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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 437

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 16 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 437

Today's Topics:
.gem to .img conversion
Atari CD-ROM?
Clearing space on a hard disk (2 msgs)
Deskjet GDOS driver & Pagestream 2.1 symbols font
For Sale: Computer Eyes & Stereotek 3d Glasses
Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #432
Puting a pixel to screen (2 msgs)
ST User mag. (was Re:Atari CD-ROM?)

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Date: 13 Aug 91 23:56:13 GMT
From:! (Michael Fischer)
Subject: .gem to .img conversion

Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for help with including
figures in TeX documents. One person suggested that I use postscript
instead of .img files. The program mfps (included in the gem2ps
collection on atari.archive) converts .gem files to postscript. The
program dvips converts .dvi files to postscript and can also merge in
other postscript files. The resulting postscript can be printed using
Ultrascript (which I already had) or Ghostscript. I followed his
suggestion and everything is working very nicely.

I am also grateful to the several people who sent me pointers to
utilities that do what I had originally requested. They may turn out
to be useful someday.
| Michael Fischer <> |


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 20:14:05 mes
From: (Schaefer Friedrich-Carl)
Subject: ATARI-Ethernet

Hello Milan!

>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1991 12:35 +0200
>From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
>Subject: Ethernet
> About Ethernet for ST/TT. I saw in some German magazine that there is
>company in Mainz which sells it. Could some kind soul from Deutchland tell
>us how much does it cost?

There exists an official ATARI-ethernet-card supported from ATARI.
It is made by Riebl Computertechnik GmbH and ATARI bought the licence.

Two versions are available:

Hardware: (ATARI card)

1. Riebl Card plus for Mega ST 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- Mega ST Bus

2. Riebl Card plus VME for TT and Mega STE 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- A24/D16 VME-Bus

(for both cheapernet and thick-yellow ethernet)


Internettools 489,-DM (excl. VAT)
(TCP/IP incl. Telnet, FTP, TFTP)

- Telnet: VT100 emulation

The address:

Riebl Computertechnik GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 1
D-3411 Katlenburg/Lindau
Tel.: 05556/720 or
FAX: 05556/1782

There exists also a different TCP/IP software from:

Burgstaetter Str. 6
D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Tel.: 05323/3540
FAX: 05323/78676

Inter-Connect TCP/IP for ATARI ST/TOS 657,-DM (excl. VAT)

- Telnet: VT52, VT100, VT200 and Tektronix 4014 graphics
- supports local printer
- GIN in Tektronix mode
- multiple sessions (up to 5)
- runs also as accessory

Normal prices:

1 - 4 licences : 657,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 " : 592,-DM "
11 - 49 " : 526,-DM "
unlimited " : 26.500,-DM

For universities:

1 - 4 licences : 559,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 "
: 503,-DM "
11 - 49 "
: 447,-DM "
Campus licence : 22.525,-DM

We use the Riebl-ATARI card for Mega ST already since two years
and the hardware is quite good. The first time we had some problems with
the Riebl TCP/IP software, but now it works also good.

For graphics support we tested the Inter-Connect software. It works
very fine. You can switch the sessions with ALTERNATE-N and escape to
the ATARI desktop without ending the sessions with ALTERNATE-ESC.
FTP has a page mode (good for 'ls') and can pipe also to the host-printer.
Telnet has a logging mode in which you can dump parts of the session
to disk.

There exists also other ethernet cards from PAM-soft in Mainz (price ???)
and ethernet nodes from BIODATA (external hardware) (price ???).


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer email:
Institut fuer Theorie der
Kondensierten Materie Tel.: 0721/608-3588
Universitaet Karlsruhe FAX: 0721/698150
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1



Date: 13 Aug 91 09:06:12 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: Atari CD-ROM?

In article <91224.105539ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET> ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET writes:
>In article <>, (Neil Forsyth (me)) says:
>>In the same purile rag, there is mention that Atari are to provide TOS 2.x
>>as 512K ROM upgrade for all machines including STFM's. They do not say who
>>their 'sources' are but it wasn't Atari. I view this piece of reporting as
>>pure nonsense since we know that the Mega STE ROM is 256K and will take
>>TOS 2.x (Lars has done it!) but the STFM has only 192K of ROM address space.
>>Upgrading an STFM would involve some serious hacking to the machine, including
>>a new GLUE chip, and I doubt that Atari are going to do that.
>I know of at least two groups of german developers, who have this thing up
>and running. I think we will hear more about that after the Atari fair in
>Duesseldorf (Aug 23-25).

If some third party developers have done this then I would not consider it an
official upgrade. Official upgrades come from Atari with Atari documentation
and do not get removed when you send your machine to Atari for repair.
Any idea about what the German develpoers did to make it work?

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "
That was never 5 minutes!" !


Date: 13 Aug 91 10:52:25 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas)
Subject: Clearing space on a hard disk

From article <>, by
(Alex Valdez):
> Why not just backup one's hard disk (by files, not an image copy), do
> a low-level format, and restore? And you get a clean unfragmented
> drive in the process as well.

Because of the time it takes. A robust defragmenter will take a lot of
time, too, but it should be possible for you to do other things while it
gets on with it. With a full backup, you have to be there feeding
floppies into the machine (assuming you don't have such luxuries as tape
streamers or spare partitions).

I still haven't seen a friendly, reliable defragmenter for the ST. I've
used DLII a couple of times with no problems, but you have to make sure
there are no lost or crosslinked clusters on the disk, and no
zero-length files. Also, I wouldn't trust it with any partition greater
than 16 meg, or with large cluster sizes, or a host of other things.

There are several programs I know of but which I've not seen. I think
there's a defragger by Bob Luneski, that comes with the Diamond Back
backup program. In the German magazine ST Computer this June there was
a demo of a defragger program that might be good (sorry, I forget its
name; it's on the same disk as the demo of the awesome CyPress document
processor). The UK market is really poor for this sort of software when
it's offered commercially. It's hard to look before you buy. The only
thing I've seen in shops or the main mail order lists is Michtron's
Tune-Up (now bundled with something else). It's a shame. I'm sure that
somebody could make money by importing a decent hard disk toolkit.

Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
Email: Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: +44 273 685865


Date: 13 Aug 91 17:13:17 GMT
(Stephen Jacobs)
Subject: Clearing space on a hard disk

In article <> (Graham Thomas)
>From article <>, by (Alex Valdez):
>> Why not just backup one's hard disk (by files, not an image copy), do
>> a low-level format, and restore? And you get a clean unfragmented
>> drive in the process as well.
>Because of the time it takes. A robust defragmenter will take a lot of
>time, too, but it should be possible for you to do other things while it
>gets on with it. With a full backup, you have to be there feeding
>floppies into the machine (assuming you don't have such luxuries as tape
>streamers or spare partitions).
>I still haven't seen a friendly, reliable defragmenter for the ST. I've

I have to put in a good word for the backup and restore method, too. It's
one of the many good reasons to get a tape unit. But to the point: Hard Disk
Sentry, from Beckemeyer, is a defragmenter. It works easily, and seems about
as safe as these things get. I've used it on 45 MB partitions.


Date: 13 Aug 91 23:39:41 GMT
(Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: Deskjet GDOS driver & Pagestream 2.1 symbols font

Hi. I am looking for a HP Deskjet Plus GDOS .sys driver file as well as the
associated ATSS (or something like that) font files for this printer. Does
anyone know where to get a copy of this? I heard Migraph markets GDOS
drivers, but I don't have their phone number anymore.

Secondly, I just got Pagestream 2.1. It is fast. However, I missed the
SYMBOLS font which is just basic Greek. Does anyone know where I can get
the 2.1 compatible SYMBOL fonts?



Date: 13 Aug 91 16:52:10 GMT
(Mark Choi)
Subject: DIDOT ART?

DIDOT Line art is distributed here by gold leaf publishing



Date: 13 Aug 91 15:37:47 GMT
From: brunix!! (Marshall Vale)
Subject: For Sale: Computer Eyes & Stereotek 3d Glasses

** For sale:

Digital Vision Color Computer Eyes.
--Digitizes color images from any video source.
--Has been fixed by Digital Vision to work with high powered output
signals (like my JVC vcr.)
--Version 1.32 of the software (which was the last software update
I was every notified of.) Captures in low, med & hi standard ST
resolutions (no STe extra color support in this version.)

Price: $75

Stereotek 3-D glasses
-- True 3-d glasses that use LCD shutters in conjunction with two
images to give you a neat 3-d effect.
-- Comes in box with manuals in wonderful condition.
-- I'll toss in a really neat block-out style game from Antic that
uses the glasses.

Price: $75

Shipping: I prefer to send it COD, but we can discuss it.
Send e-mail to address at bottom.

Marshall Vale

-> Internet:
Failed _Brave New Words_ slogans #8:
We've never heard of you either."


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 10:44:58 MST
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #432

I again apologize if this ends up going to the list or to the Digest.
I continue receiving the Digest and believe me I have tried everything
to get it to stop! I have had help from 2 very nice people on the list
and even their suggestions don't work. I got on the list in error in
the first place.


Bonnie M. Klassen
Arizona State University - Phone: (602) 965-1892


Date: 13 Aug 91 17:07:14 GMT
From: midway!machine!chinet! (Stephen Jacobs)
Subject: Puting a pixel to screen

One thing that helps considerably in putting pixels on the screen is NOT doing
them one-at-a-time. If you can save up sets of pixels of the same color,
and then do a bunch at once as a polymarker, the GEM dispatcher overhead is
spread out among them. And at least on my 1040ST with TOS 1.0, the overhead
is the biggest chunk of time in the process.


Date: 13 Aug 91 21:38:26 GMT
From: noao!ncar!asuvax!ukma!psuvax1!psuvm!dearn!dmswwu1c!
Subject: Puting a pixel to screen

In article <>, (William
Rosenkranz) says:
>first off, line A was such an easy way to do things like this without
>writing a GEM program. rue the day that atari took this away...

No. Line-A can only used with up to 4 color planes and with Atari's
Interleaved Bitplane format. There was NO way to extend this for more
powerful graphics cards (like true color).

>here is one way:
..that only works on screens with atari-compatible screen layout.

> first, find screen size (width and height) by some means. call
> these scrn_w and scrn_h. assume the pixel we want to set is
> (x,y) where (0,0) is upper left, x,y get larger positive values
> toward the lower right, up to (scrn_w-1,scrn_h-1).
> char *pscrn; /* ptr to physical screen mem */
> char *pbyte; /* ptr to byte containing pixel (bit) to twiddle */
> int shft; /* amount to shift mask */
> pscrn = Physbase (); /* get screen loc */
> pbyte = (char *) ( (long) pscrn + /* start here */
> (long) y * (long)scrn_w/8L + /* goto line */
> (long) x / 8L ); /* and byte */
> shft = 8 - (x - (x/8)*8); /* setup mask */
> *pbyte |= (char) (1 << shft); /* to set pixel */
> *pbyte &= (char)
>i hope i have this right. i just did this today for mgif (eliminating
>the use of line A totally). it works. if not, this is close...
If you write DIRECTLY into screen memory, this is even WORSE than using
line a. There are graphics cards in the future, where there is NO way
to access the screen memory (think of independant graphics systems with
own cpu). Besides, you have NO information about HOW the screen memory is

>this makes no use of line A (obviously). it only requires that u know the
>width of the screen. it assumes the screen width is evenly divisible by
>8 (a reasonable assumption, i would think - it should be divisible by 16).
>note that pscrn need not be Physbase. it could be any virtual screen
>stored in memory.
>this *should* be 100% portable, regardless of ST, STe, TT, etc. note that
>this is for a monochrome screen!!!! doing this for color is left as an
>exercise for the reader. it is not that bad, u just have to account for
>interleaving of the planes when getting the byte. then again, u have to
>deal with the color, i suppose.
Again: even with a monochrome screen, this might fail.

>>I hope it is not too slow.
>well, this can be optimized. i did it this way for clarity (i hope).
>it should be about as fast as line A would do it, give or take. i notice
>no real difference in speed. you can use word offsets instead. just make
>sure u get the pointer correct (remember: once u cast to long, u loose
>pointer arithmetic so adding 1 is adding 1 byte, not 1 word).
>note that it is easy to draw vertical or horizontal lines this way, but
>a bit more complicated to draw arbitrary lines. i think i posted ages
>ago a program called bez which is my (manual) screen saver. it does this
>trick with bezier curves. i did not write it originally, i just ported
>it. the origin escapes me but it was in a magazine (byte?) a couple of
>years ago...

>Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
>Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA:

Back to the original question -- how to put single pixels onto the screen.

(1) Slow: Use lines with length of 1.
(2) if you want to set more than one pixel: do it in an own buffer (as
described above by Bill), transform it to device dependant format using
vr_trnfm(), then do a copy raster form to the screen.

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 13 Aug 91 11:12:12 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday)
Subject: ST User mag. (was Re:Atari CD-ROM?)

In article <>, stigvi@Lise.Unit.NO
(Stig Vidar Hovland) writes:
|>In article <2521@tharr.UUCP>, steveh@tharr.UUCP (Steve Hebditch) writes:
|>|> In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes:
|>|> >The new Luser hasn't changed much. It's still as gaudy and as game
|>|> >as ever. Maybe it is the best ST mag in the UK but it's still crap.
|>|> >
|>|> >When will ST User get their finger out?
|>|> That isn't the new ST User. The completely revamped version will be
|>|> appearing next month with a definite promise from the editor of much
|>|> more of ST World type coverage merged in with games relegated to the
|>|> supplement.
|>|> We shall wait and see...
|>|> --
|>|> <> <...ukc!axion!tharr!steveh>
|>|> <Free Usenet in the UK from Tharr: 0234 841503>

|>I have seen it. It is still a gamers magazine. Save your money or by
some german magazines instead.

How could you? The 'new' ST User with pullout games section etc. isn't due out
untill next month (about 7th sept). Though I must admit I doubt it will be upto
the standard of the old ST World or some of the German mags.

|>Stig Vidar Hovland -

Dave Halliday.
Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK.
Halliday EMail :
Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232


Date: 13 Aug 91 22:01:12 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday)
Subject: Version

In article <>,
larserio@IFI.UIO.NO (LarsErikOsterud) writes:
|>What is the HT WAY to check what machine a program is running on
|>(In this case I want to check if it's a MEGA STE with a 16 MHz 68000
|> as the 8/16 switch adresses bombs on other machines....)

Why not just check the cookie jar for the machine cookie?

Dave Halliday

Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK.
Halliday EMail :
Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 20:09:25 mes
From: (Schaefer Friedrich-Carl)

Hello Milan!

>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1991 12:35 +0200
>From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
>Subject: Ethernet
> About Ethernet for ST/TT. I saw in some German magazine that there is
>company in Mainz which sells it. Could some kind soul from Deutchland tell
>us how much does it cost?

There exists an official ATARI-ethernet-card supported from ATARI.
It is made by Riebl Computertechnik GmbH and ATARI bought the licence.

Two versions are available:

Hardware: (ATARI card)

1. Riebl Card plus for Mega ST 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- Mega ST Bus

2. Riebl Card plus VME for TT and Mega STE 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- A24/D16 VME-Bus

(for both cheapernet and thick-yellow ethernet)


Internettools 489,-DM (excl. VAT)
(TCP/IP incl. Telnet, FTP, TFTP)

- Telnet: VT100 emulation

The address:

Riebl Computertechnik GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 1
D-3411 Katlenburg/Lindau
Tel.: 05556/720 or
FAX: 05556/1782

There exists also a different TCP/IP software from:

Burgstaetter Str. 6
D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Tel.: 05323/3540
FAX: 05323/78676

Inter-Connect TCP/IP for ATARI ST/TOS 657,-DM (excl. VAT)

- Telnet: VT52, VT100, VT200 and Tektronix 4014 graphics
- supports local printer
- GIN in Tektronix mode
- multiple sessions (up to 5)
- runs also as accessory

Normal prices:

1 - 4 licences : 657,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 "
: 592,-DM "
11 - 49 "
: 526,-DM "
unlimited "
: 26.500,-DM

For universities:

1 - 4 licences : 559,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 " : 503,-DM "
11 - 49 " : 447,-DM "
Campus licence : 22.525,-DM

We use the Riebl-ATARI card for Mega ST already since two years
and the hardware is quite good. The first time we had some problems with
the Riebl TCP/IP software, but now it works also good.

For graphics support we tested the Inter-Connect software. It works
very fine. You can switch the sessions with ALTERNATE-N and escape to
the ATARI desktop without ending the sessions with ALTERNATE-ESC.
FTP has a page mode (good for 'ls') and can pipe also to the host-printer.
Telnet has a logging mode in which you can dump parts of the session
to disk.

There exists also other ethernet cards from PAM-soft in Mainz (price ???)
and ethernet nodes from BIODATA (external hardware) (price ???).


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer email:
Institut fuer Theorie der
Kondensierten Materie Tel.: 0721/608-3588
Universitaet Karlsruhe FAX: 0721/698150
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1



Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 20:07:09 mes
From: (Schaefer Friedrich-Carl)

Hello Milan!

>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1991 12:35 +0200
>From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
>Subject: Ethernet
> About Ethernet for ST/TT. I saw in some German magazine that there is
>company in Mainz which sells it. Could some kind soul from Deutchland tell
>us how much does it cost?

There exists an official ATARI-ethernet-card supported from ATARI.
It is made by Riebl Computertechnik GmbH and ATARI bought the licence.

Two versions are available:

Hardware: (ATARI card)

1. Riebl Card plus for Mega ST 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- Mega ST Bus

2. Riebl Card plus VME for TT and Mega STE 748,-DM (excl. VAT)

- 16 Bit ethernet-controller
- 64 KB dualported RAM
- A24/D16 VME-Bus

(for both cheapernet and thick-yellow ethernet)


Internettools 489,-DM (excl. VAT)
(TCP/IP incl. Telnet, FTP, TFTP)

- Telnet: VT100 emulation

The address:

Riebl Computertechnik GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 1
D-3411 Katlenburg/Lindau
Tel.: 05556/720 or
FAX: 05556/1782

There exists also a different TCP/IP software from:

Burgstaetter Str. 6
D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Tel.: 05323/3540
FAX: 05323/78676

Inter-Connect TCP/IP for ATARI ST/TOS 657,-DM (excl. VAT)

- Telnet: VT52, VT100, VT200 and Tektronix 4014 graphics
- supports local printer
- GIN in Tektronix mode
- multiple sessions (up to 5)
- runs also as accessory

Normal prices:

1 - 4 licences : 657,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 " : 592,-DM "
11 - 49 " : 526,-DM "
unlimited " : 26.500,-DM

For universities:

1 - 4 licences : 559,-DM (per licence)
5 - 10 "
: 503,-DM "
11 - 49 "
: 447,-DM "
Campus licence : 22.525,-DM

We use the Riebl-ATARI card for Mega ST already since two years
and the hardware is quite good. The first time we had some problems with
the Riebl TCP/IP software, but now it works also good.

For graphics support we tested the Inter-Connect software. It works
very fine. You can switch the sessions with ALTERNATE-N and escape to
the ATARI desktop without ending the sessions with ALTERNATE-ESC.
FTP has a page mode (good for 'ls') and can pipe also to the host-printer.
Telnet has a logging mode in which you can dump parts of the session
to disk.

There exists also other ethernet cards from PAM-soft in Mainz (price ???)
and ethernet nodes from BIODATA (external hardware) (price ???).


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer


Friedrich-Carl Schaefer email:
Institut fuer Theorie der
Kondensierten Materie Tel.: 0721/608-3588
Universitaet Karlsruhe FAX: 0721/698150
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1



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