non-GEM applications.

Does such a program exist, and where can I get it?
Thanks in advance!

* ************************************************************** *
* * * *
* * Mario D'Alessio Motorola, Inc. * *
* * motcid!marble!dalessio Cellular Infrastructure Group * *
* * * *
* ************************************************************** *


Date: 25 Apr 91 19:19:51 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!umiami!
Subject: MEGA 2 FOR SALE

I have the following system for sale:

MEGA 2 w/detached Keyboard


SC1224 Color Monitor

Panasonic KX-1224 24pin printer

Tweetyboard(installed in MEGA)

I am asking $1500. Leave me e mail if you are interested.

Mark Santora


Date: 24 Apr 91 22:53:56 GMT
From: attcan!telly!sc50!eastern!egsgate! (Shervin Shahrebani Of
Subject: New VME Video card from Toronto Canada!

Have you heard of the new CyReL SKYLINE M16-1280? (Where do they
get these names?!?!) This is a RISC based 16 million color high
resolution graphics card for the Atari ST(e), MEGA, and TT030 range
of computers. The card comes with a VME interface for the TT030 and
Mega STE. An ACSI interface is also available as an option. This
is a Canadian product and it sounds amazing. Some of the specs follow:

Maximum display resolution:
1280 x 1024. Resolution is programmable in steps of four(horizontally
and vertically).

60 frames/sec non-interlaced for flicker-free display. PAL or NTSC
support. Refresh rates are programmable.

2 MB standard. Fast video RAM is used to store single or up to 262
screen buffers.

24,8,4r 1 bit/pixel. An 8 bit depth buffer option is available
in 24 it/pixel mode.

mode_........16,777,216 colours
mode_1.....................256 colours
mode_2......................16 colours
mode_3.......................4 colours
mode_4.......................2 colours

Graphics sor:
32-bit high performance RISC CPU with built-in floating point
co-processor. It delivers a maximum of 20 MIPS and 1.5 MFLOPS.
Using the three 20 Mbit/s high speed LAN ports it is possible to
inter-connect several CyReL M16-1280 GRAPHIC CARDS to form a fast
graphics engine.

1MB(sa or 4MB(option) supported. Work RAM buffer is used to
store program & compressed graphics data, video parameters and
queues. Usage of RAM can be configured to support RAM DISK
hold caracter fonts or be solely/partly used by other CyReL M16-1280
cards n a network.

VDI difware on disk(standard) or in ROM (option) will enable
almost any VDI application to use the new high speed display with its
resolutions, colours and functions.

External video source can be used to GENLOCK CyReL M16-1280 images &
live video. Smooth hardware scrolling and panning allows virtual
screen size management.

New Computer & Software Designs
126 Grenadier Crescent, Thornhill,
Ontario, L4J 7V7

TEL. (4160294
FAC (416) 886-3261



Date: 26 Apr 91 18:21:07 GMT
(Ed Krimen)
Subject: New VME Video card from Toronto Canada!

Shervin.Shahrebani.Of.250/744@f744.n250.z1.FidoNet.Org (Shervin
Shahrebani Of 250/744) writes about a new graphics card.

How much is it? And where did you snag this nifty piece of info?

Ed Krimen ...............................................
||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
/ | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0


Date: 26 Apr 91 12:07:04 GMT
ncr-sd!ncrcae! (Rick Silverstein)
Subject: Saving my sanity in Chaos Strikes Back

Ok, I have gone through 9 of the 10 levels (0-8). However, there are
alot of areas in these levels that I just cannot get to. I'm being
blocked by a pit, door, or imaginary wall (according to the map).
Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do? I keep going up
and down the levels getting nowhere. Also, there are alot of pressure
plates that click but I don't see anything happening when they do.

One more thing. Is the DDD just a room full of demons or am I missing
an important point here? Any help is appreciated!

Rick Silverstein


Date: 26 Apr 91 19:03:26 GMT
noao!ncar!!mips!!att!!!ha (Harry Karayiannis)
Subject: Sozobon C help.

In article <>
(Alexander Waddell) writes:
>Help me, please!
>I am converting all my C listings from Laser C to Sozobon C, and I have
>encountered a major problem - I can't make GEM programs any more!
>The problem is this - I have changed the INCLUDE statement to include the
>GEMFAST.H header file, compiling the source produces errors. The compiler
>says it does not know about statements such as :
> appl_init
> v_clswrk...etc...
>Everything works fine if I use Laser C, surely it should work with little
>modification on Sozobon C.
>Anybody out there got any suggestions?
>Contact: Alex Waddell,
> Glasgow University,
> Scotland.

I think the problem is you don't link the libraries aesfast.a and vdifast.a
with the object code of your program.

So if your libraries are located in e:\sozobon\lib and your program is called
gemprg.c, your command line should look like the following:

% cc -o gemprg.prg gemprg.c e:\sozobon\lib\aesfast.a e:\sozobon\lib\vdifast.a

The files aesfast.a & vdifast.a come with the gemfast package

Harry Karayiannis Post:
|| |# || 15 N.Beacon, #316
|#| ||#| |#| Boston University Allston, MA 02134
|#| ||#| |#| Computer Science Dpt. U.S.A.
|##| ||#| |##| _______________________
||#| ||#| ||#| |INTERnet:
//// |||| \\\\ % fortune -o |
///// |||| \\\\\ "Hackers do it with |BITnet:
///// ATARI ST \\\\\ fewer instructions" |


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:27 GMT
! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: Spectre GCR / ST Disks

In-Reply-To: message from

maybe they should do it on disk(like pddi...pcditto 1)would be a lot better
and would sell more!
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 18:01:40 GMT
From: noao!ncar!gatech!prism!!nu! (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: ST book

In article <17260001@hpfcdj.HP.COM>, dom@hpfcdj.HP.COM (Dave Merrill) writes:
>I have just acquired an ST. Is there any good books that cover
>the basics of system operation. The documentation from Atari is lacking.
>Like what are .acc and .??? files?
>How do I customize the desktop?
>How do I add a printer when the option box on the dektop is not displayed?
>Dave Merrill

I know of one such book (the author's first name is Ralph, cannot remember
the title) that is a good beginners guide to the ST. One place that sells it
is Computer Garden (1-800-456-5689), for $15.99. I would also recommend that
you get a subscription to Current Notes magazine (about $20). It is the
best (IMHO), with many _honest_ reviews and a great PD library. I liked it
so much that I bought all the back issues.
Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
email: |


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:20 GMT
noao!ncar!!!linac!att!pacbel!ucsd!nosc!crash!! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: sundog

what is this game about?is it good?
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 02:16:22 GMT
noao!ncar!!!linac!att!pacbel!ucsd!nosc!crash!! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: the lynx

any lynx users out there!!!i would like to know how do you enjoy it and the
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 26 Apr 91 12:09:24 GMT
Subject: UIS III, Uniterm, DCDesktop

In article <>,
(Gerald Greenberg) writes:
> When running DCDesktop and using Uniterm to connect to a mainframe, I tried
> to exit Uniterm and do something at the desktop. When I got to the desktop
> I tried to access UISIII via the UIS da...when I did this the machine
> froze and I had to reboot, losing my communications connection. Is
> this something that should happen, i.e. is it impossible to retain my
> communication connection while doing something at the desktop?, or
> is there some way to accomplish this kind of activity?

The only reasons one would want to exit from Uniterm to the desktop would be to
perform some task (e.g., run a program or transfer files from disk to disk).

The proper way to run a program would be to use the "RUN PROGRAM" selection
from the Uniterm 'files' menu. I have run text editors and CLI shells using
this method. It -does- require that you devote a certain amount of memory to
the 'system' buffer. (Look up the "BUFFER" selection under the next-to-last
menu ... I cannot remember the name, and Uniterm is at home...)

You can access UIS via the 'desk' menu in Uniterm as well. I've formatted
disks and moved lots of files from disk to disk this way.

I also use DC Desktop, and have had no problems with this configuration (DC
Desktop, run Uniterm, run program from within Uniterm) except when the program
I wanted to run consumed too much memory.

I have also had a chance to exit from Uniterm back to DC Desktop (or any other
desktop...) and then run Aladdin while still connected to my VAX at work
(Aladdin allows me to run ZMODEM automagically on the ST ... I can set up a
command file on the VAX and walk away for a few hours.)

The machine I was using for all this was a stock 1040 ST with TOS 1.0, plus a
20-megabyte hard drive and color monitor.


David Paschall-Zimbel


Date: 26 Apr 91 19:49:27 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!noose.ecn.pu!! (James D Yegerlehner)
Subject: Wanted: Symbolic math program for novice ST user

In article <>, (Mickey
Boyd) writes:
> In article <1991Apr25.073843.6040@loop.uucp>, dont@loop.uucp (Don
Taylor;644-7631) writes:
> >I have a relative novice using an ST. I would like to obtain a symbolic
> >math program that will run on the machine. I was told there is a package
> >called 'Elcal' but have been unable to track down a dealer. If someone
[stuff deleted]

> >
> I have put the PD version of El Cal (called Sub_Cal) on atari.archive. It is
> a great program, and received heavy use by me during my undergraduate math
> courses. All ordering info is included in the archive. You may find that
> Sub_Cal has all the power you need (not much of it is disabled). Feel free
> to email questions.
> --
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
> Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
> FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
> Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
> email: |
> ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------

Wait a minute: I thought that El Cal (and therefore Sub Cal) is
purely a numerical tool. The original poster asked for a symbolic
math package. The only ones I know of are form, available for free on
atari.archive, and Maple. Form is very general, but ha a steep learning
curve, and requires that you program (recursively) in its own language.
I saw a post a while ago that mentioned that Maple has been ported to
the ST (


__ __ | |
\ / __ __ __ __ | __ |__ __ __ __ Jim Yegerlehner
\/ |--'| ||--'| ||--'| || ||--'| 1132 Hawkins Graduate House
| `-- `--|`-- | |`-- | || |`-- | W. Lafayette IN 47906


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