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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 292

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019



INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 7 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 292

Today's Topics:
1 Meg Drams..
500KHz Midi; Author please reply
6581 (SID to you)
check FAT integrity
Discovery Cartridge Software (2 msgs)
GDOS question (2 msgs)
GEMINI (2 msgs)
GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP?
Mouse replacements
no shareware mac emulator (long)
Phantom Typist
Printer Driver
Problems with access of prog-a16@uoguelph

Date: 7 Mar 90 14:55:34 GMT
usc!!!aplcen!jhunix!ins_bac@app (Ajay Choudhri)
Subject: 1 Meg Drams..
Message-ID: <4429@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU>

I have a question about drams, I need 16 1 Megabit drams to go up to
2.5 megs in my 520ST with an EZRAM ][ board. I have 9 at 120 ns and
7 at 100 nsec. Can I mix the speeds on the same bank??

thanks to all who respond
e-mail would be better but you can post here if you like..

-Ajay Choudhri


Date: 7 Mar 90 04:16:58 GMT
From:!!aplcen!haven!wam!dmb@tut.cis. (David M. Baggett)
Subject: 500KHz Midi; Author please reply
Message-ID: <>

In article <20049@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU> (Clark L.
Breyman) writes:
> Someone( I lost that article) posted a question on changing the
> ACIA clock divide for the MIDI port and winding up with 500KHz.
> I hope this is possible, as it would (with Fred Brooks's MIDINET)
> provide a wonderfull built in networking facility. Unfortunately,
> MIDI was designed for musical applications where noise free operation
> was optimized over bandwidth. This means that, in order to avoid
> ground loops and the hum that comes with them, all MIDI is opto-isolated
> Current leaves one machine. goes through an LED on the slave and returns to
the master. The two devices are electrically independant. An 500KHz
> sounds to me a lot faster that most opto-isolators can handle. Anyone
> got specs on the OI's in the ST?

Whoa! Let's not get too excited; I was just asking if anyone had gotten
this to work, not claiming I'd done it. The ST hardware registers seem to
allow it, but this certainly doesn't mean the opto-isolators will tolerate it.
I have not been able to prevent the machine from hanging in 500KHz mode. As
I mentioned in the original post, this could be due to any number of
things (e.g., OI's not up to that bandwidth, software interrupt in OS
not fast enough, etc.)

So far no one's replied "yes, I've gotten this to work" to my original post,
although several people have said they have tried (among them Fred Brooks --
he's a step ahead of ya).

It "sure would be neat" if it could work, but I haven't had much luck, and
haven't heard from anyone who has. Maybe it's a well-guarded secret. :]

Dave Baggett


Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 17:35 GMT
From: "Bru von Mousewielder." <>
Subject: 6581 (SID to you)

I am in need of hardware information on the 6581 sound chip (ie SID in the
Commodore 64), in particular the data sheets.

I am also possibly interested in getting hold of some 6581s, but have found them
somewhat expensive (around 15-20 pounds), which is made worse by the fact that
I may want about 8 of them!! Anyone know where I can get hold of these cheap??
(Apart from by cannibalising old '64s!!)

Thanks for replies re: MIDI data file format.

Marcus Bointon, King's College London.


Date: Tue, 06 Mar 90 17:47
From: Roland Waldi
Subject: check FAT integrity
Message-ID: <"90-03-06-17:47:18.60*BD05"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>

Roland Waldi
Universitaet Karlsruhe DESY
Inst. fuer Exp. Kernphysik F15
Physikhochhaus, P.O.Box 6980 Notkestr. 85
D-7500 Karlsruhe D-2000 Hamburg 52
Tel. (721)-608-3559 (40)-8998-3637

Several people asked for FAT check programs recently. Just for
checking, there is DSKMAP available from panarthea. An update to
deal with >16MB partitions has been posted today. This program does
no writing, so no repair. However, with some knowledge about FAT
and directory structure and just any sector monitor, you can repair
by hand, which is in my experience the safest to do.

There is DLII by Simon Poole, which checks and repairs disks,
and this has been posted by someone to panarthea, too. However, there
are minor bugs (one is an undeleted dataset will have its last sector
lost, another is a sector marked bad may be "recovered" as lost under
certain circumstances, and there may be more) in this program, and you
risk losing your data. Also, I recall Simon told to the net that
DLII is not PD.

hope this helps, Roland


Date: 6 Mar 90 19:00:05 GMT
From: mcsun!sunic!nuug!ifi!skakke! (Johan Kristian Rosenvold)
Subject: Discovery Cartridge Software
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone here have software for the Happy Computers Discovery Cartridge
which is newer than my ancient version REV 2.6 ?

K. Rosenvold, / ...!
Short signatures R cute.


Date: 7 Mar 90 18:31:02 GMT
From: swrinde!!rpi!uupsi!rodan! (John
F. Bruno)
Subject: Discovery Cartridge Software
Message-ID: <>

In article <> (Johan
Kristian Rosenvold) writes:
>Does anyone here have software for the Happy Computers Discovery Cartridge
>which is newer than my ancient version REV 2.6 ?
>K. Rosenvold, / ...!
>Short signatures R cute.

The current version for the Happy software is 2.7. Happy computers has
recently moved, they have new phone numbers, etc.. The phone numbers are:

Office: (916) 268-3595
BBS: (916) 268-9089 (2400-N-8-1)

You can download an ARCed file that will bring your stuff from 2.6 to 2.7.
The file is fairly small, but you will of course need an un-ARCer. I have
2.7, if you can't use the BBS, email me.



Date: 5 Mar 90 23:47:49 GMT
du (Greg Lindahl)
Subject: GDOS question
Message-ID: <1990Mar5.234749.9088@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>

In article <13366@cbnewse.ATT.COM> foster@cbnewse.ATT.COM (r.w.foster) writes:
>I need a question about GDOS answered. I have a program that I
>wrote some time ago which copies a graphic image into a window as
>part of it's operation. This has worked out just fine for a long time
>but since I have added GDOS to my system, the blit call doesn't cause
>anything to happen. If I take out GDOS(or G+PLUS), everything works
>fine again.
>The call in question is a

Are you sure that you are using the right handle? You get a physical
handle from calling gr_handle, and the you pass that handle into
v_opnvwk to get the virtual handle, and you use that virtual handle
for further VDI operations. I believe I saw a posting once which said
that the physical and virtual handles are the same without GDOS and
different with GDOS, but I can't seem to find my copy. In any case, a
a little experimentation ought to get your answer.

Good luck!

Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice.


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 13:51:10 MEZ
Subject: GDOS question
Message-ID: <9003061251.AA04446@freya.math.dmswwu>

In article <13366@cbnewse.ATT.COM> r.w.foster writes:
> I need a question about GDOS answered. I have a program that I
> wrote some time ago which copies a graphic image into a window as
> part of it's operation. This has worked out just fine for a long time
> but since I have added GDOS to my system, the blit call doesn't cause
> anything to happen. If I take out GDOS(or G+PLUS), everything works
> fine again.
> The call in question is a
> vro_cpyfm(handle,3,xyarray,&sourcemfdb,&destmfdb);
> Is there some sort of initialization that needs to be done with
> GDOS-G+PLUS in addition to the appl_init(), v_opnwrk(..),vs_clip(..)
> stuff? The program doesn't use GDOS but something about GDOS being
> loaded is messing things up. Any GDOS tips appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bob Foster
1. Do you open your vdi workstation correctly? Handle 0 means: error!
2. Are the MFDBs set up correctly. If an MFDB is for the screen, YOU
HAVE to specify 0L as address and the vdi will insert all other
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, "Julian Reschke" @ MAUS MS (++49 251 80386)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 13:48:24 MEZ
Subject: GEMINI
Message-ID: <9003061248.AA04435@freya.math.dmswwu>

In article <22548@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> Christopher Roth writes:
> GEMINI works fine on my system, with Tos 1.4. When I Exit out of
> GEMINI, however, it looks for something called MULFEL.PRG. Can anyone
> tell me what this is, and what it does, and if it is suppose to be in
> the ZOO which I obtained from I have a file
> called MULFEL.MUP...what is the relation? Also, I recall a message
> about the original GEMINI.INF file (or whatever it is named). Does
> anyone have it...can they post it? GEMINI seems to work real nice,
> bravo, looks great in mono.
Because GEMINI starts programs using shel_write (actually they really
are started witd Pexec...), GEMINI has to tell the desktop which
program to start after the termination of GEMINI. Place a program
called EXIT.PRG in $HOME. This program should do only a Pterm.
___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, "Julian Reschke" @ MAUS MS (++49 251 80386)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 7 Mar 90 07:06:19 GMT
usc!samsung!!cluster!metro!bunyip!moondance!!mar (Marshall Harris)
Subject: GEMINI
Message-ID: <>

Internet/CSnet: || Dept.of Computer Science
JANET: || University of Queensland
EAN: marshall@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz || St Lucia, Queensland 4067 || Australia
UUCP: uunet!munnari!uqcspe.cs.uq.oz!marshall || ph:+61 7 377 2909
JUNET: || fax:+61 7 371 0783


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 13:42:07 MEZ
Subject: GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP?
Message-ID: <9003061242.AA04420@freya.math.dmswwu>

In article <> Ryan Collins writes:

> Well, I was looking foward to using it too. I de-zoo'ed it, and started
> picking throught the DOC files, which are in German, of course. Well, the
> first paragraph answered the problem I had. It requires TOS 1.2, 1.4, or
> 1.6. So if you have 1.0, thats probably your problem, like mine.

This can't be the problem. Of course Gemini checks the TOS version
and displays an error message on old roms.

___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, "Julian Reschke" @ MAUS MS (++49 251 80386)
____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________


Date: 7 Mar 90 00:57:20 GMT
From: rochester!kodak!elmgate! (Jeff Gortatowsky CUST)
Subject: Mouse replacements
Message-ID: <1222@elmgate.UUCP>

Sometime back, a document was passed round the net describing
how one takes a IBM PC mouse (non optical I assume) and connect it
to the St. Could someone please repost this doc? I'm in dire need.
To anyone that saw my previous message, and reply'd, please, reply
again. As It musta got lost somewheres between here and someplace

Jeff Gortatowsky-Eastman Kodak Company .....sun!sunrock!kodak!elmgate!jdg
Eastman Kodak makes film not comments. Therefore these comments are mine
not theirs.


Date: 6 Mar 90 17:56:11 GMT
From: agate!!ericco@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric C. Olson)
Subject: no shareware mac emulator (long)
Message-ID: <>

In article <1345@nixpbe.UUCP> capitain.pad@nixpbe.uucp (Pit Capitain) writes:
>> If any of the makers of Aladin ever make it to Denver, please
>> give me a call, okay? Let's go get a beer.
>Dave, you should be careful offering (US-)beer to a German, many of them
>don't like something else than German beer :) but you can be sure, that
>I'll give you a call. I will be in Boston and San Francisco by the end of
>the year, but I don't know if we make a stop in Denver. We'll see...
> Pit

Well, if you're in San Francisco (with DS perhaps), you should definitely
take him up on his beer offer. We have many european converts here. A
particularly good site is the Triple Rock Brewery on Shattuck Ave in
Berkeley, California (the other side of the Bay).




Date: 6 Mar 90 21:57:10 GMT
From: tiamat!mjbtn!raider! (Dana L. Holt)
Subject: Phantom Typist
Message-ID: <187@raider.MFEE.TN.US>

In article <2891@umbc3.UMBC.EDU>, (Jack P. Axaopoulos;
(C)) writes:
> Moue crashes:
> Your st will definitley crash if you hold down any of the mouse buttons
> or click a button at the wrong time during booting.
> just a note...

This is just another note. When you hold down both of the ST's
mouse buttons during boot, it tells the keyboard processor (6301) to
enter "external ROM mode". The 6301 looks for ROM to execute, but
the ST doesn't provide it with any chips, so it crashes!


Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 14:00 EST
From: FRACHEL@umiami.Miami.EDU
Subject: Printer Driver

Where can I obtain a Gdos printer drive for use with the Panasonic
Kx-p1090 dot matrix printer?

Frank Rachel


Date: 90/03/06 16:50 MEZ
From: Thomas Neser <So01%Dmarum8.Bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Problems with access of prog-a16@uoguelph

Dear netters,
has anyone an idea why in newest time my mail to prog-a16@uoguelph
bounces without receiving an errormessage?
I have sent only the command index prog-a16 to the listsserv.
Thomas Neser <So01@Dmarum8.Bitnet>


Date: 7 Mar 90 19:07:33 GMT
From: ogicse!blake! (Enartloc Nhoj)
Subject: sounds
Message-ID: <>

Where's the best FTP site for .snd files?




Date: 6 Mar 90 16:31:29 GMT
From: att!cbnewsc!kimes@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Kit Kimes)
Subject: XEP80's
Message-ID: <14151@cbnewsc.ATT.COM>

From article <>, by (Bryan Jones
> - There is a PD 80 column driver I am sure you have seen that sets up 80
> columns o the screen. But this won't work with, say, BOBTERM will it? Upon
> loading of BOBTERM wouldn't the 80column handler cause some sort of crash??

I just set up my configuration for BOBTERM this weekend. It seems like an
excellent program (V1.1) and Bob Puff will definitely get my shareware check
by the weekend.

If you are using Version 1.1 of BobTerm, it allows you to add modules that
give you extra capability. This is supposed to be new for V1.1. I did not
see V1.0 or earlier so I can't say. Anyway, one of the modules that came
with the disk I got from our users group library is a module to allow you
to use the XEP80 with BobTerm. I didn't try it because I don't have one,
but it is available. Might be just what you are looking for.

Kit Kimes
AT&T Bell Labs
Naperville, IL


End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #292

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