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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 446

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 20 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 446

Today's Topics:
Atari CD-ROM?
Atari Show - how much?
HP Printers on my Atari
packing gcc etc
Problems using Overscan with SM125
ST reset problem - HELP!
TeX troubles (2 msgs)
Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you!
TT high end software
v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)
VIP Professional
Why not a universal extrac
Word Up? Word Perfect?

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Date: 19 Aug 91 16:00:00 GMT
u!!!artcom0!!!Laurenz_Pruessner@ariz (Laurenz Pruessner)
Subject: Atari CD-ROM?

Neil Forsyth @ SUB wrote on 13.08.91 09:06

>If some third party developers have done this then I would not consider it an
>official upgrade. Official upgrades come from Atari with Atari documentation
>and do not get removed when you send your machine to Atari for repair.
>Any idea about what the German develpoers did to make it work?

I am one of the developers, I did the software-modifications.

YES, the modified TOS 2.05 runs fine on any ST and YES, TOS is copyrighted by
Atari. We should instantly stop talking about a project that is not yet
finished. We're looking forward to meeting Atari on the Atari Fair in
Dusseldorf and we'll have lots of things to discuss that should not be
discussed in the public before.

Maybe we can say more about all of this in a week.


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1991 10:33 +0200
From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Atari Show - how much?

>>One other question, why does a TT cost almost as much as a decent Mac
>>in the UK while in Germany its almost a 1000 pounds cheaper?

>Rumors says that Atari earns half it's money here in Germany. This might
>be the reason.

Around 90% of my countrymen ST owners bought their ST's in Germany. I
don't know exact figures, but I figure that should be between 5000 and 7000
ST's. Reson for buying computers outside the country is pure savings. Until the
year ago it was cheaper to: make one night drive to Munich, make one day
shopping there and buy ST among other things, make one night drive back, pay
customs at the border than to buy ST from official YU dealer here. Now, add the
price for about 150 litres of gas, 30DM for autobahn cost in Austria and 30% of
the machine price to the ST's price in Germany and that is the cost. I know
that this is just a drop in the sea, but ...


/* Milan Adamov | */
/* Ratka Vujovica Coce 6 ] | [ There is question that has no answer.*/
/* 11090 Belgrade ---|--- Does my country still exist ? */
/* Yugoslavia ] | [ */


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1991 10:32 +0200
From: Milan Adamov <EADAMOV%yubgef51.bitnet@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Ethernet

Thank you very much, Friedrich-Carl. I was interested in card from
PAM-soft, because I saw their's add in one magazine and it said that card can
be plugged in DMA. However, it is nice to know that there is more than one
choice. Thank you again for detail information.


/* Milan Adamov | */
/* Ratka Vujovica Coce 6 ] | [ There is question that has no answer.*/
/* 11090 Belgrade ---|--- Does my country still exist ? */
/* Yugoslavia ] | [ */


Date: 20 Aug 91 12:31:18 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Help

Please can some one Help me with some Phone No.

I am after one for Branch Always Software, (Quick ST)
and also Best Electronics..

Also is there any other Companies that have IC's/Parts for Ataries, ST, etc.
I did use one some time back for 8 bit parts and they were very good,
but have lost the infomation on them.

No '800 No's Please, they are no good here..

*** Roger W. Sheppard * ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 20 Aug 91 01:07:20 GMT
Subject: HP Printers on my Atari

Hello, fellow netters,

I recently acquired an HP IIIP and I would like to use it with my Atari 1040ST.

Do I need any special drivers? I am mainly interested in printing 1st Word
documents, but I'd like to do some desktop publishing as well.


Javier Henderson


Date: 20 Aug 91 18:40:29 GMT
From: bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!liuida! (Ulric
Subject: MIDInet
To: (Phil Regnauld) writes:

> (Richard Reiner) writes:
>> I found a thing called MIDInet on atari.archive

>It is fairly reliable, but is more of a gadget, since even the lamest
>floppy disk drive works at 147000 bauds on local, what's the use of
>going 1/3 the speed?

If you're loading small programs from floppy, baud rate hardly matters
at all. Up to a few KB, loading from a remote RAM disk is probably
FASTER than loading from a local floppy disk.


Date: 20 Aug 91 13:15:48 GMT
From:!uniwa! (Earth Resources Mapping)
Subject: packing gcc etc

As the gnu binaries are so large, I would quite like to compress them
with a 'packer' such as pfxpak (or is it pkxpak)... Has anyone out
there got any experience of such things...?
.Clive Salvidge


Date: 20 Aug 91 09:31:20 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc! (Trevor Peacock)
Subject: Problems using Overscan with SM125

In article <1991Aug19.063835.204@megatel> (Thomas Otten) writes:
>I just got the overscn3 package from terminator and liked it that much that I
>took my wiring iron and did that litle modification to my 260ST ( not the
>latest model, I guess :-) ).
>There wasn't much to do, since most of the stuff was installed by my hardware
>dealer years ago to enable the composite sync signal. So I think I couldn't
>have done much faults connecting the switch to the rest of it. But it doesn't
>work. The overscan software seems to recognize the position of the switch but
>all I see are some strange bit patterns and vertical lines. The bit patterns
>are changing when I use the *,/,+ and - keys, but not to something sensible.
>I'm using TOS 1.4.
>Does anybody have a suggestion to fix that problem ? Has anybody experience
>using overscan with a SM125 ( I think it's a english model and it's rather
>seldom here in Germany ) or does the SM125 has other specifications than the
>SM124 making it unusable for overscan ?
>Thanks it advance

This seems to be a fairly common problem (it must be because I experienced
it too! 8~)

What I found to be the problem was that I was using the wrong transistor
even though I looked up a near equivalent it just displayed diagonal black
stripes with the (distorted) desktop pattern between.

The cure? just use the specified transistor (and keep the leads as short as

Cheers, Trev..

Trevor Peacock, Comms Officer, Dept of Computing, Imperial College,| Affix
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ. Telephone: 071-589-5111 ext 5052.| stamp UUCP:tmp@icdoc.UUCP or ..!ukc!icdoc!tmp | here or |


Date: 20 Aug 91 14:14:04 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!magnus.acs.ohio-stat! (David H Butler)
Subject: ST reset problem - HELP!

I recently made several modifications to my Mega2+2 ST. It was working fine
before this...

1) I got the ISAC card and found out that I needed TOS 1.4 (naturally I was
not told this before ordering, seeing as TOS 1.2 is the standard chip set I
thought it would work, how silly of me to think a product made for Megas would
work in one...) Anyway, I installed TOS 1.4, but had to go from the 2 chip set
to the 6 chip set since that was all the store had & I'm generally impatient.
This includes removing one chip from the motherboard, installing one standard
jumper, and moving two jumpers with (I believe) a capacitor on each. This went
off without a hitch.

2) Next, I actually installed the ISAC board, It looks great! (in fairness, I
should also say that I also had major monitor problems; The monitor I had
supported the scan rates I was given for the ISAC board, but it still did not
work, I had to get a new one, and also had to get an ST monochrome because
there were so many software problems. Then, Monochrome mode on the ISAC kept
coming up RED and WHITE instead of B&W, took me about 2 days to manage to fix
that). However, I am very impressed with the board, it looks really nice,
although it is a little slow in color mode.

3) The other modifications currently in my Mega are:

The ST starts up and runs fine. Everything works as it should for about
1/2 hour. Then, I start getting more and more frequent crashes. The first sign
is when I access a menu bar and the menu stays down & I get bombs. Then it will
start to crash so often it is unusable until I shut it off and let it sit for
about 1/2 hour and cool off. Then it works fine again. I am guessing that this
is heat related since all the symptoms point to this. I did not have this
problem with just AdSpeed & Overscan. I am thinking that possibly I got some
bad ROM's. I've also heard of problems with some other chips in the Megas. I
have eliminated the possibility of it being a software problem, I know it is
hardware. If anyone knows:

1) What the problem may actually be (seeing as my diagnosis may be complete
crap because I very well may not know what I'm talking about)

2) How to fix whatever this problem may be (any suggestions short of "throw
your ST out the window down to the street several stories below and watch it
get run over by large moving 4-wheeled-internal-combustion vehicles out of
sheer frustration and general disgust"
, would be greatly appreciated).

3) Assuming that it is a heat problem, does anyone know of a replacement fan
with a much higher "flow rate" that would fit in the same place? Anyone else
out there ever installed another fan in some other location on their Mega?

Thanks for sitting through this way too long explination of a *hopefully*
simple problem,

|| || || - David Butler (
|| || ||
|| || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
|| || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
|| || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
|||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
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-[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
-[ call Academic Computing ]-
-[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
-[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
-[ (614)-292-2919 ]-


Date: 20 Aug 91 10:51:25 GMT
Subject: TeX troubles

In article <>,
(|S| Florian Dingler) writes:
> If you got an 2 Meg machine, try dumping the formats yourself:
> You find the .TEX files in the archive INPUTS.LZH. For Plain TeX you'll need
> PLAIN.TEX. Just type
> tex 'plain \dump' -i

This won't work with the standard 3.1 release on atari.archive, since there
is nothing called TEX.TTP. Instead, you have INITEX.TTP and VIRTEX.TTP. To
build the various formats, the commands would be:

for TeX:

initex 'plain \dump'

for LaTeX:

initex 'lplain \dump'

for SliTex:

initex 'splain \dump'

OR, if you don't have the necessary memory, I will look through my own archives
and find the copy of the format file mentioned (which I really did get from
the atari.archive server at one time!), and FTP it back so they'll be
available for everyone.

> ( {\em I like \TeX\ !} )



David Paschall-Zimbel


Date: 20 Aug 91 11:10:06 GMT
Subject: TeX troubles

In article <>, writes:
> In article <>,
> (|S| Florian Dingler) writes:
>> If you got an 2 Meg machine, try dumping the formats yourself:
>> You find the .TEX files in the archive INPUTS.LZH. For Plain TeX you'll need
>> PLAIN.TEX. Just type
>> tex 'plain \dump' -i
> This won't work with the standard 3.1 release on atari.archive...

Well, actually, since Frank Ridderbusch appears to have put up a newly compiled
version of Tex 3.1, it WILL work this way. Dang. He's gone and merged INITEX
and VIRTEX into one file. That just goes to show how quickly informational
texts can be placed 'out of date' by updates in software.

The problem is, whenever a new version of TeX is released, the format files
have to be regenerated in order for them to work correctly with the newly
compiled code. So, you should follow the instructions in the 'readme_e.inf'
file that Frank included in the TEXBIN.ZOO archive dated 14 August 1991 in
order to figure out how to generate the new format files.

Of course, if you don't have the requisite memory, you're out of luck ...

Perhaps Frank (or someone with a lot of disk space and memory) can upload an
archive of newly generated format files using the new binaries on the
atari.archive server?

[I'm leaving for the World Science Fiction convention on Saturday, and will be
away from my ST for the duration of my vacation, so it would be, like,
mid-September before I could do it myself.]


David Paschall-Zimbel


Date: 20 Aug 91 11:38:33 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!abekrd! (Mike Quinn)
Subject: Tos 2.0x coming to an STf(m) near you!

Hi guys,

Picked up a copy of ST User (UK mag - mostly games, but going back to ST World
style Real Soon Now(tm)), today and in the news snippets at the front they
said that Tos 2.0 would be made available for owners of old Sts on 512K roms.

They said that the roms would be available from September (I know don't ask
_which_ September) and would cost around 50 pounds Sterling. Finally the mag
said that this would be bad news for the likes of Gribnif and Double Click,
because the new desktop did most everything the replacement desktops did _and_
speeded up disk access.

Anyone heard anything more?

Mike Quinn. Abekas Video Systems Ltd. Reading. United Kingdom.
net: UUCP: ...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!abekrd!mike

Let a smile be your umbrella! - Gordon Cole aka David Lynch.


Date: 20 Aug 91 15:34:08 GMT
From: mcsun!!hydra!kreeta! (Markku Luoto)
Subject: TT-UNIX

Hello NetWorld,
Excuse me if this... ...lately

WHAT's the current status of UNIX for TT ?
During the spring term a rumour went around
that it was released in Germany in June ?! it true,

If so, what's the price in Ger. and in U.S., and
where to get it ???

-> anybody from the A-house know anything ????

>>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
>>>>>>! "
: HAl9000 <<<<<<


Date: 20 Aug 91 15:40:14 GMT
From: mcsun!!hydra!kreeta! (Markku Luoto)
Subject: TT high end software

Uh, and some more fore the previous posting...

Where to get the new calamus SL, (in Ger/US/GB)...what's the latest version No.

Where to get PROFLIGHT in UK, and what's the latest version... (is there a
HAWK among the planes)?

WHAT`s the deal with the long spoken IBM-emulator for TT... like soft-pc for mac
It was to be released soon when I heard about it in the spring ???
is it ? ... ever ?

>>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
>>>>>>! "
: HAl9000 <<<<<<


Date: 20 Aug 91 13:20:32 GMT
Subject: v_opnwk call (was Dialog Boxes)

In article <>, (Joseph W Reiss) says:
>In article <> writes:
>>v_opnwk() is used by AES to install the desktop. It can be used from within
>>an AUTO folder program to enable the use of VDI aslong as the workstation
>>is closed properly before the program exits. If it isn't AES won't be able
>>the open a new workstation and exits == reboot
>Does this mean that some enterprising utility creator out there could
>write an auto folder program that would allow GEM programs to run in
>the AUTO folder by calling v_opnwk() and closing the workstation at
>the end of the AUTO sequence? If so, why hasn't anyone done it?

Because you still would need the AES -- and there's no way to start up the
AES without starting the Desktop.

>How about it, Double Clickers?
> | |___) .------------------------------------------.
>\_/OE | \EISS | USENET: |
> `---- `------------------------------------------'
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 20 Aug 91 13:20:29 GMT
Subject: Version

In article <>, larserio@IFI.UIO.NO
(LarsErikOsterud) says:
>OK, check the cookie jar for machine cookie...
>How do I knw if it's a STE or a MEGA STE (with 16 MHz card) ?
>My developer docs say nothing about the MEGA STE at all, nothing about new
>cookies, nothing about speed-switching etc, and no update has arrived.

On the Mega STE, the low word of the _MCH cookie is 0x0010. This is what
the 'General' CPX checks for.

> Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
> 0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / / /___ /
>__________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 20 Aug 91 14:51:00 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!ub!dsinc!netnews.up!msuinfo!! (Count Zero Interrupt)
Subject: VIP Professional

Is there anyone out using the PrintGraph program with VIP Professional?

When I use it, the graph comes out screwed up and it won't print
correctly. I think I might have an outdated version of printgraph.

Has anyone got this to work correctly...?

||| David W. Schultz |||
||| uunet[!rutgers!mailrus]!frith!schultzd |||
/ | \ Work Phone: (517)-353-8891 / | \
/ | \ "All I see Pornographitti, All I hear Pornographitti..." / | \


Date: 18 Aug 91 08:58:00 GMT
noao!asuvax!!samsung!caen!!!!artcom0!!! (Thomas Quester)
Subject: Why not a universal extrac

ue>>If I understand it right, once you get it configured, you can just click
ue>>on a file and it processes it, no menu selections involved. There was

By the way: If you install LHarc as an application, you can extract any
.LZH-archiv by a double-click.

ue>>ST. I'd read in the info file of the IBM version that a full port was
ue>>planned, but didn't know ANY port had been done yet. Anyway....
ue>There is an UNARJ for the st, I've never seen an ARJ. If you can get your
ue>hands on one, please leave me a note.

I asked the autor of ARJ for the sources after I made UNARJ to run at
double speed. He sayed ARJ is not ready to port.

Thomas Quester * Lampenland 9 * 2050 Hamburg 80

MauTau V 2.2c - Die englische Dampfmaschine geht auf das Konto von James Watt.


Date: 20 Aug 91 18:20:32 GMT
edu (Clarence T. Chang)
Subject: Word Up? Word Perfect?

I am considering switching from First Word Plus to some other word processors
on our TT. Has anyone successfully run Word Perfect (WP) or Word Up (WUP) on
this beast? What are the respective merits and drawbacks? My printer is a
HP Deskjet Plus which can be used as a Laserjet II. I also have access to
other printers such as PS printers on the network. What do you think of these
two packages?



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