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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 445

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 20 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 445

Today's Topics:
DC (formatter?)
Generating .PRG files with Sozobon C
GS 2.2
mcp and mfd (recently posted to binaries group) now free
Mega 2 ST system (color) for sale cheap
monitor/text shifting !
Supra Clock
TeX troubles (2 msgs)
TT printing
Uniterm problems (revisited)
Using the ST with a Deskjet (2 msgs)

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Date: 20 Aug 91 00:34:10 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: DC (formatter?)

In article <> (Robert J Anisko)
> I thought of a very useful utility that maybe one of the Double-Click
> programming masters can create - a Background formatter. What do I
> mean by this? Well, there is an IBM program I found at msdos.archive
> called CNFMT106 that is a TSR program. When a chosen hot-key is
> pressed, a "format?" menu pops up - after you choose the format
> you want (5.25, 3.5, 720k, etc) it begins formatting and drops you
> back to DOS until it is done. When it is done, you can have
> a window pop up telling you so. The nice thing about this kind
> of a program is that you don't spend the entire day watching the
> computer format disks -- the IBM version for example worked fine
> behind Word Perfect, etc. Although the IBM version doesn't seem
> to work under PC-ditto, not did it seem to work under the Supercharger
> (maybe it has something to do directly with the drive?).
> Anyways, hopefully an ST version is possible (sure would save
> alot of time). Best bet would be to try the IBM version, and
> work from there.
> Well, that ought to keep minds frying for awhile....
> Robert Anisko

Well there is, its called 'Mystic' from memory..
should be at archive, is a ACC...
*** Roger W. Sheppard ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti * * At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 20 Aug 91 04:01:44 GMT
(Michel Forget)
Subject: Generating .PRG files with Sozobon C

Hello. I am trying to learn how to program in C, and to this end I am
using Sozobon C. I am using version 1.1, and I have the GEMFAST.H,
AESFAST.A, and VDIFAST.A files. When using Sozobon, though, it seems I
can only make .TTP files. If anyone knows how to generate .PRG files,
please let me know through email. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

<< ---------------------------------- >>
<< ersys! >>
<< >>
<< Michel Forget >>
<< "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
<< ---------------------------------- >>


Date: 19 Aug 91 21:09:09 GMT
u!! (Timothy Gallivan)
Subject: GS 2.2

In article <> (Jeffrey C. Burka) writes:
>I've been playing around with the GhostScript 2.2 binary that was recently
>posted to atari.archive. I've got most of the fonts set up and everythings
>working beautifully (well, as much as one can expect with only 1 meg of
>memory) but I'm having problems with the DeskJet driver's output. For
>some reason the printer is inserting several blank lines at the top of the
>page, so that a single page of output requires 2 pieces of paper.
>The guy who ported 2.2 to the ST (who apparently can't be reached via e-mail
>'til next week) states in the ST docs that the DJ driver has been tested
>so I tend to think that the problem is something on my end...though I have
>no idea what. Anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, or experiences with
>the same problem?

I am still reachable via email, just send stuff to after tomorrow (8/20/91). I would like to say
quickly here that I have fixed a couple of bugs in GS 2.2, but I haven't
had time to post the fixed code. The binary currently on atari.archive
will crash on multiple-page output (I worked around this-don't know the
cause), and the epson drivers don't work properly (this has been
fixed--finally I think).

Now for your problem .... Since similar questions are asked of me
regularly, I think this response is worth posting. Also, I would
like to receive comments from people who have encountered this
problem and have any ideas about its source.

My first guess is that you have your printer option switches set to skip
perforations at the beginning of each page. This adds a margin (.5
inches I think) to the top of the page and may cause the problem you

If that doesn't work, your problem may be related to other reported
problems about DeskJet page placement (but these have always reported
placement too high on a page). Until recently, I thought that these
problems were due to using the DeskJet in A4 mode on 8.5 x 11 paper, but
it seems now that this is not the case. Since I don't have this problem,
I can't track it down, but here is a fix that has always worked.

1) Type 'gs -sDEVICE=deskjet' to get to the GS command line prompt, GS>

2) Type 'x y translate'
'factor factor scale'
'( run'

GS will translate the picture in by x/72 inches to the
right, and y/72 inches up (x and y can be negative). It will
then scale both axes by factor, and then print the picture.
Play around until you find x, y, and factor so that the output
is where you want it. In your case, it sounds like a simple
'0 36 translate' may get it close.

3) After you find the right parameters, put these commands in their
own postscript file, say ''. Then you can type
'gs -sDEVICE=deskjet', and file will print
in the proper position. If you don't want to type this
every time, you can modify the file to run automatically at startup.

-Tim Gallivan


Date: 20 Aug 91 04:21:54 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!netcomsv! (Roy
Subject: mcp and mfd (recently posted to binaries group) now free

'mcp', a flexible directory and file copy program, and 'mfd', a find
duplicate files utility, are now free. These were recently posted to as shareware. Now they are covered by the GNU
copyleft, which means that source is included, and can be found on
atari.archive under the 'fileutils' directory.

Enjoy ...

P.S. The new version of 'mcp' is especially worth getting, because it
has significant enhancements compared with the original version,
including support for the archive bit and more robust copying when
errors such as target disk full or trying to overwrite a read-only
file occur.

Roy Bixler -or- (UUCP) uunet!apple!netcom!rcb
"Just when you think you know it all, it changes!"


Date: 20 Aug 91 00:06:32 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!ub!acsu.buffalo. (erik t ray)
Subject: Mega 2 ST system (color) for sale cheap

This is posted for a friend:
so please mail him, not me.


Yes, I am entertaining all offers on an Atari system, as follows:
Vanilla Mega 2 ST console w/DS drive, keyboard, mouse, all cables and boxes.
SC1224 color monitor
WordUp & Fontz!
Spectrum 512
Dungeon Master
Weird Dreams
About 7-8 other games inc. Time Bandits, Tanglewood, Captain Blood, &c.
Lots of PD ramdisks, desk acc., formatters, archivers, term programs, &c.

Ready to go, I just don't use it anymore.
Plus I need cash, so mail those offers to !
Note: All offers will not include shipping to you, probably UPS COD unless
you're near Cleveland.

"Here it is, now BUY IT." -Monty Python, the Bookseller sketch


Date: 17 Aug 91 13:17:33 GMT
u!!!grasp1!frmug! (Phil Regnauld)
Subject: MIDInet
To: (Richard Reiner) writes:
> I found a thing called MIDInet on atari.archive which claims to allow
> one ST to mount the disks of another, using a connection over the MIDI
> ports. Does anybody use this? Does it work? Just *how* slow is it?
> Thanks,
> //richard

I have tried this program and it effectively allows you to link up
two ST's. It is a followup to Anet, which used RS-232 and didn't
exceed 19200 bauds opposed to Midi's 57600.
When you launch it on each ST, you can then install x more disk drives
on the desktop (x being the number of drives the other ST has, for
example: A:,C:,D: = 3 more drives), following those existing on
YOUR machine. For example, if you were to have two floppies A: B:
and one hard disk, C:, you would install D:, E:, F: as the 3 drives
from the remote machine.
It is fairly reliable, but is more of a gadget, since even the lamest
floppy disk drive works at 147000 bauds on local, what's the use of
going 1/3 the speed?



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 11:22 GMT
Subject: monitor/text shifting !

HELP !!!!

I've a vintage 1987 STFM upgraded to 1 meg, TOS 1.02 and colour monitor.

The problem is occasionally the screen images appears to split into it's
component colours, ie red text, and blue text offset to the right of the red
text. Also the desktop image shifts to the right, so the mouse pointer on the
extreme right appears on the left hand side of the screen !

The problem somtimes cures itself and is also cured by a complete reset.
There appears to be no apparent regular time factor in it's appearance.
Neither does the 'drop test' cure the problem.

If anyone has any idea of what is causing this problem please post it to
this digest or reply directly.

Thanks in advance

Graeme Craig. (JANET address)


Date: 20 Aug 91 05:14:26 GMT
(Marshall Harris (G.M.))
Subject: origami

I have tried to reset the key bindings to emacs.key, but I can't get it to
work. Can anyone spell out the parameters for keybind.ttp? Likewise, I can't
get folder.ttp to list all the files om my hard drive.
I tried various command lines:
folder -a c: and folder -a -d150 and folder -a -d150 c: and so on.
I have TOS 1.0 - is that the problem?

_-_|\ (Marshall Harris)|ph:+61 7 365 2908
/ B <--+ Department of Computer Science :fx:+61 7 365 1999
\_.-._/ | University of Queensland, St.Lucia
v +--Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA (The Sub-Tropics)


Date: 20 Aug 91 12:05:11 GMT
From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard)
Subject: Supra Clock

Supra Clock Problems.

Well I have managed to get the Clock working in my Supra host adapter,
I did ring Supra to find out what IC they had changed to, but all they
would/could tell me was that it was a Dallas chip..

Well I had a look at the Data book of Dallas Clock chips and found
that it could be one of 2 clock ics, DS1285 or DS1287..

Note: The DS1287 has the Battery and Crystal inside, the DS1285 uses a
external Battery and Crystal oscillator.

Both are claimed to be replacments for the MC146818/CDP6818, that is fitted
to the Supra host adapter, but not so much as with the DS1285.

A help to the Net did not get any help at all, I wanted to find out the
Dallas chip No. that Supra was using in the newer Supra Drives/Host Adapters.

Well I contacted the NZ distributors for Dallas, and found that the only
one that they had in stock was the DC1287, at some $32NZ, would cost about
$12 in the USA..

Well I found out you can just remove the MC146818/CDP6818 and plug this
replacment ic, in.

Note: this Dallas clock ic, is a lot thicker than the original ic, but
this does not cause a problem.

Note: pin one is marked with a Dot, and faces away from the drive connector

The DS1287 has a 10 year battery life from the date of use, and with a
accuracy of +- 1 minute per month..

The DS1285 could be a cheaper option, but could not get the chip
that easy to test this theory.
*** Roger W. Sheppard ***
*** 85 Donovan Rd * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 ***
*** Kapiti * * At least I don't Flicker, ***
*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe ***


Date: 20 Aug 91 11:10:22 GMT
From: NAMU01.GWDG.DE! (Lutz Pressler)
Subject: Test



Date: 20 Aug 91 06:43:15 GMT
From: ogicse!orstcs!orstcs!
Subject: TeX troubles

Yesterday I triumphantly declared that I finally got TeX working. I
guess I exaggerated. All the dvi stuff works great. I can preview and
print and stuff, however when processing a .tex file, I inevitably get
an error like 'fatal format error.' I have a doc that says to use
FORMAT31.LZH for the format files. This file does not appear to be at
atari.archive. I tried using the stuff in TEXFMT.ARC, and it contained
format files, but apparently they are not meant to work with version 3.1.

At this point I graciously accept offers of help with thanksgiving. I
have had a taste of what TeX can do, and I want to see a full-blown,
fully-functioning version of it tying up many megs on my harddrive.


** *** **
John Thaanum ** *** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
"Baseball, hotdogs, **** *** ****
Atari ST's and Chevrolet!"
** *** **


Date: 20 Aug 91 12:08:20 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!!!!! (|S| Florian Dingler)
Subject: TeX troubles

In <1991Aug20.064315.1773@usenet@CS.ORST.EDU> thaanuj@prism.CS.ORST.EDU writes:

> Yesterday I triumphantly declared that I finally got TeX working. I
> guess I exaggerated. All the dvi stuff works great. I can preview and
> print and stuff, however when processing a .tex file, I inevitably get
> an error like 'fatal format error.' I have a doc that says to use
> FORMAT31.LZH for the format files. This file does not appear to be at
> atari.archive. I tried using the stuff in TEXFMT.ARC, and it contained
> format files, but apparently they are not meant to work with version 3.1.

If you got an 2 Meg machine, try dumping the formats yourself:

You find the .TEX files in the archive INPUTS.LZH. For Plain TeX you'll need
PLAIN.TEX. Just type

tex 'plain \dump' -i

with TeX3.1 . '-i' tells TeX to run as InITeX and dump the
For LaTeX, type

tex 'lplain. \dump' -i

and you'll get (tadah) LATEX.FMT

Copy both .FMT-files into your \TEX\FORMATS\ directory and start TeX with

tex &LATEX yourfile.tex
for LateX

tex &PLAIN yourfile.tex
for PlainTex

hope that helps you and all the other people who are grwoing grey hair when
installing TeX


( {\em I like \TeX\ !} )

--[cut here]-----------------+-------------------------------
Florian Dingler |
Litzenhardtstrasse 22 | eMail:
W-7500 KARLSRUHE 1 |
Tel.:(+49) 721-861216 |


Date: 19 Aug 91 17:59:17 GMT
From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!portal!atari!
(Allan Pratt)
Subject: TT printing
To: (Glenn Linderman) writes:

>So, I finally got my TT030! My current programming project gets loaded on,
>and runs slower than on my Mega...until I rework the memory allocation to
>fast RAM, and then it generates a complete screen of graphics before the Mega
>starts (given simultaneous commands) to even update the screen.

Are all the same things running on both machines? You should run CACHE080
or so, FOLDR100 or so, and you should set the "fast load" bits of your
programs -- there is a TSR that does this for ST's, but starting with TOS
1.4 it's not necessary. This will all speed things up independent of which
kind of RAM the program loads into. If you have an ACSI hard disk then you
should NOT set the "load in TT RAM" bit of CACHE080.PRG, because if you do
accesses to the ACSI hard disk will be slightly slower.

>All is wonderful...until I try to print.
>Even from the Desktop, double-clicking on a text file, it says printing that
>file, delays proportionally to the length of the file, and quits.
>Printers are Epson GQ3500, Toshiba 341.
>Desktop printer configuration is to the parallel port. Any clues?

Are you sure it's configured for the parallel port? Are you running the
Control Panel and the Printer CPX? Try NOT running the Printer CPX. If
the delay is truly proportional to the length of the file then SOMETHING is
happening -- if you have no printer connected it should delay for 60sec and
then say "Your output device is not receiving data."

Parallel printers work fine here. The parallel port on the ST and TT is
the same, but there is a known problem with some printers: they have
pull-up resistors on the parallel port lines which are either too strong or
too wimpy (I forget which) and cause more current to flow than the Atari
parallel port can manage. The fact that your printer works on an ST argues
that there might be something else wrong; take your TT back to the dealer
and see if he can make it work, repair it, or replace it (it should still
be under warranty, right?).

>and apparently jiggling the power cord caused either a short
>or an open

Well, yes, jiggling ANY power cord which plugs into a device can cause it
to lose contact.

>...and it wouldn't turn on for several minutes after...

I can't explain this part of what you say -- there is no reason for it to
refuse to turn on for a while, then go ahead and turn on.

>Glenn Linderman 408-378-7575 x2366

I hope you'll get back to me on this stuff: I won't deny the possibilty of
software or hardware quirks that result in the behavior you're seeing, but
this is the first we've heard of them.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt


Date: 20 Aug 91 11:00:01 GMT
From: CompuServe.COM! ("Robert Royar, Cratylus
Subject: Uniterm problems (revisited)

A few weeks ago I sent a series of messages about problems I was having with
Simon Poole's Uniterm exiting with BUS errors whenever I was connected to a
Vax using EVE or EDT in full-screen mode and I pressed the Return key.

I got numerous replies all basically saying it must be my imagination. Well,
through a series of debugging routines and by wrapping Uniterm in a shell, I
discovered that the culprit was the fast-load bit. When I got the program in
its original package, the fast-load bit was set. Memory was not being
cleared. There seems to be a routine in the code that references Malloced
memory and assumes that any value other than zero means the memory contains a
pointer to a valid address. The code is called only when the history buffer
has zero bytes space and the SLE is off. Since turning off the fastload bit
and turning on the SLE, the problem has vanished.

I just thought I'd send this note in case anyone using Uniterm has seen these
errors and may have the fastload bit set in their version.

Like the respondents to my original message, I like Uniterm--I've seen nothing
on the MS-DOS machines that approaches it for ease of use in programs such as

Robert Royar


Date: 20 Aug 91 02:08:33 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!!psinntp!rodan! (Gerald Greenberg)
Subject: Using the ST with a Deskjet

In article <>
(Gerald Greenberg) writes:
>If I were to get a Deskjet, would I be able to find drivers
>for ST programs like WordUp, 1stWord, WordPerfect?
>How about Spectre? Is there a way to use the Deskjet with
>Spectre in Mac mode? (does Epstart work? ...I guess that might
>depend on whether the Deskjet emulates Epsons)
>Finally, what about ATSpeed? Anybody know?
>Thanks very much.
I would like to thank everyone who answered these questions of
mine. It seems like it would be a good thing to get a now all that remains is to get one.


Date: 17 Aug 91 13:20:55 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!!!!grasp1!frmug! (Phil
Subject: Using the ST with a Deskjet
To: (Gerald Greenberg) writes:
> If I were to get a Deskjet, would I be able to find drivers
> for ST programs like WordUp, 1stWord, WordPerfect?
> How about Spectre? Is there a way to use the Deskjet with
> Spectre in Mac mode? (does Epstart work? ...I guess that might
> depend on whether the Deskjet emulates Epsons)
> Finally, what about ATSpeed? Anybody know?
> Thanks very much.
> -Gerry

For ST, I don't know if there are many drivers for TOS itself,
but under SPECTRE (and Mac, incidently!), there exists a driver
which I have in my possession, enabling you to use a DeskJet as
a LaserJet II or as a SLM 805/605 Atari laser printer.
Works fine with ATM and True Type!
As for ATSpeed, there are lots of DeskJet drivers for many applications.



Date: 17 Aug 91 17:15:44 GMT
!!!grasp1!frmug! (Bertrand Petit)
Subject: Version

In article <>, larserio@IFI.UIO.NO
(LarsErikOsterud) writes:
> What is the HT WAY to check what machine a program is running on
> (In this case I want to check if it's a MEGA STE with a 16 MHz 68000
> as the 8/16 switch adresses bombs on other machines....)

The best and official way to check such things is to examine the
contents of the cookie jar. You can find everywhere programs and source
code to look in this jar. If you need more help post a question to comp.sys.!

| Bertrand Petit | Signature is under construction |
| alias | |
| >Elrond le demi-Elfe< | Be sure to wear your helmet |


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